Percentages: Balance (100/ (100-x) ) (100/ (100-Y) ) (100/ (100-z) )

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1. If x% is deducted on tax and y% of the remaining is spent on education and still there is balance, the formula is :Balance * [ 100/(100-x) ] * [ 100/(100-y) ] * [ 100/(100-z) ] a

2. The population of a town is 'P'. It increased by x% during I st year, increased by y% during IIst and again increased by z% during Ist. The population after 3 years will be, P * [ (100+x)/100 ] * [ (100+y)/y ] * [ (100+z)/100 ]

3. (i) Inc of x% (ii) Inc of x% (iii) Dec of x% (iv) Dec of x% (v) Inc of x% (vi) Inc of x%

% of effect Dec of x% x-y-[(x*y)/100] Inc of y% (x+y)+[(x*y)/100] Inc of y% [-x2/100] Dec of y% (-x-y)+[(x*y)/100] 2 Dec of x% [-x /100] Inc of x% 2*x+[x2/100] area is

4. (i) If the sides of the traingle,rectangle,square,circle,rhombus etc is increased by x%.Its increased by 2x+(x2/100) (ii)If decreased x%.Its ares is decreased by, -2x+(x2/100)

5. In an examination x% failed in Hindi and y% failed in Science, if z% of the candidates both of the subjects. The percentage of students who passed in both of the subjects is, 100-(x+y-z)

failed in

6. If A's income is r% more than B's income, the B's income is less than A's income by (r/100+r) * 100%

7.If A's income is r% less than B's income, then B's income is more than A's income by

(r/100-r) * 100

8. (i)If the price of comodity increases by r% then reduction in consumption so as not to the expenditure is (r/100+r) * 100 (ii)If the price of comodity decreases by r% then, (r/100-r)*100


9.If the population of town (or) length of a tree is 'p' and its annual increase is r% then, (i)populaton (or) length of a tree after 'n' years is, p[1+(r/100)] (ii)population (or) length of a tree 'n' years ago is, p/[1+(r/100)n]

10.If the population of town (or) value of a machine is 'p' and annual decrease is r% then, (i)populaton (or) value of machine after 'n' years is, p[1-(r/100)n] (ii)population (or) value of a machine 'n' years ago is, p/[1-(r/100)n]

11.If 'A' is x% of 'C' and 'B' is y% of 'C' then 'A' is (x/y) * 100% of 'B'. 12. If two values are respectively x% and y% more than a third value, then the first is

[(100+x) / (100+y)] * 100%

of second 13.Total no.of votes =

(Difference in votes/Difference in %) * 100

14.Maximum marks =

[(pass marks/pass %) * 100]

15.Total marks =

(Difference in marks / Difference in %)*100

16. (i)Reduced rate =

[(Amount/Quantity more) * (Reduction % /100)] (ii)Original rate (or) previous rate =

[(Amount/Quantity more) * (Reduction % /100-reduction%)]

17. (i)Increased rate =

[(Amount/Quantity less) * (increase % /100)] (ii)Original rate (or) previous rate = [(Amount/Quantity less) * (Increase % /100-increase%)]

18. If the numeratorof fraction is increased by x% and its denominator is diminished by value of the fraction is A/B.Then the original fraction is,

y% ,the

(A/B) * [(100-y) / (100+x)]

1.The difference between the no: and the no: obtained by interchanging the digits is 'x'.The difference between digits is , diff = x/9 2.The sum of the no: and the no: obtained by interchanging the digits is 'y'.The sum of the digits is , sum = y/11 3.The sum of two numbers is 'x' and their difference is 'y'.The product of the no: is , [(x + y)2 - (x - y)2]/4 4. Dividend = (Divisor * Quotient) + Remainder

1. Square:-figure (1)Area = a2Sq units. (or)


(2)Perimeter = P =4a (or)

a = P/4


(or)length of the rod that can be placed=

a = P/4


(1)Area =


(2)Perimeter = P =


(3)Digonal =

d = l2+b2

b = d2-l2 l = d2-b2
3.If area of plot is given as 'z'm2 and the ratio of l:b is given as x:y, then length is

l = x * [z/(x*y)]

b = y * [z/(x*y)]


length required=(length * breadth of a room)/width of the carpet


No:of stones =(length * breadth of a room)/(length * breadth of a stone)


