Consumer Behaviour of Grama Sree Food Products

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Company profile Location of the firm Research problem Objactives of the study Scope of the syudy Limitations of the study


COMPANY PROFILE Mans basic drive is for food to satisfy his hunger. Food is ultimately used to the life of man. It is a past of culture and is filled with many different meanings and symbolism for all individuals of various ages and stages of their maturity Agricultural produce such as cereals fruits, Vegetables and reaced animals for slaughter milk, egg. Etc are food raw-materials. After production and besore consumption, foods are subjected to numerous adverse physical, chemical, microbial or parasitic factors which may cause their spoilage or disease when consumed. The present these and prepare food for immediate or future use required processing, preservation and storage. Food for consumption should have the proper appearance colour, juiciness, texture, orders and taste during the past few decades great advances have been made in the study of the while fielded of the properties preservation and processing of rawand of the beahaviours of finished food products.


Food is more basic need of a man than shelter and clothing. It provides adequately for the growth, maintenance, repair and reproduction. Food furnishes the body with the energy required for all human activities. It provides materials required for the building on renewal of body uses that act to regulate body process

Food are composed of dozen are even hundred of different kinds of substances the nutrients, which when consumed in adequate amounts fulfill all the formation of the body. Six classes of nutrients found in all foods are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and water FOOD IS MORE THAN SECURITY Food is a source of security. An infant learnes security from the way his mother feeds him. His behavioural pattern will be influenced by to extend which he feeds secure as regards his food supply Similerly a growing child gains confidence and a feeling of belonging when he knows there is food in the house and he will be feed Food is a status symbol. The well-to-do-eat foods the common man cannot attend even though they may not be nutritious. We serve certain foods to family meals and different foods when we have guests. Food is a symbol of hospitality and friendship throught the world. We express our hospitality to a guest through an offer of food or a drink in times of disaster or sorrow we take food to the affected persons. In our offering a cup of tea is a symbol of our friendship

The food is an outlets or emotion as a relief from tension we may eat or even eat, anger and frustration may turn we against food

GRAMA SREE FOOD PRODUCTS situated in Aliparamba Malappuram District. It is an SSI unit and manufactores of powders, puttu podi, especially podies and dislikes. They commenced business in 1993 as a proprietary business by Mr. V.S.Muralidharan with a permenant registration SSI. A small number of companies are producing product like palada, ribbon ada, jack fruit jam, banana chips etc. After the production they market food items to various districts such as Kozhikkodu, Malappuram, Thrissur and out of kerala such as Mumbai, Delhi, Tamilnaadu and Foreign countries. Most recent company starts its own outlets across major towns in kerala. Now it is known as Keralss No.1 favorite flavor. The proprietor has more than 12 years experience in this field. VISION Providing the best food products through rigid quality control supplying them economically. Developing new technologies and engaging in basic research. Ensure safe working condition and environment friendly operational.

MISSION Preservation and production of nations health in ultimate goal and of offers wide varieties of quality foods with best ethical standards. AREA OF OPERATION Production department Marketing department Store department Human resource department Quality department

SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH More than 20 years production and marketing experience. Most advanced rechnologies for production department, maintain statistical qualitu control technique for international acceptance WEAKNESS Transportation facilities The company is not situated is an industrial area OPPORTUNITIES Chance for market diversification. Venture in to the domestic market Company having very high good will

THREATS Labour problem Variation of raw-materials price in growing market Competition from the other companies PLANS TO DIVERSIFICATION The company already has some diversification The company trying to establish verities of new products of present company having more than 30 diverse products and trying to develop 15 more new products to increase the existing production capacity RETURN SUBMISSION TO AGENCIES The company submits its return to the external agencies like income tax, sales tax department. LOCATION OF THE FIRM M/s Grama Sree Food Production is located at Aliparamba, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram District (i.e 8 km away from PalakkaduKozhikkodu NH -213). Most of the industrial are working on hire. But Grama Sree Food Products are working on their own land of 5000 square feet area. The place where the company is located at a rural area and has a lot of location advantages such as low cost land, disposal of waste etc.

