Dahn Yoga Classes

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Develop strength, flexibility, proper breathing, and energy sensitivity with our daily yoga and kigong classes. Our classes vary throughout the week for a more dynamic practice experience. Each class will help you shift your focus from outside to within yourself. Through our signature breathing postures, you will gather energy in your core, leaving you feeling strong, calm, and refreshed.

CLASS FEES & MEMBERSHIP Classes are offered 2-3 times a day at most centres and last approximately one hour. The cost per class is between 8-15 depending on the length of membership and services included. If possible, plan to attend 2-3 times per week for the best results.

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Warm up exercise: 10 minutes Core Practice, Stretching, Strengthening Postures, Ki Gong: 25 minutes Breathing Postures: 20 minutes Energy Meditation and Brain Wave Vibration: 10 minutes Cool down Exercises: 5 minutes Tea time: 10 minutes

VITALITY YOGA Core (Intestine) exercises increase flexibility of the intestines and facilitate efficient circulation of both energy and blood. Most natural body detox, helps to remove excess gases and gather energy and warmth in lower abdomen.

MERIDIAN STRETCHING Designed to open meridians (energy pathways) of the body and through a gentle stratching of muscles and joint rotations balance the energy of their associated organs. Combining proper breathing with stretching movements, metabolism can be influenced more effectively, greatly helps to maintain and restore health. Meridian stretching eliminates stagnant energy, increases flexibility, relaxes the body and supplies rejuvenated energy.

KI GONG Rooted in Shin-seon-do (Taoist) practices of Korea, Ki Gong involves meditative movement and breath awareness that help the practicioner accumulate Ki energy and develop insight. Some of the benefits include skeleton alignment, improved circulation, better sleep, significant improvement of chronic illnesses, supple body, confidence, stable and relaxed mind.

VIBRATION Brain Wave Vibration is a rhythmical training method used only in Dahn Yoga centres. It begins with moving your body to the beat of traditional Korean drumming art, and from there the

sensation expands as you find your bodys natural rhythm. In a sense, you could say you are calibrating your brain to get back in sync with your body. The benefits of this method were scientifically confirmed.

MEDITATION Incorporated in every class, helps you relax and shift your focus away from busy thoughts. Meditation involves focusing the mind and observing ourselves in the moment. It can take us deeper inside ourselves, beyond illusions created by our thoughts and senses so that we can see our life with a sense of clarity. As practitioners develop greater body awareness and ability to relax, their level of concentration deepens.

BREATHING Dahn Yoga includes special breathing postures to encourage deep breathing for greater relaxation and activation of bodys central energy centre. Being able to breathe slowly, deeply and evenly helps you to recharge your body and clear your mind.

DAHN MU DO An ancient healing practice, a martial art that offers path to enlightenment, synchronising your body and mind to function in harmony and in accordance with the natural laws and cycles of the universe. Its beauty lies in mastering life energy, using movement to integrate the mind and body into one. Its power springs from a realm of unlimited possibilities. Dahn Mu Do has nothing to do with fighting or force. Rather, it is a gentle martial art that taps into the wellspring of energy deep inside your body through an equal balance of powerful movement, grace and perfect stillness. Essentially, the term Dahn Mu Do means the art of being limitless. Each energy move is aligned with the natural course of the universe and opens joints of the body, stretching and strengthening your musculature and encouraging energy circulation.

Newcomers to Dahn Yoga classes may be taken aback by a unique aspect of the practice: tapping. Each session starts out with this warm-up exercise in which you'll generally tap the lower abdomen to rid the body of tension and prepare yourself for the main movements and postures of the class. Depending on your instructor's directions, you might also find yourself tapping other parts of the body or doing variations of the technique, such as hip or knee bouncing to loosen up the joints and hand or feet clapping to boost circulation in the extremities. While tapping may seem like a quirky and unusual technique to Westerners, it has long been used in the Eastern world as a holistic healing method. Along with freeing the body of tension, tapping involved in Dahn Yoga benefits health in a wide variety of ways. For instance, it has been shown to ease pain and increase the flow of blood throughout the body, which can help you feel more vibrant and vitalized. Tapping also enhances energy by stimulating the chakras. In fact, when you tap all your chakras in the correct sequence, you can guide the flow of ki through your meridian channels. Tapping can also help you better control your feelings by allowing you to release negative feelings like frustration, anger and sadness that you've been bottling up over time. The Huffington Post touches on the successful story of finding emotional freedom from trauma through the use of tapping. By combining the technique with steady breathing exercises, selfacceptance and mindfulness, you can shed the damaging layers of stress and emotion that have been building up and weighing you down.

One such tapping exercise focuses on the Dahnjoong the meridian point found in the middle of the slight indentation in the center of the chest. This point is close to the middle Dahn-jon the chakra located behind the heart. It's highly sensitive to everyday anxiety and is, for that reason, effective at relieving stress and promoting emotional stability. By tapping the Dahnjoong at least 100 times and controlling your breath, you may experience tingling sensations in your chest and fingertips that are signs that negative or stagnant energy are leaving your body. With tapping and other Dahn Yoga exercises, you can reach a deeper connection with yourself as well as the world around you. However, as with any exercise, too much can be a bad thing. If you feel excessive pain beyond the normal signs of stiffness and energy blockage in the body, try lighter tapping or focusing on different parts of the body. People who suffer from medical conditions are advised to see a physician before starting any exercise routine.

