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The District of Columbia Public Library

Budget and Finance Report

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Document #8B
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
FY 2008 Budget Results
YTD June 2008
• Personnel Service expenditures are at 70.8% of the annual fiscal year 2008 budget. Most of the
payout costs associated with the Easy Out Program have been paid. These additional payments
have caused the Additional Gross Pay line item to be over expended.
• Overtime expenditures are at 99.9% of the overtime budget. DCPL is in negotiations with the
Union to expand the work week to include Sundays. This expansion will decelerate the
overtime expenditure rate.
• DCPL is closely monitoring both the PS and NPS budgets, with special emphasis on the
overtime budget.
• Through fiscal month 9 (June), Non-Personnel Service obligations are at 88.2% of the annual
fiscal year 2008 budget.
• The main causes of these early obligations include:
1) FY 08 Fixed Costs (Energy, Telephone, and Rentals) are transferred to the Office of
Property Management at the beginning of the fiscal year;
2) Large contracts and service contracts (elevator maintenance, trash collection, electrical and
mechanical contracts, etc.) are entered into at the beginning of the fiscal year;
3) A large percentage of the book and collections budget (Equipment) is obligated on purchase
orders at the beginning of the fiscal year.
• PO review is ongoing.

FY 2008 Budget Results
(YTD June 2008 - All Sources)
Cost Categories Budget Obligations Variance ($) % Oblig
Personnel Service
Regular Pay- Cont Full Time 21,627,819 13,863,468 7,764,351 64.1%
Regular Pay- Other 3,236,282 2,454,581 781,701 75.8%
Additional Gross Pay 574,926 1,499,370 -924,444 260.8%
Fringe- Benefits- Curr Personnel 4,574,474 3,193,134 1,381,340 69.8%
Overtime 835,837 835,401 436 99.9%
Total Personnel Service (PS) 30,849,337 21,845,953 9,003,384 70.8%

Non-Personnel Service
Supplies and Materials 737,757 441,784 295,973 59.9%
Energy and Utilities 2,427,228 2,665,055 -237,827 109.8%
Telephone, Telegraph, Telegram & Etc 702,003 702,002 1 100.0%
Rentals - Land & Structure 307,149 307,149 0 100.0%
Other Services and Charges 3,753,906 3,110,784 643,121 82.9%
Contractual Services & Other 2,302,791 1,952,518 350,273 84.8%
Subsidies and Transfer 55,600 55,600 0 100.0%
Equipment & Equipment Rental 6,729,740 5,779,849 949,892 85.9%
Total Non-Personnel Service (NPS) 17,016,174 15,014,741 2,001,433 88.2%

Grand Total: PS + NPS 47,865,511 36,860,694 11,004,817 77.0%

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