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This is a reminder of how one courageous man's 2003 resistance to police state surveillance was quashed without any

protest from press or public. It is proof debt "slaves" can indeed "love their slavery " as !ldous "u#ley surmised. $adwans%i's eloquent words are especially prescient in light of recent revelations of &'! domestic spying. 'ociety has been weaned off genuine freedom by its traitorous elite and neither understands or misses it. $adwans%i's warnings remind us what's been lost and prove "human rights" are a facade. by "enry (a%ow )h.*. (From June 29, 2003. ) In +une 2003 Canada's Privacy Commissioner George Radwans i was !ounded "rom o""ice amid a "ires#orm o" a$$ega#ions a%ou# e&'ense accoun# a%uses. (Radwans i was ac)ui##ed o" a$$ crimina$ c!arges in 2009.* Press !ac s and 'o$i#icians con#inued #o ni' a# !is !ee$s accusing !im o" mis$eading 'ar$iamen# and +in#imida#ing+ !is s#a"". ,ne -em%er o" Par$iamen# sugges#ed !e deserved .ai$ #ime or even e&ecu#ion. /!y suc! "eroci#y0 George Radwans i !ad %een a va$ian# and e$o)uen# o''onen# o" #!e Canadian governmen#'s new ini#ia#ives "or re'ressive 'u%$ic survei$$ance. 1is courageous $eaders!i' is #!e reason !e was #arred and "ea#!ered. 2!e rea$ scoundre$s are #!e Canadian 'o$i#icians and 'ress w!o$y %e#rayed #!e 'u%$ic #rus#. 3n January 2003, Radwans i warned Canadians #!a# #!e governmen# +regre##a%$y !as $os# i#s mora$ com'ass.+ 4$#!oug! Canada !asn'# !ad a #erroris# a##ac , '$anned ini#ia#ives wi$$ resu$# in #!e $oss +no# on$y o" 'rivacy rig!#s #!a# we #a e "or gran#ed %u# a$so o" ... "reedom as we now now i#.+ 1e warned +5e'#em%er 66 is %eing invo ed as a ind o" magic incan#a#ion #o s#i"$e de%a#e, dis'arage cri#ica$ ana$ysis and 'ersuade us #!a# we sudden$y $ive in a new wor$d w!ere #!e o$d ru$es canno# a''$y.+ +2!e Governmen# is doing a$$ #!is in %$a#an#, o'en and re'ea#ed disregard o" #!e concerns #!a# i# is my du#y #o e&'ress...+ Radwans i said. 1e revea$ed #!a# 4merican 'ressure was #o %$ame, and urged Canadians #o asser# #!eir sovereign#y. +2!e rig!# o" 'rivacy is a# #!e core o" #!e %asic "reedoms o" our socie#y. Freedom o" s'eec!, o" #!oug!#, o" associa#ion, #o name .us# a "ew, are grounded in #!e idea #!a# we

