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A+ti3ities after Hiring D 5efore Visa App i+ation

Signing of Training Plan / DS-7002
The payment of your fu program fees must !e ma"e #ithin three $%& "ays from the signing of your training p an' (ou #i !e as)e" to fi up an" su!mit Program Sponsor*s App i+ation forms an" spe+ifi+ re,uirements of the -S Partner' Su!mission of +omp ete .PI "o+uments an" re,uirements $refer to /o+ument Che+) ist&

Preparations for J1 visa applications

.i up -S Visa Information Sheet for /S-012an" ha3e it +he+)e" !y .PI !efore atten"ing your 0st 3isa !riefing' Visit for your 3isa on ine app i+ation' Pay the -S 3isa fee of 4012 in pesos for Visitor*s +ategory through the 5an) of the Phi ippine Is an"s $5PI& !an) a++ount of the -S Em!assy' 5ring +opy of your 3a i" passport' NOTE6 /o not "eposit 3isa fee to .PI' 5efore you go to 5PI to pay your 3isa fee7 go to this in) http6//###'ustra3e "o+s'+om/ph/ph-ni3-3isapay'asp an" fo o# instru+tions' Su!mit +opy of re+eipt to .PI an" )eep your +opy to !e use" "uring your a+tua em!assy inter3ie#' Atten" % 3isa !riefings - WIT P!"#$T%S& '(ring the 1st an' )r' *riefings7 #ear s+hoo uniform $for stu"ents& / !usiness attire for gra"uates7 !ring 3isa "o+uments arrange" a++or"ing to the fo o#ing se,uen+e6 1. D+,-.#$TS I$ /+$0 P/!STI, #$1#/+P# i' ii' iii' i3' 3' 3i' i' ii' iii' i3' 3' Em!assy appointment etter $ to !e gi3en after appointment has !een set& Origina an" 3a i" passport #ith emergen+y +onta+t on ast page /S-012 Confirmation page #ith 3isa fee re+eipt issue" !y 5PI p us one 8 9 8 photo /S820: / Permit from the -'S' $ to !e re ease" "uring the %r" 3isa !riefing& SEVIS fee re+eipt $ to !e re ease" "uring the %r" 3isa !riefing& Training P an / /S-;228 signe" !y Super3isor an" Program Sponsor

2. D+,-.#$TS I$ /+$0 2"+W$ #$1#/+P# /S-012 3isa app i+ation pages S+hoo Certifi+ation signe" !y S+hoo Offi+ia an" #ith s+hoo sea $for gra"uating& Emp oyment Certifi+ate for emp oye" app i+ants /ip oma an" Trans+ript of Re+or"s Proof of In+ome of Parents < emp oyment +ertifi+ate if emp oye"7 AN//OR !usiness permit7 if managing a fami y !usiness 3i' 5an) a++ounts of parents < pass!oo)s7 !an) statements7 AT= summary of transa+tions7 other finan+ia "o+uments $+he+) #e!site6 ###'ustra3e "o+s'+om/ph& 3ii' Copy of fina an" notari>e" Return Guarantee 5on" #ith +o atera TCT or CT/' 3iii'.ami y pi+tures7 pi+ture of your parents* !usiness7 an" other "o+uments that #i sho# so i" fami y an" !usiness ties in the Phi ippines $+T# 1: 5ring a origina "o+uments "uring the %r" 3isa !riefing ON?( an" #hen you go to the em!assy' .or stu"ents - #ear s+hoo uniforms #ith I/ #hen going to the -S em!assy inter3ie#' .or gra"uates < #ear !usiness attire' Ta)e note a so that NO GA/GETS are a o#e" insi"e the em!assy' $+T# 2: After your a+tua inter3ie#7 report to .PI #ithin the same "ay an" su!mit the +ourier authori>ation s ip #ith +opy of I/ for the "e i3ery of passport #ith 3isa to .PI' (ou #i !e re,uire" to #rite +omp ete "etai s of your +on3ersation #ith the Consu '

FIRST PLACE, Inc' @ Suite 82A7 Ang 5ahay ng A umni7 =agsaysay A3e'7 -P /i iman7 Bue>on City 0020 @ infoCfirstp a+ein+'net

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