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PART-III DESIGN BASIS CONTENTS Clause No. 1. 2. 3. 4. #. $. (. '. ,. 1-. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1#. Scope Standards Shallow Foundations !uip"ent Structures Pilling Concrete and %ein&orced Concrete &or Structures and Foundations )ntiter"ite Treat"ent *ternal Cladding+ Internal Partitions and Finishes Floors and Floor Finishes .oors / 0indows 0ater Proo&ing and .a"p Proo&ing .rainage and Sewerage %oadwa1s and Pa2ed )reas Ca3le / Pipe Trenches .esign Calculations+ .rawings and .ocu"ents Title Page No. PIII 1 PIII 1 to PIII - 2 PIII 2 PIII 2 PIII 3 PIII 4 to PIII ' PIII ' PIII ' to PIII - , PIII 1- to PIII 11 PIII 11 to PIII 12 PIII 13 PIII 13 to PIII 1$ PIII 1$ to PIII 1( PIII 1( to PIII 1' PIII 1' to PIII 2-


PIII - 2



1.0 1.1 SCOPE This speci&ication co2ers the design criteria &or ci2il engineering wor4 &or the )P.%P pro5ect o& 0est 6engal State lectricit1 6oard 706S 68. The ter" 9design criteria: includes loading standards+ per"issi3le stresses+ &unctional re!uire"ents and !ualit1 standards+ per"issi3le stresses+ &unctional re!uire"ents and !ualit1 standards to 3e adopted as a 3asis &or preparation o& designs and drawings 31 the Tenderer. These designs and drawings will co2er control roo" 3uildings &or 33;11 <= Su3stations+ au*iliar1 &acilities+ ancillar1 3uildings and structures+ &oundations &or 3uildings and e!uip"ents+ roads+ drains+ sewers and other "iscellaneous ci2il engineering wor4s to 3e pro2ided and;or to 3e "odi&ied ; recti&ied 31 the Tenderer. Further+ the control roo" 3uildings should ha2e pro2ision o& 2ertical e*tension in upper store1. The designs prepared 31 the Tenderer shall not onl1 pro2ide &or the re!uire"ents indicated in this speci&ication 3ut also consider the o2erall process re!uire"ents+ ser2ice conditions and pro2isions to 3e "ade &or &uture e*pansion. The designs shall 3e co"pati3le with the operating conditions and the at"ospheric conditions pre2alent at North 6engal. 0hile designing and preparing new &acilities the Tenderer shall ta4e into account the structures+ &oundations+ drains+ sewers+ roads+ cul2erts etc. o& the e*isting units and "odi&1 the" i& &ound necessar1 to "atch with the new ones. Standards and uni&ication shall 3e carried out to the "a*i"u" e*tent possi3le+ 06S 6 reser2es the right o& selecting a particular "a4e o& "aterials and co"ponents. The tenderer shall suppl1 "aterials ; co"ponents o& the particular "a4e+ i& so re!uired. In this speci&ication the words 9appro2ed "a4e: 9appro2ed "anu&acturer: etc. shall "eans the 9"a4es: and "anu&acturer as appro2ed 31 the 06S 6 or as per 06S 6:s list o& such "a4es and "anu&acturers. STANDARDS The design criteria &or ci2il engineering wor4 shall 3e in accordance with this speci&ication. .etailed instructions on such aspects as are not indicated herein shall 3e as per the latest standards+ codes pre2ailing at the ti"e o& tendering and reco""endations o& the Indian 6ureau o& Standards speci&ications ; Indian %oad Congress ; I %ules 72--38. PIII - 1




2.0 2.1



In respect o& pollution control+ sa&et1+ sanitar1 and h1gienic re!uire"ents the stipulations o& .epart"ent o& n2iron"ent o& the >o2ern"ent o& India+ stipulations o& the Indian Factories )ct+ 06 >o2t. Factories %ules+ sa&et1 rules+ noti&ication o& >o2ern"ent and n2iron"ent o& 0ater and )ir Pollution and other rele2ant statutor1 authorities shall 3e satis&ied. This speci&ication co2ers design o& "a5or ci2il engineering wor4 including structural steel wor4. ?ther ite"s o& wor4 shall 3e designed according to the rele2ant standards+ reco""endations and stipulations re&erred a3o2e. This design speci&ication shall also 3e read in con5unction with the >eneral Speci&ication &or Ci2il ngineering wor4 @aterials and 0or4"anship+ which is included in Part-I= / = o& this Speci&ication. In case o& an1thing "entioned in this speci&ication is at 2ariance with IS or other codes o& speci&ication "entioned herein+ the pro2isions o& this speci&ication will pre2ail. Aowe2er+ decision o& the 06S 6 in this regard will 3e &inal. SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS )ll shallow &oundations should 3e designed as per IS Codes o& Practice and as per Soil In2estigation report considering all critical co"3ination o& loads. In case o& e*pansi2e soil ade!uate protection+ pro2isions o& suspended &loor at ground &loor shall 3e considered. Trans&or"er &oundations+ 3rea4er &oundations+ should 3e co""on ra&t &oundations.





EQUIPMENT STRUCTURES .esign o& e!uip"ent structures should 3e done as per ISB'-- 7latest8 considering e!uip"ent load+ sel& wt.+ operation and "aintenance load+ short circuit load and wind ; seis"ic load. In designing the structure &or wind ; ses"ic load. In designing the structure &or wind solidit1 ratio 7as per ISB'(# Part III8 should 3e done. )gain the structure should 3e designed in seis"ic condition also as per ISB1',3 1,'4.




