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Privately published by UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES, P. O. Box
17206, Tucson, AZ 85731, U. S. A.



This case all began for me when I heard from my sister still at home where
I grew up in Minnesota of an old UFO abduction case near my home in the
central part of the state. I went to see the abductee and found that it was in
fact real and had been going on for a very long time, and was even still going
on in a friendly and congenial way.
Lloyd Zirbes of rural St. Cloud, Minnesota had been keeping an extensive
file of notes and a record of a number of dialogues aboard the alien craft,
which he was holding secretly to himself because he wanted no publicity or
other interference in what was going on.
Those extraterrestrials had healed his son of a private malady that our
medicine was unable to treat successfully, and Lloyd was being treated well
by them after becoming well acquainted with them.
Lloyd agreed to work with me on the story of his contacts, provided I
would not publish his full identification until after he had passed on or
otherwise released me. That has now come to pass and I feel free to report
the details and his full name now. He has descendents still living there in
Minnesota today.
I had summarized this case in a chapter on OTHER PLEIADIAN
Supplementary Report, along with several other cases.
After examination and orientation, and some testing, Lloyd was shown a
display of physics laws and equations on their viewing screens aboard the
alien ship, so complicated to him that he had to take courses in a Junior
College to even be able to comprehend what he was being shown.
It was from these lessons aboard the alien craft and his Junior College
training that he was able to present his paper on the new physics which he
called The Falling Bodies Theory, which explained the cosmic sciences on
why suns and planets and their satellites do not run into each other in free
An interesting sidelight on these contacts was those alien beings long term
ongoing Project Redemption which was being carefully nurtured along for
a time in our future when we will need those graduates to help us stabilize
a most chaotic situation following a disastrous cataclysmic event that is a
natural process which occurs on cycle and cannot be avoided if we are still
here at the time of the fulfillment.
This then is the Lloyd Zirbes case of extraterrestrial contact.



In another case of alien contact from the Pleiades in 1975, the deterioriation of our ionosphere by
industrial gasses was pointed out as having a most serious effect on our society and our life. Those
extraterrestrials at that time measured a serious loss of Ionosphere, and growing at an ever increasing pace.
That contactee was urged to make his government aware of the dangers, but he found only deaf ears.
That contactee was also warned of the much greater dangers to matter by atomic radiations than our
scientists ever imagined. We were only aware of the coarse matter damage by alpha, beta, and gamma
radiations, but we didnt even know what the fine matter was that made up the coarse matter, and the much
more deleterious and much longer lasting effects of atomic radiation in fine matter.
Now comes another extraterrestrial contact from the Pleiades, a
different part, who seeks to warn us of the same or similar dangers
measured and forecast by another Pleiadian society as well.
This new visitor told Lloyd Zirbes he could call him Michael, that he
came from the star system in the Pleiades that we call Alcyone, and that
they figured in our biblical history as well.
Now in the case involving the Swiss farmer, that visitor, Semjase,
upon interrogation about which star in the Pleiades Group was her
home, said she came from an Earth-sized planet they called Erra which
orbited a satellite sun in the star system we call Taygeta.
She described the Sun System TAYGETA as a bigger luminous
gaseous central sun with a number of smaller satellite suns, each
surrounded by a family of cold bodies, planets, and she came from the
fourth planet out in her local sun-system. She also told Billy Meier
that there were other planets in her own sun-system hat had intelligent
human life living on them who had also reached space traveling
capabilities, and did come here as well.
If this is typical of the sun systems in the Pleiades, then Alcyone, a
much bigger star could be expected to have more and bigger satellite
suns with their own families of planets, but Michael never became more
This does, however, answer the question of how there can be life in
the gaseous bodies we see we see in the Pleiades Group from here.
That they both point out the same dangers that we have created for
ourselves ought to be significant to us
There are other more serious conditions produced by man which are
having an even greater destructive effect on our ionosphere, which may
already be irreparably out of control.
Lloyd Zirbes, in Minnesota, who has been visited by Michael since
his first abduction in 1958, has carried on extensive dialogue on
scientific and technical subjects so profound that he had to enroll in
college physics courses to learn enough to grasp what they were trying
to explain to him.
They told him that our toying with the atom was our greatest danger,
and worse, that our scientists had no knowledge of the dangers they
were introducing into our world.
At those extraterrestrials suggestion, he produced a monograph on
Nuclear Energy vs. Planet Earth, and sought to bring it to the
attention of science circles and open minds wherever he could. And to
give this emphasis, they the extraterrestrials, told him IN ADVANCE
what our survey team sent to the South Pole to study the recently
discovered hole in the ionosphere over the Antarctic would find.
This monograph was written in August 1986, as a team was being
prepared for the expedition to Antarctica to try to find out what is
causing the hole discovered by the IRAS satellite in 1979 and growing.
A copy of that monograph is reproduced following these pages for
your review. We have also included a copy of the letter transmitting
this monograph to us so you can see for yourself that we received our
copy only weeks after the first ones were sent out.
What astounded us, was the earlier evidence that the Pleiadians
visiting Switzerland had explained the same destructive effect of our
atomic explosions to Billy Meier in 1978. In an uncirculated dialogue
on the dangers of our atomic sciences in the hands of people who did not
know enough about what they were doing to be safe, they cautioned that
we may already have gone too far and signed our suicide note!
They explained, in effect, that the radiation particles produced by
our fission and fusion reactions are only the gross result of the
disarrangement in mass, but that far more serious is the permanent and
ever growing imbalance in the still undiscovered particles and forces in
the deranged atom and its effect on its neighbors; constantly growing in
matter like a cancer!
For what Meier was told in this respect, refer back to the notes on his
Contact and subsequent. As was expected, the team sent to the
South Pole came to no conclusion, and even more important, our
predicted holes at the North Pole were also discovered by the TOMS
satellite in late 1986!



