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Diversity training almost always includes all of the following except a) interaction with representatives from diverse groups

b) engaging in various activities to change attitudes c) emphasis on preservation of traditional values d) self-evaluation or self-assessment e) confronting own ethnic and cultural stereotypes Answer c) emphasis on preservation of traditional values

The measure of the extent to which a society accepts the fact that power in institutions and organizations is unequally share is called a) power distance b) bureaucracy c) organizational power theory d) collectivism e) institutional distribution theory Answer a) power distance

Ted has expressed that among his life goals are to write a book volunteer extensively and travel abroad! These are examples of Ted"s a) fundamental values b) core values c) global values d) terminal values e) instrumental values Answer d) terminal values

#ndividualism is the degree to which people prefer to act as a $$$$$$$$

whereas collectivism is the equivalent of $$$$$$$$! a) power brokers% low self-esteem b) individuals% group behaviour c) individuals% low individualism d) power brokers% low individualism e) individuals% uncertainty avoidance Answer c) individuals% low individualism

&hich of the following is not considered to be a way to deal with excessive stress' a) tennis match b) swimming c) riding a bike d) (ogging e) aerobics Answer a) tennis match

&hich of the following factors is not part of (ob satisfaction' a) fair and equitable rewards b) organizational commitment c) opportunity to use skills and abilities d) immediate supervisor who is supportive and understanding e) supportive working environment Answer b) organizational commitment

&hy have non-aboriginals traditionally view aboriginal values as )an impediment to economic development) and organizational effectiveness'

a) low rating on uncertainty avoidance b) incompatible gender differentiation c) incompatible power distance d) low rating on assertiveness e) time orientation and consensus decision making Answer e) time orientation and consensus decision making

As a union member *im is most likely to favour which of the following terminal values the most' a) family security b) freedom c) courage d) a world of peace e) honesty Answer a) family security

&hich of the following topics is generally considered to be outside the field of +, a) employment turnover b) (ob satisfaction c) therapy d) absenteeism e) productivity Answer c) therapy

-arious challenges exist at the organizational level! &hich of the following would not be considered an organizational challenge'

a) appreciating the diverse workforce b) overall productivity and output c) hiring and developing effective employees d) developing and implementing successful managerial intervention techniques e) competing in global markets Answer a) appreciating the diverse workforce

.otivation is an important$$$$$$$$$ variable a) departmental-level b) individual-level c) industry-level d) organization systems-level e) group-level Answer b) individual-level

&hy do organizations that have +/, outperform those that do not' a) increased (ob satisfaction b) increased opportunity for promotions c) employees are easier to supervise d) promotion of effective functioning of the organization e) frequent recruitment selection and training Answer d) promotion of effective functioning of the organization

All of the following statements are true of low self-monitors except0 a) they can"t disguise themselves well

b) they tend to pay less attention to the behaviour of others than high selfmonitors c) they tend to display their true dispositions and attitudes d) they tend to pay closer attention to the behaviour of others than high selfmonitors e) they have high behavioural consistency between who they are and what they do Answer d) they tend to pay closer attention to the behaviour of others than high self-monitors

$$$$$$$ is the tendency to attribute one"s own characteristics to other people a) selection b) pro(ection c) interpretation d) stereotyping e) halo effect Answer b) pro(ection

1eneration 2 is characterized by which of the following common values' a) belief in and practise of the /hristian moral code b) strong concern for the environment c) intimidated by change d) adaptability and concern with personal image e) belief in order and authority Answer d) adaptability and concern with personal image

According to .ichael Adams )the elders) one of the broad age groups of adult /anadians are characterized by all of the following except0

a) living by the golden rule b) authority c) belief in order d) disciple e) autonomy Answer e) autonomy

#n contrast to the hierarchy of needs the 341 theory demonstrates0 a) that lower-level needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs b) that interpersonal relationships are the most pressing need to be satisfied c) that 341 is less consistent with our knowledge of individual differences than other needs theories d) that more than one need may be working at the same time e) that no more than one need may be working at one time Answer d) that more than one need may be working at the same time

The drive to become what one is capable of becoming constitutes which level of .aslow"s hierarchy of needs' a) social b) physiological c) safety d) self-actualization e) esteem Answer d) self-actualization

$$$$$$$$$$$ (ustice is the perceived fairness of process used to determine the distribution of rewards!

a) 5rocedural b) Distributive c) 4elative d) #nteractional e) +rganizational Answer a) 5rocedural

According to expectancy theory for employees to be motivated0 a) rewards are irrelevant and performance is the key driver for motivation b) performance must be indirectly linked to rewards c) their compensation must be incremental d) performance must be directly linked to rewards e) they can expect to work less but still find financial benefits Answer e) they can expect to work less but still find financial benefits

