Unique Ford B-Max MPV: Archive For The Ford' Category

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Archive for the Ford Category Unique Ford B-Max MPV

March 12th, 2012 by By tonie # Ford

Unique Ford B-Max MPV Ford made ??the breakthrou h !ith the introduction o" the inau ura# Ford B-Max$ %hi& com'act MPV be an i in at the (ene)a Motor *ho! 2012 !hich o'ened today, %ue&day +,-./$ B-Max brin & a unique conce't, !hich ha& no B 'i##ar Ford de#iberate#y remo)in 'i##ar& "or ea&y acce&&$ %o kee' the "ront door !hi#e 0eadMore$$$

All-Ne Ford !co"#ort "$all "uv u%e &'(-liter !coBoo%t engine

February 1&t, 2012 by By tonie # Ford

1##-2e! Ford 3co*'ort 1##-2e! Ford 3co*'ort e)entua##y re)ea# it&e#" ahead o" the 4e#hi 1uto 3x'o 2012$ Ford 3co*'ort i& a &ma## *UV de&i ned "or the #oba# market$ Ford 3co*'ort !i## be &o#d in near#y 100 countrie&$ 5ike the "ir&t eneration, 1##-2e! Ford 3co*'ort de)e#o'ed and de&i ned the Ford team o" *outh 1merica in 6amacari, Bra7i#$

Ford Focu% )etec " *he Mo%t "#orty Car

4ecember 8th, 2011 by By tonie # Ford

Ford Focu& 9etec * Ford Focu& 9etec * to be the mo&t &'orty Ford Focu& be"ore the Ford Focu& *% +2:0 h'/ market$ Ford Focu& 9etec * ba&ed Ford Focu& 9etec $ ;i& a''earance i& &#i ht#y di""erent "rom the "ront and rear &'oi#er !ith additiona# on the &i##, a##oy !hee#& 1< =, 534 rear #i ht&,

+(&, Ford !%ca#e "$art "UV

2o)ember 1,th, 2011 by By tonie # Ford

201. Ford 3&ca'e 201. Ford 3&ca'e "ina##y re)ea#ed her ne! "ace$ 1& one o" the &ucce&&"u# *UV in the country, on thi& day +1,-11/ debut in 5o& 1n e#e& +51/ 1uto *ho! 2011$ But the >ndone&ian 'ub#ic to be 'atient, the artic#e, in the ear#y &ta e& o" &a#e& next year on#y to 1merican and 3uro'ean market&$

+(&, Ford Flex -ith Ne *echnology and Po er

2o)ember ?th, 2011 by By tonie # Ford

201. Ford F#ex 201. Ford F#ex !i## to debut at 2011 51 1uto *ho! $ 201. Ford F#ex b#e&&ed !ith the ad)anta e& o" techno#o y, more e""icient "ue# con&um'tion and @'#a&tic

&ur eryA$ 6ro&&o)er i& enriched bodied box MyFord %ouch +makin it ea&ier to mana e a## the in"ormation, contro# "eature& and &et a number o" &ettin &/, b#i&

Ford !ndeavour
Bctober 22nd, 2011 by By tonie # Ford

Ford 3ndea)our %he #ate&t )er&ion o"Ford 3ndea)our !a& #aunched on the >ndian market in *e'tember 200?$ Ford added to the o#d mode# &ome ne! de&i n #ine& and an array o" contem'orary "eature&, rein"orcin the tou hne&& o" the *UV and i)in it a more 'remium #ook$ Ford 3ndea)our i& made "or both, city and o"" road,

+(&, Ford !%ca#e

Bctober :th, 2011 by By tonie # Ford

201. Ford 3&ca'e i& re'orted#y 're'ared to 'er"orm at the 2011 5o& 1n e#e& 1uto *ho! next month$ 1##-ne! Ford 3&ca'e i& the 'roduction )er&ion o" Ford Vertrek$Ford Vertrek o!n conce't on di&'#ay at the 4etroit Motor *ho! in 2011 and a!arded the Be&t 6once't o" 1utoCeek$ 1nd "rom him a ain, Ford 3&ca'e 201. !i## be

