5547 Business and Labour Laws

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(Department of Business A ministration!


This packet comprises the following material: 1. Text Books (Two) 2. Course Outlines 3. ssignment !o. 1" 2 #. ssignment $orms ( 2 sets ) %n this packet" if &ou fin' an&thing missing out of the a(o)e mentione' material" please contact at the a''ress gi)en (elow: *eput& +egistrar ,ailing -ection" Block !o. 2. llama %/(al Open 0ni)ersit& 12." %slama(a'. 3hone !os. 45126457811212 Ma/moo 0u10'asan Course Coor'inator

ALLAM IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY ISLAMABAD (Department of Business A ministration! "ARNIN*


&ourse) Business an La9or La:s (##$%! Le<e1) MBA
9. 1 (a) (()

Semester) Sprin; ,-.. Tota1 Mar=s) .-Pass Mar=s) $(.-! (.-! (,-! (.-! (.-!

,ake a comparati)e stu'& of in'emnit& an' guarantee: ;hat is the 'ifference (etween contract of agenc& an' (ailment:

9. 2 *iscuss in 'etail rights an' lia(ilities of partners after 'issolution: 9. 3 (a) (() 9. # (a) (() ;hat are the rights of unpai' seller against the goo's: ;hat is the effect of perishing goo's on a contract of sales:

;h& it is 'ifficult to re'uce the share capital of a compan&: ;hat proce'ure is followe' in this regar': (.-! *iscuss the role of promoters in the formation of a compan&: (.-! (,-!

9. 5 ;rite notes on the following: (a) 3rospectus (() *irector (c) Chief <xecuti)e

*UIDELINES 3OR ASSI*NMENT > .) The stu'ent shoul' look upon the assignments as a test of knowle'ge" management skills" an' communication skills. ;hen &ou write an assignment answer" &ou are in'icating &our knowle'ge to the teacher: =our le)el of un'erstan'ing of the su(>ect? 1ow clearl& &ou think? 1ow well &ou can reflect on &our knowle'ge @ experience? 1ow well &ou can use &our knowle'ge in sol)ing pro(lems" explaining situations" an' 'escri(ing organiAations an' management? 1ow professional &ou are" an' how much care an' attention &ou gi)e to what &ou 'o.

To answer a /uestion effecti)el&" a''ress the /uestion 'irectl&" (ring important relate' issues into the 'iscussion" refer to sources" an' in'icate how principles from the course materials appl&. The stu'ent must also (e a(le to i'entif& important pro(lems an' implications arising from the answer. $or citing references" writing (i(liographies" an' formatting the assignment" shoul' (e followe'. 3 format

(Tota1 Mar=s) .--! This assignment is a research2oriente' acti)it&. =ou are re/uire' to o(tain information from a (usinessBcommercial organiAation an' prepare a report of a(out 1444 wor's on the issue allotte' to &ou to (e su(mitte' to &our teacher for e)aluation. =ou are re/uire' to select one of the following issues accor'ing to the last 'igit of &our roll num(er. $or example" if &our roll num(er is 323#271.4 then &ou will select issue C 4 (the last 'igit):2 ISSUES) 4. pplication of factories act in an organiAation 1. *issolution of partnership an' settlement of accounts 2. -tu'& the health an' safet& measures taken (& an& organiAation selecte' (& &ou 3. Breach of contract of sale of goo's #. Contents of prospectus or statement in lieu of prospectus 5. Con)ersion of a pri)ate limite' compan& into pu(lic limite' compan& 8. Benefits of emplo&ees ol' age (enefits act 7. +ole of unions in wage 'etermination .. 3enalt& for contra)ention of act an' rule (un'er factor& act) 6. %ncorporation of a pu(lic limite' compan&. T/e report s/ou1 fo11o: t/e fo11o:in; format) 1. Title page 2. cknowle'gements 3. n a(stract (one page summar& of the paper) #. Ta(le of contents 5. %ntro'uction to the issue ((rief histor& @ significance of issue assigne') 8. 3ractical stu'& of the organiAation (with respect to the issue) 7. *ata collection metho's .. -;OT anal&sis (strengths" weaknesses" opportunities @ threats) rele)ant to the issue assigne' 6. Conclusion (one page (rief co)ering important aspects of &our report) 14. +ecommen'ations (specific recommen'ations rele)ant to issue assigne') 11. +eferences (as per 3 format) 12. nnexes (if an&) *UIDELINES 3OR ASSI*NMENT > ,) 1.5 line spacing 0se hea'ers an' su(hea's throughout all sections OrganiAation of i'eas

;riting skills (spelling" grammar" punctuation) 3rofessionalism (rea'a(ilit& an' general appearance) *o more than repeat the text <xpress a point of )iew an' 'efen' it.

