FacilitiesDynamicsEngineering SiteVisitReport1

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Date: To: "ro#e t: Su!

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SITE VISIT REPORT#1 Thursday, January 29, 2004 Julia Woltman, Don Riggin, Steve Ratliff $%& S'e ial (olle tions )i!rary Site %isit From: "ro#e t *o+ Tim S ru!y ,029+00

The follo-ing are my notes from my site visit made on this date for the 'ur'ose of revie-ing onstru tion 'rogress, s'e ifi ally e.ui'ment start/u', start/u' do umentation, and 'rogress on the om'letion of the training 'lan+ ,+ 0 met Ro! Shifflett and Jay -ith Sullivan 1e hani al as 0 -as -al2ing into the site+ They indi ated that they had #ust finished a meeting related to e3e uting the ommissioning re.uirements+ Ro! said that 0 should have his training agendas and revisions to the start/u' he 2lists !ased on my omments !y early ne3t -ee2+ Ro! said that they -ere -or2ing on s heduling their fa tory start/u's !ased on the om'letion of the ontrols installation+ 4e said they -ere 'lanning to !egin s heduling these in a!out si3 -ee2s 5mid 1ar h6+ 4e said that they had 'ermission from the drive vendor to o'erate the drives at fi3ed 7 s'eed for tem'orary use, until they are ready for more formal start/u' !y the fa tory re'resentative+ 2+ 0 s'o2e -ith Ri h 8altimore+ 4e said that he is -or2ing on getting the 9:1 manuals together+ 4e gave me a draft o'y of the ontrols 9:1 manual+ 4e indi ated that he -ould !e su!mitting the various 'arts as he re eives them+ 4e indi ated that the ontra tors -ere e3e uting the start/u' he 2lists as they -ent+ ;+ 0 -al2ed the 'ro#e t site from around ,,:00 &1 until shortly after noon+ The follo-ing are my omments+ a+ 0 noted that the air flo- station lo ation for the return air to &4$/4 is a !ad lo ation relative to availa!le lo ations+ 0t is -ithin a foot or t-o do-nstream from an el!o-, and immediately u'stream of a dam'er+ This -ill !e ontrary to most manufa turer<s re ommended installation lo ations+ The dam'er is follo-ed !y a!out ,2 feet of straight du t+ T-o thirds of the -ay do-n the straight du t from the dam'er -ould !e a far !etter lo ation+ 0 !rought this to Jarod Drummond<s 5Walla e Day6 attention+ The air flostation had not yet !een -ired+ This re ommendation does not re'resent a hange to the onstru tion do uments in my o'inion+ Jarod said that he -ould loo2 at it+ !+ 0 generally revie-ed the flo- station installations on the other units+ Jarod indi ated that he has an RF0 in related to some of the smo2e dete tor lo ations+ + 0 ould hear air ir ulating in the hot -ater heating system+ This is fairly normal for a system that has #ust !een started+ 0 also noted that the automati air vent on the air se'arator is urrently valved off+ 0f the vent valve is fun tioning 'ro'erly, it should !e allo-ed to o'erate to let air out of the system+

8153 Dick Woods Road Afton, VA 22920 Phone: (540) 45 ! 3 2 "#ai$: tsc%&'()#inds*%in+,co# - 0 A$e.ande% /e$$ D%i0e 1&ite 210 2o$&#'ia, 3D 2104 Phone: (410) 290!0900 4a.: (410) 290!0901

"age 2

0f you have any .uestions or omments, 'lease feel free to all+ : Jay Santos =evin Shortt

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