Daily Warm Up
Kyung Yi-O'Kelly Warm up exercises prepare your body and mind for Dahn Yoga classes. They comprise of Dan-jon tapping, Intestine exercises and upper body opening exercises. You can practice the warm up anytime but it is recommended to practice it always before starting Dahn Yoga classes. Check out

Deep Stretch 1/4

Published on Jan 19, 2013 Deep stretching Part I - Deep stretches used in Dahn Yoga open meridian channels allowing healing energy to flow throughout the body thereby preventing muscle strains and increasing flexibility and balance in the body and therefore in the brain. This class comprising of 20-25 minutes of deep stretching exercises followed by 10min of Brain Wave Vibration and 15-20min of Breathing & Meditation, will leave your body and brain, open, flexible and balanced. Check out http://www.holistichealingandyoga.com... for more details. Body Tapping Body tapping is a traditional health practice in much of asia. in dahn yoga body tapping is used as a warm-up exercise to release tension, stimulate circulation and unblock the body's "energy centers." Abdominal Press Dahn yoga warm up also features an exercise for strengthening and releasing tension in the lower abdomen. this exercise relaxes the diaphragm and improves general circulation. Meridian Stretching

In dahn yoga the gentle stretching of muscles and joint rotations are designed to help ki (energy) flow more smoothly through the body's energy channels called "meridians." Deep Breathing Postures Dahn yoga include special postures to encourage deep abdominal breathing for greater relaxation and activation of the body's central energy center or "dahn jon." Energy Meditation As practitioners develop greater body awareness and ability to relax, their level of concentration deepens. dahn yoga energy meditation accelerates this process by shifting the focus away from busy thoughts to the physical sensations of the body.

Getting to the Core of Wellness with Exercises for Your Energy Center
No matter what type of exercise you have done in the past, you have most likely heard of training for core strengthening, and may have a sense of what is meant by the term. Fully understanding what is meant when the core is referred to in Dahn Yoga helps to explain a key principle behind the practice. When we speak of the bodys core, we are referring to a point on the body known as the lower Dahnjon. Located in the lower abdomen approximately 2 below the navel and 2 deep, Dahn-jon is the physical energy center for the body. Ones power, courage and sexual energy are stored here for circulation throughout the body.This area of the body also relates to the second chakra. Through exercises that strengthen the energy center of the Dahn-jon, the overall energy of the body is balanced and the bodys natural healing abilities are amplified. Dahn Yoga classes begin with a tapping technique that serves to wake up this powerful, key energy center and stimulate the physical energy of the body. It sounds like a lot of repetitions, but starting the class with 300 taps, counted off by the class participants is a joyful way to prepare for the stretching and other exercises. Because the technique draws energy down into your core, you will notice improved balance and a centered energy rise up that makes your movements in class flow well. As you get to know your Dahn-jon, it is important to realize that what you are doing with the pre-class tapping, as well as with the class routine, is learning to direct your bodys energy, redistributing and rebalancing the energy throughout your body. With Dahn-jon tapping, energy is drawn away from areas where it has collected and is stagnant and moves toward areas where it becomes usable. That is, Water energy from the kidneys goes up to keep the head cool and chest comfortable, while Fire Energy from the heart goes down to keep the lower body warm and healthy. This balanced condition is called Water Up, Fire Down (Seu Sung Hwa Gang in Korean), and is one of the main exercise principles of Dahn Yoga. This is exciting, isnt it? As you practice and get in touch with your body, you will experience benefits for your body, mind and spirit, adding to your health, vitality and joy for life! Here is a simple explanation of how Dahn-jon tapping is done so you can try it. Knowing what to expect and understanding the aim of the exercise will add to the experience for your Dahn Yoga class: Prepare: Shake out any tension in your arms and legs, then stand with your feet parallel, shoulder width apart, and bend your knees slightly. Curl your pelvis upward until you feel a slight tension in your lower abdomen.

Focus: Focus on the area about two inches below your navel and two inches within your body. Tap: Cup your hands slightly and rhythmically tap your lower abdomen with both palms, counting as you go. Begin with 100 for now. Smile and Enjoy!

Intestinal Healing 1/5

Published on Jan 20, 2013 Intestine Healing Part I: Intestinal health is very important for good digestion. This class comprising of 20-25 minutes of light stretching combined with Intestine exercises followed by 10min of Brain Wave Vibration and 15-20min of Breathing & Meditation, will leave your body feel relaxed with warm abdomen, open heart, and clear head.

DahnMuDo Basic Form

Danmudo Basic Form Part II/IV -- DMD is a form of moving meditation similar to tai-chi, this class comprising of 20-25 minutes of joint opening exercises combined with light stretching followed by 25-30 minutes of DMD basic form for moving meditation. Practicing DMD you will feel one with the energy of the universe. Check out http://www.holistichealingandyoga.com... for more details.

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