Nuclear fission and fusion as employed today for energy production and military uses are killing this
planet, and no one in the scientific community has any idea why it is dying or how to save it. The reason
for this is simple: They do not understand atomic structure, solar structure, or the complete dynamics of
falling bodies. Physics textbooks erroneously declare our sun to be, in effect, a nuclear reactor. It is NOT.
Because the scientific community feels confident that nuclear power is a part of nature they, as a body,
have ceased to consider the possibility that perhaps they do not have all the answers. Due to this arrogance,
they are not even looking at nuclear technologies as possible causes of the damage we see occurring in our
ionosphere, and if they do not look they will not see. Our planet is very sick and is weakening daily. It has
reached a point where Earths own mechanisms can no longer heal the wounds as quickly as theyre being
inflicted. In other words, we have reached a point of no return in that if nuclear fission and fusion are not
abandoned and salvage operations begun immediately, the ionosphere will continue its rapid disintegration
until all life on Earth ceases to exist.
In this paper we will attempt to explain in brief what is happening and why, but most particularly we ain
to warn the reader of what the future holds if this insanity is not stopped and very soon. Our emphasis
must be on predictions because frankly, the tests and results upon which we base our theory break many
currently accepted laws of physics, and so will be rejected out of hand by many of those who have spent
their lives properly memorizing those laws. To prove we are credible and do indeed know what were
talking about we must therefore predict what the scientific community has not predicted and can never
explain using current physical law. Only in his way can we impress the reader with the truth of what we
say, and gain allies in our effort to halt these deadly technologies before it is too late. So then, to begin
During the process of nuclear fission and fusion an atom is forced open and electrons escape. Science
and industry assure us that this process is safe, because even though our knowledge of atomic structure is
still incomplete, any unforeseen damaging effects are prevented by the massive steel and concrete
containment vessels. They are correct insofar as containing electrons is concerned, but what they have yet
to realize is that there exists much smaller particles of mass and energy which pass easily through the
containment walls, and which strip off particles from the containment vessels themselves as they pass
through. The result is an unforeseen and rapid decay of the containment structure itself weakening it
greatly within a decade which in turn allows even larger particles (still smaller than an electron) to
escape. Obviously, the problem quickly becomes progressive.
These minute particles released from an atom are negative in respect to planet Earth. This means that
these particles will be repelled from Earths surface to the outer regions of the ionosphere. Of course these
particles are yet more negative in value than solar energy, and are also repelled by the energy emitted by
the sun. Because these very negative particles are repelled by solar energy, they move around the Earth,
staying on the dark side of the planet in order to avoid direct contact with solar energy. These very
negative particles tend to settle in at any location which remains in darkness for substantial periods of
time. For a part of the year this area is at the southern polar region (Antarctica). Accumulating at the south
pole, these particles assemble themselves with the normally positive ions of the ionosphere, which results
in the production of an extremely negative plasma.
As the south pole begins to face toward the sun (September and October) this highly negative plasma is
repelled, and now has nowhere to go but to Earth. This results in a hole in the ionosphere in the south pole
region. Because of the massive amounts of these very negative particles being released, the hole in the
ionosphere will be found to have increased dramatically is size in 1986, possibly as far as the 60 degree
If the phenomena is monitored, it will be noticed that the hole will develop a 24 hour oscillation, and
that the oscillation will always be away from the suns light. This again is due to the fact that these very
negative particles, now assembled into a very negative plasma, will be repelled from solar energy.
As the south pole faces toward the sun, the north pole lies in darkness. Therefore, the negative,
unassembled particles in the upper atmosphere will tend to settle in near the north pole, and will
assemble with the positive ions there. When once again the north pole faces toward the sun, the resulting
negative plasma will be forced to the surface of the Earth. Our calculations indicate that in the early
months of 1987, a hole in the ionosphere will be found to have developed over the north pole.
Some of the results of this disruption of the ionosphere will have immediate effects. For instance, as
great shells of the negative plasma are pushed into existing shells of plasma, very adverse and abnormal
weather conditions will be experienced worldwide. In areas where the ionosphere is thicker, there will be
an over filtering of solar energy, causing a reduction of sunlight available on earth and a subsequent
increase in rainfall. In areas where the ionosphere has thinned, expect severe heat waves and drought
conditions. Also, iron deposits attract these negative particles of mass and energy, and so areas with large
deposits of iron can expect drastic changes in their weather cycles. A less immediate effect of this
attraction to iron deposits will be that life forms in these areas will also experience genetic changes, and an
alarming increase in birth defects will be seen. Likewise, incidents of cancer and other diseases related to a
breakdown in the immune system activities will be noted.
As the destruction of the ionosphere continues, more drastic effects will be observed. For example, as
these undetected particles of mass and energy are accepted at the poles (and elsewhere) they will
undoubtedly result in an increase in the energy exchange of our planet. This will cause an increase in the
rotation rate of the Earth. At first this increase will be considered a negligible factor, but the increase will
be progressive, and will eventually result in the Earth changing its orbit. The elliptic will increase, and the
Earth will begin its drift away from the sun.
The increase in energy will also heat up the interior of our planet, resulting in great internal pressure.
This pressure will be released in the form of great earthquakes and increasingly greater volcanic actions.
The end result of these actions will be great continental shifts, and areas lying along existing fault lines will
be at great risk. This increase in energy exchange will also cause a warming of the Earths surface, and the
polar ice caps will begin to melt. Coastline areas will begin to disappear.
Much more could be said, but this outline of events will give one a fair idea of why we say the situation
on Earth is critical. To date the focus of the anti-nuclear movement has been to eliminate bombs and
testing, control radioactive wastes, etc. Few people have considered that perhaps the splitting of the atom
in and of itself is anti-nature. Unless it is stopped and decontamination procedures initiated, our future is
bleak. The problems will not go away by themselves. Humankind has done the damage, and now WE
must repair it. The technology now exists which will provide the tools, but our group cannot do it alone.
We seek allies!

