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Game Design Course 2013

Concept Template Fartman Maxim Zavadskiy

Platform: Mobile, web Target Group: male / female 5 - 40 Genre: Pacman Moneti ation: Fremium !eference Games: Pacman Pitc" Eat, run away, fart and puke #b$ecti%e Eat all !am"ur#ers, l$cated in different p$ints $f a sc!$$l ma%e &r$p t!e pursuit $f t!eir $wners "y fartin# and pukin# $n t!em Mec"anics '$u c$ntr$l a fat and !un#ry sc!$$l "$y, w!$ likes $t!ers( lunc! Eat all "i# meal in a f$rm $f !am"ur#ers and d$n(t f$r#et c$$kies and $t!er !ealt!y stuff Pupils try t$ !it y$u, "ut y$u are s$ fat t!at y$u !ave )uite s$me !ealt! *ame is $ver w!en y$u l$st y$ur !ealt! '$u !eal partly "y eatin# !am"ur#ers Envir$ment + sc!$$l "uildin# wit! ma%e $f r$$ms '$u d$n(t m$ve like pacman, "ut any directi$n in ,& -y eatin# c$$kies, t!at are everyw!ere $n y$ur way y$u #ain "asic ener#y/material t$ puke $r fart Puke + c$vers l$n# area in fr$nt $f y$u Fart + c$vers s$me wide circle ar$und y$u -$t! disa"les y$ur $pp$nent c$mpletely '$u puke/fart usin# different c$ntr$ls M$re ener#y y$u #ained "ef$re + m$re p$werful it is .!is will reset y$ur ener#y t$ %er$ /f y$u d$n(t relea%e f$$d/ener#y t!at y$u eat "y fartin#/pukin# - y$u will expl$de at s$me p$int t!en 0pp$nents are c$min# fr$m "$rder $f t!e map and t!ey are l$$kin# ar$und f$r y$u 0pp$nents + pupils + weak "ut fast, teac!ers + )uite st$n#, mi#!t need several attack applied t$ disa"le, "ut n$t fast -$ss + P E .eac!er + appears $nce per level 1ery str$n#, and )uite fast, "ut stupid, "umps int$ walls '$u #et sc$re p$ints traditi$nally + f$r defeatin# y$ur $pp$nents, eatin# c$$kies, c$mpletiti$n level time 2!allend#e + use wisely pukin# $r fartin#, eat en$u#! c$$kies, release y$ur need in time

&ni'ue (elling Points uni)ue fartin# and pukin# skills funny atm$sp!ere wide tar#et #r$up rec$#ni%ed "y pacman fans 2$mpetit$rs3 Pacman + "ut 4 m$re funny and "etter l$$kin#, m$re freeed$m $f m$vement Features fartin# and pukin# attacks P E teac!er "$ss funny #ameplay c$mpete a#aints y$u friends f$r !i#! sc$re 5 different "e!avin# enemies ,0 sc!$$ls t$ c$mplete 5 difficulty level , #ame m$des 4 survival m$de, !am"ur#ers appear c$nstantly, c$llect as muc! as y$u can

()nopsis 6merican sc!$$l atm$sp!ere 6 "reak Every"$dy "rin#s lunc! as a !am"ur#er '$u are a fat "$y, always seekin# f$r s$met!in# t$ eat 6nd !am"ur#ers $f $t!ers are s$ attaractive Pe$ple definitely d$n(t like fat "$ys eatin# t!eir lunc!, s$ every"$dy will try t$ !it y$u 6fter eatin# all lunc!es, t!ere is n$ way "ack t$ t!is sc!$$l, s$ next level is in t!e new sc!$$l .err$r t!e w!$le city7 *oo+ , Feel 2art$$ny l$$k and feel, like s$me stupid american cart$$ns 6merican sc!$$l ,& t$pd$wn #ptional: Pro-uction 4 pe$ple 8 year

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