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Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)


May 2003

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Education Planning Adviser
Ministry of Education, Science & Technology, Malawi

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)

1.PURPOSES OF THE FIELD SURVEY ________________________________3
2.SCHEDULE AND PLACE VISITED ___________________________________3

3.PERSONS INTERVIEWED WITH ____________________________________3


4-1: MCDE: Malawi College of Distance Education ______________________________ 4
Basic Information Collected: __________________________________________________4
Proposed Actions____________________________________________________________6

4-2: Centre for Education, Research and Training (CERT) _________________________ 6

Basic Information ___________________________________________________________6
Chiladzulu Initiatives ________________________________________________________7
Proposed Actions____________________________________________________________7

4-3: Chancellor College _____________________________________________________ 8

Discussion on MAMSTIP (Malawi Mathematics and Science Teaching Improvement
Proposed Actions: ___________________________________________________________8

4-4: Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) _____________________________ 9

Requests from MANEB to JICA _______________________________________________9
Proposed Actions: ___________________________________________________________9

4-5: South West Divisional Education Offices____________________________________ 9

Problems/Issues in general ____________________________________________________9
Problems/Issues in Management of Education Office ______________________________9
Proposed Actions: _________________________________________________________ 10

4-6: Machinga District Office _______________________________________________10

Problems/Issues in Management _____________________________________________ 10
Proposed Actions: _________________________________________________________ 10

5. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTIONS_________________________________11

Annex 1: List of Main Persons Interviewed with _____________________________________ 12
Annex2: School Visit Profiles ____________________________________________________ 13

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)


To study the needs on capacity building for education officers/academic
staffs/specialists in education sector;
To study the status quo of the administrative aspects of education
offices/institutions at divisional and district levels.


Activities/Visiting Place Stay
AM Move to Domasi
1 Fri. 9 May 14:00:INSET Taskforce Meeting、 Zomba
2 Sat 10 May Chancellor College Zomba
3 Sun 11 May Holiday Zomba
8:00-: CERT
10:00-: Chancellor College
4 Mon 12 May Blantyre
South East Educational Division Office
Move to Blantyre
AM 9:00-: MCDE
14:00-: South West Educational Division
5 Tue 13 May Office Blantyre
PM Visiting Primary and Secondary Schools
MANEB, CERT, Chancellor College to
collect questionnaires
6 Wed 14 May Move to Machinga、Machinga District Zomba
Education Office
PM District Education Office
Collecting Questionnaires
AM Visiting Private Secondary Schools in
7 Thu 15 May Balaka
PM Move to Lilongwe


Please refer to Annex 1

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)


4-1: MCDE: Malawi College of Distance Education

Basic Information Collected:

1) Background: a) Started in 1965 with 1,000 students, mostly by
b) Enrolments grew up very fast since started its service;
c) Learning centres (Distance Education Centres: DECs)
at district levels were opened in primary schools;
d) Night Secondary Schools were opened in government
secondary schools by 1998;
e) 150,000 open distance learners had learned;
f) 520 DECs were opened;
g) 44 Night schools were operated.

2) Mission: To provide education to people who cannot learn at

conventional school for various reasons

3) Objectives: a) To provide education through open and distance

education, using;
- Print
- Audio (Radio and Tapes)
- Video
- Face to face lecture
b) To provide secondary education of the same quality as
that provided by conventional schools;
c) To give a second chance to adults who missed or did not
complete education in their youth.

4) Target Groups: a) Primary school leavers who fail to enter conventional

(e.g.) In 2002, 100.000 passed and 37,000 selected but
63,000 not selected
b) Unsuccessful JCE candidates;
(e.g) In 2001, 55% passed and 45% failed
c) Unsuccessful MSCE candidates;
(e.g.) In 2001, 25% passed 75% failed
d) Working class people, those who wish to improve grades
and get promotion.
(e.g.) People in prisons who are enrolled at MCDE
Form 1: 14, Form 2: 27, Form 3: 30

5) Turning Point: a) DECs were converted into Community Day Secondary

Schools (CDSS);
b) DCEs/CDSS started to be operated under Ministry’s

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)


6) Effects on MCDE after On MCDE;

1998: a) All MCDE students became conventional school
b) MCDE without students;
c) MCDE activities scaled down;
d) MCDE’s budget was reduced drastically;
e) Some of printing machines were moved to Domasi
f) Most of trained staffs left.

7) Effects on students after a) Entry to CDSS by selection;

1998: b) Many primary school leavers who obtained Primary
School Leaving Certificate Examinations (PSLCE)
remained unselected;
c) Great demands for alternative route to secondary school
were occurred.