Lloyd Zirbes


Then I received the following letter from Lloyd Zirbes:
Oct. 5, 1986

Dear Wendelle:

I am sorry for the unforgivable delay in responding, but you wouldnt believe how hectic it has been
around here! As of today Ive completed our second major mailing, and it was quite a task. Just to search
out all the addresses we needed was a major project, and Ive been haunting the libraries for the past couple
of weeks just on that aspect. Weve managed to establish a communication with four major anti-nuke
groups, and had been very busy putting together test data and theory for them when this thing with the
ionosphere popped back into the news in a big way. Did you hear? Theyve announced that the hole over
the South Pole last year was as large as the U. S., and as of August, the U. S. was sending a team down
there to check it out when it opens up this year, (September October). When we saw that we pretty much
dropped everything else and got to work calculating what exactly was causing it and how much it would
have grown this year. This was our chance to prove we know what were talking about. If we can predict
what they will find, and then explain what the cause is, theyll have to listen. So anyway, thats been our
life these past weeks. I could go on with it but I think instead I will just tuck a copy of the paper we have
prepared on the topic for you. The major mailing I mentioned was to as many anti-nuclear peopleand
groups as I could did up, and also included a copy of my Nuclear Energy vs Planet Earh. We do not
expect an immediate and overwhelming response until the research team returns with its findings. Then
everything will hit the fan, Im certain. I only hope were ready for the onslaught!
You asked if you could share the tape Id sent you with Lou, and hes asked the same thing about the
tapes Ive sent him. The tape you have (by now I assume) is an abbreviated version of the one I sent Lou.
Also Lou has others. I told him to go ahead and share them with you if he could be sure that they would
be safe and uncensored. This was during that uncertain time when I didnt know what was going on with
your mail. I just heard from Lou (Farish) again yesterday, and he said hes been very busy again, getting
the clippings out, but I would suspect that you will be hearing from him again soon. I really must thank
you for introducing me to Lou. He seems like such an excellent man, and I cant wait to meet him.
I should tell you before I forget, that if you know of anyone who might be interested in our paper on the
ionosphere, feel free to send them a copy, or better yet, let us absorb the expense and refer their names to
me. We are making no connection between the technology and UFOs for obvious reasons, so it wouldnt
necessarily have to be someone in the UFO club just people who are concerned about the future of
Earth in general. We want to get the word out in as many directions as possible and as quickly as possible
because, clearly it does no good to predict the past. We must show that we know whats going to happen
before it does, and that research team is due back any time now. These ET people told me back in 1958,
that in 1985 I must begin to remember, and that in 1986 everything would come together. How did they
know that wed be over the hump by 1986? According to our calculations, even if all nuke plants and
testing were abolished yesterday, it would still be too late for the Earth to bring herself back into balance on
her own. The only way to save the situation is to use this technology to repair the damage. How could
they have known that, Wendelle?
Has this same process happened so many times on other worlds that its simple to predict such things?
What a frightening thought! It would seem that our project is by no means guaranteed to succeed, which is
a very sobering idea. The people just HAVE to listen! Its so crazy, Wendelle! I dont know how much
youve studied physics, but I can tell you that our brilliant scientists dont even know what causes
lightning! Can you believe it? Falling raindrops, right? Then how come moons of various planets undergo
constant lightning storms, and manage it without any atmosphere? I swear theyre blind. Well, like it or
not, theyre about to regain their sight, and they wont like what they see, I assure you!
Already as a result of our first round of mailings we have a group out east which has responded to
segment one (test data, etc.) with an offer to incorporate our information with some of the events they have
planned for the rest of the year and next. Their director has pledged to get us as much publicity as he can,
and as quickly as we say the word, so its coming together as promised. I personally dont believe the
people will allow the planet to die, but looking around at the way things are its hard to be positive that
reason will prevail, if you know what I mean!
Now I have to ask a favor of you, Wendelle, and I really hope you can and will help. I very much need
to correspond with Mr. Mieir (or is it Meier?) in Switzerland. Since the first time I wrote to you back in
June Ive been able to get a look at your book about this, but alas, only for a short time, Our local library
had to borrow it from another region, and I had access to it for only a week or so, which didnt do me much
good because it was packed so full of info that I almost had to copy each page in full as I took notes, so I
didnt get very far. Ive put in another bid for it, but that was six weeks ago and Im still waiting. From
what I was reading though, its clear that we must establish a correspondence with him as quickly as is
possible, and I suspect hes waiting for our letter. In the meantime, do you know if you have any more
copies of that particular book.

