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July 2009

Mission Newsletter of Activities in Cesis, Latvia

Church--Athens, Texas
Mark & Laura Wimberley First Baptist Church

What a great ten days in Cesis, Latvia! It has been our honor to host seven
Americans from our home church of First Baptist-Athens, Texas. This was the
smallest group that we have had to travel to Cesis but ultimately they
accomplished as much as any group that has worked here.

BASKETBALL CAMP – For the seventh consecutive year, the young people of
Cesis were offered the opportunity to attend a free basketball camp. The Cesis
Sporta Skola (Sports School) allows us to use their very up-to-date facility and we
could not offer the activities without their support.

The junior camp began each day at 9:00 am and we registered 91 students from
the age of 6 – 13. Assisting us in the camps was Terry Short, girls’ basketball
coach at Cayuga High School along with Thomas Moore and Nicole Graham.
Thomas and Nicole are recent graduates of Athens High School and this was their
second year to participate in the camp. Alongside of the Americans we had at
least three Latvians that helped out each day, especially working with the younger
students that know very little English.
The basketball skills portion of the camp was important but we also wanted to
share the Gospel with them. Our coaches shared their testimonies, Dominic (our
evangelist for the week) spoke two days, and a Bible story drama was performed

At 4:00 pm each day the senior basketball camp tipped off. We had a high day of
37 campers registered. These students ranged in age from 14 – 20 and most
have been in one or more of the Cesis camps in previous years. Each day we tried
to have one of our American team share their testimony. Dominic also spoke to
this group several times. Laura and I see many of these campers around town, in
the gyms and at the basketball games. The camps are a way we can reinforce
what has previously been taught and we can continue to invite them to the youth
and church services.

Coming to Latvia again was great. I

loved catching up with friends and
learning new Latvian words. :) I
know God changed some hearts this
week and I just might miss the pizza.
Atta – Nicole Graham

Our senior group of campers...

I had a great time in Latvia. I
enjoyed the experience of a
different country and people. I
appreciated working with the
kids and using my basketball
knowledge to open a door for
them to have a relationship with
Christ. I look forward to
returning to Latvia to see the
fruits of our labor and see our
new friends. – Coach Terry Short

Nicole sharing with the older group...

Junior campers...

What a great week. We had great

friends, great food, great music and
great fun. We love coming to Latvia
but hate leaving. Everyone is so
warm and friendly, not to mention
talented. We will always cherish our
time together. We can’t wait to
return. Steve and I love all of you. –
Leanna Gowan

Matching to choose up sides...

These young ladies did everything from registering campers to singing at the night activities...

Thomas directing traffic at junior camp...

The week went by entirely too fast! We had a great time at camp, and
everything went extremely smoothly for having such a small group. I met
a lot of new friends, and got back in touch with some friends from last
year. I believe God moved powerfully through the people here. I can not
wait to come back again next year. – Thomas Moore

ILZE – BASKETBALL ENTERTAINER – Through a God-connected set of

circumstances, we were able to partner with Ilze and have her bring her
basketball-based Christian presentation to Cesis. We hosted her in the Sports
Halle on Wednesday night and we were excited that over 400 people attended.

Ilze is a dynamic young lady that has performed at numerous NBA, NCAA and
WNBA games. She uses a combination of dribbling, juggling and basketball tricks
to present a lively performance.
Born and raised in Latvia, Ilze came to the USA to play college basketball. After
receiving her degree she developed a half-time show so that she could continue
to be involved in the game.

Ilze was in Latvia to visit with her family and this was the first time her mother
had seen her perform live.

Since becoming a Christian five years ago, she has incorporated a Christian aspect
to her performance. She is very willing to use her platform to explain to others
what Christ has done in her life. You can find more information at

Ilze was very well received by the crowd and we believe she was able to reach
many of the people in a way that we can’t. She had instant credibility because of
her Latvian language ability and because she is still a Latvian in their eyes. After
the performance she had to stay and sign autographs for at least 45 minutes as
kids and adults wanted to speak to her.

Sharing her testimony

Dribbling three balls while balancing on board...

Coach Terry, Ilze and her daughters

‘SUMMER SLAM’ - Our night activities this year consisted of music, drama,
group games and Dominic brought a message nightly. Each night had a theme
with Monday being “Who is God?”; Tuesday was “Who is Jesus?” and Thursday
was “How does this apply to
me?”. I loved coming to Latvia! I wish I could
stay for several more weeks. I enjoyed
learning (not actually playing)
Steve and Leanna Gowan did a basketball. And, I loved getting to know
great job of presenting the music the people here. I've made lots of new
each night. We also enjoyed great friends and was even asked to be
several Latvian guest singers some little girl’s mom...
including a family band; Reinis a I can't wait to come back and see all of
my friends, to catch up and share what
celebrated drummer that has
I have to say about Christ.—Amanda
appeared on a TV show similar to Owens
American Idol and several singers
from our Cesis youth group.

