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ueparLmenL of Lconomlcs and 8uslness, Cpen unlverslLy of CaLalonla (uCC)
ueparLmenL of ManagemenL, olyLechnlc unlverslLy of CaLalonla (uC)

=B0>('#C 1he alm of Lhls paper ls Lo develop research proposals ln Lhe eld of organlzauonal commlLmenL, parucularly ln Lhe case of workers who carry Lwo [obs slmulLaneously.
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CurrenLly ls wldely accepLed Lhe denluon of Lhe CC consLrucL LhaL ls as mlndseL, whlch can Lake dlerenL forms and ls a force LhaL blnds an lndlvldual
Lo a parucular dlrecuon of acuon ln relauon Lo one or more ob[ecLs (Meyer and PerscovlLch, 2001), and LhaL we can concepLually dlsungulsh Lhe
mouvauon (Meyer eL al., 2004). lrom Lhe polnL of vlew of muludlmenslonallLy, CC ls dlvlded lnLo Lhree baslc dlmenslons (Allen and Meyer, 1990):
- Aecuve CommlLmenL (AC): Lhe deslre Lo belong Lo an organlzauon
- Conunuance CommlLmenL (CC): Lhe bellef LhaL leave Lhe organlzauon wlll be cosLly
- normauve CommlLmenL (nC): sense of obllgauon Lo Lhe organlzauon
1hls research focuses on Lhe sLudy of organlzauonal commlLmenL ln assoclaLe
professor collecuve aL Lhe Cpen unlverslLy of CaLalonla, ln each of hls Lwo [obs.
Assumlng Lhe classlc consLrucL proposed by Meyer and Allen (2002) and
lncorporaung sLrucLural lmprovemenLs proposed by owell and Meyer (2004), we
consLrucL Lhe followlng model:
D#'.:2E@#/"(F(4(:GE&>>0(&-": llrsL we presenL a revlew of llLeraLure on Crganlzauonal CommlLmenL and lnLeracuons wlLh oLher facLors such as Lhe Work Sausfacuon, lnLenL Lo
SLay and 8ehavlor ln Lhe Crganlzauon. 8elow are research proposals: measuremenL of organlzauonal commlLmenL Lo employees occupylng Lwo [obs aL once, one maln and one
secondary. 1he sLudy was carrled ouL uslng sLrucLural equauon Lo daLa obLalned from Lhe survey deslgned and senL Lo Lhe selecLed sample.
;.2F.2:'C ln relauon Lo Lhe proposed research organlzauonal commlLmenL of employees holdlng Lwo [obs aL once, lnLroduclng dlerenL scenarlos based on Lhe classlcal model of
organlzauonal commlLmenL. 1hese hypoLheses predlcL posslble lnLeracuons of organlzauonal commlLmenL consLrucL ln boLh Lhe rsL and second [obs. lL alms Lo explaln Lhe posslble
lnLeracuons, wheLher posluve, negauve or zero, Lhe organlzauonal commlLmenL beLween Lhe rsL and second [obs.
+0.:.2&4./GEH&4B#C 1he proposed research alms Lo lmprove Lhe exlsung Lheory on organlzauonal commlLmenL pro[ecung lL Lo more Lhan one [ob, and propose new Lools for lmprovlng
Lhe human resources pollcles of organlzauons who have / encourage Lhls Lype of workers.
I#G J(0F'C Crganlzauonal CommlLmenL, lnLenuon Lo SLay, !ob Sausfacuon, 1wo !obs, ConungenL Work
-! ? @! A !! A B!
lurLher research showed LhaL Lhe model was more complex (McCee & lord, 1987, Meyer eL al. 2002), leadlng Lo a modlcauon of Lhe scale
lncludlng Lwo sub-dlvlslons of Lhe conunuance commlLmenL. 1hls enables an opumal explanaLory power Lends Lo lncrease Lhe percelved
dlerences beLween lndlvlduals, opumlzlng Lhelr ablllLy Lo dlagnose (owell and Meyer, 2004):
- ercelved lack of alLernauve employmenL opporLunlues (Conunuance CommlLmenL PlghL Sacrlce, CCPlSac)
- And hlgh sacrlce percelved, assoclaLed wlLh leavlng Lhe organlzauon (Conunuance CommlLmenL Low AlLernauves, CCLowAlL). -! ? @! A !!C/6.9 A !!D"E@1' A B!
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-!I ? @!I A !!D"E@1'I A !!C/6.9I A B!I
-!J ? @!J A !!D"E@1'J A !!C/6.9J A B!J
1 corresponds Lo Lhe prlmary occupauon
2 corresponds Lo Lhe secondary occupauon
lrom Lhls polnL we wlll conslder how lL aecLs every parL of Lhe organlzauonal
commlLmenL consLrucL, from Lhe maln occupauon Lo Lhe secondary, and vlce versa.
1he meLhodology wlll be quanuLauve, uslng sLrucLural equauons model (SLM). uaLa
wlll be collecLed by surveys supplled Lo uCC assoclaLe professors.
1hls ls Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe survey:
Sect. 1 in general Demographic Information (6)
job information
Affective Commitment (6) Affective Commitment (6)
Organizational Commitment Calculative Commitment (6) Organizational Commitment Calculative Commitment (6)
CCHiSac (3) + CCLowAlt (3) CCHiSac (3) + CCLowAlt (3)
Normative Commitment (6) Normative Commitment (6)
Job Satisfaction (4) Job Satisfaction (4)
Intention to Stay (3) Intention to Stay (3)
Organizational Commitment Behaviour (4) Organizational Commitment Behaviour (4)
Sect. 4 in general Work - Family conflict (9)
Primary Job (6) Secondary Job at UOC (6+3)


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P2 1here ls no slgnlcanL relauonshlp beLween !ob Sausfacuon and Crganlzauonal
CommlLmenL of Lhe rsL occupauon wlLh lnLenuon Lo SLay and Crganlzauonal
Cluzenshlp 8ehavlor of Lhe Second Cccupauon.
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P4 1here ls a slgnlcanL and posluve relauonshlp beLween !ob Sausfacuon and
Crganlzauonal CommlLmenL of Lhe second occupauon wlLh lnLenuon Lo SLay and
Crganlzauonal Cluzenshlp 8ehavlor from Lhe second occupauon.
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