#.1 #.1.1

>eneral Piles shall generall1 3e cast-in-situ rein&orced concrete 3ored piles and shall generall1 con&or" to the latest re2ision o& IS Code o& Practice &or .esign and Construction o& pile &oundation latest ISB2,11 7Part-I ; Sec. 1 and 28 / ISB4#$ 72---8. Cnder-rea"ed piles can also 3e used in case o& e*pansi2e soil as per ISB2,11 7Part-III8 codal pro2isions. Doading Standards Pile &oundations shall generall1 3e adopted where due to high concentration o& loads+ a spread &ooting "a1 not 3e possi3le or econo"ic+ or where due to technological reasons di&&erential settle"ent is not per"itted or due to high degree o& swelling characteristic o& soil. )ll a*ial load &ro" structure within etc. and horiEontal load due to seis"ic ; wind e&&ect should 3e calculated 5udiciousl1 and as per rele2ant Codal practice. Per"issi3le Di"its Stresses in concrete shall not e*ceed those laid down in codal practice ISB4#$ 72---8 and also &or piles rele2ant IS Code 2,11 7Part I8 Section-2 7latest re2ision8. %ein&orce"ent and )nchorage )s per rele2ant codal practice.

#.2 #.2.1

#.3 #.3.1


#.# #.#.1 #.#.2 #.#.3

Ter"ination De2el o& Piles )ll piles should 3e ter"inated on &ir" strata or at depth to re&usal whiche2er occur earlier. Cnder rea"ed piles shall penetrate through all so&t;loose; e*pansi2e la1ers and ter"inate into &ir" 3earing strata. Initial or routine load tests should 3e conducted on test pile &ollowing ISB2,11 7Part I=8 latest re2ision. I& the test results are not satis&actor1 pile "a1 3e accepted to reduce load and regrouping o& piles "a1 ha2e to done. Pile caps to 3e designed and pro2ided as per rele2ant IS Code o& practice.


PIII - 3

6.0 $.1 $.1.1 CONCRETE AND REINFORCED STRUCTURES AND FOUNDATIONS >eneral Concrete wor4 shall secure a dense+ ho"ogenous+ s"ooth "ass including &inishes+ possessing re!uired strength and resistance to weathering and a3rasion &or the structures and &oundations. .esign o& all rein&orced concrete structures shall 3e as per the latest ISB4#$ 72---8. The structural sa&et1 o& all &oundations on soil shall+ in general+ 3e 3ased on ISB1,-4 - 1,'$. The design o& water retaining structures shall 3e according to ISB33(- 7Part 28 - 1,$#. For rein&orce"ent ce"ent concrete+ the "ini"u" grade o& concrete shall 3e @-2-C 7with 2- "" / down grade aggregates8 and &or plain ce"ent concrete shall 3e o& @-1#C 7with 2- "" and downgraded aggregates8. For calculation purpose 90or4ing Stress .esign: or 9Di"it State .esign: "ethods "a1 3e adopted+ 3ut design shall 3e consistent throughout. >routing 3elow "achine ; e!uip"ent 3ases and poc4ets shall 3e o& non-shrin4ing grout o& ade!uate thic4ness and strength with ce"ent concrete o& "ini"u" grade @2#. Doad Condition )ll &oundations and concrete structures+ e*cept as "odi&ied under Clause 4.2.2+ shall 3e designed to resist &ull operating dead and li2e loads+ with appropriate co"3ination o& wind and seis"ic &orces and with due allowance &or i"pact+ intertia loading+ 2i3ration etc. as secondar1 a&&ects o& li2e loads+ te"perature 2ariation etc. 0hile designing structures and &oundations either the e&&ect o& seis"ic &orces or wind loads+ whiche2er produces the worst e&&ect+ shall 3e considered along with usual load condition. The co"3ination o& loads shall 3e as gi2en in ISB'(# 1,'( 7Part-I8. )part &ro" the operating loads indicated 31 the e!uip"ent "anu&acturers+ the design o& 3uildings and structures shall 3e 3ased on dead and i"posed loads calculated according to latest ISB'(# 7Part 28 1,'(. Concentrated and uni&or"l1 distri3uted li2e load on &loors and plat&or"s shall 3e considered depending upon the usage and in accordance with "a*i"u" e*pected process re!uire"ents+ to 3e indicated 31 the e!uip"ent "anu&acturers. 0hen the loads are PIII - 4 CONCRETE FOR




$.2 $.2.1



"o2a3le+ the1 shall 3e so placed as to get worst e&&ect in "o"ent+ shear+ a*ial loads etc &or which the ele"ents shall 3e designed. The e&&ect o& concentrated load shall not 3e reduced. .ue allowance shall 3e "ade+ where2er necessar1+ &or installation and operation o& an1 e!uip"ent as per e!uip"ent "anu&acturer:s data and reco""endations. The design shall 3e 3ased on the "a*i"u" loading due to uni&or" li2e load and;or e!uip"ent loading including i"pact+ 2i3ration etc. $.2.4 $.2.# $.2.$ .esign wind pressure and &orces shall 3e as per the pro2isions o& ISB'(# 7Part 38 - 1,'(. Seis"ic &orces shall 3e considered according to the pro2isions o& ISB1',3 1,'4. .esign o& structures shall pro2ide &or te"porar1 loads which "a1 3e li&ted during erection and "aintenance o& plant and e!uip"ent. Consideration shall 3e gi2en in the design o& structures to the contri3uting loads &ro" piping and ca3ling including pro2isions &or piping anchors and dead endings o& electrical conductors. The design o& 3uildings and structures shall ta4e into account the loadings due to &uture e*tension o& units and installation o& additional e!uip"ent+ where necessar1+ in &uture in the units. >enerall1+ the "ini"u" uni&or"l1 distri3uted line load 7e*cept &or local concentration o& loads8 shall 3e as &ollowsB ?n re"o2al co2ers o2er trenches and "anholes F. 1+#-- 4g.;"2 $.3 $.3.1 Per"issi3le Stresses )llowa3le stresses &or all rein&orced concrete structures shall 3e as per ISB4#$ 72---8. .esign Doad .esign load is the load to 3e ta4en &or use in the appropriate "ethod o& designG it is the characteristic load in case o& wor4ing stress "ethod and characteristic load with appropriate partial sa&et1 &actors &or li"it state design.




