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i8 .iois 1r xi r x nvz.

x1r ix
ended up being condemned a heretic, not in line with Palamass teaching,
and has ever since been known as an anti-Palamite."!!
Palamas was still struggling with his opponents when Prochoros joined
the ! ! on Mount Athos, still a boy. After some years as a lay
monk he was ordained and became a / ! . He studied Latin and
began to apply his knowledge to the works of Augustine and Thomas
Aquinas. In contrast to Planudes, who in his youth translated what is
probably Augustines most sublime work, Prochoros began his Augus-
tinian studies by translating some fairly basic passages from early works
like the rst fteen paragraphs of De uera religione,"!" ve paragraphs of De
beata uita"!# and a large part of the rst book of De libero arbitrio."!$ Only
a collection of eight letters contains later material."!%
In De vera rel. Augustine puts forward the principle of unity ( the one)
as the guiding principle for religious worship"!& and as a characteristic of
Christian teaching and worship as opposed to the plurality of pagan cults
and Manichean dualism. The concept of the one, he recognises, is, of
course, also central to Platonism. But Platonism, he insists, has failed,
6o6, fos iior8v; CCL xci A), a work depending on Augustines Enchiridion; pseudo-
Augustinus, Soliloquia, a work dating from the thirteenth century (Cod Vat. gr. 6o, fos
1r6v; PL xl. 868), excerpts from Aug., C. Iul. (Cod. Vat. gr. 1o6, fo. iiirv) and In
Iohannis euangelium tractatus (Cod. Vat. gr. 111, fos 8vor; CCL xxxvi); on further details
see M. Jugie, De! me! trius Cydone' s et la the! ologie latine a' Byzance aux xive et xve sie' cles ,
chos dOrient xxvii (1i8), 8oi at p. 6; Demetrios Kydones : Briefe, I\i, ed. F.
Tinnefeld, Stuttgart 181, 68; Fu$ rst, Augustinus im Orient .
"!! See Flogaus, Der heimliche Blick, i8; Prochoros Kydones : U
bersetzung von acht
Briefen des Hl. Augustinus, ed. H. Hunger, Vienna 18, 8.
"!" ' 4 0 4 ! (Cod. Vat. gr. 1o6, fos 1r6r); Aug., De vera rel.
11, CCL xxxii. 18, line i ut diem dei uideant . It dates from c. o.
"!# Cod. Vat. gr. 6o, fo. 1rv; Aug., De beata uita 8, CCL xxix. 66, lines 8oo at
line 61). The Greek title is not extant. The work dates from 86.
"!$ 4 0 ! (Cod. Vat. gr. 6o, fos 18orr); Aug., De lib. arb. i. 1o,
CCL xxix. i11i, dating from 88. See Prochoros Kydones : U
bersetzungen von S. Augustinus,
De libero arbitrio i. .,c und Ps.-Augustinus, De decem plagis Aegyptiorum, ed. H. Hunger,
Vienna 1o, 1i. The second work in this edition is an anonymous compilation
formerly ascribed to Augustine and now thought to be a work of Caesarius of Arles (CCL
ciii. o1).
"!% The only surviving xs is Cod. Vat. gr. 6o, fos 18r1v, ioirv, iorv. See
R. Devreesse, in Codices Vaticani Graeci, iii, Vatican City 1o, 1618; Prochoros Kydones :
bersetzung von acht Briefen (introduction), 11. The letters are ordered as follows : ep.
cxxxii (fo. 18r; CSEL xliv. 8o); ep. cxxxvii (fos 18r8r; CSEL xliv. 61i); ep.
cxxxviii (fos 188ror; CSEL xliv. 1i68); ep. xcii. 16 (fo. 1orv; CSEL xxxiv\ii.
6, line 18; i.e. the last two sentences are missing); ep. cxliii (fos 1ov1r; CSEL xliv.
io6i); ep. xxviii (fo. 11v; CSEL xxxiv\i. 1o1); ep. cxlvii. 6 (fo. ioirv; CSEL
xliv. i1, line 1 et quod i, line i sicut ); ep. lxxxii. 1 (fo. iorv; CSEL
xxxiv\ii. 1, line 1 posuisse); cf. Prochoros Kydones : U
bersetzung von acht Briefen. Most
of the letters originate from the second decade of the fth century.
"!& See J. Lo$ ssl, The One (unum): a guiding concept in De vera religione, RE
Aug xl
(1), 1o. On paragraphs 11 see ibid. 6. See also Intellectus gratiae, i.

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