Archive for the Cadillac Category +(&+ Cadillac C*" *ouring Pac.age Ne /uxury Car Fro$ Cadillac
4ecember 2,th, 2011 by By tonie # 6adi##ac

2012 6adi##ac 6%* %ourin Packa e 6adi##ac o""er& a 6adi##ac %ourin Packa e "or 2012 6adi##ac 6%* rank& a''earance& become more attracti)e in the year& ahead$ 2012 6adi##ac 6%* %ourin Packa e taken "rom &ome o" the e#ement& that u&e 6adi##ac 6%*V, at a 'rice o" U$*$ D 20,:$ 2012 6adi##ac 6%* %ourin Packa e con&i&t& o" EoE 0ecaro, 0eadMore$$$

+(&+ Cadillac !%calade "#ort

2o)ember 12th, 2011 by By tonie # 6adi##ac

2012 6adi##ac 3&ca#ade *'ort 2011 6adi##ac 3&ca#ade *'ort a''earin at the 4ubai >nternationa# Motor *ho! 2011$ 2012 6adi##ac 3&ca#ade *'ort accom'any 2012 6adi##ac 6%* 6ou'e and 2012 6he)ro#et %rai#B#a7er $ 2011 6adi##ac 3&ca#ade *'ort enriched Ma netic 0ide 6ontro#, an e#ectrica##y o'erated &unroo" "u##y, >nte##ibeam head#i ht&, a& !e## a& the &a"ety a#ert &y&tem *ide B#ind 9one

+(&+-+(&0 Cadillac A*" converti1le

*e'tember 2Fth, 2011 by By tonie # 6adi##ac

6adi##ac re-introduced their #ate&t car 'roduct !hich i& certain#y a c#a&&y car and a#&o #uxury car&, and the car !i## be named 6adi##ac 1%* 5uxury *edan, thi& car !i## u&e a "ixed roo" thou h it !i## #o&e the dra"t 6adi##ac con)ertib#e )er&ion but 4e&i n o" 6adi##ac 1%* !i## &ti## retain 4e&i n *edan and 6ou'e$ 6adi##ac

+(&& Cadillac !%calade !2* *ruc. Pic. U#

*e'tember .rd, 2011 by By tonie # 6adi##ac

2011 6adi##ac 3&ca#ade 3G% may not be ab#e to 'u## that o"", but &hou#d you need to 'artici'ate in the act o" crui&in the &treet& !ith "riend& durin c#ub cra!# *aturday ni ht, thi& #uxury &'ort truck i& on#y 'o&&ib#e on your !ay$ P#u&, the inno)ati)e exten&ion =mid ateH car o bed, there i& &ti## much room "or

Cadillac !/3 Cou#e !lectric Car%

1u u&t .1&t, 2011 by By tonie # 6adi##ac

6adi##ac '#an& to 'roduce 6adi##ac 350$ 3#ectric-'o!ered #uxury cou'e !a& taken "rom conce't 6adi##ac 6on)erE$ 6adi##ac 350 !i## dimoda#i #ithium-ion battery and a %-&ha'ed 8-cy#inder en ine a& a enerator$ 350 uti#i7e e#ectricity a& the main &ource o" ener y to dri)e a car !ithout a&o#ine or emi&&ion& o"

+(&& Monterey Cadillac Ciel Coverti1le Conce#t Car%

1u u&t 1?th, 2011 by By tonie # 6adi##ac

6adi##ac o bi in Monterey e)enin !ith an introduction to the conce't o" 6ie#$ 1nd !hen !e &ay bi , !e mean rea# bi , #ike a bi 12:-inch !hee#ba&e$ %hat i& nine inche& #on er than the !hee#ba&e 6adi##ac 3&ca#ade a$ 6ie# o)era## #en th i& #on er, too, about an inch and itA& a#mo&t a& !ide a& a

Pre%ident Barac. 41a$a% 5&'&M %u#er 1u% de1ut% on Mid e%t tour
1u u&t 1Fth, 2011 by By tonie # 6adi##ac