&hich of the following is outside the scope of role expectations' a) #t is one"s own view of how one should behave or act b) role stereotypes are derived from expectations c) it is how others believe one should act in a given situation d) behaviour can be determined from expectations e) the psychological contract aids in identifying mutual role expectations by employee and employer Answer a) #t is one"s own view of how one should behave or act

&hich of the following teams primarily use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed member in order to achieve a common goal' a) virtual

b) quality circle c) cross-functional d) problem-solving e) skunkworks Answer a) virtual

4etranslating a sender"s communication message describes0 a) decoding b) the channel c) feedback d) the message e) encoding Answer a) decoding

6our supervisor embarrasses you by constantly telling sexual (okes and making sexual comments! Although he has never directly asked you to sleep with him you feel threatened and are so uncomfortable that it is difficult for you to do your (ob! A basic problem in this situation is that0 a) your supervisor probably has nothing better to do b) your perception is probably very different from your supervisor"s c) there is an unequal power relationship between your supervisor and you d) this is not clearly sexual harassment since he has not requested that you give him sexual favours e) your clothes are probably too suggestive Answer c) there is an unequal power relationship between your supervisor and you

&hich behavioural science discipline contributes to +,"s understanding of group decision-making processes' a) social psychology b) political science c) psychology d) anthropology e) sociology Answer a) social psychology

7ow does selective perception works as a shortcut in (udging other people' a) such observations allow us to arrive at warranted (udgements quickly b) #t allows us to )speed-read) without the risk of inaccurate conclusions c) ,its and pieces of what we observe allow us to (udge people with complete accuracy d) bits and pieces of what we observe are selectively chosen according to our interests and background e) ,its and pieces of what we observe are chosen randomly Answer d) bits and pieces of what we observe are selectively chosen according to our interests and background

8ack was disappointed that many companies and organizations do not offer training programs or other incentives to accommodate diversity! 7e found all of the following were reasons that cross-cultural training was not considered except0 a) top management doubted the effectiveness of cross-cultural training b) senior managers believed that managerial skills are transferable across cultures - the management process is universal c) some companies utilized experts to advise management on diversity issues d) performance and productivity can be significantly affected

e) some companies simply ignore cultural differences Answer d) performance and productivity can be significantly affected

&hich of the following is an example of an .,+ ob(ective' a) telephone orders should be processed promptly b) quality of all products should increase substantially c) company costs should be decreased as much as possible d) new customers should be brought in on a regular basis e) sales should be increased by two percent Answer e) sales should be increased by two percent

A telephone installer who schedules work for the day makes visits without supervision and decides the most effective techniques for installation is an example of0 a) high significance b) high identity c) high variety d) high feedback e) high autonomy Answer e) high autonomy

After which stage of a group"s development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within a group' a) norming b) goal setting c) performing d) storming

e) forming Answer d) storming

The more levels a message must go through to reach the bottom of the organizational hierarchy the more likely that0 a) there will be a greater need for team development b) the power of managers will be diluted c) filtering will occur d) subordinates will be discontented e) written memos will be used Answer c) filtering will occur

.ost studies confirm that the concept of $$$$$$ is central to understanding sexual harassment a) locus of control b) power c) common sense d) sex e) politics Answer b) power

.embers of groups must contend with various challenges on the (ob! &hich of the following would not be considered a group challenge0 a) developing an atmosphere of team spirit and support b) understanding workforce diversity c) working with others from different cultures d) working with others who do not share a common ethnic background

e) empowerment Answer e) empowerment

8ane 9impson rates low on conscientiousness! 6ou should expect would0 a) be comfortable with solitude b) be easily distracted c) be achievement oriented d) find comfort in the familiar e) be nervous depressed and insecure Answer b) be easily distracted

&hich activity has long been recommended by physicians as a way to deal with excessive stress levels' a) boxing b) walking c) rugby d) football e) soccer Answer b) walking

+ne reason to consider graphic rating scales is0 a) quality of result b) their superiority to all other forms of evaluation c) they require little time to complete d) accuracy e) breadth of information

Answer d) accuracy

:orms develop in one or more of four ways! &hich of the following is not one of these ways' a) explicit statements made by a group member b) critical events in the group"s history c) setting behaviour for every conceivable situation d) primacy - the first behaviour pattern that emerges e) carry-over behaviours from past situations Answer c) setting behaviour for every conceivable situation

All communication occurs with a $$$$$$$$$$ and violation of the $$$$$ may create additional problems in sending and receiving messages! a) context% context b) filter% grapevine c) message% channel d) channel% channel e) context% feedback loop Answer a) context% context