It is located near the Thootha river and there by it can utilize the pure water in Thootha River Which is essential one for the production of food items, compared to urban areas. The cost of land is low in rural areas. Priya Instant food also started two additional food processing units, one is Gramasree Food Products and another is Ruchipriya (pickleworld) Food products they are introduced new items of food such as many types of pickles and podis like puttupodi dosapodi, pathiripodi, idlypodi etc. Some seasonal products are produced in the company like, kalan mix, pulliyinji etc.. COMPANY PROFILE Grama Sree Food Products is the chief of essential materials which the body needs for its well being. These essential materials are called nutrients good food is indispensable for health at all stages of the life and for the satisfactory growth during infancy childhood adolescence and adulthood Due to the exhorbitant increase in the field of modernization each and every system is motivated by the industrialization. All people at our country is using the consumable products, especially the powders of chilly, rice powder, sambar powder, chatney powder, chammanthy powder, masala etc. which has become an inevitable product in our life. In other days the powders of rice and wheat for different food items were used after necessary processing of home itself but at the present item using modern technology and other facilities

Each and every food item is available in the market in packets of different quantities and qualities M/s Grama Sree Food Products purchase machinery by taking loans and for meeting working capital needs they collects loan from individuals. The profit is also invested in the unit. M/s Grama Sree Food Products was started with an initial capital of 20 lakhs. Propriators contribution 5 lakhs, 2.5 lakh taken as term loans and the balance 250000 is collected from private parties. The contribution of propriators towards fixed asset contributes 18% and 50% towards working capital as per govt. rule The working hour of the firm is 8 am to 5 pm. Firm provides food and hostel facilities for all employees. The firm has a securities department and four transpiration vehicles. The firm has no separate department all section are working in the supervision of Mrs.Indira. The aim of the firm is to produce more quality products and sale production is the process of by which raw material and other inputs are commenced into fixed products in production section at M/s Grama Sree Food Products. It is very wide now the firms products more than 25 products. The main product of the firm is podies. In Grama Sree Food Products more than workers are ladies the firm depends mainly on manual work and some machinery. Electricity and LPG are the main source of power.

Now Grama Sree Food Productsincome and leading firms for the food processing firms in Kerala and abroad. About this firms products are more capacity RESEARCH PROBLEMS Now a days celebration has important role in every ones in analyzing the buying behavior of Grama Sree Food Products OBJECTIVES OF STUDY This is a comprehensive study on the buying behavior of Grama Sree Food Products and to make proposal. For the improvement of market share for that objectives are classified into two SECONDARY OBJECTIVES 1. To asses the acceptability of homely and instant podies 2. To provide suggestions to Grama Sree Food Products. 3. To study the preference of consumers on packing style and size PRIMARY OBJECTIVES 1. To review the concept and principles of buying behaviours 2. To know familiarity of buyer towards the brand 3. To know the availability of Grama Sree Food Products in Malappuram district

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Business is the effective combination of the physical and human resource s of the enterprises to attain cherished goods. Every business firms always time to accomplish the objectives. It is a vast and fascinating subject the style of an action depends on the objectives of the study. In this project 1 aimed at 1. To understand whole activities of business 2. To understand management activities of the firm 3. To find out the problems suffering at business firm and give suitable suggestions SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study is extend to whole district at Malappuram with an aim to understand and improve upon the current brand positioning of Grama Sree Food Products and also be acquainted with the consumer perception and the Grama Sree Food Products. It is very useful to the company to take corrective action if necessary POPULATION The study was conducted among the consumers in Malappuram district

SAMPLING METHOD Convenient sampling is used for the study SAMPLING SIZE Sample size was 200 which includes only the consumer who resides in Malappuram district. The study was intended to analyse the Grama Sree Food Products was prepared to collect the data from the consumer in Malappuram district LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 1. The study is confined to only Malappuram district. Due to high population density it is difficult to conduct the survey units the large 2. Convenience sampling method is adopted for the study. So the information can be biased 3. The information has collected through direct contact to customers to each area. Some consumers are not ready to express their views frankly and openly 4. The sample size is 200. So that generalization of data is very difficult and also may not give exact result 5. Survey items do not mean exactly the same things to all persons. The individual background and experience cause distribution in the meaning of the particular item. Thus yielding response that could imparable.

