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Editorial Mangesh G. Korgaonker 5

RESEARCH ARTICLES (CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT) Imperative Of Generated Traffic And Highway Investment Benefits With Equilibrium Models Role Of Composite EPS Panels In Earthquake Resistive Buildings COMMUNICATION People CMM Implementation In Indian Construction Industry Yeshasvini Ramaswamy Parmita Singhal 36 Indrasen Singh 8

Sanmarga Mitra


RESEARCH ARTICLES (REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT) Marketing Strategies Of Indian And Global Real Estate Businesses A. R. Pachpande Mona N. Shah 40

RESEARCH ARTICLES (GENERAL MANAGEMENT) Corporate Leadership As A Critical Success Factor Of International Construction And Practical Ways Of Developing IT In Singapore BOOK REVIEW Affirmations - Words of Power Vinod A. Bhuruk 59 Ramesh Akhila 48

People CMM Implementation In Indian Construction Industry

Yeshasvini Ramaswamy and Parmita Singhal
Abstract : People CMMs primary objective is to improve the capability of the talent pool. The People CMM was designed and modeled by Dr. Bill Curtis. This aimed at the knowledge centric organizations for improving the capability of their employees. People CMMs primary objective is to improve the capability of the talent pool. Talent pool capability can be defined as the level of knowledge, skills, and process abilities available for performing an organizations business activities.It helps address critical people issues based on current best practices in HRM, Knowledge Management and Organizational Development. People. P-CMM helps organizations characterize the maturity of their workforce practices. CMM helps organizations characterize the maturity of their workforce practices, establish a program of continuous workforce development, set priorities for improvement actions, integrate workforce development with process improvement and establish a culture of excellence.

Marketing Strategies Of Indian And Global Real Estate Businesses Secondary Literature Review
A. R. Pachpande and Mona N. Shah
Abstract : This paper reviews the secondary data on marketing strategies used by real estate companies. Some of the macro and micro factors that affect their strategies are examined. Also the effect of consumer behavior on real estate buying is revealed. Study of micro level firm data reveals a focus on studying very narrow areas such as studying neighbourhood characteristics to arrive at an ideal product mix, target customer or demographic and psychographic features of the property markets. This form of research advances only particular project strategy, and/or firm level strategy. It is found that leading Indian and global real estate companies use strategic management tools to expand into new markets with different project portfolios and entry strategies. Keywords : Marketing, Product Types, Segmentation, Strategies, Real Estate

Imperative Of Generated Traffic And Highway Investment Benefits With Equilibrium Models
Indrasen Singh
Abstract : In this paper equilibrium models are described to estimate the magnitude and composition of benefits arising from the various responses of travellers and operators to transport investments. By using these models one will determine both analytically in simplified models and numerically in network representations, the extent to which the benefits to generated traffic may be more than off-set by the additional congestion inflicted on other road users. In this paper imperative of generated traffic and highway investment benefits with equilibrium models are discussed.

Corporate Leadership As A Critical Success Factor Of International Construction And Practical Ways Of Developing IT In SINGAPORE
Ramesh Akhila
Abstract : Corporate leadership used to be so simple. You had it, or you didnt. It was in the cut of your job. And if you had it, you certainly didnt share it... Then of course the world turned upside down. Global competition wrecked stable markets and whole industries. Information technology created ad hoc networks of power within corporations. (Huey, 1994). No strategy, however well designed, will work unless you have the right people, with the right skills and behaviors, in the right roles, motivated in the right way and supported by the right leaders. Adopting new technologies without having the right people to use them wastes billions of dollars of investment by companies throughout the world. (People management and leadership forum, 2002).

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