PIII - #

$.# Soil Condition No soil data is a2aila3le &or the area under consideration. The Tenderer shall "a4e suita3le assu"ptions regarding the allowing 3earing capacit1. $.$ $.$.1 Sta3ilit1 o& the Structure ?2erturning The sta3ilit1 o& a structure as a whole against o2erturning shall 3e ensured. )ll structures and e!uip"ents &or design should 3e chec4ed against o2er turning &or "ini"u" F.?.S. is e!ual to 2 under no"al conditon and &or 3uo1ant condition "ini"u" F.?.S. will 3e 1.# &or o2erturning against short circuit conditions F.?.S. will 3e 1.$#. $.$.1.1 The anchorages or counterweights pro2ided &or o2erhanging "e"3ers 7during construction and ser2ice8 should 3e such that static e!uili3riu" should re"ain+ e2en when o2erturning "o"ent is dou3led. Sliding The structure shall ha2e a &actor against sliding o& not less than 1.4 under the "ost ad2erse co"3ination o& the applied characteristic &orces. In this case onl1 -., ti"es the characteristic dead load shall 3e ta4en into account. $.$.3 Pro3a3le =ariation in .ead Doad To ensure sta3ilit1 at all ti"es+ account shall 3e ta4en o& pro3a3le 2ariations in dead load during construction+ repair or other te"porar1 "easures. 0ind and seis"ic loading shall 3e treated as i"posed loading. $.$.4 @o"ent Connection In designing the &ra"ewor4 o& a 3uilding pro2isions shall 3e "ade 31 ade!uate "o"ent connections or 31 a s1ste" o& 3racings to e&&ecti2el1 trans"it all the horiEontal &orces to the &oundations. $.( $.(.1 Foundations ?pen Foundations &or structures and e!uip"ent shall 3e proportioned to resist the worst conditions o& loadings and shall 3e generall1 designed as per the pro2isions o& ISB1,-4 1,'$.


PIII - $

$.(.2 The depth o& &oundation shall 3e deter"ined 3ased on loadings on &oundation+ sa&e 3earing capacit1 at the &ounding le2el as per soil in2estigation report+ constructional and technological re!uire"ents. The "a*i"u" allowa3le 3earing pressure &or design o& &oundation shall correspond to 2alues indicated in detailed soil in2estigation report ta4ing into account li"its o& allowa3le settle"ent considered &or design o& structures and e!uip"ent. Aowe2er+ in no case shall the &oundation 3e ta4en down to less than #-- "" 3elow original ground le2el in case o& &illed up soil and 2-- "" in case o& roc41 strata. >round &loor sla3 shall 3e cast on a la1er o& 3uilding paper o& appro2ed "a4e on appropriate soling. Selection o& t1pe o& &oundation 7open or pile8 shall 3e done 3ased on loading on the &oundation+ soil strati&ication characteristics+ settle"ent li"it guided 31 technological re!uire"ents. Pile &oundations+ i& re!uired+ shall 3e 3ored / cast-in-situ piles o& ade!uate dia"eter / length and shall con&ir" to pro2isions o& ISB2,11 7Part I ; Sect.-I8 1,(, / ISB2,11 7Part 1; Sect. 28 1,(,. Pile load carr1ing capacit1 shall 3e wor4ed out as per a3o2e codal pro2isions and con&ir"ed 31 su3se!uent initial load test on pile as per ISB2,11 7Part-48 1,'#. )lso+ routine load tests on piles shall 3e carried out as per a3o2e IS codes. Cnderground and 0ater %etaining Structures 6ased on the data on su3soil and underground water ade!uate precautions shall 3e ta4en &or design o& &oundation and underground structure. )ll underground structures such as pits+ trenches+ etc shall 3e designed considering soil+ water ad surcharge pressure &ro" the surrounding areas. )de!uate precautions against &loatation shall 3e ta4en. )ll water retaining structures shall 3e designed as per pro2isions o& ISB33(-+ 1,$#;1,$( or &oundation le2el. For all water retaining structures special care shall 3e ta4en to water proo& the" and water proo&ing shall con&or" to pro2ision o& rele2ant IS standards or as per the speci&ications o& appro2ed "anu&acturer. 0ater tightness shall 3e ensured 31 pro2ision o& suita3le water stops and construction 5oints. In case o& underground structures+ su"ps with pu"ping arrange"ents shall 3e pro2ided+ i& re!uired+ at suita3le location to collect and pu"p out an1 incidental water collection to nearest stor" water drainage outlet. PIII - (