Amanda Owen wrote and directed the dramas that were performed each night.
They were all related to the nightly theme and were ably performed by Annija and
Agnese. These were very well received by the audience and Amanda is to be
congratulated on a job well done.

Amanda is also an accomplished ballet dancer and she performed several times
during the week for both the camps and night activities. She had the audience
spellbound, especially all of the small girls who could just see themselves as a
future Amanda.

Our evangelist, Dominic, grew up in Nigeria and later lived in Siberia. About seven
years ago he moved to Riga and has since learned to speak the very difficult
Latvian language. He was a hit with all of our team as well as the young people
and adults. He was able to use his special gift of languages to interact with almost
everyone, whether they speak Latvian, Russian or English.
We had much greater participation this year from our own church and I know
they enjoyed the activities. We also had many of our basketball campers that
chose to return for the ‘Summer Slam’ activities. Every night was different and
every night provided a fun event along with a time for learning more of whom
God and Jesus really are. In this culture, many people have had very little in the
way of spiritual learning.

Reinis, the drums always add so much...

Patriks and family entertained on two nights...

Dominic, from Nigeria, helping a bunch of Texans in Latvia…go figure!

CHOIR CHIMES INSTRUCTION – One of the common denominators of Latvia

is their love of music. We wanted to offer something that would complement what
is already being offered as well as provide a long-term opportunity for playing and
enjoying their music.

Steve Akin is an accomplished hand bell instructor and he used the week to
develop a choir chime group. The Latvians are very fast learners and many could
already read music. In just a few days, Steve was able to have the choir
performing several different musical arrangements with many being accompanied
by a violin or flute. They performed at the Sunday worship services and were very
well received by the congregation.
We want to thank the hand bell choir of First Baptist Church-Athens for donating
the set of choir chimes. We hope they will continue to be used throughout Latvia
and that the Cesis choir will continue to grow.

Steve and his choir...

"One of the most important steps our church has taken in years to
benefit the ministries Cesis Baptist Church and it's worship services was
the presentation of a three octave set of Melody Chime, hand bell type
instruments. The Chimes were a gift to our sister church from the Carroll
Street Ringers of FBC Athens. Because music is such an important part of
the Latvian society, the chimes were an immediate success. After just
five rehearsals the newly established bell choir presented a seven song
concert in this Sunday's worship service. It was amazing how well they
played." - Steve Akin

In addition to these activities our entire team spent the week building friendships,
renewing previous ones and reaching out to the people. Most of the team worked
each day in the soup kitchen by providing music, testimonies or just being around
the people. Every
night after the It was great to see our friends again. Watching the
faces of the church members when the chimes were
‘Summer Slam’ played today at church was priceless. The joy and pride
activities a large was very evident in their smiles.
group of adults
and young people The soup kitchen was a highlight for me. Playing my
would walk to the guitar and singing in the old church while the people
were watching was an honor for me. I will never forget
local pizza café for their faces. – Steve Gowan
a late supper.

When a mission team is being selected it is always a concern of how they are
going to ‘click’. Sometimes you can have the most talented individuals but that
doesn’t always equate to a solid team.

This year, with only seven team members, we initially had some concerns about
how we would handle over 125 basketball campers or with only two musicians
how could we offer all the music we wanted to share. It wasn’t long before we
realized that though small in number, this mission team knew their roles and were
going to do what it took to make anything they attempted successful. I truly
believe God blessed Laura and me with this group and by the end of the week the
town of Cesis was also blessed by their presence.

We hope we can have each of these members return next year and continue to
spread the Gospel in Cesis. Paldies jums to Steve, Leanna, Thomas, Nicole,
Amanda, Terry and Steve Akin.

UPCOMING - Next up for Laura and me is the ‘How Far Can You Go’ camp. We
are working with Matejs Church from Riga this week. The teen-aged campers will
walk along the seashore from Ventspils, camping out each night.

On Thursday afternoon, Laura and I will meet them and be responsible for the
night’s activities. We are taking our presentation from the Tom Hanks’ movie
“Castaway”. The campers will come upon us and they will have to help us escape
from the island. After dinner, we will speak to the campers on ‘endurance’ and
how to accomplish that goal in a Christian life.
Thanks to all of you for your continued prayers and support. We are on week two
of a busy month of July. We would ask that you continue to pray that we are
given the right words to speak to the people of Latvia.

May God bless you,

Mark & Laura

For further pictures and Cesis camp updates, please check our blog at:

Benefits of picking the strawberries...

The beautiful Patricia...

Still trying to coach...

Nicole and Gusts on the ski lift...

Aivars, Gatis, Steve and Olegs listening to Dominic

The team musicians, Steve and Leanna...

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