"OR(S'OP) The workshop presentations pro)i'e &ou an opportunit& to express &our communication skills" knowle'ge @ un'erstan'ing of concepts learne' 'uring practical stu'& assigne' in assignment C 2. =ou shoul' use transparencies an' an& other material for effecti)e presentation. The transparencies are not the presentation" (ut onl& a tool? the presentation is the com(ination of the transparencies an' &our speech comments? explanation etc. ;orkshop presentation transparencies shoul' onl& (e in t&pe' format. The transparencies shoul' follow the following format: 1) Title page 2) n a(stract (one page summar& of the paper) 3) %ntro'uction to the issue ((rief histor& @ significance of issue assigne') #) 3ractical stu'& of the organiAation (with respect to the issue) 5) *ata collection metho's 8) -;OT anal&sis (strengths" weaknesses" opportunities @ threats) rele)ant to the issue assigne' 7) Conclusion (one page (rief co)ering important aspects of &our report) .) +ecommen'ations (specific recommen'ations rele)ant to issue assigne') *UIDELINES 3OR "OR(S'OP PRESENTATION) ,ake e&e contact an' react to the au'ience. *onDt rea' from the transparencies or from report" an' 'onDt look too much at the transparencies (occasional glances are accepta(le to help in recalling the topic to co)er). 152minute presentation can (e practice' se)eral times in a')ance" so 'o that until &ou are confi'ent enough. -ome people also use a mirror when rehearsing as a su(stitute for an au'ience. "EI*'TA*E O3 T'EORY ? PRA&TI&AL ASPE&TS IN ASSI*NMENT > , ? "OR(S'OP PRESENTATIONS) ssignment C 2 @ workshop presentations are e)aluate' on the (asis of theor& @ its applica(ilit&. The weightage of each aspect woul' (e: Theor&: 84E pplica(ilit& (practical stu'& of the organiAation): #4E


UNIT@.) INTRODU&TION TO LA" AND LA" *OVERNIN* &ONTRA&TS 1. The Origin of the Contract 2. *efinition of Contract 3. Communication" cceptance an' +e)ocation of contracts #. <ssentials of a )ali' Contract 5. 3erformance of the Contract 8. *ischarge of Contract 7. Breach of Contract .. *amages of Breach of Contract 6. %n'emnit& an' Fuarantee 14. Contract of Bailment 11. Contract of genc& T'E LA" O3 SALES O3 *OODS 1. *efinitions 2. The $ormation of the -ales Contract. 3. <ffects of the sales Contract #. 3erformance of the -ales Contract 5. +ights of 0npai' -eller against the Foo's. 8. -ale (& uction 7. Breach of Contract PARTNERS'IP LA" 1. *efinitions in 3artnership Gaw 2. T&pes of 3artnership 3. <ssential <lements of a 3artnership #. +egistration of 3artnership $irms 5. 3artnership (ecoming %llegal 8. 3artnership *istinguishe' from Compan& 7. 3artnership *istinguishe' form 3ri)ate Compan& .. 3artnership *istinguishe' from Co2Ownership 6. 3artnership greement 14. +ights an' Gia(ilities of the mem(ers of a 3artnership $irm 11. 3ersonal 3rofits earne' (& 3artners 12. The 3ropert& of the $irm 13. %mplie' uthorit& of a 3artnership 1#. 3rinciple of 1ol'ing out 15. ,inor as a 3artner 18. +econstitution of a $irm 17. *issolution of 3artnership an' -ettlement of ccounts on *issolution 1.. +ights an' O(ligations of 3artners after *issolution of 3artnership LA" *OVERNIN* &OMPANIES I 1. %ntro'uction to Companies Or'inance 16.# 2. Compan& Courts 3. Corporate Gaw uthorit& #. +egistration of Compan&




