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Dash Board All Data for the dashboard must be stored on the database. The Track.

it module will then access this information for reporting.

Main Page (unique for each person) - Summary from Earn.iT module - User, position information from - Awards won from Earn.IT module - News from module Modules -Open.It (Store Opening Procedures) P. -Close.It (Store Closing Procedures) P. -Time.It (Timer to record activities) P. Track.It (metrics and measurement) P. Earn.It (Bonus, commissions awards) P. Quote.It (Online proposal module) P. Design.It (Online design System) Not
available yet

Flag.It (Negative Issue reporting) P. Bump.It (positive Issue reporting) P. Know.It (Company information) P. Ask.It (Company requests) P. (Admin only) Other modules not on Dashboard (Customer Contact) (customer rating) P. Activity Area New enquires panel (Available jobs) P. Current Jobs (Work in progress) P. Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Dashboard None login required Staff will use the top part of the dashboard to navigate the modules along with seeing summary information in the top two corners about their performnce Click module to enter Dashboard Process

Functionality: See Process:

Dash Board, Part 2

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality:

Dashboard None login required Staff will use this part of the dashboard to see new jobs available and current jobs they have. Add Job Button next to new enquiry section with the following fields (once this button is pushed a add field pops up) Source: This will be either (Retail lead/Web enquiry/ External Lead/ Networking Lead/ Internal Job) Job no. (Automatic) 5 digit code Starting with a (1 -Retail lead/2 - Web enquiry/3- External Lead/ 4-Networking Lead/ 5-Internal Job) Details (Fill in basically instructions for the job or the customer details) Date (Automatic based on day posted) Due Date (Filled in) New Enquiry Job no. (From Add Enquiry button) Customer (From Add Enquiry button) Source (From Add Enquiry button) Date (From Add Enquiry button) Due Date (From Add Enquiry button) Assign job (this remains bank until someone clicks it to make it their job) Current Job Status (Not started /Active /on hold /waiting /completed /dropped ) Job no. (From Add Enquiry button) Customer (From Add Enquiry button) Source (From Add Enquiry button) Owner (based on who chooses it)

Due Date (From Add Enquiry button)

See Process: Additional

Sales Process

Bump Module

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose:


See Process:

Bump.It Bump.jpg No login required Staff will use this module to complement and positively report on areas within the company eg good work by colleges or products that customers really love 1a. Choose the type of feedback ( General, product, Store, install team, sales, support, management, policy) 1b. Write comment 2. Choose author & choose target 3. Rating (1-low to 5-high) 4. Submit & return to Dashboard Feedback Process

Flag Module

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose:

Flag.It Flag.jpg No login required Staff will use this module to relate issues and negatively report on areas within the company eg Process that are redundant or poor performance by colleges 1a. Choose the type of feedback ( General, product, Store, install team, sales, support, management, policy) 1b. Write comment 2. Choose author & choose target 3. Rating (1-low to 5-high) 4. Submit & return to Dashboard Feedback Process


See Process:

Customer Feedback Module

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality:

Customer Feedback None at this time No login required Customers will use this module to rate sales, installation and company personal 1. Customer Details 2. Fill in Questions 1 through to 8, Rating (1-low to 5-high) 3. Choose the type of feedback ( General, product, Store, install team, sales, support, management, policy) 4. Submit & return Feedback Process

See Process: Additional:

Customer Details Name, Email, Phone, Installation Date. Questions

Sales person and Installation team questions..

Q1/Q4 We love what we do, did you feel that passion? Q2/Q5 We live and breathe Home Theatre and Audio, did you feel that commitment? Q3/Q6 We love to educate and inspire, did we accomplish this for you? Company Questions.. Q7 How would you react if Toddy (Allan Todd) asked how your overall experience was? Q8 As you may know our staff are actually our family and friends, would you recommend us to yours?

Timer Module

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality:

Time.It time.jpg changes to No login required Staff will use this module to record the time spent on task during the day 1.Choose employee, Store location 2. Add quick note (piece of information to associate timer with customer) eg Family or stereo 3. Submit 4. Cancel to cancel timer(No record) , Stop to finish task 5.Enter Channel 6. Enter Customer type 7.Enter Enquiry Type 8.Submit Measurment Process

See Process: Additional

Channel: The contact with the person was Via Phone or In-Store Customer Type: The enquiry type was a New Sale Enquiry/Previous Sale Enquiry/Service enquiry/Internal enquiry eg other staff member/Supplier Enquiry Type: Product or service that was spoken about

Open Module

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality:

Open.It To be chosen No login required These are procedure to open the store (same process for each store) These are the duties that must be completed in the opening process. The tasks will be editable in the settings panel. The person completing the job will select their initials from a drop down list in the initials column. There will be two versions of this page 1. Tingalapa store and the other 2. Virginia store.

Store Tasks Hold Area Cleared Rooms on/repeat Duty Manager Front Door open Back Door open Sheds open Phones on day Mode

Store Dropdown List

DATE Intials Intials Intials Intials Intials Intials Intials

See Process: Additional

Open and Close process

Close Module

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality:

Close.It To be chosen No login required These are procedure to close the store (same process for each store) These are the duties that must be completed in the closing process. The tasks will be editable in the settings panel. The person completing the job will select their initials from a drop down list in the initials column. There will be two versions of this page 1. Tingalapa store and the other 2. Virginia store.