CHAPTER2 BUYING BEHAVIOUR Understanding the buying behavior of the target market is the essential taste of marketing managers under the marketing concept. This chapter will explain the buying dynamics of consumers and the next chapter will explain the buying dynamics of business buyers Consumers vary tremendously in ages, income, educational level, mobility patterns and taster. Marketer find if usable to distinguish different consumer groups or segments and to develop products and services failed to their needs. It is a market segment is large enough needs. It is a market segment is large enough needs. If a market segment is large enough some companies will set up a special more some companies will set up special marketing program to serve this market segment MAJOR FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR This is the following factors are given below 1. CULTURAL FACTORS Cultural factors exert the broadest and deepest influences on consumer behavior we will look on the role played by the buyers culture subculture and social class

a.Culture Culture is the most fundamental determinant of a persons wants and behaviors. The lower creatures are governed by instinct, human behavior is largely learned. The growing child acquires a set of values, perceptions, preferences and behavior through a process of socialization invoving the family and other key institutions. A child growing up in America is exposed to the following values, achievement and success activity, efficiency and practicability, programs material comfort, individualism, freedom external comfort, humanitarianism and youthfulness b.subculture Each culture consist of small subcultures that provide more specific identification and socialization for its members. Four types of subculture can be distinguished nationality groups, such as the Irish, Polish, Italians, and Puerto Ricans are found within large communities and exhibit distinct taste and productivities. Religious groups such as the Catholics. Mormons Presbyterians and Jews represent subcultures with specific cultural preference taboos racial groups. Such as blacks and Orientals have distinct cultural styles and attitudes. Geographical areas such as the Deep South difference and new England are distinct subcultures with characteristics life styles.

c.Social class Social classes, relatively homogeneous and enduring division in a society, which are hierarchically ordered, and whose members values interest and behaviors Social classes have several characteristics, first person with each class tend to behave more than persons from two different social classes, second persons are perceived as occupying inferior or superior positions according to social class. A persons social class is indicating by a cluster of variable. Such as occupation, income, wealth, education and value orientation, rather than by single variable. Fourth individuals can move up or down the social class ladder during their life times. Extend of this mobility varies according how rigid stratifications is in a given society II SOCIAL FACTORS A consumers behavior is also influenced by such social factors as groups, family and social roles. a.Reference groups Many groups influence a persons behavior. A persons reference groups consist of all the groups that have a direct (face to face) or indirect influence on be persons attitude or behavior

b. Family Family members constitute the most influential primary reference groups shaping a buyers behavior. A more direct influence on every day buying behavior is ones family of procreation namely, ones spouse and children. The family is the most important consumer buying organization in society and it has been researched extensively markets and interested in the roles and relative influence of the husband wife and children, in the purchase of a large variety of products and services c.Roles and status A person participate in many groups throughout life family clubs, organization. The persons positions each group can be defined in terms of role and status. With her parents. Lindu Brown plays the role of a daughter, in her family she plays wife, in her corporation she plays branch manager. A role consists of the activities that a person is expected to perform according to the persons around him or her. Each of Lindas roles will influence some of her nuying behavior

PERSONAL FACTORS A buyer decision Is also influenced by personal characteristics. These include the buyer age and stage in the cycle, occupation economic circumstances life style and personality and selfconcept a. Age and stage in the life cycle People buy different goods and services once a life time. They eat baby foods In early years. Most goods in the growing and mature years and special diets in the later years peoples taste in clothes, furniture and recreation is als age related. b. occupation A persons consumption pattern is also influenced by his or her occupations. Blue collar worker will buy work clothes, work shoes, lunch boxes and bowling recreation. A company president will buy expensive suits, air travel. Markets try to clarify the occupational groups that have above average interested in their product and services. c. Economic circumstances Product choice is greatly affected by economic circumstances. Markets of income sensitive goods continuously monitor trends in personal income, saving and interest rates. If economic indicators point to a recession, market can take steps to redesign reposition and reprice their production so they continue to offer value to target customers.