Application of organizational behaviour concepts is most useful within organizations or employment situations only Answer ;

#nterviewers make perceptual (udgements during interviews that affect whether an individual is hired! Answer T

Dissatisfied employees are more likely to miss work but the correlation is only moderate Answer T

The choice of the performance evaluation system as little effect on employee behaviour Answer ;

;lextime tends to reduce absenteeism Answer T

4ole expectation would assist in mentorship programs Answer T

#nformation overload is a conditio in which information inflow exceeds an individual"s processing capacity Answer T

#nformation power is derived from access to and control over information Answer T

<earning perception and personality have been +, topics whose contributions have generally come from psychology Answer T

#f you expect older workers to be unable to learn a new (ob skill that is probably what you will perceive whether it is accurate or not Answer T

All of the following contribute to a toxic organization except0 a) terrorism b) downsizing c) sudden death of a key manager d) organizational change e) strong competition from a start-up company Answer a) terrorism

Affective conflict is0 a) impersonal and based on issues rather than a personality b) emotional and aimed at a person rather than an issue c) a divergent hierarchy of goals d) a consequence of the requirements of the (ob e) related to differences in perspectives Answer b) emotional and aimed at a person rather than an issue

4ecent research studies in gender differences in negotiating styles and effectiveness show than a) there are many reliable conclusions b) there are few reliable conclusions c) women are better negotiators d) no differences exist e) women are more confident

Answer b) there are few reliable conclusions

&hich of the following is also a potential conflict' a) where group or department members are older b) intergroup fighting for control of resources c) lower turnover that does not affect group performance d) structural conflict is not a possible issue e) specific direction=definition of responsibility for actions Answer b) intergroup fighting for control of resources

&hich of the following conflict-handling methods is best described as winwin' a) compromising b) problem solving c) competing d) avoiding e) accommodating Answer b) problem solving

8anet > 5hillip have decided to bring in a neutral third party to facilitate a negotiated solution This person is referred to as a?n)0 a) liaison b) mediator c) conciliator d) consultant e) arbitrator Answer b) mediator

&hich of the following is not consistent with the definition of a ritual' a) sequence of activities b) stories c) repetition d) key values e) which people are important Answer b) stories

&hich of the following socialization processes is best matched with apprenticeships' a) random b) informal c) divestiture d) serial e) collective Answer d) serial

&hich of the following is inconsistent with feeling cut out for a networked culture' a) are highly task performance-oriented b) possess good social skills c) thrive in a realized and convivial atmosphere d) prefer close working relationships e) empathetic Answer a) are highly task performance-oriented

$$$$$$$$$$ is the degree to which employees are expected to work with precision analysis and attention to detail! a) #nstitutionalization b) +utcome orientation c) Attention to detail d) 5eople orientation e) 9ocialization Answer c) Attention to detail

According to path-goal theory an approach focused on providing specific guidance and establishing work schedules and rules is referred to as0 a) charismatic b) participative c) supportive d) institutional e) directive Answer e) directive

4esearch findings indicate that when an employee has a clear understanding of how to perform a task and reach a goal a $$$$$$$$$$ leader will increase employee satisfaction a) task-oriented b) people-oriented c) technical-oriented d) production-oriented e) goal-oriented Answer b) people-oriented

#f trait research had been successful we would $$$$$ whereas if behavioural studies were correct we would $$$$$$ a) change (obs to suit people change people to suit (obs b) teach people certain traits% teach people certain behaviours c) hire only women% hire either men or women d) teach people managerial principles% teach people certain behaviours e) select the right person for the (ob% train leaders Answer e) select the right person for the (ob% train leaders

@tilitarianism is when decisions are made to provide the a) greatest good for the least privileged b) least good for the least number c) greatest good for the greatest number d) greatest good or the decision makers e) greatest good for the best performers Answer c) greatest good for the greatest number

The tendency to overstate the risk of one activity while simultaneously underestimating the risk of an alternative is to employ a) regression to the mean b) escalating commitment c) the representative heuristic d) framing model e) the availability heuristic Answer e) the availability heuristic

,rainstorming is0

a) a technique that tends to restrict independent thinking b) used when no other method is available c) a process for generating ideas d) used mainly when group members cannot agree on a solution e) used to build group cohesiveness Answer c) a process for generating ideas

&hich of the following concepts includes only formal authority that is the rights inherent in one" position a) complexity b) formalization c) departmentalization d) centralization e) technology Answer d) centralization

#f a (ob is highly formalized it would not include0 a) high employee (ob discretion b) clearly defined procedures on work processes c) consistent and uniform output d) a large number of organizational rules e) an explicit (ob description Answer a) high employee (ob discretion