;a)in a &u'er-&o'hi&ticated )ehic#e&, quick#y and &ecure#y ha& become mandatory to be 'o&&e&&ed by the Pre&ident o" the United *tate&$ Bne o" them, &edan 6adi##ac Bne u&ed by Pre&ident Barack Bbama$ ;o!e)er, the )ehic#e !a& not the on#y on#y one !ho o!ned Pre&ident Barack Bbama$ Becau&e, in addition to 6adi##ac, i& a#&o a #uxury bu& Pa e 1 o" 2&2I

Archive for the Ferarri Category Ferrari F&+1erlinetta6 Cla%%ical and Po erful
March 11th, 2012 by By tonie # Ferarri

Ferrari F12ber#inettaJ 6#a&&ica# and Po!er"u# Ferrari F12ber#inetta uaranteed to take the "#oor at the (ene)a Motor *ho! 2012$ F12ber#inetta Ferrari i& the #ate&t eneration V12en ined Ferrari !ith c#a&&ic de&i n and mu&cu#ar$ 1#thou h the u&e o" the V12 ,2,2 cc en ine, a"ter a##, Ferrari c#aimed the con&um'tion o" a&o#ine F12ber#inetta ,$,, km - #iter +.0K more 0eadMore$$$

Ferrari California 1y 7andling "#eciale %ho at 8eneva Motor "ho +(&+

February 21&t, 2012 by By tonie # Ferarri

1t the (ene)a Motor *ho! 2012 !e !i## &ee Ferrari 6a#i"ornia a more 'o!er"u# and #i hter$ Ferrari 6a#i"ornia by ;and#in *'ecia#e 'acka e i& more 'o!er"u# 2?$: h' and .0 'ound& #i hter$ VF en ine (4> +(a&o#ine 4irect >nEection/ Ferrari 6a#i"ornia re#ea&e& ;* 8?0 h' 'eak 'o!er and :0: 2m o" torque at :000 r'm$ >ncrea&e in

Ferrari Millenio Conce#t "u#ercar fro$ Mar.o Petrovic

2o)ember 2:th, 2011 by By tonie # Ferarri

Ferrari Mi##enio 6once't Marko Petro)ic, the youn 2<-year-o#d *erb, mana ed to 'ee# her ima ination the "i ure o" the "uture Ferrari$ tit#ed Ferrari Mi##enio 6once't , di&ab#ed 'redicate %ran&'ortation 4e&i n Ma&ter o" 4omu& 1cademy, Mi#an, >ta#y, Ferrari !ant& to make it a& en)ironmenta##y "riend#y )ehic#e "a&t$ 1ccordin to Marko Petro)ic, the de&i n !i## a''ear a& Ferrari

Fernando Alon%o 9ntroduce Ferrari :0; "#ider <video=

*e'tember 10th, 2011 by By tonie # Ferarri

Fernando 1#on&o became a &'ecia# ue&t to introduce the Ferrari 8:F *'ider that !i## mendebut at the 2011 Frank"urt Motor *ho! !hich o'en& next !eek$ 5ocated in Marane##o Ferrari de#iberate#y in)itin &'ecia# ue&t& !ith exc#u&i)e 'acka in a& a 're)ie! o" hi& #ate&t &'ortcar$ Ferarri *'ider 8:F i& equi''ed !ith an a#uminum hard-to' roo" !hich can

+(&+ Ferarri 9talia :0; "#ider Full "#ecification Video

1u u&t 28th, 2011 by By tonie # Ferarri

%he '#an, exhibition 2011 Frank"urt Motor *ho! , mid-*e'tember, !i## be a momentum "or the Ferrari 8:F *'ider to de#i)er the #ate&t$ ;o!e)er, a number o" 'hoto ra'h& o" the &'ort& car ha& been #eaked on >nternet &ite&, a& re#ea&ed Bycarin"o$com$ *'ha eti countrymade &u'ercar i& de&i ned con)ertib#e )er&ion, but do not u&e a "abric roo",

+(&+ Ferrari 0>> "ucce%%or F&0+ "#y "hot%

1u u&t 11th, 2011 by By tonie # Ferarri

%he Ferrari :?? *ucce&&or not due unti# #ate 2012, but ne! detai#& be an to emer e about the hi h#y antici'ated &u'ercar

