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OBSERVATIONS 1. Employee Size

SCORING 1-5 (Very weak = 1, Excelle ! = 5" The workstation is adaptable to employee size (chairs, benches, shelves). When sitting, leg space sho ld be s !!icient. When standing, the spacing !or !eet sho ld be s !!icient. &aterials and tools sho ld be accessible, with minimal h man twisting or body e'tensions( the area !or twisting or t rning sho ld be s !!icient. The operator does not have to make movements above the sho lders, below the waistline or behind. The operator doesn-t have to e'tend.bend an arm or leg !or long periods. /e sho ld not crook his head at e'treme angles. 0or sho ld h stand on one leg. # s pport is available when the operator has to keep his arms or hands e'tended !or a long period. *i!ting and moving ob3ects sho ld be minimal. The operator m st not li!t heavy ob3ects. /e can adopt an appropriate post re when he is li!ting. The weight o! the ob3ect is minimal. The re4 irements !or both precision and strength are avoided when possible, handles are provided to li!t the ob3ect. The workstation is designed to eliminate the motion o! non6essential materials. &echanical assistance is re4 ired (conveyor belt, !orkli!t tr ck, hand tr ck, table or rail between the workbench, tr ck li!t, etc.). The operator does not !re4 ently handle heavy and large ob3ects. Tooling and e4 ipment do not trans!er e'cessive vibrations. Tasks and tools do not create prolonged press re at the base o! the palm or at the !ingertips. Wrists sho ld not be stretched !orward, backward, or sideways. The operator does not have to work with elevated sho lders or elbows. Be#$re Re%&l! (1-5" A#!er Re%&l! (1-5"

". The #ccessibility o! Tools, $ontrols % &aterials

). Static *oad and +i'ed ,ost re

1. *i!ting 2b3ects

5. *oad Transportation

7. +re4 ent #rm, /and and Wrist &otions

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OBSERVATIONS 8. $ollision 9isks SCORING 1-5 (Very weak = 1, Excelle ! = 5" +orbidden passages.laneways are closed or appropriately identi!ied. #ccess to passageways are obstacle6!ree( they have good visibility in both directions. *adders and stairs lead onto these protected zones. Service co nters are set back !rom the passages. ,assages that are to be sed are identi!ied. There are no !i'ed or prominent obstacles, nor are there any sharp angles. :! there are some, they are well identi!ied and.or protected. The se o! a working plat!orm is red ced. When being sed, the operator does not have to descend d ring the normal work cycle. 9ailings are provided at hal! meters above the immediate gro nd level or i! the activity warrants it. 2bstacles o! less than hal!6a6metre are marked. There sho ld not be any obstacles across the passageway( i! there are, a gangway is installed. Electrical cables are s spended !rom adapted aerial s pports. &achines and e4 ipment are sealed. 9eceptacles are provided to collect any condensation or accidental spills. ,arts are dried be!ore handling. When necessary the gro nd is covered with anti6slip prod cts. >neven gro nd s r!aces are eliminated. The operator has the appropriate e4 ipment and accessories to li!t heavy or enc mbering loads.ob3ects. The movement o! a hoist sho ld cover the entire work area. ,rotecting !ences are provided when there is a risk o! a !alling ob3ect. The piling o! bo'es, tools, parts, and any other ob3ects located at high levels (on the top o! a machine or a poorly adapted place, is prohibited. Employees sho ld not work nderneath elevated workstations. #ccess to mobile machine parts is protected by railings, g arding, coverings, etc. Work with hand tools on a rotating part is limited. Emergency stop devices are wherever risk demands. 9isks are eliminated thro gh process, machine design, installation, or mechanical operation. ,rotection devices are in place so that the operator is not in the zone o! operation (when the machine is working). Sa!ety switches, railing, motion detectors are some o! these devices. Tools or c tting parts are transported and stored in a special holder. TOTA( O)T OF 1**+ Be#$re Re%&l! (1-5" A#!er Re%&l! (1-5"

;. 9isks o! +alls

<. =ro nd and S r!ace Tra!!ic

1?. 9isks o! +alling 2b3ects

11. 9isk o! @ody or 2b3ects @eing $a ght in &obile &achinery 1". 9isk o! $r shing, $ ts, #mp tation, ,iercing, #brasions

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OBSERVATIONS 1). 9isk o! +lying 2b3ects, Splashes, E'plosions SCORING *-5 (Very weak = *, Excelle ! = 5" Tools are appropriate and well designed. Set6 ps, part6positioning controls, and !astening systems sho ld be reliable and resistant. /olding systems, screens or plastic drapes, prevent the !lying o! parts, li4 ids, or piece !ragments. Aac ming, br shing or wiping are sed !or cleaning p rposes (rather than air press re methods). :! necessary, the machine start is related to the closing and locking o! covers. Bepending on the type o! prod ct, sa!ety showers and eyewash !o ntains are installed. ,rod cts are stored based pon their characteristics and their incompatibilities (cons lt with the +ire ,revention Bepartment). &etal masses are gro nded in the !lammable prod cts handling zone. +lammable wastes are stored in containers with special lids. The d cts o! steam or high6temperat re li4 ids are ins lated. ,arts, e4 ipment or high temperat re d cts are isolated and clearly identi!ied. The lighting level sho ld be s !!icient( light so rces sho ld not be harsh or blinding. The operator m st not be e'posed to high levels o! noise. &achines, e4 ipment, and prod ction processes, capable o! emitting dangero s or irritating prod cts, are e4 ipped with s itable ventilation. Re%&l! (*-5" Re%&l! (*-5"

11. 9isk o! +ire, E'plosions, @ rns

15. *ighting, 0oise Aentilation



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