8) MoEST response to great a) Directive that MCDE should resume provision of

demand for secondary distance education;
education: b) MCDE to teach through;
- Open Secondary Schools
- Correspondence ( Home Study)
c) Government starts to increase MCDE budget;
d) MoEST starts to encourage donor support for distance

9) MCDE Future Plan: a) To provide JCE courses from 2003;

* estimated that 20,000 will enrol for JCE programme
b) To provide MSCE courses from 2004;
* estimated that 10,000 per form will enrol for MSCE
c) To provide Distance School Programmes from 2006.
(e.g.) After Secondary School Programmes are operational

10) Major Challenges/Issues a) Change Of Secondary School Curriculum in 1998;

on MCDE work: - MCDE has to develop new instructional materials for
JCE and MSCE 12 subjects at each level
b) Inadequate Funding;
- Budgetary constraints only allows 20% of MCDE
requirements to be approved
c) Lack of Materials;
- Printing equipment
* one printing machine available
* three more required
- Computers for pre-press operations

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)

- Basic Printing materials (papers, inks, films and plates,


d) Shortage of Vehicles;
The MCDE has only one vehicle servicing for the
headquarters and three regions
- vehicle required; 1 saloon car for principal, 1 minibus
for staff travel, 4 double cabin vehicles (1 for each
region and for head office) 1 lorry for ferrying bulk
stores of instructional materials to regional and
district centres
e) Lack of Trained Staffs.

* JICA was requested to consider sending some technical advisers/specialists for

training in Distance Education Methods, i.e. Open School teachers need orientation
in distance education methods.

Proposed Actions
1) Conduct Feasibility Survey/Needs Assessment Survey on Distance Education;
2) Coordination with MoEST and MCDE on the Policy of Distance Education and
its roles;
3) Examine possible approaches for the support in the future by Japan through
either General Grant Aid or Technical Cooperation。

4-2: Centre for Education, Research and Training (CERT)

Basic Information
1) Mission (Original) a) Conduct educational research for the MoEST to contribute
decision making;
b) Contribute for the attainment of quality of education.

2) Structure a) Belonging to Faculty of Education, Chancellor College,

/Administrative University of Malawi;
b) Budget is under Chancellor College.

3) Members of Staffs: 7; Director, Deputy Director and 5 Research Fellows

4) Qualifications of 1 PhD (Director), 6 Masters


Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)

5) Area Specified by 1) Girls’ Education, Teacher Development, Class Instruction,

each staff: 2) Science Education, Youth Education,
3) Life Skill Education, Teacher Development,
4) Education Policy (Decentralisation), Assessment of School
5) Gender, HIV/AIDS, Education and Development.

6) Challenges/Issues: a) Relationships with MoEST

b) Less Contributions on Policy Making
b) Shortage of Staffs
* 8 research fellows should be filled

Chiladzulu Initiatives
An unique trials to improve capacity at district levels;
One of the ideal programmes in a sense that people were supported in every
aspect they wanted;
General problems observed are;
1) Less involvement from MoEST,
2) Donors were far from MoEST on the process,
3) Immature financial supports,
4) Design problems of the programme,
(e.g.) huge budget was imputed in the development of EMIS, however, the
outputs were not remained,
5) Sustainability was missing,
6) Less maintenance of procured equipment.

Proposed Actions
1) Promote collaborative relationships on the process of NIPDEP through Dr. J.
Chimombo (Director of CERT), the member of JICA NIPDEP Team;
2) Conduct dedicated literature review of Chiladzulu Initiatives to reflect the lessons
learned on NIPDEP;
3) Encourage MoEST to reconstruct sound relationships with CERT.

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)

4-3: Chancellor College

Discussion on MAMSTIP (Malawi Mathematics and Science Teaching
Improvement Project)
Conducted between 1990-97 with the support of Vrife Universiteit Amsterdam,
The Netherlands;
Components; 1) Teacher Training in Mathematics and Science, 2) Supplying
Learning and Teaching Materials, 3) Supporting of Teacher Associations;
Targets; secondary teachers with diploma/Teaching certificates to bridge the
gap to university for degree;
Achievements; 1) Some equipment for teaching were provided then schools
were benefited, 2) Some of participants who continued studying to obtain
diploma at Domasi College of Education;
1) Strong enthusiasm was one thing, in general, but practice was another,
2) INSET teaching methods were developed but some were not implemented,
3) Initially, University was planned to offer diploma for INSET participants,
but not be done due to some political reasons,
4) INSET programme was expensive for one institution to manage even
though there was minimum support from the Ministry.
Lessons Learned:
- School visits for inspecting are crucial in INSET programme because
workshop is one of opportunities to enhance commitment of teachers for
their professionals;
- Visible results/changes are important to maintain incentives among teachers
for attending programme such as clear links with career development, higher
qualification and increase of salary;
- Final goals should be the improvement of pupils’ performance as well as the
attitude reform among teachers.