$.(.3 $.(.4


$.' $.'.1



$.'.4 In water retaining structures "anholes+ inlets+ outlets+ o2er&low pipes+ 2ent pipes+ drain pipes+ steel rungs etc shall 3e pro2ided as necessar1. )lso pro2ision shall 3e "ade &or ade!uate natural lighting and 2entilation and &or access 31 wa1 o& stairs with hand railling+ plat&or"s at inter2als etc. Contraction e*pansion and construction 5oints shall 3e pro2ided as per ISB33(- 1,$(. ANTITERMITE TREATMENT Che"ical protection ; 3arrier to structures and &oundations against attac4 31 su3terranean ter"ites while the 3uilding or other wor4s is under construction. )ll wor4 shall in general 3e e*ecuted as speci&ied in ISB$313 Part 2 1,'1 7rea&&ir"ed 1,,'8 and as per appro2ed speci&ication o& the agenc1 ha2ing special 4now-how &or the 5o3. !.0 '.1 E"TERNAL CLADDING# INTERNAL PARTITIONS AND FINISHES This section deals with cladding+ internal partitions and &inishes &or su3station 3uildings and associated ancillar1 and au*iliar1 3uildings etc. *ternal cladding &or su3station and other 3uildings constructed with 3ric4 "asonr1. The "ini"u" thic4ness o& 3ric4 "asonr1 walls shall 3e "ini"u" 2#- "". .esign o& "asonr1 walls shall con&or" to ISB1,-# 1,'(. Internal partition walls shall 3e 12# "" thic4 3ric4 "asonr1 &or su3stations and other 3uildings or as per enclosed drawing. Ce"ent sand "ortar "i* shall 3e 1B$ &or e*ternal walls ha2ing "ini"u" thic4ness o& 2#- "" and also &or walls o& thic4ness 12# "" "i* shall 3e 1B4 with A6 wire netting rein&orce"ent at e2er1 third la1er. )ll 3ric4 "asonr1 walls shall 3e plastered on 3oth sides. Thic4ness o& plaster shall 3e "ini"u" 2- "" &or e*ternal sur&aces and 1# "" &or internal sur&aces o& walls. Thic4ness o& plaster &or ceiling shall 3e "ini"u" 1- "". Ce"ent sand "ortar "i* &or all plasters+ shall 3e 1B$ &or plastering o& walls and 1B4 &or plastering o& ceiling. PIII - '




'.3 '.4



'.( Inside sur&aces o& "asonr1 walls shall 3e treated with white wash ; colour wash or paint o& appro2ed !ualit1+ "a4e and colour+ or to 3e tiled as the case "a1 3e+ on the 3asis o& technological and;or aesthetic re!uire"ents. 0here2er+ plastic e"ulsion paint is used+ the walls shall 3e rendered plaster o& paris. The &inishes to 3e pro2ided are as &ollowsB Securit1 %oo" Control %oo" i8 33 <= and 11 <= roo" and B entrance corridor. Two &inishing coats o& plastic e"ulsion paint o& appro2ed shade o2er a coat o& ce"ent pri"er. @ini"u" two coats o& acid; al4ali resistant paint o2er a coat o& pri"er. @ini"u" two coats o& diste"per o2er a coat o& ce"ent pri"er. B Three coats o& white washing+ securit1 roo".

'.(.1 '.(.2


ii8 6atter1 %oo"


iii8 Co""unication %oo" / B Toilets+ stores+ AT@C roo" / staircase


0alls in toilets shall 3e pro2ided with glaEed cera"ic wall tiles o& appro2ed "a4e and colour upto a "ini"u" height o& 2.1 ". 0alls a3o2e &acing shall 3e coated with the t1pe o& painting stated in clause '.(.4. 1-- "" high s4irting shall 3e pro2ided in all roo" e*cept where there is a pro2ision &or dado. ?utside 0all *ternal walls shall 3e painted with ce"ent 3ased decorati2e paint o& two colours as per appro2ed co"3ination to 3e decided 31 the Controlling ?&&icer. Pro2isions o& lectrical conduit / Hunction 6o*es &or concealed wiring+ i& necessar1 to 3e pro2ided in the wall or ceiling 7with necessar1 cutting8.

'.(.$ '.(.(

PIII - ,

$.0 ,.1 ,.1.1 FLOORS AND FLOOR FINISHES Floors )ll &loors on ground shall 3e "ade o& 1B2B4 concrete o& 1-- "" "ini"u" thic4ness. Aowe2er+ the design o& &loor shall also ta4e into consideration technological re!uire"ents i"posed loading and other ser2ice conditions etc. I& e*pansi2e soil encountered &loor shall ha2e to 3e design as %CC suspended &loor. The su3-grade 3elow the &loor sla3 shall 3e "ini"u" 2#- "" thic4 stone 3oulder soling 3linded with "ooru". 6uilding paper shall 3e pro2ided on top o& su3-grade 3e&ore casting the concrete sla3. )ll su3-grade shall 3e laid on co"pacted sand. In speci&ic areas where concrete &loor is not re!uired at ground &loor le2el+ the &looring shall consist o& "ini"u" 2#- "" thic4 stone 3oulder soling 3linded with "ooru" and co"pacted. Floor Finishes Floor &inishes &or the control roo" 3uildings ; areas shall 3e as &ollowsB ntrance+ corridor+ AT@C+ B Co""unication %oo"+ Cast-insitu sil2er gre1 "osaic wor4 etc. 2# "" thic4 7&inished8 terraEEo wor4 cast in situ in &loor / 2- "" thic4 7&inished8 dado+ s4irting etc. as per IS 2144 1,$2 with , "" thic4 terraEEo topping la1ing / &inished to $ "" thic4 a&ter trial grinding in sil2er gre1 colour. I.P.S. 2# "" thic4 7&inished8 terraEEo wor4 cast in situ in &loor / 2- "" thic4 7&inished8 dado+ s4irting etc. as per IS 2144 1,$2 with , "" thic4 terraEEo topping la1ing / &inished to $ "" thic4 a&ter trial grinding in sil2er gre1 colour.


