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Chemtrails: Frightening Lesser-Known Facts

April 2, 2013 Human Pesticide? "In the last ten years, respiratory disease in the US has moved rom !th to 3rd hi"hest cause o death# Asthma rates have more than dou$led in the %estern %orld and Al&heimer's' disease, a condition that is caused $y aluminum poisonin", has also s(yroc(eted# " I %e don't or"ani&e to stop this scour"e, %e deserve %hat %e "et# by David Richards ( here has been an increasing a%areness o chemtrails in recent years# Protests have $een or"ani&ed, movies have $een released and %histle $lo%ers have come or%ard# )ost si"ni icantly, ormer *os An"eles +,I chie -ed .underson made a video denouncin" chemtrails shortly $e ore his death in 2011# -he heavy sprayin" $e"an in /A-0 countries in the late 10s, $ut today chemtrails are $ein" recorded pretty much every%here, rom 2ussia to ,ra&il, South 3orea to 4u$a# -his is a pro"ram o e5traordinary scope and importance# Ho%ever, %hile %e (no% a chemtrail pro"ram e5ists, there is very little hard in ormation on ho% it unctions and %hat its "oals are# I have $een researchin" chemtrails and, %hile I don't yet have the ull picture, I present this in ormation %ill plu" a e% holes# 6 )ost politicians are as o$livious as %e are# A4 .ri in, a ormer 4IA and /SA operative, says7 '-he monies that "o into 4IA pro8ects don't necessarily come rom con"ressional appropriations# -he con"ress as a %hole is completely o$livious to the aerosol pro"ram# -hey are a raid to as(#' People on the inside %ho oppose the pro"ram are punished# '0ne o the (ey people %ho desi"ned the aerosol is no% sittin" in ederal penitentiary# -hey still "o to him to as( him 9uestions#' .ri in also revealed that ormer 4linton era /avy 4hie o /aval 0perations, :eremy ,oorda, le t, %as murdered $ecause he opposed the pro"ram# ,oorda %as ound dead in 111; %ith three shot"un %ounds in his chest# -he authorities %ere 9uic( to claim he committed suicide, and the autopsy results %ere never released to the pu$lic#

6 4ommercial airliners are involved in sprayin"# In the very $e"innin", the aerosols %ere sprayed solely $y military planes, $ut no% the pro"ram has $een e5panded and commercial airliners have $een out itted %ith aerosol units controlled $y computers and satellites# Photos provide evidence o this, li(e this *u thansa 8et lyin" over the US <$elo%,le t=# In the airline industry, the operation is (no%n as Pro8ect 4lover ield# In 2000, a hi"h level e5ecutive at an American airline revealed his o ice %as visited $y t%o men rom an unnamed "overnment a"ency7 '-hey told us that the "overnment %as "oin" to pay our airline, alon" %ith others, to release special chemicals rom commercial aircra t# >hen as(ed %hat the chemicals %ere and %hy %e %ere "oin" to spray them, they told us that in ormation %as "iven on a need? to?(no% $asis and %e %eren't cleared or it###>e %ere made to si"n non?disclosure orms that $asically stated that %e %ould "o to prison i %e told anyone %hat %e (ne%#' @elivery $y commercial aircra t raises the possi$ility that many countries have not "iven consent to $ein" sprayed, and may $e una%are it's even happenin"# 6 >eather manipulation is a daily occurrence ? 4hemtrails are used in con8unction %ith HAA2P or "eo?en"ineerin" <the technical term or %eather control=# )uch is %ritten a$out the a$ility to create disasters li(e earth9ua(es and tsunamis a"ainst an enemy, $ut %e don't reali&e that %eather patterns are manipulated all the time# Scott Stevens %as a -A %eatherman in the US $ut 9uit his 8o$ upon reali&in" that this %as happenin" on a ni"h daily $asis# !"#$L%&! '& F''D: ()*" +*R D*R%," %,*-. .lo$al %armin" is the cover story or the increasin"ly severe and $i&arre %eather %orld%ide# 6 .eo?en"ineerin" is used to orce .)0 crops on the %orld# )anu actured loods and drou"hts dama"e harvests and put armers out o $usiness# )onsanto has the patent or .)0 seeds that are drou"ht and lood resistant, as %ell as resistant to the poisonous e ects o aluminum, one o the (ey metals in chemtrails# Any armer %ho re uses to "ro% .)0 crops %ill not $e a$le to "uarantee a "ood harvest and %ill "o out o $usiness# Bven %orse, )onsanto's end "ame is to orce %hat are termed '-erminator' seeds on armers %orld%ide# -hese crops don't produce seeds, meanin" the armer has to $uy ne% seeds rom )onsanto every plantin" seasonC