5. 8. 7. .. 6. 14. 11. 12. 13. 1#. 15. 18. 17. 1.. 16. 24. 21. 22. UNIT@#)

,emoran'um of ssociation !ame of Compan& +egistere' Office O(>ect Capital Clause of ,emoran'um rticles of ssociation 3romoters Contracts 3rospectus Commission" *iscount an' 3remium llotment of -hares Commencement of Business ,em(ership -hare Capital -hares an' Certificates Transfer an' Transmission of -hares *irectors Chief <xecuti)e

LA" *OVERNIN* &OMPANIES II 1. Feneral ,eetings 2. ,eetings of *irectors 3. -ecretar& #. *i)i'en' 5. u'itor 8. ,anaging gents 7. %n)estment (& Compan& .. *e(entures 6. 3ri)ate Companies 14. Fuarantee Compan& 11. 0nlimite' Compan& 12. ccounts 13. %nspection 1#. nnual +eturn 15. ;in'ing up (& Court 18. ;in'ing up of Companies 17. Contri(utors an' Cre'itors 1.. Holuntar& ;in'ing up 16. +emo)al of *efunct Companies. 24. ;in'ing up of 0nregistere' Companies. 21. +econstruction an' malgamation. 22. Companies <sta(lishe' Outsi'e 3akistan 23. Official Gi/ui'ator LA"S *OVERNIN* ESTABLIS'MENT O3 3A&TORIES 1. *efinitions 3ertaine' to the $actories ct" 163# 2. <xemption from Certain 3ro)isions of the ct 3. %nspectors an' their 3owers #. Certif&ing -urgeons 5. 1ealth an' -afet&


8. 7. .. 6. 14. 11. 12. 13. 1#. 15. UNIT@%)

*isposal of ;astes an' <ffluents rtificial 1umi'ification Haccination an' %noculation 1oli'a&s with 3a& an' 3ro)isions of the ct for ;orker -pecial 3ro)isions for 'olescents an' Chil'ren 3enalties an' 3roce'ure 3enalt& for Contra)ention of ct an' +ules *ispla& of $actor& !otices 3u(lication of +ules 3rotection to 3ersons cting un'er this ct

LA"S *OVERNIN* INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 1. Tra'e 0nions an' $ree'om of ssociations 2. pplication for +egistration an' +e/uirements. 3. Certificate of +egistration an' its Cancellation #. 3ower an' $unctions of +egistrar 5. Collecti)e Bargaining gents 8. !ational %n'ustrial +elations Commission an' its 3owers 7. Ioint Consolation Conciliation an' ,e'itation .. ;age Commission an' $ixation of ;ages 6. 3owers an' of the ;age Commission. 14. 3enalties an' 3roce'ure 11. 3enalt& of Committing Breach of -ettlement. 12. 3enalt& of <m(eAAlement of ,isappropriation of $un's. 13. %n'emnit& an' 3owers to ,ake +ules EMPLOYEES OLD A*E BENE3ITS A&T+ .D%B 0 I 1. <mplo&ees Ol'2age Benefits Contri(ution rules" 167. 2. <mplo&ees Ol'2age 3. Benefits Feneral +egulations" 16.4 #. %nsure' 3ersons" Boar' or Trustees" 3owers" $unctions" an' Terms of Office of ,em(ers 5. <mplo&ees Ol'2age Benefits 'etermination or ;ages for Computation of Contri(ution +egulation" 16.4 8. <mplo&ees ol'2age Benefits *etermination of Complaints" 9uestions" an' *isputes +egulations" 16.4



EMPLOYEES OLD A*E BENE3ITS A&T+ .D%B 0 II 1. <mplo&ees ol' age Benefits %nstitution an' Certificate of uthorit& an' 3roof of ge" 3a&ment of Contri(utions an' Gia(ilit& of <mplo&er 2. Offenses an' 3enalties 3. $inance an' u'it #. <mplo&ees Ol'2age Benefits" Ol'2age 3ension" Ol'2age Frant ;i'ows" 3ension" %n)ali'it& 3ro)ision" Benefit Claims an' Benefits" <xtinguishment of Benefits. ReEommen e 9oo=s 1. Compan& Gaw (+e)ise' <'ition) B& Jhawa>a m>e' -aee' 2. Business Gaw B& 9aAi wais min Aeem ca'em& Gahore KKKKKK

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