A2/A1= (a2/a1)2 = (d2/d1)2




(1)Area =

r2 (or) (d2/4)


d = 2r

(3)Perimeter (or) Circumference =

2r = d

Where = 22/7 (or) 3.14 (4)

A = c2/(4 ) (or) c = 4 A = 2A

9. % dec in Area =

fs [(r12 - r22)/r12] * 100

10. Distance travelled in 'N' revolutions is,

D = N * d (or) N = D/(d)

11.Area left ungrazed =

a2(1 - /4)

12.Road out of the garden:-figure

(1)Area of the road =

2w[l+b+2w] = [(l+2w)(b+2w)]-(l*b)

Road inside the garden:-figure (2)Area of the road =


Two parallel roads:-figure

(3)Area of the road =



(1)Right angled traingles:-figure Area = (1/2)*b*h

d = b2+h2

(2)Equilateral traingles:-figure Area=


Perimeter = P =




(3)Scalene traingle:-figure

Perimeter = P =



Area =


(4)Isosceles traingle:-figure Perimeter = P


Area =


14.Volumes:(a)Cube:-figure (1)Lateral surface area =


(2)Total surface area =


(3)Volume of a solid = Base area * Height =

a2 * a = a 3

(4)Diagonal (or) Longest pole = d =


(b)Cuboid:-figure (1)Lateral surface area = AL =


(2)Total surface area = AT


(3)Volume = V =


(4)Diagonal = d =


(5)No:of boxes =

(lbh)/l1b1h1 = (Volume of big box)/(Volume of small box)


a3 = v13+v23+v33


a1/a2 = (v1/v2)1/3

17.No:of boxes(if areas are given) =

a3/a13 = (a/a1)3

(18)Cylinder:-figure (1)Lateral surface area = AL =


(2)Total surface area = AT




(4)Volume = v =


(5)Area of each flat surface i.e of ends =


(19)Cone:-figure (1)Slant height = L =


(2)Volume of the cone =


(3)Curved surface area of cone =


(4)Total surface area =



v1/v2=(r1/r2)2 * h1/h2


H-h = (4/3) * rs 3/rd2

21.Area of circle inscribed in an equilateral traingle is r2.It's height is,

h = 3r

(22)Sector:-figure (1)

l= (/360)*2r

(2)A =


(3)Circumference,c =


(23)Four circular carboard pieces,each of radius 'r'cm are placed in such a way that each piece touches two other pieces.The area of the space enclosed by four pieces is,

(2r)2 [1-/4]cm2

(24)Rhombus:-figure (1)

4a2 = d12 + d22

(2)Area =


(3)Perimeter = P =


(25)Parallelogram:-figure (1)Area of leABC


(2)Area of leACD


(3)Area of parallelogram =


(26)Trapezium:-figure (1)Area of Trapezium=Area of (leABC + leACD)

1/2(ah) + 1/2(bh) = [(1/2)h][a + b]

(27)Sphere:-figure (1)Surface area =


(2)Volume =



A1/A2 = (r1/r2)2


v1/v2 = (r1/r2)3


v1/v2 = (A1/A2)3/2


A1/A2 = (v1/v2)2/3

28.Area of four walls =

2 * (length + breadth) * height


1. Profit = S.P - C.P 2. Loss = C.P - S.P 3. Gain% = (Gain/C.P)*100 4. Loss% = (Loss/C.P)*100 5. S.P = [(100+Gain%)/100]*C.P 6. C.P=S.P*[100/(100+Gain%)] 7. S.P= [(100-Loss%)/100]*C.P 8. C.P= S.P*[100/(100-Loss%)] 9.By selling an article for Rs/ '-S'1 , a man looses 'L%'.In order to gain 'G%' he uses the following formula, S1/(100-L%)=S2(100-G%) 10.If C.P of 'x' articies is equal to the S.P of 'y' articles,the profit% is:

[(x-y)/y]*100 11. Gain%=[Error/(truevalue-error)]*100 12. C.P = S.P/(1-losspart) 13. C.P=S.P*[100/(100+g1)]*[100/(100+g2)]*[100/(100+g3] 14. S.P=C.P*[(100+g1)/100]*[(100+g2)/100]*[(100+g3)/100] 15. C.P = [(S.P1-S.P2)/x2-x1]*100 x1 ---------> gain1 (or) loss1 x2 ---------> gain2 (or) loss2 16. S.P=C.P + [(C.P*g)/100] 17.Overall gain or loss = (x1*g1)-(x2*L1)+(x3*g3) Where x1,x2,x3 ----------> Parts of items sold

No seperate formulas,But problems are done by logical method. Each part = Total Age/Sum of ratio's of Age's


1.If a:b = c:d , then Product of Means=Product of Extremes i.e 2ndterm*3rdterm=1stterm*4thterm 2.Each part = Total Amount/Total of Ratios 3.If a:b = x:y & b:c = p:q ,then a:b:c = xp:yp:yq 4.Third proportion to 'x' & 'y' = y2/x 5.The mean proportion between 'a' & 'b' =



b c d u D T ---> ---> ---> ---> ---> ---> Boat speed/Man speed in water. Current Speed/Speed of the River. Down stream speed. Up stream speed. Total distance travelled. Total time.

1. d=b+c 2. u=b-c 3. b=(d+u)/2

4. c=(d-u)/2 5.Average Speed=(2xy)/x+y i.e (b2-c2)/b 6. D=[T(xy)]/x+y=[T(b2-c2)]/2b 7. T=(D*2b)/b2-c2 8. T=(D/d)+(D/u)=[D/(b+c)]+[D/(b-c)]


1.H.C.F of fractions = [ H.C.F of Numerators/L.C.M of Denominators ]

2. (i)which will be divided - L.C.M (ii)Which divides - H.C.F 3.The greatest number which can divide x, y and z leaving the same remainder 'A' in each case is X-A = ?, Y-A = ?, Z-A = ? and Find the H.C.F of obtained numbers. 4.The greatest number by which if x and y are divided. The x.A = ? , y-B = ? Find the H.C.F of obtained numbers. 5.L.C.M of fractions = [ L.C.M of Numerators/H.C.F of Denominators ] remainder will be A&B respectives is,

6. [ H.C.F * L.C.M = n1 * n2 ]

7. The least number which when divided by x,y and z leaves the remainder A,B and C respectively is, x-A = ? , y-B = ? , z-C = ?. Here, there will be equal difference between them i.e., D. Required no = [ L.C.M of x,y and z ] - D

8.The smallest number which when diminished by A, is divisible by Smallest no = [ (L.C.M of p,q,r,s) + A ]

p,q,r,s is,


1. C.P = [ S.P/(100+g) * 100 ]

2.Mean rate of interest, R = [ (100*I)/P*T) ]

3.Final % of Alcohol = [ (Qi/Pi)/(Qi+Qw added) ] Pi -----> Initial percentage Qw -----> Quantity of water added 4.Final % of alcohol =

[ (Qi*Pi)/(Qi-Qw evoparated) ]

Qw -----> Quantity of water evoparated. 5.Quantity of water to be added =

[ Qmix * [(P2-P1)/(100-P2) ] ]

P1 and P2 are percentages of water. 6.Other than water =

[ Qmix * (P1-P2)/P2 ]

P1 and P2 are the % of constituent other than water (i.e., salt,alcohol etc) 7.Ratio of water to milk =


8. Percentage of water =

[ (100*g)/(100+g) ]


[ 1- (y/x) ]n * x

x -----> Capacity of container (or) Initial quatity of pure milk. y -----> Quantity drawn out each time. n -----> No.of operations. 10.No.of rabits (4 legs) =

[ No.of legs given - (No.of heads given * 2) ]/2

No.of pigeons =

[ No.of heads given - No.of rabits ]

11. The mixture drawn out and replaced with water, so that the mixture may be half water and milk is = [ (1/2) * (difference in parts/greater part) ]

12.One gallon = [ 100 litres ]


1. tA+B = (tA * tB)/tA

2. tB = (tA * tA+B)/tA - (tA+B)

3. tA+B+C =[ L/(L/tA) + (L/tB) + (L/tC) ]

L ---> L.C.M of tA,tB,tC.