,.1.3 ,.1.4

,.2 ,.2.1 ,.2.1.1

,.2.1.2 ,.2.1.3

Store %oo" Staircase including treads+ risers / landing+ 33 <= control panel roo"


PIII - 1-


,.2.1.4 ,.2.1.#

Toilet 11 <= Control roo"s


4- "" thic4 4otah stone &inish. Ao"ogenous P=C tiles "ini"u" 2 "" thic4 o2er 2# "" thic4 71B2B48 P.C.C. under 3ed neat ce"ent &inished &looring. )cid resistant &looring with acid proo& tiles o& "ini"u" thic4ness o& &looring 2# "" including s4irting as per drawing.


6atter1 %oo"

10.0 1-.1 1-.2

DOORS AND WINDOWS .oors and windows shall 3e pro2ided as per drawing. Standard t1pe o& doors and windows shall 3e used to the e*tent possi3le. The doors and windows shall 3e o& appro2ed "a4e+ !ualit1 and colour. Non-standard doors and windows will 3e used onl1 where there is a speci&ic re!uire"ent &or such doors and windows. )ll door &ra"es including &lush door ; paneled door with good appro2ed !ualit1 o& sal 71-- "" * (# ""8. .oors in Control %oo" 3uildings @ain entr1 doors o& control roo" shall 3e steel rolling shutter o& width and height to suit the re!uire"ents. Cnless otherwise speci&ied+ rolling shutters with area upto ' s!. " 7app.8 shall 3e pull and push t1pe hand operated. Corridors control roo" B .ou3le lea& anodiEed alu"inu" glaEed doors o& suita3le siEe to "atch with architectural ele2ation and "ade out o& anodiEed alu"inu" 3o* sections+ "anu&actured 31 IN.)D or an1 other appro2ed "anu&acturer 7top 3-- "" &i*ed glaEed8.

1-.3 1-.3.1


PIII - 11


1-.3.3 1-.3.4

For water Closet Store roo"+ A.T.@.T.C. roo"+ 6atter1 roo"+ co""unication roo" Staircase 7%oo&8


P=C Single lea& sinte* t1pe door. Single lea& wooden &lush door. 4- "" thic4 7top 3-- "" &i*ed glaEed8. Single lea& wooden tea4 wood panel door. 2# "" thic4 shutter with 12.# "" thic4 panel. @.S. Collapsi3le gate )lu"iniu" Aand %ail with all co"plete as per appro2ed Section decided 31 06S 6.


1-.3.$ 1-.3.(

Staircase 7 ntr18 Aand %ail 7Stair8


1-.4 1-.4.1 1-.4.2

0indows in Control %oo" 6uilding Full1 glaEed steel windows o& standard siEes and t1pes con&or"ing to latest ISB1-3' and ISB13$1 as appropriate shall 3e used. *haust &ans o& suita3le 2entilation capacit1 shall 3e pro2ided in toilets+ 3atter1 roo"s etc. Painting Painting shall con&or" to ISB233, 7latest8+ ISB2,32 7latest8+ ISB3#3$ 7latest8+ ISB#41- 7latest8+ ISB,'$2 7latest8. In 3atter1 roo" where there is a chance o& acid spillage and &u"es+ the doors and windows shall 3e painted with acid resistance paint o& appro2ed !ualit1 and colour. Painting o2er steel sur&ace should 3e two coats o& s1nthetic ena"el paint o2er one coat steel pri"er. Painting o2er wooden sur&ace+ whene2er re!uired+ should 3e two coats o& s1nthetic ena"el paint o2er one coat wooden pri"er. French polish to 3e pro2ided o2er &lush door.

1-.# 1-.#.1 1-.#.2

1-.#.3 1-.#.4

PIII - 12

11.0 11.1 WATER PROOFING AND DAMP PROOFING )ll water retaining structures shall 3e water-proo&ed with tar&elt ; 3itu"en in accordance with ISB1$-,+ 3-$(+ 2$4#+ $4,4 or 3e pro2ided with integral ce"ent water proo&ing or 31 in5ection o& non-shrin4 pol1"eric water proo& grouting co"pound &ro" inside along with an application o& water proo& plaster on e*ternal sur&aces as per appro2ed "anu&acturer:s speci&ication. )ll 3uildings ha2ing &lat roo&s shall 3e water proo&ed according to ISB134$ and 3-$(. 0ater proo&ing "e"3rane on the roo& shall 3e laid on pre-cast roo& tiles with suita3le cross slopes to drain out water &ro" the roo&. @ain water &ro" the roo& shall 3e laid into P=C rainwater pipes o& appro2ed "a4e o& ade!uate siEes at suita3le inter2als ; locations and discharged into the su3station stor" water drainage s1ste". )ll 3uildings shall 3e pro2ided with da"p proo&ing treat"ent as per ISB3-$( - 1,''. DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE >eneral This section co2ers la1out para"eters+ &unctional re!uire"ents and design guidelines &or stor" water drainage+ sanitar1-&aecal sewerage and other e&&luents sewerage s1ste". )ll the stor" water drainage+ sanitar1-&aecal sewerage and other e&&luents sewerage lines shall 3e laid in ser2ice aisles close to the road. Crossings with other ser2ices shall 3e 4ept to a "ini"u". 0here the new lines are to 3e connected to the e*isting ones+ the connections shall 3e carried out 31 the Tenderer. 0hile designing the sewerage s1ste"s+ siEe and gradient o& pipes+ "ini"u" and pea4 &low conditions+ scouring e&&ect and chances o& settle"ents+ sel& cleaning 2elocit1 re!uire"ents etc shall 3e ta4en into account. .esign shall 3e generall1 in accordance with ISB1(42.