MOTIVATION Psychologists have developed theories of motivations. Three of the known the theories of Sigmund Freud, Abraham Maslow and Fred Erick Herzberg- carry different implications for consumers analysis and marketing strategy. FREUDS THEORY OF MOTIVATION Freud assumes that the real psychological forces shape in peoples behavior is largely unconscious. Freuds is the person as a repressing many urges in the process of growing up and accepting social rules. These urges are never eliminated or perfectly controlled them emerging dreams, slips of the tunge nutric behavior. MASLOWS THEORY OF MOTIVATION Abraham Maslow sought to explain why people are driven by particular needs at particular times. Why does one person spend considerable time and energy on on personal safety and another on ensuring the esteem of others? A person tries to safety the most important needs, first when a person succeeded in satisfying an important need. It will ceases being a current motivator and the person will try to satisfy the next most important need. HERZBERGS THEORY OF MOTIVATION This theory of motivation has two implications, first, sellers should to their best to award dissatisfies such as a poor training manual or a poor service policy

While these things will not sell the computer they right easily unsell computer. Second the manufacture should identify the nature satisfiers or motivators or purchase in the computer market and sure to supply them. These satisfiers will make the major defects as to which computer brand consumers buyers PERCEPTION A motivated person is ready to act how the motivated person actually acts is influenced by his or her perception of the situation people can emerge with different perceptions. It is the same object because of a three perceptual processes. 1. Selective attention 2. Selective distortion 3. Selective retention LEARNING When people act they learn leering describes changes in an individuals behavior arising from experience. Most human behavior is learned. Learning theories say that a person learning is produced through the interplay of drive stimuli uses responses and rich forcement. BELIEVES AND ATTITUDES Through acting and learning people acquire believes and attitudes. These in turn influence their buying behavior.

BUYING BEHAVIOR DECISION PROCESS Markets have to go beyond the various influences on buyers and develop and understanding of how consumers actually make their buying decisions. Marketers must identify who makes the buying decision. The type of buying decision that is involved and the steps in the buying process. BUYING ROLES Thus we can distinguish five roles people might play in a buying decision Initiated: a person who first suggest the idea of buying the particular product or services. Influencer: a person who dues or advice carry some weight in making the final decision. Dealer: a person who decides on any component at a buying decision whether to buy what to buy, how to buy or where to buy. Buyer: the person who makes the actual purchase. User: a person who consumes or uses the product or service.

TYPES OF BUYING BEHAVIOUR 1. COMPLEX BUYING BEHAVIOUR. Consumers go through complex buying behavior when they are highly involved in a purchase and aware of significant differences. Among brands consumer is highly involved in a purchase when it is expensive, bought infrequently, risky and highly self-expressive. For example, a person buying a personal computer may not even know what attitudes to look for. Many of the products feature carrying no meaning 16 K memory. Disc storage screen resolution : basic language and so on 2. DISSONANCE- REDUCING BUYING BEHAVIOUR Sometimes the consumer is highly involved in a purchase but sees little differences in the brands. The high involvement is again based on the fact that the purchase is expensive, frequent, and risky. Here marketing communication should aid to supply beliefs and evaluations that help the consumer feed well about her branr choice 3. HABITUAL BUYING BEHAVIOURS Many products are bought under conditions at low consumer involvement and the absence of significant brand differences. Consider the purchase of salt consumer has little involvement in this product category. They got the store and reach for the brand. If they keep reaching for the same brand, it is out our habit, not strong brand locate.

There is good evidence that consumer have low involvement with most low-cost, frequently purchased products. 4. VARIETY SEEKING BUYING BEHAVIOURS Some buying situations are characterized by low consumer involvement by significant brand differences. The consumer has some beliefs, choose a brand of cookies without much evaluation, and evaluate during conceptions. Brand switching occurs for the sake of the variety rather than the satisfaction. RESEARCHING THE BUYING DECISION Smart companies will research buying decision process involved in their product category. They need to ask the consumer then they first became acquainted with the product category and brands, what their brand beliefs are; how involved they are with the product, how they make their brand choices, and how much satisfaction they feel after purchase. How can members learn about the typical stages in the buying process for any given product? They can introspect about their own probable behavior, although this is at limited usefulness (introspective method). They can interview a small number of mean purchases, asking them to recall the events leading to the purchase at the product (retrospective method). They can locate sine consumers who plans to buy the product and ask them to think out loud about going through the buying process (prospective method) or they can ask consumers to describe the ideal way to but the product (perspective method). Each method yields a consumer picture of the steps in the buying process.