!ave a 'riva#e s'!ere o" #!oug!# and ac#ion #!a# is our %usiness and no%ody e$se's 77 no# our neig!%ours', no# our em'$oyers', no# some #e$emar e#er's, and cer#ain$y no# #!e s#a#e's. 3n Canada #oday, #!a# "undamen#a$ !uman rig!# is under un'receden#ed assau$#.+ 1e "oresaw #!e 'o#en#ia$ uses o" survei$$ance "or 'o$i#ica$ re'ression. /!i$e on$y #!ousands marc! agains# g$o%a$i8a#ion #oday, w!a# i" mi$$ions wan#ed #o demons#ra#e in #!e "u#ure0 Radwans i com'ared #!e +war on #error+ #o ,rwe$$'s +699:, +w!ic! #a es '$ace agains# #!e %ac ground o" a mys#erious c!ronic war in w!ic! i# is never c$ear .us# w!o #!e enemy is or w!o is winning or $osing.+ 1is o""ice was %ecoming +an in#erna#iona$ $eader in 'rivacy 'ro#ec#ion+ and a #!orn in George ;us!'s side. 3# "ocused o''osi#ion #o #!e moni#oring o" communica#ions, %iome#ric 'ass'or#s and iden#i#y cards, video survei$$ance and gene#ic da#a%ases. +-y #ri's #o #!e <5 ena%$ed me #o raise awareness among 4merican decision7ma ers a%ou# Canada's di""eren# a''roac! #o 'rivacy rig!#s,+ Radwans i said in !is resigna#ion s#a#emen#. +5evera$ mem%ers o" #!e <5 Congress e&'ressed an in#eres# in crea#ing an 4merican 'osi#ion o" Privacy Commissioner a$ong #!e Canadian mode$.+ 2!is resigna#ion s#a#emen# !as %een removed "rom #!e Privacy Commission we% si#e 5ovie#7s#y$e, Radwans i is a$ready %ecoming a non7'erson. ,!&!*!'' *I'-$!,. 3n a su''osed$y civi$i8ed coun#ry, George Radwans i was no# given a "air and im'ar#ia$ !earing. =o one in au#!ori#y came #o !is de"ense. =o one made #!e o%vious connec#ion %e#ween !is sensi#ive 'o$i#ica$ s#and and !is remova$. 2!is is #!e s#a#e o" 'u%$ic discourse #oday. 2!e w!o$e e'isode smac s o" a care"u$$y orc!es#ra#ed o'era#ion. Po$i#icians o" a$$ s#ri'es and vir#ua$$y #!e w!o$e 'ress cor's "e$$ in#o $ine $i e geese. 2y'ica$ o" #!e 'ress' 'rescience were disingenuous edi#oria$s $i e +Gorg'in George 1ad #o Go+ and +Radwans i's >aing$orious Reign Crum%$es.+ 2!e 2oron#o 5#ar !ad an edi#oria$ 5unday (June 29) en#i#$ed +Good "rom Radwans i.+ ?id i# #a e no#e o" !is warnings0 =o. 2!e +good+ re"erred #o more scru#iny o" "u#ure a''oin#men#s $i e !is and 'ro#ec#ion "or #!e +w!is#$e %$owers+ w!o revea$ed !is e&'ense accoun# anoma$ies. 2!e vicious +swarming+ o" a dedica#ed 'u%$ic de"ender se#s a %ad 'receden#. 3# sugges#s #!e "a#e o" any%ody wi#! in"$uence #!a# s#ands in ;ig ;ro#!er's way. /e may assume #!a# any #arge# o" media de"ama#ion is a genuine de"ender o" democra#ic idea$s. 3n #!e years 'rior #o #!e murderous +Reign o" 2error+ and #!e Frenc! Revo$u#ion, #!e Jaco%ins used vi$e and unscru'u$ous smear cam'aigns $i e #!is one #o e$imina#e o''onen#s. 2!is 'rocess was nown as +@'in"amie.+