Proposed Actions:
1) Review MIMSTIP, especially in linkages of career development through INSET,
for SMASSE Malawi Programme;
2) Sensitise National Trainers about the lesson learned through MIMSTIP;
3) Clarify the position and commitment of MoEST in SMASSE programme based
on the past experience of MIMSTIP.

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)

4-4: Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB)

Requests from MANEB to JICA
On the visit of MANEB, they started discussions with their requests to JICA from the
beginning to the end. Their requests are as follows;
1) JOCV in the field of; 1) Publishing with Computers, 2) Computer Security
(security computer network, anti-virus system, etc.)
2) Procurement of Printing Machine
3) Counterpart Training at Kenya National Examination Board in the area of
research and publishing

Proposed Actions:
1) Need to give clear explanations about suspending the detachment of JOCV;
2) Based on 1), conduct needs assessment for JOCV in the area they requested.

4-5: South West Divisional Education Offices

Problems/Issues in general
1) Limitation of Financial Resources
2) Transport (Vehicles)
3) Rehabilitation for Schools
4) Shortage of Furniture
5) Office Equipment at District Offices
6) Accommodation for Officers

Problems/Issues in Management of Education Office

1) Administrative structure
2) Vacancy of established posts
- Planning section has relatively less staffs (only one) for its given
- Finance Accountant is very crucial post at district level, however, not filled
- Trained personals who are really needed at district levels are not satisfied with
staying there due to living environments
3) Less training opportunities
- the training provided do not always meet real needs

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)

Proposed Actions:
1) Consult relevance and appropriateness of established posts at Divisional
Education Office;
2) Examine the administrative structure for effective management;
3) Promote dedicated needs assessment in capacity building for staffs.

4-6: Machinga District Office

Problems/Issues in Management
1) Need attitude reforms of staffs (a lack of commitment for works);
2) Little understanding about development issues among members of Ward
3) Lack of accountability;
4) Lack of information on education policy (e.g.) Devolution Plan;
5) Shortage of staffs. (only 50% of all established posts filled)

Proposed Actions:
1) Need more trained-staff allocation to the office, especially, in the area of
2) Capacity analysis is crucial on the process of NIPDEP;
3) Establish and enhance effective communication structure between Ministry and

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)


Divisional District Chancellor

Office Office College
Conduct Feasibility
1 ● ●
Assessment Survey
for the Future Plan
Consult Dedicated
Needs Assessment
2 ● ● ● ●
on Capacity
Building for Staffs
Literature Review
about the Projects
3 ● ●
Related to Capacity
Building in the Past
Relationships with
4 ● ● ●
MoEST and Other
Review and Consult
5 Administrative ● ● ●
Review And
Strengthen the
6 Effective ● ● ● ● ● ●
Flow Structure
Allocate trained
7 ● ● ● ●

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)

Annex 1: List of Main Persons Interviewed with

Mr. Mwanza Deputy Principal,

Domasi College of Education (DCE)
Mr. M.C. Chimenya Biology Lecturer, DCE
Mr. Sanudi Biology Lecturer, DCE
Mr. P. Shonga Physical Science, DCE
Mr. W. Navicha Home Economics, DCE
Mrs. A Kayuni HEC Likangala Secondary
Mr. M. January Mathematics Lecture, DCE
Mr. A. Msekandiana Mathematics St. Mary’s Secondary
Mr. P. Ndolo Science and Technology, Mulunguzi Secondary
Dr. J. Chimombo Director of Centre for Education, Research and Training
Mr. C. Daimadzi Research Fellow of CERT
Dr. Nelle Mbano Head of Curriculum and Teaching Studies, Chancellor
College, University of Malawi
Mr. M. W. Matemba Executive Director, Malawi National Examination Board
Mr. V. Chaliba Deputy Executive Director, MANEB
Mr. J. Chikoti Director of Information and Technology, MANEB
Mr. E.K. Khanje Principal, Malawi College of Distance Education (MCDE)
Mrs. H. Manda Deputy Principal, MCDE
Mr. C.F. Laymaman Senior Producer/Editor, MCDE
Mrs. Muusa Divisional Education Manager, South East Divisional
Education Office (SEDEO)
Mr. Nkoma Senior Planner, (SEDEO)
Sr. Yones Dambo Divisional Education Manager, South West Divisional
Education Office (SWDEO)
Mrs. Banda Senior Planner, SWDEO