+(&& Ferrari :,( "cuderia

Lu#y 28th, 2011 by By tonie # Ferarri

2e! Ferrari 8.0 *cuderia !i## Eoin the VF route be&ide the Ferarri F8.0 cou'e and the Ferarri F8.0 *'ider$ Ferrari 8.0 *cuderia i& a tru#y t!o-'a&&en er hi h-'er"ormance Ber#inetta, Ferrari and Formu#a 1 kno!-ho! he#d by the auto &ho! 'roduction Pa e 1 o" 2&2I


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Of all the Asian countries, Japan has the highest profile in the custom scene, and has even exported the whole genre of SR400 modifications. But other countries are getting more press now, with Australian shop Deus moving into Bali and the whole Indonesian scene gaining momentum. Now it looks like the turn of Taiwan, helped by classy new magazines such as Free Biker. This hunkered-down Sportster custom is called Guerrilla: its just graced the pages of Free Biker, and comes from an upstart new Taipei shop called Rough Crafts. According to builder Winston Yeh, The initial idea for this bike was to get it to look custom, without being too far outbecause Taiwan has a crazy regulation that all bikes bigger than

250cc have to pass an annual exam after they are older than five years. The bike is compared to the stock picture and if it looks too different, it will be hard to pass. With that in mind, I tried to create a bike that has similar profile to stock. So you probably think its normal from far away, but you can see the customization when up close. The bike takes Harleys Nightster theme a step further, with a chopped front end, new bars, bodywork and lightingand a terrific exhaust system that adds to the compact, muscular vibe. Excellent work from a builder worth keeping an eye on, so check out Rough Crafts blog for regular updates

Read more: http://www.bikeexif.com/harley-sportster-custom-6#ixzz1pNGnaTtB

Harley Davidson wallpaper for your desktop is free and it's very easy to set as your desktop wallpaper. We have a good selection of Harley-Davidson pictures here and on the Harley-Davidson Pictures page. You might have to resize the image using your graphics software. When searching for Harley-Davidson pictures try to find an image with good resolution or it won't !e clear when you save it as a !ackground. When you find the image your looking for right click on the image. "n the drop down menu click on #$et %s &ackground# or #$ave Picture %s# to your P'.

()*+ H%*,+Y-D%-"D$). W%,,P%P+*

BeBionic Bionic 7and "et for -orld ide ?i%tri1ution in @une AVideoB
!van "ellec., May 28th 2010 4i&cu&& M0N

Corth 0eadin ?

O? M11 )ote&N

Bionic hand&$ *ometime& #inked !ith &ome 'retty hea)y-duty bionic arm&, are the thin o" the "uture$ 1nd, !hi#e &ome 'eo'#e 'robab#y think theyAre &ti## a "e! year& out, it #ook&

#ike a com'any ca##ed BeBionic !ant& to make it ha''en now$ 2ot thi& !eek or anythin , but much &ooner than #ater$ 1nd, i" anythin e#&e, you need to !atch the )ideo a"ter the break$ >tA& !orth it$

B)er at >*PB Cor#d 6on re&&, in 5ei'7i , (ermany, the BeBionic myo-e#ectric bionic hand !a& &ho!n o""$ 1nd, un#ike 're)iou& )er&ion& &ho!n o"" out in the !or#d, thi& !a& the "ina#i7ed 'roduct$ Un"ortunate#y, thereA& not a #ot o" in"ormation about ho! the mechanica# hand !ork&, but it doe& "eature a "u##y inte rated !ire#e&& chi', 1? di""erent &i#icone &kin co)er&, and "u##y cu&tomi7ab#e "unction& contro# ri' "orce, &'eed, and ri' 'attern&$ 1& !e &aid in the o'ener, the BeBionic hand i& comin &ooner than #ater$ BeBionic &ay& that itA& oin to be a## &et "or !or#d!ide di&tribution &tartin &ome time in Lune$ 2o con"irmed date a& o" yet, but !e ima ine that any time in Lune i& ood "or the 'eo'#e !ho mi ht !ant &omethin #ike thi&$ Br, 'robab#y more accurate#y, need &omethin #ike thi&$ 6heck out the cra7y 'romotiona# )ideo "or the BeBionic hand be#o!

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