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PROPHYLACTIC MEASURES IN PREVENTION OF DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS AMONG PATIENTS ADMITTED AT PSG HOSPITALS, COIMBATORE Most of the patients admitted in the hospital may be in a bed ridden state due to their physical inability, post operative conditions or prescribed bed rest. These patients are prone for the development of many complications due to their immobile state. One of the mostly occurring complications is the formation of a clot or thrombus within the deep vein that can impede the blood flow through the deep veins called as deep vein thrombosis, this is considered to be a fatal complication as it can lead to pulmonary embolism where in the clot break loose and travels through the blood stream causing blockage of blood vessels in the lung, this can lead to severe breathing difficulty and even death of the patient. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients. If prompt prophylactic measures are provided, this complication can be preventable. So it is important to assess the patients at risk for the development of deep vein thrombosis and provide with the necessary prophylactic measures. It is also necessary to assess the patients daily for any clinical symptoms of deep vein thrombosis during their stay in the hospital. The objective o! the t"#$ %e&e . !ssess patients with risk factors of deep vein thrombosis. ". Implement the deep vein thrombosis prophylactic measures. #. !ssessment of effectiveness of prophylactic measures in prevention of deep vein thrombosis. The research design adopted was descriptive case study with repeated treatment design. The conceptual framework adopted for the study was

$rnestine %iedenbach&s prescriptive theory ' ()(*. The study was conducted in +S, hospitals -oimbatore. +atients who were at risk for the development of deep vein thrombosis with a risk score of " and above were selected using the risk assessment tool as the desired sample. # samples were studied. The data was collected by means of observation, interview and from medical records. The samples were assessed daily thrice for the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis, before providing the prophylactic measures. The prophylactic measures were provided thrice a day. The data collection tool was validated and the reliability was determined by the pilot study. M'jo& Fi(#i() o! the St"#$* . +atients in the study belonged to the age group of #. years to /0 years of age and among them there were 1 females. ". 2our among the nine males were smokers. #. More than half of the patients '/* were surgical patients. 1. !mong the group, five patients were diagnosed with cerebrovascular accident 'neurological problem* similarly there were five patients with cardiac problems. 3. $very patient had risk score of two and above with a ma4imum of five. ). !ll bed ridden patients with a medical or surgical diagnosis is at risk of developing deep vein thrombosis. /. +roviding prophylactic measures with passive e4ercises, bandaging and foot elevation on a regular basis helped to prevent the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis. .. The passive foot e4ercises helped to prevent the complications of deep vein thrombosis as well as this helped for the early ambulation in the surgical patients.

(. The +ractice of the prophylactic measures will help to prevent the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis later also in the patients. 0. 5one of the patients developed symptoms of deep vein thrombosis.

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