6 >eather @erivatives are chemtrail insurance# ? Dou may %onder ho% the $i" players protect their interests rom %eather %ar are# Say, ho% does .eor"e Soros, %ho o%ns thousands o acres o armland in America, protect his pro its rom en"ineered drou"ht? 4ompanies use inancial instruments to hed"e a"ainst ris( o adverse %eather conditions# -hey irst appeared in the late?nineties, the same time the heavy sprayin" startedC )ichael A"ne, a trader at the 4hica"o )ercantile B5chan"e, e5plains ho% they %or(7 'Dou're $ettin" there's "oin" to $e a %eather disaster %ithin a particular time? rame, at a particular location, and %hen it does happen there's "oin" to $e a $i" pay?o #' 0$viously, insiders can ma(e $i" $uc(s ma(in" $ets $ased on the "eo?en"ineerin" timeta$le# CR*" %&! " -%CKL/ D*0*&D*& 0'01L" %'& 6 4hemtrails are a 'so t (ill' operation ? So t (ill attac(s primarily aim to disa$le and %ea(en the enemy, not (ill him# As @r# *en Horo%it& has e5plained, %ars are an ine icient %ay to lo%er population num$ers $ecause they destroy in rastructure# -he pre era$le scenario is to create a sic( population dependent on the military?medical? industrial comple5 or their health# In this %ay, you have population control, ma(e vast ortunes doin" it and (eep the in rastructure intact# 4hemtrails are a multi?pron"ed attac(# +irstly, the metallic salts used in the aerosols are hi"hly to5ic and re9uire our $odies to %aste tremendous amounts o ener"y removin" them# )illions o people cannot do it# In the last ten years, respiratory disease in the US has moved rom !th to 3rd hi"hest cause o death# Asthma rates have more than dou$led in the %estern %orld and Al&heimer's' disease, a condition that is caused $y aluminum poisonin", has also s(yroc(eted# -he second thin" is the release o diseases# A hi"h placed military insider claims that $acteria and viruses are ree&e?dried and placed on ine ilaments or release# -he metals released alon" %ith the diseases heat up rom the sun, creatin" a per ect environment or the $acteria and viruses to thrive in the air supply# -hird, chemtrails contain nano technolo"ical %eapons# Surprisin"ly, this act has remained so lo%?(ey in the alternative media# It is %ell proven $y researchers li(e @r# Hilde"arde Stanin"er and ormer "overnment scientist 4li ord 4arnicom -he nanotech consists o "enetically modi ied or"anisms that are $asically $io?ro$ots# >hen %e inhale them, they ta(e up residence in our $odies and live as parasites# >hen the in estation $ecomes advanced, the individual develops %hat is termed )or"ellons disease# He is so %ea( that he can $arely do anythin" and su ers an array o $i&arre and "hastly symptoms7 sca$s that don't heal, hair that alls out and is replaced $y pseudo hair