6ou have eliminated horizontal vertical and external barriers! 6ou are operating as a a) matrix

b) decentralized organization c) team structure d) boundary-less organization e) virtual organization Answer d) boundary-less organization

&hich of the following is generally considered outside the methods associated with changing organizational structures' a) creation of a matrix design b) use of flexible work hours c) modification of compensation systems d) use of automation e) redefining (ob descriptions Answer c) modification of compensation systems

The re-engineering process is charactered by by a series of beliefs and actions! &hich of the following is not part of the re-engineering process' a) realizing significantly large increases in performance b) employees discretion about how process will be handled is driven by top management c) process is autocratic and non-democratic d) discarding irrelevant practises and starting over again Answer b) employees discretion about how process will be handled is driven by top management

The built in mechanisms that an organization has to produce stability are referred to as0 a) habit

b) threat to expertise c) selective information processing d) structural inertia e) economic factors Answer d) structural inertia

&hich of the following facts is correct when it comes to workplace commitment' a) the younger the employee the higher the commitment level b) canadians are more committed to to their (ob by almost double when compared to Americans c) a loosely structured organization increases commitment d) almost ABC of /anadians are satisfied with their supervisors e) working canadians are less committed to their employer than they were in DEED Answer e) working canadians are less committed to their employer than they were in DEED

#n third-party negotiations a third party with the authority to dictate an agreement is known as a?n)0 a) mediator b) conciliator c) arbitrator d) counselor e) consultants Answer c) arbitrator

&hen it comes to matching people with cultures research has shown that the following two dimensions underlie organizational culture

a) sociability solidarity b) sociability adaptability c) metamorphosis adaptability d) educational training adaptability e) cooperativeness flexibility Answer a) sociability solidarity

&hich type of group would have the greatest potential for interpersonal conflict' a) brainstorming b) heterogeneous c) electronic d) interacting e) nominal Answer c) electronic

#f you have a narrow span of control you have what type of organization' a) wide b) multi-level c) short d) matrix e) tall Answer e) tall

&hich of the following correctly identifies why individuals may resist change' a) habit security economic factors fear of the known selective information processing

b) habit security econcomic factors fear of the unknown selective information processing c) habit security cultural factors fear of the unknown selective information processing d) habit security economic factors fear of the unknown reckless information processing e) habitat security economic factors fear of the unknown selective information processing Answer b) habit security econcomic factors fear of the unknown selective information processing

&hich of the following falls outside the general definition of conflict' a) difference over interpretations of facts b) incompatibility of goals c) miscommunication of information d) disagreement on behavioural expectations e) commonly accepted organizational practices Answer e) commonly accepted organizational practices

&hich of the following leadership theories assumes that leaders have specific characteristics' a) behavioural b) path-goal c) contingency d) trait e) situational Answer e) situational

#f you choose to attempt to explain ethical and unethical behaviour you will

include0 a) pro(ect management principles b) escalation of commitment c) management principles d) paradigm shift e) stages of moral development Answer e) stages of moral development

)To what degrees are tasks subdivided into separate (obs') the answer to this question is provided by0 a) span of control b) chain of command c) work specialization d) work diversity e) formalization Answer c) work specialization

7ow are outside consultants disadvantaged as change agents' a) prone to initiating too few reforms b) inadequate understanding of the organizations culture and history c) inadequate understanding of the basic organizational behaviour d) prone to inaction through inadequate understanding e) less ob(ective than staff Answer b) inadequate understanding of the organizations culture and history

Although men and women are targets of disrespect and rudeness in equal numbers

a) men instigate the rudeness FGC of the time b) women instigate the rudeness AGC of the time c) men instigate the rudeness AGC of the time d) women are less likely to admit that have made mistakes e) women are more likely to instigate conflict Answer c) men instigate the rudeness AGC of the time

&hen upper management struggles to maintain the status quo regardless of the outcome this is an example of toxic managerial behaviour Answer ;

&hen an organization is new acceptable modes of behaviour are now always readily apparent to its members Answer T

#f behavioural theories of leadership are valid individuals can be trained to be leaders! Answer T

4ationality assumes that the criteria and alternatives can be ranked according to their importance Answer T

The matrix structure is most widely practiced in small businesses in which the manager and the manager are one and the same Answer ;

4e-engineering requires management to reorganize around vertical processes

Answer ;

Teams experiencing affective conflict have poorer decisions and lower levels of acceptance of the decision Answer T

9trong cultures are made up of values that are intensely held and widely shared Answer T

A transformational leader will attempt to instil in followers the ability to question established views as well as those being created by the leader Answer T

1roup decisions are almost always more inefficient than individual decisions Answer T

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