Store Tasks Hold Area Cleared Rooms off

Store Dropdown List

DATE Intials Intials

Front Door Shut Intials Back Door Shut Intials Sheds Alarmed Intials DSR Intials Phones on Night Mode Intials Comments on Day
Quality of Customers Any problems with customers Any good leads

See Process: Additional

Open and Close process

Knowledge Module

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality:

Know.It To be chosen login required This module will contain our company policies, competitor information, price lists, sale scripts categories Policy (Location for policy subcatories Performance policy, HR Policy Process- (process subcatories Sales, installation, Stock etc) Industry Intelligence (Competitor report, Pricing, industry News) Sales Sales scripts Communication procedure

See Process: Additional

Ask Module

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality:

See Process: Additional

Ask.It To be chosen login required This module will be for staff to request products, stock for transfers, changes in policy, holiday time etc Ask panel Answer panel Active questions with status eg pending Answered questions Communication procedure

track Module (being created by another programer)

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality:

track.It To be chosen login required This module will contain our company policies, competitor information, price lists, sale scripts Custom graph and email report Graph horizontal Time in min and hours Sales in currency Graph Vertical Salesperson Day/week/month/year Store Enquiry type eg product category Enquiry source eg store , phone Metrics to Compare Average time Total Time Total number of enquiries, service, prev cust Sales total sell Sales Gross margin

See Process: Additional

Measurement procedure

earn Module

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality:

earn.It To be chosen login required This module will contain the available bonuses and incentive schemes. This is where the bonus structure is kept, The information here will show what bonus have been archieved by the staff member along with what else is available. A summary of this information is also on the front page dashboard. This page has a summary at the top which is more detailed then the front dashboard page and has colour indicators for how well the person is going with that bonus Incentive procedure

See Process: Additional Bonus Consistency Bonus Monthly Bonus Quarterly bonus PR Bonus Add-on sale Bonus Awards


Your Standing Not achieved $21000 sold $53000 sold Not achieved 3 add-on sales Not achieved

Bonus Purpose Awarded Criteria

Consistency Bonus Designates minimum sale per month Quarterly Amount must be archived in each month of the quarter GP $12,000 Bonus $100 $200 $400 $800

Bonus Purpose Awarded Criteria

PR Bonus Incentive for good feedback Quarterly Minimums averaged for the Quarter Criteria 5 out of 5 Cust feedback Bonus $10 for each 1 per week $20 for each 1 per month


$15,000 $17,000 $21,000


Min Required Online review Min Required

Bonus Purpose Awarded Criteria

Monthly GP Bonus Bonus for Sales in a Month Quarterly Amount must be archived in a month GP $17,000 Bonus $25 $25 $25 $25

Bonus Purpose Awarded Criteria

Add-on Sale Bonus Incentive for add-on sales Quarterly Minimums averaged for the Quarter Criteria Thor Boards Bonus $10 for each 1 per week $20 for each 1 per month


$18,000 $19,000 Every $1000 above


Min Required Calibration Min Required

Bonus Purpose Awarded Criteria

Quarterly GP Bonus Bonus for Sales in a Quarter Quarterly Amount must be archived in a quarter GP $51,000 Bonus $50 $50 $50 $50

Bonus Purpose Awarded Criteria

Awards Yearly Awards for staff Yearly Outstanding performence in an area Award Award of Todd The Closer Award Car Sales Person Award Customer's Choice Bonus Management choice Best Conversion Rate Best Overall sales at WHS Best Cust Feedback Score Biggest single Sale Best average sale Achieve 3 bonus types


$54,000 $57,000 Every $3000 above

Description Big Sale Highest Average Sale Budget Hitter

Bonus Master

achieve all bonus

Quote Module (being created by another programer) although design will be done by you

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality: See Process: Additional

Quote.It To be chosen login required This module will contain a automatic quoting system that produces PDF quotes based on form input TO COME Sale procedure Module (access able through settings icon in top right hand corner of dashboard)

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose: Functionality:

See Process: Additional

settings To be chosen login required and only for certain users This module will contain settings for all of the modules Settings for each module. Eg bonus structure (to increase decrease bonus) Etc Admin and reporting procedure (Mini Dashboard for feedback callers not included in main dashboard)

Title: Logo: URL: Purpose:

CC.It To be chosen login required This module will be for the feedback callers. It will be similar to the dashboard current job panel except will be populated automatically from data on our sales per day.


Each invoice (sales transaction) made each day will appear in this list (duplicate customer removed). This will be compared to the data that is already in the feedback database to remove any duplicates as well. Customers with Emails will have a standard email sent to them automatically from the module and after one week of that customer not completing a feedback call it will appear as a job on the module or if the customer email address is not part of the database. Each job will have a status eg VM1 (1 st Voice mail) , NA (no answer), complete , Complete plus Sale Along with this there is a call button, when they hit this they are making a phone call and a script for the caller to will appear. This script will be provided later. The module should also save the duration of the call so the metrics system can pick up all this information

See Process: Additional

Sale procedure

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