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Facilities Management Report

Board of Library Trustees

Facilities Management Report for March and April 2008.

Facilities management has had the opportunity to work on several major projects
at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library and the branches during the above
listed months. Following is a list of projects:

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library

• Completed major repairs on sewer ejector pit #2, checked price for
possible replacement
• Water Treatment contractor repaired and replaced needed element of the
cooling system
• Completed repairs on cooling unit 32 for Computer Room on A level
• Completed renovation in Room A-11 and relocated AV unit to the space
• Completed major re-facing project on mechanical level, entire area
cleaned, painted and safety striped
• Cable contractor and staff carpenter completed installation of seven
viewing stations throughout the 4th floor
• Completed renovation of IT staff working area on A level
• Completed elevator card reader system on all elevators, security is
working with contractor on programming of system
• Completed A/C preventive maintenance and change over from heating to
air conditioning was completed on April 19, 2008.
• Started repairs to drinking water chiller and have contracted to repair the
drinking fountains in the entire building.
• Contractor working to re-connect cooling coils for southeast portion of the
4th floor
• Completed several different paint projects for the 4th floor
• Installed new locks for 4th floor restrooms
• Purchased and installed new handicapped toilet seats for public restrooms
on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
• MLKML receives steam to heat our building from the General Services
Administration, this year we stopped our supply of steam on April 9, and
this will show an energy saving as well as fund saving for DCPL.

Document #8C.1
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
May 28, 2008

• Installation of new chiller for Chevy Chase completed on May 9, 2008

• Air Conditioning preventive maintenance was completed and chillers put in
service at all branches except Takoma Park and Woodridge. These two
branches required replacement of fan motors - completed on May 12.
• Water treatment services were completed at all branches prior to
switching to cooling.
• Major boiler repairs were done at Petworth to include steam line,
condensate return line and new emergency shut off.
• Toilet repairs were completed at Shepard Park, West End and Anacostia
• Building engineering staff assisted Capitol Construction’s contractors
working on restroom renovations at Petworth, Takoma Park and
• Engineering staff worked with Washington Sewer Authority to repair drain
backup at Southwest do to the large construction project across the street.

Miscellaneous Projects

1. The window replacement contractor has completed the 16 windows at

MLKML that were badly broken. They will replace a few pieces of broken
ceiling tile and paint one office that was damaged in the process.
2. Community Bridge, LLC is the new landscape contractor for DCPL and
they have started a landscape maintenance program at the branches.
They will also be performing snow removal during the winter season.
3. New security equipment has been installed in the Bookmobiles to ensure
better monitoring of the vehicles and their equipment.
4. New bike racks where installed at Watha T. Daniel Shaw and Benning

Document #8C.1
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
May 28, 2008

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