12.00 12.1 12.1.1



PIII - 13

12.1.4 For inspection+ cleaning and "aintenance o& sewer lines+ "an-holes o& rein&orced concrete construction shall 3e pro2ided at e2er1 3end+ 5unction+ point o& change in slope or dia"eter and on straight sections o& pipes at inter2als not e*ceeding 3- "eters. @ini"u" siEe o& the "anhole shall 3e 1 "etre * 1 "etre. )ll "anholes+ 5unction pits+ inspection pits+ collection pits+ gull1 traps etc. shall 3e pro2ided with co2ers &or access &or "aintenance o& underground drainage and sewer lines. >enerall1 "ini"u" earth co2erage o& one "etre shall 3e pro2ided o2er underground drainage and sewer pipelines unless the sa"e is protected 31 concrete encasing or otherwise and ade!uatel1 designed &or the i"posed loadings &ro" soil+ water+ operational and construction tra&&ic. @ini"u" dia"eter o& underground &aecal sewerage pipes shall 3e 1#"" and that o& drainage 3-- "". Stoneware ; CI pipes as per ISB$#1 and $1$3 respecti2el1 shall 3e used &or dia"eter ranging &ro" 1#- "" to $-- "" &or sanitar1 &aecal sewerage lines and &or stor" water drains %C pipes o& class NP2 o& ISB4#' - 1-'' shall 3e used &or dia"eter ranging &ro" 3-- "" to 12-- "" and 3e1ond that 3o* drains shall 3e pro2ided. Aowe2er+ pipes under road;rail crossings shall con&or" to Class NP3 and NP4 respecti2el1 o& ISB4#' - 1,''. The "aterial used &or 5ointing o& underground drainage and sewer pipes shall 3e such as to "a4e the 5oints water-tight &or pre2enting ingress o& su3-soil water 31 in&iltration and escape o& inside "atters to the surrounding areas. In this connection ISB('3 &or drainage and ISB412( and 3114 &or sewer pipes shall 3e re&erred to. %ele2ant pro2isions o& ISB11(2+ 24(-+ 123-+ 4#'+ 1'3+ 412(+ $#1 and 3--$+ 1(42+ 4111 and other rele2ant Indian Standards shall 3e applica3le &or the design o& the s1ste". Sur&ace drain with aprons shall 3e pro2ided alround the control roo" 3uilding. The sur&ace drains shall 3e %.C. Construction and &inished s"ooth with 2- th4 sand ce"ent plaster 71B48. 0here2er necessar1 and at all entries and e*ists o& 3uildings+ the sur&ace drain shall 3e co2ered with pre-cast+ rein&orced concrete sla3s o& ade!uate length. @ini"u" di"ensions o& drain shall 3e 2-- "" 708 * 2-- "" 7.8 slope 1B#--. Suita3le catch pits shall 3e pro2ided at discharge points o& roo& drainage 3e&ore connection with sur&ace drain. No roo& drainage o& the 3uildings shall 3e ta4en 3elow 3uilding &loors.








PIII - 14

12.2 12.2.1 Stor" 0ater .rainage The design o& stor" water drainage s1ste" shall 3e 3ased on "a*i"u" hourl1 precipitation &or a stor" duration o& 2- "inutes. %oo& drainage s1ste" shall 3e designed on the 3asis o& an hourl1 precipitation &or a stor" duration o& # "inutes. >ull1 traps+ inspection pits+ 5unction pits+ collecting pits etc. as well as other &acilities shall 3e located suita3l1 and designed considering eas1 access+ "aintenance and sa&et1. For the purpose o& calculation o& run-o&& &ro" catch"ents area o& an1 drainage line+ the Tenderer shall esti"ate areas o& 3uildings+ pa2ed areas+ roadwa1s+ par4ing areas and open areas within the catch"ents area. %un-o&& co-e&&icients &or design shall 3e as &ollowsB ?pen areas %oads and pa2ed par4ing areas %oo& sur&ace 12.2.4 B B B -.#-.(1.--



The pipes shall 3e so designed as to gi2e a 2elocit1 o& &low not less than one "etre per second when running hal& &ull. The "a*i"u" 2elocit1 shall not e*ceed 2.# " per second. The sur&ace drains shall 3e %CC and o& "ini"u" 3#- "" width and 4#- "" depth 72aries8 &ro" &inished ground le2el or the width and depth co"ing &ro" design calculation &or catering !uantit1 o& water &ro" catch"ent area whiche2er is higher. @ini"u" slope &or sur&ace drains shall 3e 1B#--. Sanitar1-&aecal Sewerage The design o& &aecal sewerage s1ste" shall 3e 3ased on pota3le water suppl1 at the rate o& 13# litres per capita per da1. The sewerage shall 3e collected on CI pipes o& "ini"u" 1#- "" dia"eter. )de!uate siEes and gradients shall 3e pro2ided to ta4e care o& "ini"u" and "a*i"u" &low conditions+ sel& cleansing 2elocit1 re!uire"ents etc as well as to "ini"iEe scouring e&&ect+ chances o& settle"ents and de2eloping septicit1.


