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IEther-00 (iether) Gigabit Ethernet Driver for HP-UX 11i v3 of September 2007 Release Notes

IEther-00 Software Version B.11.23.0709

Printed in U.S.A.

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IEther-00 (iether) Gigabit Ethernet Driver for HP-UX 11i v3 of September 2007 Release Notes Whats in this Version

IEther-00 (iether) Gigabit Ethernet Driver for HP-UX 11i v3 of September 2007 Release Notes

Whats in this Version

The following information describes the updates made to the HP-UX-based Gigabit Ethernet driver called iether. The IEther-00 software bundle, which is built into the OE, contains the iether driver. The September 2007 version of the HP-UX 11i v3 IEther-00 driver contains the following enhancements: SupportsPCI Express (PCIe)-based networking cardsthatusetheiether network driveronHP-UX11iv3. Supports dynamic loading and unloading of the iether network driver. This driver version can be loaded to and unloaded from the HP-UX kernel without rebuilding the kernel or rebooting the system. The iether driver is dynamically loaded by default.

Recommended Installation Method -- install the entire September 2007 HP-UX 11i v3 Operating Environment Update Release (OEUR) and you will get everything you need. Contents of the OE update release Following is a list of the patches automatically included when you install the OE update release. These are the pre-requisite patches included in the September 2007 OE update release: PHCO_36530--SoftwareDistributorpatch.IfyoudonotupdateorpatchSoftwareDistributor,thesystemmaynot performanecessaryrebootduringinitialinstallationofHP-UX11iv3I/Odriverswithdynamicloadingcapability. SoftwareDistributorisavailableat:http:/ PHKL_36387 : MCA recovery/shutdown patch (IA/PA) PHKL_36332: Cumulative GIO Patch PHCO_36371: PCI OL* DLKM and Chassis Delete

Known Problems and Limitations

Known Problem 1) UnnecessaryRebootWhenRemovingtheietherDriver
If you use swremove to remove the dynamically-loaded iether driver, the Critical Resource Analysis (CRA) may fail; this will cause swremove to incorrectly reboot the system. Severity: Low Corrective Action: To avoid this CRA failure, install patch PHCO_36356 (or a superseding patch) before running swremove. Patches are available from the HP IT Resource Center, at:

IEther-00 (iether) Gigabit Ethernet Driver for HP-UX 11i v3 of September 2007 Release Notes Known Problems and Limitations Under Maintenance and Support, click the Patch Database link; then search for the patch number. For more information on how to manage and install patches, see the Patch Management User Guide for HP-UX 11.x Systems, at:
NOTE If you remove the dynamically-loaded iether driver while it is in use, or if you remove the statically-loaded ietherdriver at any time, then a reboot will always be required. This is normal behavior under these conditions and will not be affected by patch PHCO_36356.

Known Problem 2) ChangingietherDriverTunablesCouldresultinCardHangs

It has been found that certain combinations of the following iether driver tunables (other than the default settings) could result in card hangs. send_max_bufs recv_max_bufs send_coal_ticks recv_coal_ticks


For PCI-X cards: HP strongly discourages changing the default values of those four iether driver tunables for PCI-X cards. For PCI-Express cards: HP does not support changing those four iether driver tunables for PCI-Express cards.

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