DotNet (GopadasdlShinde)

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Gopal Shinde

E-Mail Id: Mobile No: +9197430 !1!4

"o ac#$i%e the challenging position in an o%ganisation &he%e I can $se m' technical s(ills to )$ll )ill the compan' assignments* p%od$cts and to deli+e% high pe%)o%mance applications )o% the g%o&ing o%ganisations

Experience Summary
,$%%entl' &o%(ing in -t'l$sinc -'stems .+t /td* 0angalo%e as -o)t&a%e Enginee% &ith an E1pe%ience o) 1 'ea% )%om No+ 2012 to till date. Role: In+ol+ed in de+elopment o) &eb applications &ith 3 Tier Architecture coding* c%eating database tables* &%iting s#l #$e%ies* sto%ed p%oced$%es* t%ansactions* +ie&s* t%igge%s* p%o3ect maintenance and s$ppo%t* database bac($p* %esto%e and sched$ling bac($ps and &ith good b$gs and t%o$bleshooting s(ills $sing b%ea(point* immediate &indo& and also in+ol+ed in designing templates )o% &eb applications $sing 4"M/* ,--* 5#$e%' etc. 6lso in+ol+ed in 7eb 6pplication 8eplo'ment and 4osting them on II-e%+e% 6nd integ%ating them on 6ma9on -e%+e% 6lso in+ol+ed in inte%acting &ith clients )o% b$gs )i1ing* s$ppo%t and %e#$i%ements.

Technical Skills
Microsoft Office Package: 7o%d* .o&e%.oint* E1cel* :isio Web anguages: 4tml * ,-- * 5a+a-c%ipt ; 5#$e%' Oops Programming: ,< !"et #rame$ork: =3. * 4.0> &ith c<* %atabase: Mic%oso)t -#l -e%+e% 200?* M'-@/ in&: /in# to Ab3ects* /in# to Bml* /in# to -#l 'jax : 63a1 cont%ol tool (it pac(age Entity #rame$ork: Entit' 8ata Model C%ame&o%( Soft$are Tools: :is$al -t$dio 2010* Mic%oso)t -#l -e%+e% 200? %eployment: 7eb 6pplications 8eplo'ment to II- and II- ,on)ig$%ation. (ml: 1ml )iles gene%ating &ith database based on client %e#$i%ement.

Professional Experience
Software Engineer (Nov. 20 2 ! Till date" St#lu$ S#$te%$ &vt. 'td. ! (engaluru) *ndia 7o%(ing as mod$le de+elope% )o% &eb applications )o% D- clients* gained s$bstantial e1pe%ience in technolog' &ith conside%able e1pos$%e to client %elations* p%o3ect e1ec$tion methodologies ; I" p%ocess models.

&ro+ect: .especti+es ,uration: 5$ne 2012 E "ill 8ate

Role: 8e+elope% Eco%%erce And 'earning %anage%ent S#$te%

Technologie$: ,<.Net* 6-..Net* 68A.Net* 656B* -@/ -e%+e% 200? on 7indo&s B. plat)o%m ,e$cription: .e%specti+es is an o%gani9ation that aims to sp%ead the &o%d o) Fod b' cond$cting bible st$d' classes ac%oss D-6. "hei% po%tal has been designed to )acilitate the inte%ested to %egiste% online )o% the +a%io$s co$%ses* +ie& in)o%mation on the o+e%all t%aining p%ocess ; also get details on the class sched$le and the inst%$cto%s in+ol+ed. 6 )inancial mod$le has also been b$ilt into the s'stem &hich allo&s them to maintain all o) thei% )inancial in)o%mation gi+ing a sec$%ed access to the moneta%' t%ansactions. Role$ and Re$pon$i-ilitie$: ,oding )$nctional mod$les $sing ,< ; 6-..Net 4.0 8esigning )%ont-end sc%eens and the maste% pages $sing 4"M/ ; ,- 7%iting sto%ed p%oced$%es on -@/ -e%+e% 200? 7%iting and $pdating /in@ #$e%ies 7%iting "est-,ases ; 8eb$gging the application .e%)o%ming Dnit* Integ%ation and Geg%ession testing Mig%ating 8atabase )%om 8E: to .GA8 se%+e% Dpload 8//s ; othe% s$ppo%t )iles $sing sma%t s+n to .GA8 se%+e% "%aining ne& 3oine%s in the p%o3ect 4andling a team o) 2 de+elope%s. 6ssigning tas(s to them. ,ode %e+ie&. 6nal'sis an iss$e gi+ing an estimate to client. 7%iting mails to clients and attending client calls.

