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For use by Stonewall Democrats of Dallas 2014 Federal Office Candidates: 1.

Why are you seeking the endorsement from Stonewall Democrats of Dallas? Because I seek to represent ALL Texans regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation. I have been the minority as I worked in over 50 countries and believe all deserve respect and equality. 2. Will you use the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas endorsement in or on: a) your website - yes b) your campaign literature and mailers - yes c) your social media assets (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) - Yes d) your campaign advertisements -Yes 3. What are your plans to support or participate in a coordinated campaign in the general election in Dallas County? I plan to work with all Democratic groups to defeat Cruzs buddy, John Cornyn. I am the best candidate that can help Wendy win in November. It would be an honor to work with Stonewall Democrats across Texas. 4. When elected, how will you recruit, retain, and create a friendly environment for LGBT and LGBT-friendly staff? I would seek a diverse staff that represents the incredible diversity of our state and that includes members of the LGBT community. I will need them both in local district offices as well as in the DC office. I have worked with LGBT members for many years, all the way back to the 80s when I was helping sell Houston Ballet tickets. I have had gay friends for most of my life. My company code of conduct requires that all be treated with respect. We do not discriminate against anyone for any reason. 5. How would support or lead efforts to pass a resolution to support marriage equality? My issues page on my website says that I support Marriage Equality. I will do what I can in the Senate and State of Texas to see that same sex partners are not discriminated against in obtaining benefits. I support Texas passing a law that would allow same-sex marriage. 6. Would you be willing to appoint a liaison to meet with the LGBT community on a ongoing basis? If not, why? Yes, I would definitely be willing to do so. 7. Will you have a non-discrimination policy for employment and protection of LGBT residents and protection based on sexual orientation or gender identity? If not, why? Of course thats the American way, to treat all equally and without discrimination (it is SUPPOSED to be that way, although the GOP doesnt get it). 8. How would you address the recent trend of state governments adding medically unnecessary procedures to the course of treatments pertaining to women's health (e.g. the requirement to require a sonogram prior to the legal termination of a pregnancy)? I opposed the Texas Republican strange obsession with denying healthcare and womens right to choose. We need to reverse the recent changes in the law since they cut off women from prenatal care and medical care not

even related to abortions. I support Planned Parenthood and will do anything possible to get Texas GOP foot off the necks of women and the LGBT community. 9. How would you respond as an office holder to countries and regimes that enact laws and policies that specifically target LGBT citizens for detention or punishment based on their LGBT identity or the free expression of their LGBT identity? I have negotiated in over 50 countries. I have seen how the evangelicals have caused countries like Uganda to make it illegal for gays to be themselves. I would vote to cut off any funds those countries receive and would encourage them in the strongest possible terms to abolish such laws that target the LGBT community. Discrimination of any kind is un-American and WRONG. 10. How would lead or support efforts to craft legislation and/or constitutional amendments pertaining to: a) Repeal of Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA), or at least sections 1 & 2 The Defense of Marriage Act, the law barring the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages legalized by the states, is unconstitutional, according to the U.S. Supreme Court and it was the right decision. This is the doing of Tom DeLay, who I ran against several years ago because he was (is) such a right wing jerk, so I would get rid of anything he has voted for, including DOMA. b) Repeal of Federal Marriage Amendment I would vote to repeal the Federal Marriage Amendment. It is an attempt to sanction marriage as only between one man and one woman. The Supreme Court striking down DOMA should keep this from becoming law as an amendment to the Constitution. Attitudes are changing in America and if adults want to marry no government should get in their way. I will do whatever I can to allow consenting adults to marry any adult of any sex they choose. c) Inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) I support ENDA. I dont tolerate discrimination of any kind against any person. I support equal pay for equal work. I will push to see ENDA passed by the House of Representatives and try to elect more Democrats to the House so we can get ENDA and laws like it passed.