and unceasin" cra%lin" sensations $eneath the s(in# )or"ellons is a ne% condition that has appeared in the last decade ? the same time the heavy sprayin" (ic(ed inC -here are an estimated ;0,000E su erers in the US alone, and their symptoms are chronicled $y the )or"ellons 2esearch +oundation# $%' )"RF"R* -here is evidence that the nanotechnolo"y in the aerosols creates "enetically modi ied red $lood cells# 4li ord 4arnicom has ound these cells in the atmosphere and in the $lood samples o most people he tests# -hey are 9uite unli(e normal red $lood cellsF they can "ro% outside o the $ody in a petri dish, survive hi"h temperatures and %ithstand $ein" doused in acid# 4learly, this is hi"hly sophisticated $io %ar areC >e don't (no% or sure %hat purpose they serve, $ut the ans%er may have $een provided $y 2ay 3urt%ell, one o the $i""est names in the transhumanism movement# In a recent speech he said7 'In the ne5t 2G years %e %ill have $loodcell ?si&ed devices that "o inside your $ody and (eep you healthy rom inside, that "o in your $rain and interact %ith your $iolo"ical neurons and mer"e %ith our $iolo"ical intelli"ence#' >hen an esta$lishment scientist tells us %ith certainty that somethin" %ill e5ist, assume that it already does# -here is a chance that the '$lood?cell si&ed devices' that 3urt%ell mentioned are the %eaponi&ed red $lood cells $ein" discovered, and that mind alteration is currently under%ay# Ho% do the perpetrators protect themselves? -he Illuminati never launch an attac( %ithout ma(in" sure they're protected irst# +or instance, President ,ush too( an anthra5 vaccine t%o %ee(s $e ore the anthra5 attac(s in 2001# -hey may drin( a solution once a day that removes the to5ins rom their $loodstream, or have a chip put in their arm that acts li(e a tiny dialysis machine# )any involved in the operation pro$a$ly don't (no% the true a"enda# @r# ,ill @ea"le %as a doctor at ,uc(ley air orce $ase and claims to have treated the pilots %ho %ere sprayin" the aerosols, '1GH o them told me they %ere up there sprayin" to re lect the sun to stop "lo$al %armin", so most o them are dum$ enou"h to $elieve that "ar$a"e#' C'&CL1-%'& -he Illuminati are vandali&in" the s(ies, as visi$ly as a "ra iti artist sprayin" a %all, and yet most o us remain o$livious# *i(e little else, chemtrails $rin" home 8ust ho% desperate our predicament is# @espite this, I thin( anti?chemtrail activism has tremendous potential# -he e5istence o the operation is easy to prove and %e have the testimony o many %histle $lo%ers# -he protest movement can continue to "enerate momentum $ecause chemtrails %ill persist or decades to come# ??

David Richards, 24, teaches English in Mongolia. He is a regular contributor. --#akow Comment- 4iti&ens should orm committees in every city to monitor and photo"raph chemtrail activityF educate the pu$lic and spread a%arenessF and to petition politicians and media# -he Illuminati positively hate spontaneous political activity they don't initiate and control# -his is a "reat %ay to increase consciousness a$out the />0 conspiracy#

First Comment 2rom ": I too( this photo mysel a ter I $ecame a%are the chemtrails pro$lem %as real# Hats o to @avid 2ichard or his ine essay or Henry )a(o%, 4hemtrails7 +ri"htenin" *esser?3no%n +acts# It is one o the $est I've read# ,ut even three years a"o I %ould have dismissed it as ,U**SHI-# I o er this II my sad chemtrails mea culpa# I didn't %a(e?up to the issue until last sprin" %hen a riend $rou"ht me )ichael )urphy J Paul >itten$er"er's video documentary >HA- I/ -HB >02*@ A2B -HBD SP2ADI/.# )y riend (ne% I %as hoarse and su erin" asthma and inally receptive to his ar"uments, $ut even the video didn't convince me# >hat convinced me %as leavin" the USA and travelin" to the )iddle Bast last :uly and ma"ically havin" my pro$lems disappear# Also a close riend nearly died o asthma and 40P@ last sprin"# -hese three events inally "ra$$ed my attention and I $ecame a irm $eliever in the chemtrails pro$lems# So don't "et -00 upset i your riends don't immediately see and understand the chemtrails pro$lem# It is almost too mind?$o""lin" to $elieve# It ta(es even a truly smart person a %hile to come around# /ot $ein" so $ri"ht, it too( me lon"er#
-econd Comment 2rom "nnetteHenry , as re"ards the article on 4hemtrails this mornin" , I thin( everyone should %atch this video# It's even more horri ic than anyone could "uess# -his video is rather ploddin" at irst or those that are already %ell a%are o the chemtrails , $ut the spea(er does a "reat 8o$ $uildin" her case to the inal conclusionF she demonstrates that this can be nothing other than a demonic attem3t to control every single living thing on the 3lanet.

From Chemtrails to 0se4do-Li2e. he Dark "genda o2 -ynthetic $iology


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