*/I&- "I' +/0 T// 1.22 George Radwans i dou%#$ess$y %ecame a mar ed man in January w!en !e de$ivered !is 200672002 4nnua$ Re'or#. 1ere are some e&cer'#sA +2!e "undamen#a$ !uman rig!# o" 'rivacy in Canada is under assau$# as never %e"ore. <n$ess #!e Governmen# o" Canada is )uic $y dissuaded "rom i#s 'resen# course %y Par$iamen#ary ac#ion and 'u%$ic insis#ence, we are on a 'a#! #!a# may we$$ $ead #o #!e 'ermanen# $oss no# on$y o" 'rivacy rig!#s %u# a$so im'or#an# e$emen#s o" "reedom as we now now i#... 2!e Governmen# is, )ui#e sim'$y, using 5e'#em%er 66 as an e&cuse "or new (survei$$ance da#a%ases* #!a# canno# %e .us#i"ied %y #!e re)uiremen#s o" an#i7#errorism and #!a#, indeed, !ave no '$ace in a "ree and democra#ic socie#y... 2!ese are no# a%s#rac# or #!eore#ica$ concerns. 3" #!ese measures are a$$owed #o go "orward... #!ere is a very rea$ 'ros'ec# #!a# %e"ore $ong our $ives !ere in Canada wi$$ $oo $i e #!isA 74$$ our #rave$s ou#side Canada wi$$ %e sys#ema#ica$$y recorded, #rac ed and ana$y8ed "or signs o" any#!ing #!a# #!e Governmen# mig!# "ind sus'icious or undesira%$e. +;ig ;ro#!er+ dossiers o" 'ersona$ in"orma#ion a%ou# every $aw7a%iding Canadian... wi$$ %e e'# %y #!e "edera$ Governmen# and wi$$ %e avai$a%$e #o vir#ua$$y every "edera$ de'ar#men# and agency... 74ny #ime we #rave$ wi#!in Canada, we wi$$ !ave #o iden#i"y ourse$ves #o 'o$ice so #!a# #!eir com'u#ers can c!ec w!e#!er we are wan#ed "or any#!ing or are o#!erwise o" in#eres# #o #!e s#a#e. 7Po$ice and securi#y wi$$ %e a%$e #o access records o" every e7mai$ we send and every ce$$u$ar '!one ca$$ we ma e. 3n"orma#ion on w!a# we read on #!e 3n#erne#, every /e% si#e and 'age we visi#, wi$$ $i ewise %e readi$y avai$a%$e #o governmen# au#!ori#ies. 7/e wi$$ a$$ %e "inger'rin#ed or re#ina7scanned %y #!e Governmen#. 2!is %iome#ric in"orma#ion wi$$ %e on com'u$sory na#iona$ 3? cards #!a# wi$$ o'en #!e way #o %eing s#o''ed in #!e s#ree#s %y 'o$ice and re)uired #o iden#i"y ourse$ves on demand. 7,ur movemen#s #!roug! #!e 'u%$ic s#ree#s wi$$ %e re$en#$ess$y o%served #!roug! 'ro$i"era#ing 'o$ice video survei$$ance cameras. Bven#ua$$y, #!ese cameras wi$$ $i e$y %e $in ed #o %iome#ric "ace7recogni#ion #ec!no$ogies #!a# wi$$ ma#c! our on7screen images #o "i$e '!o#os 77 "rom suc! sources as drivers' $icences, 'ass'or#s or 3? cards 77 and ena%$e #!e 'o$ice #o iden#i"y us %y name and address as we go a%ou# our $aw7a%iding %usiness in #!e s#ree#s. =ow 3 am in"orming Par$iamen# #!a# ... governmen#a$ disregard "or crucia$$y im'or#an# 'rivacy rig!#s is moving %eyond iso$a#ed ins#ances and %ecoming sys#ema#ic.

2!e %o##om $ine is #!isA 3" we !ave #o $ive our $ives weig!ing every ac#ion, every communica#ion, every !uman con#ac#, wondering w!a# agen#s o" #!e s#a#e mig!# "ind ou# a%ou# i#, ana$y8e i#, .udge i#, 'ossi%$y miscons#rue i#, and some!ow use i# #o our de#rimen#, we are no# #ru$y "ree. 2!a# sor# o" $i"e is c!arac#eris#ic o" #o#a$i#arian coun#ries, no# a "ree and o'en socie#y $i e Canada. ;u# #!a# is w!ere we are ine&ora%$y !eaded, i" #!e Governmen#'s curren# ini#ia#ives are a$$owed #o 'roceed.+ ,/&,23'I/& =o one can read #!is e&cer'# wi#!ou# %eing as!amed. 4s Canadians, we !ave %e!aved $i e $i##$e c!i$dren. /e !ave c$a''ed w!i$e our c!am'ion !as %een s#ruc down and !umi$ia#ed. /e wi$$ discover #!a# our "reedom is a $o# easier #o s)uander #!an i# is #o regain. /e don'# recogni8e #!e danger "acing us %ecause condi#ions are s#i$$ 're##y good. ;u# #!ese measures are no# '$anned "or good #imes. 2!ey are designed "or #!e %ad #imes #!a# are in s#ore. 5e'#. 66 was an audacious ac# on #!e 'ar# o" #!e wor$d's "inancia$ e$i#e. 3# served #!e dou%$e 'ur'ose o" 'roviding an e&cuse #o su%.uga#e #!e -us$im wor$d w!i$e a# #!e same #ime crea#ing an enemy #o .us#i"y 'o$i#ica$ re'ression a# !ome. 2!e crum%$ing #win #owers signa$ed #!e "ina$ s#age in a $ong7#erm '$an "or a wor$d 'o$ice s#a#e governed %y #!e su'er ric!. 2!e =ew /or$d ,rder is #!e wor o" #!e devi$, and Canadians %roug!# i# a s#e' c$oser in 2003.

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