11. How will you combat Republican efforts to eliminate or severely reduce the programs below that are critical to the well being of many Texas residents? a) Ryan White Funding Obviously it is vital to continue funding this program adequately. We have not defeated AIDS and need to continue making sure that no one is denied access to medication and that we continue our research efforts. b) Housing Programs The GOP has been having a war on the poor (not to mention the Middle Class) and housing is part of that. We need more affordable housing and housing for those who would otherwise be sleeping on the street. c) Drug and Medical Assistance It goes without saying that the government should be doing MORE to provide drug and medical assistance. Under Tom DeLay, it is ILLEGAL for the government to negotiate drug prices for Plan D etc. This is nuts since volume discounts are the norm. The cost savings from negotiating drug prices for Medicare etc could then help fund additional drug and medical assistance. d) Food Assistance How is it pro life to deny people FOOD? Cutting food stamps by the GOP after they kill jobs bills is criminal. No one should go hungry in America and food assistance needs to be improved. e) Utility Assistance During the Texas oil bust I experienced the electricity being cut off in a cold January. I emphasize with people in that situation. It needs to be expanded partly by eliminating billions in subsidies for oil companies who are profitable and dont need it. That money could go to utility assistance for the disadvantaged. f) Community Development Block Grants These are necessary to help local communities do the things they need in their area. It should be maintained if not expanded. 12. How would you lead or support efforts to update the formula in Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 so that pre-clearance requirements can once again be enforced in regions of the USA where a pattern of discrimination and voter disenfranchisement has continued to be shown to disproportionately affect minorities? As a trained attorney (with international experience) I was stunned that the Supreme Court could assume that discrimination is not continuing in Texas and elsewhere. All of us have seen how Texas awarded 3 of 4 new Congress seats to white GOP men instead of the Hispanics who were responsible for our growth that provided those seats (with computers that gerrymander districts). The court threw out pre clearance because it said Congress should update the definitions of discrimination and where it might be occurring. Frankly, we should ADD to the states needing preclearance, not just Texas, since in every state that the GOP gained control of after the 2010 sweep elections they have moved to curtail voting rights. They have cut early voting and imposed voter ID laws from Florida to Wisconsin to deny the right to vote to legitimate American citizens, most of whom happen to be poor or minority. I will push to define every state that has done this to have their laws precleared and roll back the limitations they have imposed. I will work this until they scream. 13. How will you lead or support legislation like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders constitutional amendment that declares corporations are not people? This is another BIZARRE Supreme Court ruling by the ultraconservative nutbags like Scalia and Thomas it kills that American fairness principle of one man one vote giving the billionaires and millionaires a multiplier impact on votes and voters perceptions. They can now air bogus lies against a candidate as free speech. What bullshit.

I would love to be in the Senate when President Obama gets to appoint a replacement for one of the conservative judges before 2016 so that case can be revisited and overturned. We will need that extra seat because Democrats have more Senate seats to defend this time and we could lose 4 or 5. I am the best candidate on the Democratic side to take out Mr. Cornyn to cut by one the number of Texas obstructionists in the Senate. Without that the only other option is a Constitutional amendment and we know how hard they are to pass. But if thats the only route, then lets take it and get it passed. Corporation are artificial creations its basic stuff you learn in law school. The conservatives on the court are trying to rig our political system for the rich 1% and it needs to STOP NOW. 14. How will you lead or support efforts for comprehensive immigration reform, especially pertaining to: a) Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) legislation Totally SUPPORT. Why are we debating this instead of DOING it? b) Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM) legislation ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. These kids were brought to America as babies through no fault of their own. They grew up as Americans. This is a no-brainer. PASS IT! So while we kick Cruzs buddy Corndog (thats what Bush apparently called him) lets get rid of the teabag nut cases in the House of Reps so we can pass Immigration Reform. Its on my website. 15. What specific ideas do you have and/or what current legislation would you support to improve our national economy and address the wealth disparity in our country? As an international attorney I am familiar with the tax tricks used by companies on a global basis. We need a total overhaul to get rid of the special breaks on the privileged and the global corporations use to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. I have seen Reagan then Bush give the tax benefits to the 1% - making America look like the third world countries I went to where the top 1% have it all and the bottom 99% have to fight for the crumbs. The GOP has killed the Middle Class. They have made it a tax deduction to export jobs. They have failed to invest in our infrastructure which has always been a bipartisan bill in the past. All these actions have cut employment and killed jobs. Until the Bush tax cuts Clinton had generated a $300 Billion SURPLUS. Then Bushs tax cuts and two unpaid for wars put us into the tank. We have to swing the pendulum back towards the Middle Class I know how to do it if you will make me your Senator. For example, Tom DeLay wrote a bill that lets companies like Halliburton to move 10 people to a place like Dubai then declare themselves to be an offshore company that doesnt need to pay taxes despite the fact over 99% of the company is still in the USA. Lets REPEAL that it will bring $$$ in to reduce our debt and allow us to invest in tens of thousands of bridges that need repair before they fall into the waters below (like I 35 did in Minnesota). Thats just a few things. I wrote a detailed Agenda for American Greatness in my book and made it a FREE chapter at the book website if anyone would like more information. It shows how America can win this high tech global space age economy after the GOP put our ship of state up on the rocks. The book Better Times Ahead April Fool is my story the title comes from a sign I once saw in India at 2 a.m. In Chapter 6 I describe having to do a Some Like Its Hot disappearing act when I discovered a fraud in Europe that had taken my clients for over $1.5 million before they hired me to investigate. Thats at:

I, __Michael Fjetland aka F-jet_____________________________, am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas for the 2012 elections.


_______________ Date____Jan. 2, 2014______________________

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