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)

Annex2: School Visit Profiles


Basic Information:
1 Students Enrolled: Enrolled Vacant
Boy Girl Total Boy Girl Total
Form 1 15 14 29 10 11 21
Form 2 10 10 20 15 15 30
Form 3 13 9 22 12 16 28
Form 4 17 2 19 8 23 31
55 35 90 45 65 110
* the number of vacancies are exceeding enrolled now
2 Number of Teachers & Total: 10, out of which, 8 are under qualified (T2 level)
their qualifications: 1; B.ED, 1; Master (retired teacher)
3 Facilities: 4 classrooms and 1 administration block (supported by
4 Performance: In 2002, JCE; 27/39 (69%) passed, MSCE; 4/11(36%)

1) Lack of textbooks;
2) Lack of infrastructure;
3) Unawareness of education (poor family background, most of pupils’ parents are
subsistence farmers);
4) High drop out;
5) Little enthusiasm for learning among pupils;

Areas Necessary for Support

1) INSET for teachers
2) Procurement of Textbooks

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)


Basic Information
1 Students Enrolled: About 800 (they could not show exact number of
students enrolled), 10 classes
2 Number of Teachers & Total: 13, out of which, 1 is under qualified (JCE level)
their qualifications: 1; B.ED, 1; Master (retired teacher)
3 Facilities: 8 classrooms and no administration block
4 Performance: In 2002, PSLCE; 2/13 (15%) passed

1) Lack of facilities (no toilets)
2) No training courses for teachers provided
3) Shortage of teacher houses (two as of now)
4) Lack of basic furniture (chairs and desks)

Areas Necessary for Support

1) Provide INSET opportunities
2) Extend capacity of facility

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)


Basic Information:
1 Students Enrolled: Form 1 69
Form 2 80
Form 3 52
Form 4 59
Total 260

2 Number of Teachers & Total: 9 (out of which, 1 is on maternity leave)

their qualifications: All are qualified (5; B.ED, 4; Diploma)
3 Facilities: 5 classrooms and 1 administration block
1998: EU supported 1 block but conditions are not
2000: IDA supported administration block and two
now 1 block is under construction by local initiatives
(third year from the beginning of construction)
4 Performance: In 2002, MSCE; 18/45(40%) passed

1) Shortage of staff houses (only one for head teacher);
2) Lack of basic furniture;
3) No electricity supply;
4) High drop out rate (originally 400 students enrolled but 260 remained at present
35% drop-out rate);

Areas Necessary for Support

1) Construction of staff houses
2) Supply basic furniture
3) Conduct household survey on high drop out

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)


Basic Information:
1 Students Enrolled: Total 641
2 Number of Teachers & Total: 8, out of which, 6 are qualified, 1 is temporary
their qualifications: employed (MSCE), 1 has not received qualification from
3 Facilities: 1973 establised
8 classrooms and 1 head teacher’s office (supported by
MASAF and local initiatives)
4 Performance: In 2002, 4/33 were selected to secondary education,
though all of them obtained general pass

1) Absenteeism of pupils and teachers;
2) Shortage of teachers’ house;
3) Ineffective teaching methodology;
4) Lack of devotions and commitments from teachers

Areas Necessary for Support

1) Conduct regular inspections for teachers’ performance;
2) Enhance consultation ability of teachers to avoid absenteeism;
3) Provide INSET for teachers to strengthen teaching methods

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA
Report of Field Survey in South East & West Division (別添 8)


Basic Information:
1 School Owner: Mr. Nsosa (Chairperson of PRISAM in South East Division)
Established in 1999
2 Students Enrolled: Boy Girl Total
Form 1 18 12 30
Form 2 18 22 40
Form 3 25 15 40
Form 4 - - -
Total 61 49 110
* Pupils who passed in PLSCE but not selected are
3 Number of Total: 6 (out of which, 5 are unqualified)
Teachers & their 1; Diploma, 5; MSCE
4 Facilities: 4 classrooms and 1 administration block
In June 2003, the temporary library will be opened.
5 School tuition: MK 1,800/term
Funded from Muslim organisation such as SMASAM,
ZAKATI for school management
5 Performance: Have not produced graduates yet

1) Teaching and Learning Materials (only 1 textbook of each subject for teachers);
2) Lack of facility (Science Laboratory)

Areas Necessary for Support

1) Quality control of education through inspections;
2) INSET for teachers;
3) Procurement and provision of learning/teaching materials;

Yoshihito NAKAYAMA

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