STAGES IN THE BUYING DECISION PROCESS Based on examining many consumer reports at buying episodes, proposals have been made by consumer behavior researches for stage models at the buying process stage models one mostly relevant to complex decision making i.e, buying expensive,, high- involvement products. This model emphasizes that the buying process starts long before the actual purchase and as consequences long after the purchase, if encourages the marketer to focus on the buying process rather than on the purchase decision. This model implies that consumers pass through all five stages in buying a product. We saw that this is not the case, especially in lowinvolvement purchases. Consumers may skip or reverse some of these stages. Thus a women buying her regular brand tooth paste goes directly from the need for tooth paste to purchase decision, skipping information search and evaluation. We will allude again to Linda Brown and try to understand how she became interested in buying a personal computer and the stages she went through of make her final choice. 1. NEED RECOGNITION: The buying process stands when the buyer recognizes a problem or need. The buyer senses a difference between his or her actual state and a desired state. The need can be triggered by internal or external stimuli. .

2. INFORMATION SEARCH An aroused consumer will be inclined to search for more information. We can distinguish between two levels. The milder search is called brightened attention. Consumer information sources fall into four groups Personal source: family, friends, neighbours, acquaintances. Commercial sources: advertising, sales persons, dealers, packaging, displays. Public sources: mass media, consumer-rating organizations Experimental sources: handling, examining, using the product. 3. EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES The attributes at interest to buyers in some familiar product classes are the following. Cameras: picture sharpness, camera speeds, camera size, price Hotels: location, effectiveness, atmosphere, cost Mouthwash: colour, effectiveness, germ killing, capacity, price, taste/flavor. Times: safety, tried life, ride quality, price

4. PURCHASE DECISION In the evaluation stage, the consumer forms preferences among the brands in the choice set. The consumer may also form a purchase intention to buy the most preffered brand. However, two factors can intention decision. 5. POST PUCHASE BEHAVIOURS After purchasing the product, the consumer will experience some level at satisfaction. The consumer will also engage in post purchase action and product uses at interest to the marketer. The marketers job does not end even when the product is bought but continues into post purchase period. 1. Post purchases satisfaction 2. Post purchase actions 3. Post purchase use and disposal

DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Primary data Using questionnaire and personal interviews collected primary data. The structured questionnaire was used to materialize the information from the subject of the study. Secondary data Secondary data collected through the source of magazines previous observation and company reports and internal. Tools used for analysis Sample size at the survey is 200 consumers from the Malappuram District. A questionnaire was formed to conduct the survey. The following tools are used for analysis. Pie chart Sample percentage method and Bar chart Limitations 1. The sample size is 200. So that generalization at data is very difficult and also it may not give the exact results.

2. The study is continued to only Malappuram District. Due to very high population density it is difficult to conduct survey units in the large section at population. 3. Convenience sampling method is adopted for the study, so the information can be biased. 4. The information has collected through direct contact at all customers in each area. Some consumers are met ready to express their news frankly and openly. 5. Also be being to new to the field of study the researcher was handscaped with a number of inadequate and difficulties. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Analysis is the process of critically examining in detail information for purpose of analysis, individual items are studied their inter relationship with other related figure established the data is sometimes rearranged to have better understanding of the information with the help of the different technique both use for the purpose of an analyzing the data which have collected from the employees. The following observations were obtained. Analysis and operations are clearly related,. Interpretation is not possible with and analysis and with out interpretation analysis as no value. Interpretation is the drawing of influence and staging what the figure in the data really mean.

1. Convenience sampling method is adopted for the study. So the information can be based 2. The information as collected through direct contains of consumers to each area. So the consumers are not ready to express their views frankly and openly. 3. The sample size is 200. So that generalization of data is very difficult and also it may not give exact result. 4. Survey items do not mean exactly the sample things to all persons the individuals background and experience cause distribution in the meaningof the particular item. Thus yielding response that could be in comparable.