12.3 12.3.1 12.3.2 12.3.3

PIII - 1#

12.3.4 12.3.# ?ther &acilities li4e "anholes etc. shall 3e located suita3l1 and designed considering eas1 access+ "aintenance and sa&et1. @ini"u" sel&-cleansing 2elocit1 shall generall1 3e ta4en as -.(# " per second &or pea4 &low condition 7which shall 3e assu"ed as three ti"es the a2erage &low8 and pipes &lowing hal& &ull. Aowe2er+ in restricted cases the 2elocit1 shall not 3e less than -.$1 ";sec. at pea4 &low condition &or pipes &lowing hal& &ull. ?ther &&luents ?ther e&&luents &ro" 3atter1 roo" etc shall 3e ta4en to a neutraliEing pit located outside the 3atter1 roo". The e&&luent+ a&ter 3eing neutraliEed in the pit+ shall 3e ta4en to the stor" water drainage s1ste". ROADWA%S AND PA&ED AREAS This section co2ers the design+ la1out para"eters and geo"etrics o& roadwa1s and pa2ed areas. The la1out o& roads shall 3e such that connection &ro" the control roo" 3uilding and switch 1ard to "ain roads are direct+ con2enient+ &ree &ro" "eandering+ clear o& present and &uture installations and &ollow general sa&et1 standards. )ll ser2ice lines &or power+ water+ utilities+ drainage+ sewerage+ street lighting etc. shall 3e laid outside the roadwa1s widths. Carriage wa1 shall 3e 4.# " &or single lane roads with ade!uate 3er" on either side. @ini"u" radius o& cur2ature along the inner side o& the carriage wa1 shall 3e generall1 ta4en as 12 ". Aowe2er+ in roads &or hea21 truc4s and trailers;du"pers+ and &or so"e "inor roads radius o& cur2ature shall 3e "odi&ied to suit the "o3ile e!uip"ent;road. The road crown shall 3e generall1 1#- "" a3o2e the ad5oining &inished &or"ation le2el. Suita3le gradings ; ra"ps+ as "a1 3e necessar1+ shall 3e pro2ided in roads leading to switch 1ard;control 3uildings units. The roads with suita3le gradient and shall 3e pro2ided with a ca"3er o& 1B#-. Necessar1 road cul2erts to 3e pro2ided. )ll ser2ice and utilit1 lines crossing under the roadwa1s shall 3e ta4en through concrete pipes ; ducts and designed &or i"posed loading. Nu"3er o& such crossings shall 3e 4ept "ini"u".

12.4 12.4.1

13.0 13.1

13.2 13.3



PIII - 1$

13.$ )ll roads shall 3e o& %CC. Thic4ness o& di&&erent la1ers o& "aterials shall 3e ade!uate &or tra&&ic intensit1 and i"posed loading. >enerall1+ the thic4ness o& di&&erent la1ers to 3e pro2ided shall 3e as &ollowsB 6ase B 2#- "" thic4 stone 3oulder soling 3linded with "ooru". @1# C 71#- "" thic48 @2- C 71#- "" thic4ness8 with -.'I o& gross cross sectional area.

Dean Concrete+ P.C.C %CC



)round control roo" 3uilding "ini"u" 1--- "" wide PCC apron shall 3e pro2ided 7@1#C8. CABLE ' PIPE TRENCHES The ca3le trenches shall 3e %CC "ade with re"o2a3le ; &i*ed %CC co2er including li&ting arrange"ent. Ca3le trench co2er 7with li&ting arrange"ent8 crossing the roads ; rails shall 3e designed &or class ) loading o& I%C ; rele2ant IS Codes and should 3e chec4ed &or trans&or"er loading. Trenches shall 3e drained. Su"p+ pits+ su"p pu"p shall 3e supplied+ i& necessar1+ ca3le trenches shall not 3e used as stor" water drains. The top o& trenches shall 3e 4ept at least 1-- "" a3o2e the &inished ground le2el. The top o& ca3le trench shall 3e such that the sur&ace rainwater does not enter the trench. )ll "etal parts inside the trench shall 3e connected to the earthing s1ste". Ca3les &ro" trench to e!uip"ents shall run in hard conduit pipes. Trench wall shall not &ound with the &oundation suita3le clear gap shall 3e pro2ided. The trench 3ed shall ha2e a slope o& 1;#-- along the run and 1;2#perpendicular to the run.

14.0 14.1 14.2

14.3 14.4

14.# 14.$ 14.( 14.'