&ro+ect: Nest7ise 6nd -he%7in6l$mni ,uration: 6p%il 2011 E 5$ne 2012

Role: 8e+elope% R.S(Recruit%ent .anage%ent S#$te%"

Technologie$: ,<.Net* 6-..Net* 68A.Net* 656B* -@/ -e%+e% 200? on 7indo&s B. plat)o%m ,e$cription: Nest7ise is a Gegiste%ed In+estment 6d+iso% designed to p%o+ide a b%oad %ange o) )amilies and indi+id$als access to high-#$alit' and a))o%dable pe%sonal )inancial ad+ice. Nest7ise is )oc$sed on %ec%$iting and de+eloping Cinancial 6d+iso%s E especiall' those ne& to the ind$st%' - &ho a%e dedicated to se%+ing a b%oad %ange o) clients* incl$ding man' &ho ne+e% tho$ght the' co$ld a))o%d a one-on-one 6d+iso% %elationship. "his 6pplication has been designed )o% 3ob see(e% to %egiste% online )o% the +a%io$s 3ob positions and ta(e 3 %o$nd online test and the sco%es a%e calc$lated immediatel'

b' the application and deplo'ed to both candidate and %ec%$ite% &ith sco%es and %es$lts o) the test th%o$gh Email. 6pplication has also 6dmin mod$le &he%e Gec%$ite% can +ie& test sco%es and gene%ate %epo%ts in e1cel sheet and pd). In 6dmin Mod$le the Gec%$ite% &ill cond$ct 4th and th %o$nd o) the %ec%$itment p%ocess and ente% the sco%es based on some pa%amete%s and o))e% H %e3ect the candidate. Role$ and Re$pon$i-ilitie$: ,oding )$nctional mod$les $sing ,< ; 6-..Net 3. and -ome pages Dsing 6sp and :0 -c%ipt 8esigning )%ont-end sc%eens and the maste% pages $sing 4"M/ ; ,- 7%iting sto%ed p%oced$%es on -@/ -e%+e% 200? 7%iting and $pdating -#l #$e%ies 7%iting "est-,ases ; 8eb$gging the application .e%)o%ming Dnit* Integ%ation and Geg%ession testing &ro+ect: -tac(80 ,uration: 5an 2012 E 6p%il 2012 Role: 8e+elope% (uilding .anage%ent S#$te% with integration of /uic0(oo0$