4. tC =[ L/(L/tA+B+C) - (L/tB) - tB) ]

5.If A+B, B+C, A+C are given then A+B+C=? (i) tA+B+C = 2L/[ (L/tA+B) + (L/tB+C) + (L/tC+A) ]

(ii) tC = 2L/[ (L/tB+C) + (L/tC+A) + (L/tA+B) ]

(iii) tB = 2L/[ (L/tA+B) + (L/tB+C) + (L/tA+C) ]

6. S1d1 = S2d2

7. wA+B = [ (wA * wB)/(wA+wB) ]

8.Working alternatively,

2 * tA+B = 2 * [ (tA.tB)/(tA+tB) ]

1. A = P [ 1 + [ R/(100*n) n*t ]]
P R n -----> Principle


Rate % per annum

-----> T

No.of convertions per year -----> Time in years



[ P [ 1+(R/(100*n)n*t] - 1 ]

3.When interest is calculated anually n=1,

A = P[1+(R/100)t]

4.When time is in fraction, t = x * (1/y) year:

A = P[1+(R/100)x] + [1 + (1/y)*R/100 ]

5.When rate od interest is R1% R2% R3% for Ist year,IIndyear, IIIrd year respectively then amount,

A = P [ 1 + (R1100) * [1+(R2/100)] [1+(R3/100)]

6.When difference between C.I and S.I on certain sum at rate% on Rs.x,

[ C.I - S.I = sum * (r/100)2 ]

i.e., [ D = P * (r/100)2 ]
Note: Applicable only for two years. 7.

D =[ (P*R2)(300+R)/1003 ]
Note:Applicable only for 3 years. 8.

[ C.I/(200+R) = S.I/200 ]
Note: Applicable only for 2 years.


R = [ (2*difference of C.I and S.I)/S.I ] * 100

10.R% amounts after 2 successive years we given:-

R = [ (An+1-An)/An ] * 100
An+1 An -----> -----> 11. Amount after (n+1) years. Amount after (n+1) years.

P =[ A32/A6 ] = [ A22/A4 ] = [ A12/A2 ] = [A42/A8 ]

Note: Double the years. 12.

P =[ A23/A32 ] = [ A34/A43 ] = [ A45/A54 ]

Note: Consecutive years.

P =[A23/A6 ] = [ A13/A3 ] = [ A33/A9 ]


R =[( A6/A3)1/3 - 1 ] = [ ( A4/A2 )1/2 - 1 ] = [ ( A5/A2 )1/3 - 1 ] R =[( A7/A2)1/3 - 1 ] = [ ( A10/A2 )1/8 - 1 ] = [ ( A10/A7 )1/3 - 1 ]

14.Installment problems:

a [ 100/(100+R) + 100/(100+R)2 + 100/(100+r)3 + ....... ] = B

a B

-----> ----->

Annual installment Borrowed amount.

15. R = [ (A/P)1/T - 1 ] * 100

16. P = [ A2 * [100/(100+R)]2 ]

1. Average = [ Total of observations/No.of observations ]

2.(i)When a person joins a group in case of increasing average Age

weight of new comer =

[ (Previous Age + No.of persons) * Increase in Avg ] (ii)In case of decreasing Average, Age (or) weight of new comer =

[ (Previous Age - No.of persons) * Decrease in Avg ]

3.When a persom leaves a group and another person joins the group in the

place of person left, then

(i)In case of increasing average, Age (or) weight of new comer = [ (Age of person left + No.of persons) * Increase in Avg ] (ii)In case of decreasing Average, Age (or) weight of new comer =

[ (Age of person left - No.of persons) * Decrease in Avg ]