PIII - 1(

14., Ca3le trenches shall 3e 3loc4ed at the ends+ i& re!uired+ with 3ric4 "asonr1 in ce"ent sand "ortar 1B$ and plaster with 12 "" thic4 1B$ ce"ent sand "ortar. Ca3le trenches within control roo" 3uilding will 3e as per enclosed drawing. DESIGN CALCULATIONS# DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS .esign Calculations The design calculations to 3e su3"itted 31 Tenderer &or appro2al+ prior to su3"ission o& construction drawings shall include 3ut not 3e li"ited to the &ollowingB 1#.1.1 )rchitectural .esign The Tenderer shall &ollow the nor"s and 3asic sche"es indicated in the Technical Speci&ication. The Tenderer shall su3"it all catalogues ; Speci&ications &or 2arious &loor and wall &inishes+ painting+ sanitar1 and plu"3ing &i*tures and &ittings+ doors and windows etc. 1#.1.2 1#.1.2.1 6uilding structure and &oundation design The design calculations &or all the 3uildings and &oundations+ "iscellaneous structures+ all e!uip"ent &oundations etc. The design calculations shall include static design calculations and co"3ination o& static and seis"ic ; wind calculations &or all structures and &oundations+ and &oundation su35ected to i"pact+ induced 31 e!uip"ent and other e*ternal &orces. 6uilding data sheet showing speci&ications o& "aterials+ design standards &ollowed+ load data assu"ed including the loading on roo&+ wal4wa1s+ &loors+ 3ul4 "aterial densit1+ wind+ and seis"ic loading+ wind thrusts and 2i3ration considerations+ de&lection+ rain&all and runo&& data assu"ed and t1pe o& &ra"ewor4 etc. )lso+ t1pe o& &looring+ roo& treat"ent and t1pe o& construction shall 3e indicated. The loading co"3inations and other design assu"ption "ade in design are to 3e &urnished. @ethods to 3e &ollowed &or waterproo&ing+ superstructure+ roo& etc. in &oundations+


15.0 1#.1


1#.1.2.3 1#.1.2.4

@easures re!uired &or the sa&et1 o& the 3uildings and &oundations.

PIII - 1'

1#.1.3 1#.1.3.1 .rainage and Sewerage .esign calculations &or stor" water drainage+ sanitar1-&aecal sewerage and other e&&luents+ discharge s1ste" shall 3e su3"itted indicating the &ollowing details. .ischarge calculations &or sewer lines. )de!uac1 o& pipe sections and slopes adopted. .ischarge+ ti"e o& concentration and 2elocit1 o& &low at the connecting point with the "ain trun4 sewers. Structural sa&et1 o& pipelines crossing roadwa1s and pa2ed areas. @anpower and other design para"eter considered &or each &acilit1 o& sanitar1 &aecal sewerage. .ischarge+ 2elocit1 o& &low at pea4 &low condition and "ini"u" highest dail1 &low condition at the connection points with the "ain truc4 sewers at 3atter1 li"it &or sanitar1 &aecal sewerage. Speci&ication ; catalogue &ro" "anu&acturers &or "aterials used and special treat"ent adopted. .esign calculation &or industrial e&&luent discharge shall 3e su3"itted indicating !ualit1 and !uantit1 o& e&&luent+ t1pe o& treat"ent proposed and 3asis &or selection. .esign calculations &or all cul2erts+ etc. as per class ) loading. .rawings .rawings &or concrete+ rein&orced concrete and other ci2il wor4 The Tenderer shall prepare general la1out drawings gi2ing salient le2els and di"ensions o& the whole area showing all o2er ground and underground ser2ices and &acilities+ 3uildings+ roadwa1s+ etc. pro2ided &or co-ordination with the other areas o& that location. .etailed wor4ing drawings shall 3e prepared on the 3asis o& the general la1out drawings considering o2erall &oundation la1out &or the e!uip"ent+ 3uilding+ ser2ices+ etc. space re!uire"ent and clearances as necessar1. The Tenderer shall ensure that no &urther drawing shall 3e re!uired to 3e prepared 31 an1 other agenc1 &or success&ul i"ple"entation o& the pro5ect. The Tenderer shall su3"it a co"prehensi2e and co"plete unit wise classi&ied list o& drawings in reproduci3le &or". PIII - 1,

1#. 1#. 1#. 1#. 1#.1.3.1.# 1#.1.3.1.$

1#.1.3.1.( 1#.1.3.2

1#.1.3.3 1#.2 1#.2.1 1#.2.1.1



The Tenderer shall su3"it &or appro2al o& the general arrange"ent and detailed wor4ing drawings &or all concrete+ rein&orced concrete and other ci2il wor4+ to 06S 6 are as &ollowsB )rchitectural drawings &or control roo" 3uildings+ securit1 3uilding+ toilets etc. *ca2ation drawings. Da1out and details o& piling / pile caps where2er applica3le. Foundation plans and sections &or 3uilding colu"ns and e!uip"ent incorporating ser2ices; utilit1 tunnels+ trenches+ pipes etc. Doading drawings indicating superstructure loading+ e!uip"ent loading+ &loor loadings etc. Co"prehensi2e anchor hole plan along with co"plete details o& anchor 3olts and anchor poc4ets &or &oundation &or e!uip"ent etc. including schedule &or 3olts and anchor plates. .etailed structural drawings &or suspended &loors and &or &loors on ground. .rawings &or all t1pes o& 3olts+ inserts+ e"3ed"etns+ co2ers+ "iscellaneous steel wor4s etc. )ll drawings &or "asonr1 wor4+ &looring+ &loor &inishes+ partitions+ &loors etc. Necessar1 sanitar1 and plu"3ing drawings. Cnderground &aecal sewerage and stor" water drainage drawings &or areas and 3uildings within the 3atter li"it. .rawings ; catalogues &or doors+ windows+ 2entilators+ lou2ers. .rawings &or roadwa1s+ etc. along with cul2erts+ etc. as re!uired. .rawings &or outdoor utilit1 ser2ices line. .rawing o& 5o3 coated Aot .ip >al2anised Steel supporting structures. The gal2aniEing as per IS-4(#, ; 2$2,.

1#.2.2.1 1#.2.2.2 1#.2.2.3 1#.2.2.4 1#.2.2.# 1#.2.2.$

1#.2.2.( 1#.2.2.' 1#.2.2., 1#.2.2.11#.2.2.11 1#.2.2.12 1#.2.2.13 1#.2.2.14 1#.2.2.1#

PIII - 2-

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