TABLE 1 SHOWING RESPONDENTS CLASSIFICATION ON THE BASIS OF SEX sex No. of respondents Percentage Male 70 35 Female 110 60 Total 170 85

INTERPRETATION The survey conducted in major towns in Malappuram. About 170 customers here participated in this study. From the table it can be seen that of this 50% of the respondents are female and 35% are male CHART 1 SHOWING RESPONDENTS CLASSIFICATION ON THE BASIS OF SEX


MALE 63%

TABLE 2- SHOWING RESPONDENTS CLASSIFICATION ON THE BASIS OF AGE Age Majority Above Below Total No. of respondents 100 36 64 200 Percentage 50 18 32 100

INTERPRETATION Among 170 respondents, majority of the respondents are of the age 3050 about 50% are these group 18% of the respondents are below 45 years and 32% of the respondents are below 30 years. CHART 2- SHOWING THE RESPONDENTS CLASSIFICATION ON THE BASIS OFAGE



TABLE 3- SHOWING RESPONDENTS CLASSIFICATION ON THE BASIS OF OCCUPATION Occupation Business Salaries Daily workers No. of respondents 70 88 42 Percentage 38.5 34 28

INTERPRETATION The table shows that 38.5% respondents are business people 34% of respondents are salaried 28% of respondents are daily workers. CHART3- SHOWING THE RESPONDENTS CLASSIFICATION ON THE BASIS OF OCCUPATION




TABLE4- SHOWING RESPONDENTS CLASSIFICATION ON THE BASIS OF TYPES OF FAMILY Type of family No. of respondents Percentage Nuclear 120 60 Joint 60 30 Total 180 90 INTERPRETATION Among 180 respondents 60% are belongs to nuclear family 30% are belongs to joint family CHART4- SHOWING THE RESPONDENTS CLASSIFICATION ON THE BASIS OF TYPES OF FAMILY



TABLE5- SHOWING RESPONDENTS CELEBRATION LEVEL DO YOU CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY, ANNIVERSARY, ONAM ETC.. Particulars Yes No Total No. of respondents 134 66 200 Percentage 67 33 100

INTERPRETATION Among 200 respondents 67% of the respondents are celebrating festivals, 33% of the respondents are not celebrating festivals CHART5- SHOWING THE RESPONDENTS CLASSIFICATION ON THE BASIS OF CELECRATION LEVEL

NO 33%

YES 67%


INTERPRETATION Among 200 respondents 60% are include power in their celebrity dishes, 40% dont include power in their celebrating dishes CHART6 SHOWING INCLUSION OF POWER IN CELEBRATION

NO 40%

YESr 60%

TABLE7- SHOWING RESPONDENTS MOST FAVORITE PODIS Name of podi Puttu podi Idly podi Chuk podi Dosa podi Total INTERPRETATION Among 200 respondents 34% of the respondents are prefer idly podi, 20% of respondents are prefer chukupodi, 30% of respondents prefer dosa podi, 33% of respondents prefer puttu podi. CHART 3.7 SHOWING RESPONDENTS OF FAVORITE PODI No. of respondents 66 34 40 60 200 Percentage 33 17 20 30 100




TABLE 8 SHOWING RESPONDENTS PREFERENCE TOWRD HOME MADE INSTANT PUTTU PODI Particulars Home made Instant Both No. of respondents 80 62 66 Percentage 40 31 33

INTERPRETATION Among 200 respondents 35% of the respondents prefer homeputtupodi, 33% of respondents are prefer instant puttupodi and remaining 31% of respondents like both home made and instant puttupodi CHART 8 SHOWING RESPONDENTS PREFERENCE TOWARD HOME MADE INSTANT PUTTU PODI




TABLE 9 SHOWING RESPONDENTS AFFECTING THE PURCHASE DECISION OF CONSUMERS Particulars Easy to prepare Easy availability Quality Advertisement Total No. of respondents 24 10 27 7 68 Percentage 35.3 14.7 39.7 10.3 100

INTERPRETATION It was found that 39 70% give reference to quality 35% for easy to prepare 14.7% for easy availability and 10.3% for advertisement CHART 9 SHOWING FACTORS AFFECTING THE PURCHASE DECISION OF CONSUMERS