The rest of that letter was not pertinent to what we are doing now.



We have just seen the argument offered by Zirbes visitors about the unknown and unrecognized
dangers of our atomic sciences and their real effects, among others, on the ozone layer surrounding Earth.
Unknown to Zirbes, however, and what he was just discovering in my book on the Pleiadian contacts with
Billy Meier, that Zirbes had borrowed from his local lending library through their book lending service,
is the diligent and repeated warnings to Meier of the dangers of atomic explosions to fine matter, the matter
that underlies coarse matter, or all physical matter that makes up our world.
In addition to the effects on the deterioration of the ozone layer, the Pleiadians also described to Meier
their also destructive effects on the Van Allen Belt that also shields our planet.
That Chapter 6, Other Atmospheric Planets, is reproduced following to show what those other
Pleiadians had to say to Billy Meier about those things and other phenomena falsely understood by our
scientists, such as the widely but incorrectly used Light Year.
In this Chapter 6, Meier is also describing his hyperleaps aboard his Pleiadians mother ship, and his
observation of other inhabited worlds. He is shown some, among which is one very close, within 5 light
years. to our own sun, that those denizens call AKART.
I believe that our account of visitors from a planet called ACART, which we published in a book called
UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ACART is a visit to this Earth by those same beings shown Meier on
that great trip.

A reproduction of that Chapter 6, follows:




























Aboard the Alcyonian spacecraft and under the tutilege of Michael, Lloyd Zirbes was shown diagrams
and formula, and working models, of a new physics understanding which he calls The Falling Bodies
Theory which was expected to give us a new and better understanding of our Physics Natural Law.
Lloyd had to take Junior College courses in physics to even understand what Michael was trying to
show him. He then carried out extensive physical tests to verify the laws being described. This involved
considerable time and resource on his part and a lot of patience on the part of the extraterrestrials.
It took many months of testing and verification of the results to prove the concepts advocated by
Michael, but it was finally done and Lloyd prepared the following papers based on the results of his testing.

In the following order:

The first paper describes SOLAR RESEARCH in 15 PAGES.

The second paper describes the CONSEQUENCES OF NUCLEAR ENERGY.

The third paper describes BEYOND THE IONOSPHERE.
The fourth paper describes THE FALLING BODIES THEORY, in that order.

The fifth paper describes the THEORY OF FALLING BODIES II.

And the sixth paper describes NUCLEAR ENERGY vs PLANET EARTH.

These are the papers that so many people have written me about and asking for copies after my first
mention of them in my UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES, a Supplementsry Report, published in
1983. Here they now are for all to read freely.








































































































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