4.When a person leaves the group but no body joins this group, then (i)In the case of increasing Average, Age (or) weight of man left =

[ (Previous Age - No.of present persons) * Increase in Avg ] (ii)In case of decreasing Average, Age (or) weight of new comer =

[ (Previous Age + No.of present persons) * Decrease in Avg ]

5.If a person travels a distance at a speed of x Km/hr returns to the original average speed is

place of y Km/hr then

[ 2.x.y/(x+y) ]

6.If half of the journey is travelled at speed of x km/hr and the next half at a average speed during the whole journey is

speed of x km/hr. Then

[ 2.x.y/(x+y) ]

7.If a person travels 3 equal distances at a speed of x Km/hr, y Km/hr,z km/hr.Then average speed during whole journey is

[ 3.x.y/(x.y+y.x+z.x) ]


[ 3.x.y/(2x*y) ]


[ 3*L/[ (L/S1)+(L/S2)+(L/S3) ]


4L/[ (L.S1)+(L/S2)+L/S3)+(L/S4) ]


1/[ (x/100) * (1/S1) ] + [y/100) * (1/S2) ] + [ (z/100)*(1/S3) ]

1. [Gain = x-d-(x*d/100)]
x -----> d Extra percentage added to C.P to fix M.P -----> g Discount offered on M.P Gain% obtained


2. [Discount = M.P-S.P]

3. [d% = [ (M.P-S.P)/100] * 100 ]

4. [Discount = M.P * (d%/100)]

5.Successive Discounts, [ D = (d1+d2)-(d1.d2)/100]

6. [ (C.P/M.P) = (100-d)/(100+g)]

7. [M.P=(S.P2-S.P1)/(d2-d1) * 100]

8. [S.P=M.P * (100-d)/100]


[S.P = M.P * [ (100-d1)/100 ] * [ (100-d2)/100 ] ]

10.Difference of discounts = [M.P * [ d1.d2/(100*100) ] ]

11. [ [ (100-d1)/(100-d2) ] = [ (100+g1)/(100+g2) ] ]

12. Number of shirts = [ Total Discount/Discount on each shirt ]

13. [g% = [ (S.P-C.P)/C.P * 100 ] = [ (gain/C.P) * 100 ] ]

14. [C.P = (g/g%) * 100 ]

15. [S.P = (g/g%) * (100+g) ]

16. [C.P = [S.P/(100+g)] * 100 ]

17. [M.P = [C.P/(100-d)] * 100 ]

18. G = [ (G1+G2)+(G1.G2)/100]

19. [(100-d)(100+g * M.P ] = [S.P * (100)2] [(S.P/M.P) = [ (100-d) * (100+g) ]/(100)2 ]


S.I = PTR/100

P -----> Principal T -----> Time (in yrs) R -----> Rate % per anum 2. Amount = P+S.I

3.TO find the rate of interest per annum when a sum double/triple etc itself in x [R * T = 100 * (n-1)]


4. [(R1*T1)/R2*T2) = (N1-1)/(N2-1)]

5. [(A/S.I = (100/R*T)+1]

6. [R(or)T = (100*S.I)/P]

7. [(R1-R2) = (More interest * 100/(P*t))]

8. A=[(P+S.I) = P(1+(T.R/100))]

9. [P=(A1*T2-A2*T1)/T2-T1] A ---> Amount T ---> Time 10. R=[(A2-A1)/(A1*T2-A2*T1)] * 100

11. [I = ATR/(100+TR)]

12.If I1= I2, [(P1/P2) = (T2.R2)/T1.R1]

13. [P = (100/Id)/(Rd.T)]

14. [T = (100.Id/Pd.R)]

15. [T = (100.Id/P R.d)]

16. [R = (100.Is/Td.P)]

17. [Gain = P.Rd.T/100]

18. [R = (100.ITotal)/(P1.T1+P2.T2+P3.T3)........]

