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Todays people yearn to be original and impress with their nonconformist ways and behaviours.

Even when wearing the same styles, most people attempt to match the colours and pieces in their outfits in unusual ways. Everyone seems to take interest in fashion these days and what one wears has gained unprecedented importance lately. Apparently very few people are willing to admit there might actually be some truth in Aesops words, i.e. Appearances can be deceiving. Exactly the opposite is true. The great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearance as though they were realities and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are, to borrow achiavellis famous !uotation. "n the other hand, lots of people are not interested in creating their own style and accept, instead, everything that has been embraced within their group of friends. #ts common knowledge that teenagers are !uite difficult to understand and deal with, and that is partly because they are so easily influenced. $ome take up strange pastimes %ust in order to be cool and, of course, to gain the approval and acceptance of their peer group. # once met a girl who had started listening to rock music though she secretly hated it. #t is true that shared music preferences can foster bonds between people and give a sense of group identity, but, to my mind, one should not fake interest in something %ust to fit in. #n my opinion, acting like that can only lead us to mediocrity. #t means we are no longer able to make personal decisions, to choose between what we really want and what others expect from us. There is nothing wrong with being different as long as what differentiate us is something good, something positive. &reaching about the benefits of nonconformism is not one of my ma%or concerns, but it seems to me that when it comes to how to live your life there are no pre' set golden rules. Every person has the right to find their own path, their own voice. (onconformism, # think, is differently understood by every person. Thus, something considered common by someone, may be perceived as eccentric or even outrageous by someone else. #t is also differently understood and valued in different parts of the world. (owhere, however, under no circumstances, should nonconformism be used as an excuse for ones lack of good manners. (onconformism is not an asset in itself. )esides, if nonconformism is pursued by lots of people, like a sort of religion, it will lead to ... conformism* These people will eventually end up by obeying rules and social conventions. The only difference is they are now the prisoners of some different rules and conventions+ its a circle that can never be broken. # personally think that, deep inside, these people are weak and insecure about themselves. $ince they find it difficult to perform on the world stage, they are desperately trying to create their own micro' universe.

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