TABLE 10- SHOWING HOW MANY OF THE RESPONDENTS PURCHASE INSTANT FOODS BY LOOKING ON ITS BRANG Questions: Do you purchase instant foods by looking on its brand? Particulars Yes No Total INTERPRETATION Among 200 respondents, 69% of respondents buy product by looking on its brand and 31% of respondents are not buy products by looking on its brand CHART 10 - SHOWING HOW MANY OF THE RESPONDENTS PURCHASE INSTANT FOODS BY LOOKING ON ITS BRANG No. of respondents 138 62 200 Percentage 69 31 100


NO 31%

YES 69%

TABLE 11 SHOWING THE USAGE RATE OF GRAMA SREE FOOD PRODUCTS Question: Do you ever use Grama Sree Food Products? Particulars No. of respondents Percentage Yes No Total 50 150 200 25 75 100

INTERPRETATION Among 200 respondents 75% of respondents are using Grama Sree Food Products, 25% of respondents are not using it.


yes no

TABLE 12 Questions: From where did you heard about Grama Sree Food Products? Particulars Advertisement Recommendation from relatives Others Total INTERPRETATION Among 41 respondents 26.8% of respondents are heard from advertaisement, 51.2% of respondents heard from recommendations from relatives and remaining 22% respondents heard from other sources. CHART 12 No. of respondents 12 21 9 41 Percentage 26.8 51.2 22.0 100




TABLE 13 SHOWING RESPONDENTS OPINION ABOUT THE QUALITY OF GRAMA SREE FOOD PRODUCTS PARTICULARS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE GOOD AVERAGE BAD TOTAL INTERPRETATION The study found that 75% of respondents rated the quality of Grama Sree Food Products as good, 25% of respondents rated as average, and none of the respondent rated as bad. CHART 13 30 11 0 41 75 25 0 100

BAD 0%


GOOD 75%

TABLE 14 TABLE SHOWING OPINION ABOUT THE TYPE OF PACKING Question: Which type of packing do you prefer? Particulars Pouch Bottle Both Total No. of respondents 70 58 82 200 Percentage 30 29 41 100

INTERPRETATION Among 200 respondents, 30% of respondents prefer pouch, 29% of respondents prefer bottle, 41% of respondents prefer both CHART 14


BOTH 41%



TABLE 15 TABLE SHOWING READILY AVAILABLE OF GRAMA SREE FOOD PRODUCTS Particulars Yes No Total INTERPRETATION Among 41 respondents, 80.5% of respondents opined that Grama Sree Food Products is readily available in their nearest outlet, 19.5% of respondents opined that that is not readily available in their nearest outlet CHART 15 No. of respondents 33 8 41 Percentage 80.5 19.5 100


NO 20%

YES 80%

TABLE 16 SHOWING PURCHASE PERIOD Question: How often do you purchase Grama Sree Food Products? Particulars Monthly Occasionally Celebrations Total INTERPRETATION Among 41 respondents 46% purchase Grama Sree Food Products during celebrations, 42% purchase occasionally and 12% of respondents purchase monthly. CHART 16 No. of respondents 6 16 19 41 Percentage 12.2 42.5 46.34 100



FINDINGS 1. Females are the most supporting group of this product. 2. From this survey conducted it can be seen that most of the users are of the age between 30-50/. Consumers having age more than 50 ins not buying Grama Sree Food Products because of health problems 3. Most of the buyers are housewives 4. It can be seen that most of the buyers belong to nuclear family. 5. Survey shows that in recent most of the buyers are celebrating birthday, anniversary onam etc. 6. Most of the respondents use podi. 7. Now a days most of the buyers are of the brand 8. Most of the buyers prefer to buy instant puttu podi on celebrations.

SUGGESTIONS 1. The management should take adequate step to increase sales by primitive activities. The firm should be expand the market to others state and abroad also. 2. In order to overcome the competition. The quality of production of the firm should be increased the take necessary steps in course new customer. 3. They must take necessary steps to reduce the cost, thus to reduce its price also.

CONCLUSION This project was conducted in Malappuram district. The project titled A study on buying behavior of Grama Sree Food Products was attempt to study and to make recommendations to improve market share of the company. From the study it can be conclude that most of the consumers are satisfied with the quality of Grama Sree Food Products. If the follows the above suggestions and recommendations it can be create a good image among consumers.

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