19. [P=(100.ITotal/(R1.T1+R2.T2+R3.T3+......)] 20. a[ [100/100] + [(100+R)/100] + (100+2R)/100] + .......] = 0 a ---> Annual instalment. D ---> Amount due 21. A = P * [ (100+R1+R2+R3)/100]

1.Part of A/Part of B = [(Amount invested by A*No.of months invested)/(Amount invested by B*No.of months invested)]

2.Each part = (Total profit/Total of Ratios)


M1D1T1S1W2 A2F2 = M2D2T2 S2W1A1F1

M -----> Men/labour D -----> Days

T -----> Time (in hrs) S -----> Speed W -----> part of work done/wages A -----> Amount earned F -----> Food consumed/Milk used/coal required for Machines/Diesel required for pumps.

2.D1W1 = D2W2 i.e.,

D1(L2B2H2) = D2(L1B1H1)

D L B ---> H

---> --->

Days Length

Broad (or) Breadth ---> Deep

3.Additional Men = M2-M1

1. If x% is deducted on tax and y% of the remaining is spent on education and still there is balance, the formula is :Balance * [ 100/(100-x) ] * [ 100/(100-y) ] * [ 100/(100-z) ] a

2. The population of a town is 'P'. It increased by x% during I st year, increased by y% during IIst and again increased by z% during Ist. The population after 3 years will be, P * [ (100+x)/100 ] * [ (100+y)/y ] * [ (100+z)/100 ]

3. (i) Inc of x% (ii) Inc of x% (iii) Dec of x% (iv) Dec of x%

% of effect Dec of x% x-y-[(x*y)/100] Inc of y% (x+y)+[(x*y)/100] Inc of y% [-x2/100] Dec of y% (-x-y)+[(x*y)/100]

(v) Inc of x% (vi) Inc of x%

Dec of x% Inc of x%

[-x2/100] 2*x+[x2/100] area is

4. (i) If the sides of the traingle,rectangle,square,circle,rhombus etc is increased by x%.Its increased by 2x+(x2/100) (ii)If decreased x%.Its ares is decreased by, -2x+(x2/100)

5. In an examination x% failed in Hindi and y% failed in Science, if z% of the candidates both of the subjects. The percentage of students who passed in both of the subjects is, 100-(x+y-z)

failed in

6. If A's income is r% more than B's income, the B's income is less than A's income by (r/100+r) * 100%

7.If A's income is r% less than B's income, then B's income is more than A's income by (r/100-r) * 100

8. (i)If the price of comodity increases by r% then reduction in consumption so as not to the expenditure is (r/100+r) * 100 (ii)If the price of comodity decreases by r% then, (r/100-r)*100


9.If the population of town (or) length of a tree is 'p' and its annual increase is r% then, (i)populaton (or) length of a tree after 'n' years is, p[1+(r/100)]

(ii)population (or) length of a tree 'n' years ago is, p/[1+(r/100)n]

10.If the population of town (or) value of a machine is 'p' and annual decrease is r% then, (i)populaton (or) value of machine after 'n' years is, p[1-(r/100)n] (ii)population (or) value of a machine 'n' years ago is, p/[1-(r/100)n]

11.If 'A' is x% of 'C' and 'B' is y% of 'C' then 'A' is (x/y) * 100% of 'B'. 12. If two values are respectively x% and y% more than a third value, then the first is

[(100+x) / (100+y)] * 100% of second 13.Total no.of votes =

(Difference in votes/Difference in %) * 100

14.Maximum marks =

[(pass marks/pass %) * 100]

15.Total marks =

(Difference in marks / Difference in %)*100

16. (i)Reduced rate =

[(Amount/Quantity more) * (Reduction % /100)] (ii)Original rate (or) previous rate =

[(Amount/Quantity more) * (Reduction % /100-reduction%)]

17. (i)Increased rate =

[(Amount/Quantity less) * (increase % /100)] (ii)Original rate (or) previous rate = [(Amount/Quantity less) * (Increase % /100-increase%)]

18. If the numeratorof fraction is increased by x% and its denominator is diminished by value of the fraction is A/B.Then the original fraction is,

y% ,the

(A/B) * [(100-y) / (100+x)]

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