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State of the art.

D|scuss|on and future ||nes of

research on eecnve |nd|v|dua||zed feedback |n
on||ne env|ronments
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ueparLmenL of Lconomlcs and 8uslness, Cpen unlverslLy of CaLalonla (uCC)
llnance and ManagemenL ConLrol ueparLmenL, LAuA 8uslness School
ueparLmenL of ManagemenL, olyLechnlc unlverslLy of CaLalonla (uC)

1he alm of Lhls paper ls Lo analyze Lhe sLaLe Lhe arL of eecuve lndlvlduallzed feedback as a necessary and lndlspensable Lool of Lhe formauve assessmenL
process. Cur analysls focuses on Lhe envlronmenL of onllne hlgher educauon
Contact: dp|
Why? 8ecause lL ls Lhe process LhaL sLudenLs use Lo faclllLaLe Lhelr own learnlng (8ound & Molloy, 2012)

1hus Lhe Ieedback de||very needs Lo:

- Lncourage d|a|ogue beLween glver and recelver feedback (versus monologue)
- lnvolve peers (versus noL peers)
- LxpllclLly encourage se|f-regu|anon and engagement of students (versus noL expllclLly encourage)
- leedback on ass|gnment process (versus producL)
- SLudenLs encouraged Lo be proacnve ln worklng wlLh feedback (versus reacuve)
(adapLed Lo Crsmond, Maw, ark, Cmez & Crook, 2011)

1heorenca| Iramework
now to do |t?
nlcol & Macfarlene-ulck (2006) develop a model of formauve
feedback where self-regulauon of learnlng ls supporLed ln Lhe seven
prlnclples of good pracuce of feedback.

And a key factor w||| be:
LngagemenL of sLudenLs wlLh Lhe feedback (rlce, Padley & Mlllar,
1he ro|e of feedback |n |earn|ng
focused on
focused on
Move to
Change the parad|gm
Change the ro|e of students and professors: Acuve and responslble amLude from sLudenLs
Lowards Lhelr learnlng process, Lhe professor musL glve advlce and follow Lhe sLudenL progress
(ozo, erez, MaLeos, Marun, & de la Cruz, 2006)

Change p|ann|ng, methodo|ogy and assessment of teach|ng and |earn|ng process (Zarraga, !aca
& vlles, 2012)

AssessmenL ...


Cne of Lhe key elemenLs ln an assessmenL sysLem LhaL orlenLs learnlng:
Ieedback (Clbbs & Slmpson, 2004, Pounsell, 2003)
Connnuous &
uurlng Lhe process Al Lhe end of Lhe process
knowledge + skllls and amLudes
SLudenL ls Lhe cenLer of Lhe learnlng process and Leachlng should
promoLe beneclal and fruluul learnlng LhroughouL long-llfe
ls noL easy Lo know whaL klnd of feedback ls useful. 1here are a loL of facLors
LhaL explaln cause and eecL relauons
1echn|ca| aspects of eecnve feedback
- oLenual of vlrLual feedback does noL dler from !"! feedback
- nlcol & Macfarlane-ulck's prlnclples are also crlucal ln Lhe process of onllne
formauve assessmenL (Clkandl, Morrow & uavls, 2011)

ulsungulshlng leaLures:
- 8aslcs: clear feedback, umely, conunuous and sumclenL deLall (Wolsey,
- Should slgnlcanLly sumulaLe dlalogue pupll / Leacher / sLudenL. lnLeracuon
Lools are crlucal
lmplemenLauon of feedback across barr|ers from professors: pressure of ume
and Lhe bellef LhaL sLudenLs are only lnLeresLed ln Lhelr grades
And from students: Lhey do noL undersLand feedback, do noL know speclcally
whaL Lo lmprove or have recelved Lhe commenL Loo laLe Lo be useful
Ieedback |n an on||ne env|ronment
rovldlng eecuve feedback Lo sLudenLs and havlng lL used by Lhem ls essenual Lo supporL and
enhance Lhelr learnlng experlence ln hlgher educauon.

WlLh llmlLed resources for hlgher educauon professors and lnsuLuuons, we musL deepen ln: how
do we do more eecnve feedback cons|der|ng scarce resources?
1he sLudenL preferences for lndlvlduallzed feedback LogeLher wlLh an assessmenL by Lhe
professor ln an onllne envlronmenL, lead us Lo focus on: how do d|g|ta| too|s reduce the
professor work|oad?
1he lmporLanL role and responslblllLy glven Lo sLudenLs ln Lhe learnlng process does quesuon
wheLher sLudenLs and Leachers have Lhe lnformauon, knowledge and skllls needed Lo paruclpaLe
fully and eecuvely ln Lhls process. So we should nd ouL lf, do teachers share the v|s|on of an
educanon system |ncreas|ng|y focused on pumng the student at the center of the |earn|ng
CLher relevanL research quesuons from sLudenLs perspecuve would be: What are the
determ|nants of student engagement w|th the |nd|v|dua||zed feedback rece|ved? or what |s the
ro|e of techno|ogy (text, v|deo, aud|o)?
Conc|us|ons: We should be able Lo ldenufy Lhose aspecLs of professors, sLudenLs and Lechnologlcal
Lools conduclve Lo lndlvlduallzed feedback Lralnlng Lo be eecuve ln an onllne envlronmenL and
ln a conLexL of llmlLed resources.
D|scuss|on and conc|us|ons

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