The Teleological Ethics of Fakhr Al-Dīn Al-Rāzī

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Ayman Shihadeh The Teleological Ethics of Fakhr al-Dn al-Rz

Leiden: Brill. 2006. viii + 280 pages.

Fakhr al-Dn al-Rz is a major figure in Islamic philosophy and Muslim intellectual heritage in general. He wrote on a variety of topics from his grand commentary on the Qurn to important works on Ul al-fiqh (Islamic jurisprudential theory). He is also a major reformer of later Ashar theology; he wrote widely on philosophical issues, and not only ethics but much of the same ground that Ibn Sn had covered. He also debated widely with many of his contemporaries, unfortunately stirring up a great deal of unresolved controversy. The work in question begins with an introduction and brief biography of al-Rz and a bibliography of his oeuvre. In the first chapter on al-Rzs theory of action, the author introduces the historical background of al-Rzs theory of action and human action, followed by a discourse on destiny and then delves into the theme of the creation of human acts. The next chapter begins the main thesis of the book, discussing al-Rzs theory of ethics of action; again Shihadeh presents the historical
Journal of Islamic Philosophy 3 (2008): 124126. 2008 by the Journal of Islamic Philosophy. All rights reserved. 1536-4569

Journal of Islamic Philosophy / 2008


background of the problem, then al-Rzs theory of ethical values, followed by a digression into revealed law and ethical value, and finally to a discussion of moral obligation. He then addresses al-Rzs objections to Mutazilite ethics and closes the chapter with a discussion on God and ethics. Working with scholars that are considered latter Ashar theologians, one has to consider the devolvement of Ashar theology up to that point. Shihadeh does this in a number of chapters. Ashar theology progressed by the time of al-Rz to include the works of al-Baqaln, alJuwayn, and al-Ghazl, and as Shihadeh shows, al-Rz did not limit himself to Ashar theology; he had no qualms about adapting arguments from other schools including the Mutazila. The next chapter on perfectionism and its relation to the theory of virtue in al-Rzs ethical theory includes two digressions on human perfection and another on prophecy. In the second half of the book is a discussion of al-Rzs later pessimism, in al-Rzs work Risalt thamm laththt al-dunna; here Shihadeh presents a commentary on this work and divides it as follows: nature and the extent of sensory pain and pleasure; sociopolitical pessimism, and epistemological pessimism. Finally we are presented with a critical edition of al-Rzs Risalt thamm laththt al-dunna as was mentioned at the outset of this review. Shihadehs book is a welcome study of Fakhr al-Dn al-Rzs ethics. Students of Islamic philosophy have, for far too long, shied away from studying this prolific author, while many other scholars have been overstudiedthis is not the case when it comes to al-Rz. Hence the importance of Ayman Shihadehs timely study. The dearth of studies on al-Rz is not the only reason that this work is important. It stands on its own merits, written by a first rate scholar who shows a deep


Book Reviews

understanding of the material at hand, and who is able to navigate quite well the vast seas of al-Rzs heritage. This study, by focusing on one aspect of al-Rzs philosophical thought, leaves the stage wide open for the study of alRzs other philosophical works. It presents a wellordered model for others to follow in the study of a major thinker who was also a prolific writer.

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