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import; import; import; import java.util.

Scanner; class Contacts { //Properties public String firstName; public String lastName; public String phone; // Defaul Constructor. Assigning Empty intial values public Contacts() { this.firstName = ""; this.lastName = ""; = ""; } // Assigning Values to Constructor (String, String, int) public Contacts(String firstName, String lastName, String phone){ this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; = phone; } //accesors public String getFirstName(){ return firstName; } public String getLastName(){ return lastName; } public String getPhone(){ return phone; } public String getContact(){ return this.lastName+" "+this.firstName+ " "; } } public class FinalPhoneBook { public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception{ Contacts [] entries; entries = new Contacts[100]; Contacts [] entriesErase; entriesErase = new Contacts[100]; int selection = 0; int counter; int indexRemove; String fName,lName,pNumber; String lastName; String firstName; String phoneNumber; String lastErase; String firstErase; String phoneErase; File PhoneBook; PhoneBook = new File("PhoneBook1.txt"); PrintWriter output;

Scanner inSelection = new Scanner(; Scanner input = new Scanner(; do { do{ System.out.println("PHONEBOOK:"); System.out.println("1. Add Contact"); System.out.println("2. View Contacts"); System.out.println("3. Find Contact"); System.out.println("4. Erase Contact"); System.out.println("5. Exit"); System.out.print("Enter selection (1-5): "); if (!inSelection.hasNextInt()) { System.out.println("NOT AN OPTION. PLEASE ENTER AN OPTION (1-5)" ); inSelection.nextLine(); } else { selection = inSelection.nextInt(); if (selection>5 || selection<1){ System.out.println("NOT AN OPTION. PLEASE ENTER AN OPTIO N (1-5)"); } } }while (selection<1 && selection >5); switch(selection) { case 1: System.out.println("ADD CONTACT:"); System.out.print("First Name:"); fName =; System.out.print("Last Name:"); lName =; System.out.print("Phone Number:"); pNumber =; int i=0; entries[i] = new Contacts(fName,lName,pNumber); System.out.println(entries[i].getContact()+ " was added to PhoneBook"); output = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(PhoneBook, true)); output.println(entries[i].getContact()); output.close(); i++; break; case 2: System.out.println("CONTACT LIST:"); // Read data from a file Scanner read = new Scanner(PhoneBook); counter = 0; while (read.hasNext()) { lastName =; firstName =; phoneNumber =; Contacts Entry = new Contacts(firstName,lastName,phoneNu mber); System.out.println(Entry.getContact()); counter++; }

read.close(); System.out.println(counter + " " + "Contacts found."); break; case 3: int d=0; System.out.println("FIND CONTACT: "); System.out.print("Enter First Name or Last Name or Phone Num ber: "); String namefind =; Scanner read4= new Scanner(PhoneBook); //Read Phonebook and find matching names and show it in the console. while (read4.hasNext()){ lastName =; firstName =; phoneNumber =; if (namefind.equals(lastName)||namefind.equals(firstName )||namefind.equals(phoneNumber)){ entries[d] = new Contacts(firstName,lastName,phoneNu mber); System.out.println(entries[d].getContact()); d++; } } System.out.println(d + " MATCHS"); break; case 4: int nonErase=0; int erase=0; int e=0; int index=0; int indexFound=0; int indexToErase=0; System.out.println("REMOVE CONTACT: "); System.out.print("Enter First Name or Last Name or Phone Num ber: "); String nameToErase =; Scanner readToErase= new Scanner(PhoneBook); //Read Phonebook and find matching names and show it in the console. indexRemove=1; while (readToErase.hasNext()){ lastName =; firstName =; phoneNumber =; if (nameToErase.equals(lastName)||nameToErase.equals(fir stName)||nameToErase.equals(phoneNumber)){ entries[e] = new Contacts(firstName,lastName,phoneNu mber); System.out.println(indexRemove + "." +" "+ entries[e ].getContact()); e++; indexFound++; indexRemove++; } } if (indexFound>0){ System.out.print("FOUND MATCH(S). ENTER # TO BE REMOVE: "); index = input.nextInt(); indexToErase = index-1;

// concatenating to get a String String contactErase = entries[indexToErase] + ""; String delimeter= " "; String[] splitContactErase = contactErase.split(delimeter); lastErase = splitContactErase[0]; firstErase = splitContactErase[1]; phoneErase = splitContactErase[2]; Scanner read1 = new Scanner(PhoneBook); //Read Phonebook and delete match while (read1.hasNext()){ lastName =; firstName =; phoneNumber =; if (((firstErase.equals(firstName)) && (lastErase.equals (lastName))) && (phoneErase.equals(phoneNumber))){ entriesErase[erase] = new Contacts(firstName,lastNam e,phoneNumber); System.out.println(entriesErase[erase].getContact()) ; erase++; }else{ entries[nonErase] = new Contacts(firstName,lastName, phoneNumber); nonErase++; } } read1.close(); //Prints matching names to a blank PhoneBook using variables store in entries. output = new PrintWriter(PhoneBook); for (int b=0; b<nonErase; b++){ output.println(entries[b]); } output.close(); System.out.println(erase + " " +" CONTACT(S) REMOVED"); } break; } } while (selection != 5); } }

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