Technologie$: ,<.Net* 6-..Net* 68A.Net* 656B* -@/ -e%+e% 200? on 7indo&s B. plat)o%m ,e$cription: -tac( + ,o. Is a $ni#$e )i%m b%inging s$stainabilit' to the a%chitect$%e + const%$ction o) )ine homes* comme%cial b$ildings* and inno+ati+e st%$ct$%es th%o$gho$t Ne& England "his 6pplication in othe% &o%ds &e can sa' as .%o3ect Management s'stem &hich &ill %eco%d all details )%om the .%o3ect sta%ting to end. It has a mod$le to add the 5ob =Ne& 0$ilding -ite> and ma(e estimates o) the p%o3ect It also has /abo% Management s'stem Mod$le &he%e /abo%s &ill $pdate thei% "imesheet and billing &ill be done on %eg$la% ho$%s and o+e%time ho$%Is %ate basis. "his application also helps them to p%edict %eal time p%o)it and loss o) an indi+id$al p%o3ect and also able to gene%ate .d) Co%mat ,hange %e#$est %eceipts and %epo%ts in di))e%ent )o%mat Role$ and Re$pon$i-ilitie$: ,oding )$nctional mod$les $sing ,< ; 6-..Net 3. 8esigning )%ont-end sc%eens and the maste% pages $sing 4"M/ ; ,- 7%iting sto%ed p%oced$%es on -@/ -e%+e% 200? 7%iting and $pdating -#l #$e%ies and 7eb -e%+ices 7%iting "est-,ases ; 8eb$gging the application .e%)o%ming Dnit* Integ%ation and Geg%ession testing @$ic(0oo(s Integ%ation Co% 6cco$nting

&ro+ect: 68A0E GM-

Role: 8e+elope%

,uration: No+ 2012 E 5an 2012

R.S(Ro#alt# .anage%ent S#$te%"

Technologie$: ,<.Net* 6-..Net* 68A.Net* 656B* -@/ -e%+e% 200? on 7indo&s B. plat)o%m ,e$cription: 68A0E Ail ; Fas ,ompan' p$%chases ; di+ests oilHgas mine%als and %o'alties th%o$gho$t the Dnited -tates. "he' ope%ate $nde% pa%tne%ship &hich collecti+el' in+ests and sha%es the p%o)it. "he GM- application helps them to %eco%d ; maintain all the p$%chaseH%o'alt' %elated in)o%mation. It also capt$%es pa%tne% details and the associated p%o)its and loss statements.

Role$ and Re$pon$i-ilitie$: ,oding )$nctional mod$les $sing ,< ; 6-..Net 4.0 8esigning )%ont-end sc%eens and the maste% pages $sing 4"M/ ; ,- 7%iting sto%ed p%oced$%es on -@/ -e%+e% 200? 7%iting and $pdating /in@ #$e%ies 7%iting "est-,ases ; 8eb$gging the application .e%)o%ming Dnit* Integ%ation and Geg%ession testing

E)ucation %etails
*ualification: 0.E =Elect%onics ; ,omm$nication Enginee%ing> )%om 0%inda+an ,ollege o) Enginee%ing* 0angalo%e &ith the agg%egate o) ! J in the 'ea% o) 200?-2012.

(++: .e%cei+ed )%om F$%$ Nana( 8e+. ,ollege* 0ida% &ith !?J in the 'ea% 200?. (: .e%cei+ed )%om F$%$ Nana( .$blic -chool* 0ida% &ith 72J in the 'ea% 200!.

6bilit' to handle p%o3ects indi+id$al. .assion o) lea%ning the ne& technologies. Food to )it &ith co%po%ate c$lt$%e. 4ighl' Intellect$al ; .ositi+e attit$de. 6bilit' to &o%( $nde% p%ess$%e. ,alm and -o)t-spo(en pe%son. Food comm$nication s(ills. 4a+e good A%al ; &%itten comm$nications s(ills. Food team pla'e%.

6chie+ed a 2nd Gan( in the college in @$i9 competition.

,obbies - Passions
/ea%ning the ne& technologies /istening m$sic 0%o&sing ,hatting &ith )%iends Giding 0i(e ,oo(ing

Personal +nformation

Name : Fopal -hinde Cathe% Name : -hashimohan -hinde 8A0 : 21H09H19?9 Ma%ital -tat$s : -ingle /ang$ages : English * 4indi * Kannada*Ma%athi Mobile No : 97430 !1!4 Email Id :

I he%eb' decla%e that the statements )$%nished b' me a%e t%$e )%om m' (no&ledge and belie). Lo$%s since%el' Gopal Shinde &lace: 0angalo%e- !0 043

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