Annotated Bibliogprahy2

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Leticia Cruz ED601 Dr. Una January 3, 2014 Annotated Biblio ra!"y 2 Daniel J. Lo#en. $2011%. School Discipline.

Boulder& 'ational Education (olicy Center. )etrie*ed +ro, "tt!&--ne!"eet/.c"ool/1003.!d+

1"i# article i# a #u,,ary o+ t"e +indin # o+ a #tudy done on #c"ool di#ci!line. 1"i# article !articularly di#cu##e# +act# and ,yt"# about di#ci!linary action# carried out by #c"ool#. 1"e article +ocu#e# ,o#tly on #u#!en#ion# and 2"at t"e #tudy +ound to be t"e true e++ect# o+ #u#!en#ion#. 1"e article e3!lain# 2"at t"e co,,on belie+ +or rea#on# be"ind #u#!en#ion# i# and counteract# it 2it" an e3!lanation o+ t"e e++ect# t"at "a*e been recorded in real #ituation#. 1"e #tudy +ocu#e# on 4012 #tudent# o+ United .tate# #c"ool# and !ro*ide# *i#ual# co,!arin t"e #u#!en#ion rate# bet2een t"e di++erent race# !re#ent in t"e #c"ool co,,unity. 1"i# article e3!lain# t"at ine++ecti*ene## o+ #u#!en#ion# +or #o,e ca#e#. 5t al#o e3!lain# t"e i,!ortance o+ be"a*ioral #u!!ort and trainin . 5t al#o brie+ly ,ention# t"e i,!ortance o+ (o#iti*e Be"a*ioral 5nter*ention# and .u!!ort $(B5.%. 1"e article i# rele*ant to ,y to!ic becau#e it di#cu##e# t"e e++ect# #u#!en#ion "a# on #tudent#6 acade,ic and be"a*ioral !ro re##ion. 5t al#o +ocu#e# on t"e e++ecti*ene##, or ine++ecti*ene##, o+ #u#!en#ion, 2"ic" i# a *ery co,,on di#ci!linary action, u#ed 2it"in our #c"ool at all rade le*el#.

Bear, 7. $2010%. Di#ci!line& E++ecti*e .c"ool (ractice#. Helping Children at Home and School III. )etrie*ed +ro,

"tt!&!online.or -!ublication#-boo8#!roduct#-9C9.3/.a,!le#-.491:/Di#ci!l ine.!d+

1"i# article di#cu##e# t"e ,eanin o+ #c"ool di#ci!line and t"e c"allen e# #c"ool +ace 2"en deali n tryin to carry it out e++ecti*ely. 1"e aut"or di#cu##e# t"e i,!ortance o+ a #c"ool2ide !lan and "o2 to i,!le,ent it. 1"e aut"or al#o de#cribe# t"e i,!ortance o+ #el+0 di#ci!line in #tudent# and di#cu##e# 2ay# to i,!le,ent it into t"e ccurriculu, and ot"er daily #c"ool +unction#. (re*ention #trate ie# and correcti*e be"a*ior #trate ie# are al#o di#cu##ed. 1"e aut"or al#o di#cu##e# !uni#",ent and t"e ty!e# t"at are e++ecti*e +or di++erent be"a*ior#. 1"e #trate ie# de#cribed are !art o+ t"e e*idence ba#ed !ro ra,# t"at #c"ool# ta8e !art in, #uc" a# #ocial learnin and c"aracter education. 1"i# article i# rele*ant to ,y to!ic becau#e it de+ine# t"e ter,# #c"ool di#ci!line and t"e ty!e# o+ !uni#",ent#. 5t al#o de#cribe# "o2 to i,!le,ent and !ro,ote #el+0di#ci!line 2it"in t"e curriculu, and #c"ool cour#e#. 5t al#o di#cu##e# !o#iti*e be"a*ior inter*ention# t"a are e++ecti*e +or #tudent#. 1"e article ,ay contribute to t"e !art# o+ ,y to!ic re ardin t"e de+intion o+ #c"ool di#ci!line and inter*ention#.

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support. $2014%. $7ua, De!art,ent o+ Education% )etrie*ed +ro, .tudent .u!!ort .er*ice# Di*i#ion& "tt!#&--#ite#. oo,-a-!!ort#er*ice#-!o#iti*e0be"a*ior0 inter*ention0#u!!ort# 1"i# 2eb#ite !ro*ide# in+or,ation about t"e 7ua, De!art,ent o+ Education6# .tudent .u!!ort .er*ice# Di*i#ion. Becau#e 7D;E i,!le,ent# a !o#iti*e be"a*ior inter*ention and

#u!!ort !ro ra, 2it"in it# #c"ool#, t"i# 2eb#ite !ro*ide# in+or,ation re ardin it. 1"e in+or,ation on t"i# #ite i# not only about (B5., but include# in+or,ation about !ro ra,# and !er#onnel in*ol*ed in t"e i,!le,entation o+ t"e (B5. !ro ra,#. 1"i# 2eb#ite !ro*ide# u#e+ul in+or,ation to ,y #tudy on di#ci!line. 5t de#cribe# 2"at t"e local !ublic #c"ool# are i,!le,entin to addre## #tudent be"a*ior#. 5t al#o de#cribe# !ro ra,# at t"e #c"ool #ite# t"at allo2 #tudent# to beco,e acti*ely in*ol*ed in t"eir #el+0di#ci!line. 1"e 2eb#ite i# rele*ant, in t"e area# o+ local !ro ra,# t"at deal 2it" #tudent be"a*ior#.

Bradley, 4. $200<%. Effective Discipline Practices in Elementary School. )etrie*ed +ro, 7lobal = (o#t& "tt!&--e*erydayli+e. lobal!,-e++ecti*e0di#ci!line0!ractice#0ele,entary0 #c"ool0:4:>."t,l

1"e aut"or o+ t"i# article "a# been 2ritin educational re#earc" article# #ince 2006. ."e recei*ed (".D. in Edcuational Leader#"i! in 200<. 9er article di#cu### t"e le*el# o+ con#e?uence# i*en to ele,entary #c"ool #tudent#. 1"e +ir#t t"at i# ,entioned i# non0*erbal redierection. ;t"er ,entioned include& con+erencin 2it" #tudent#, !arent contact, teac"er con#e?uence, and ad,ini#trati*e re+erral. 1"i# article de#cribe# t"e #te!# done +or inter*ention !rior to ,a8in a re+erral. 1"e article e3!lain# t"at all e++ort# 2it"in t"e cla##roo, ,u#t be e3"au#ted !rior to ,a8in a re+erral. 1"i# article i# rele*ant to ,y to!ic becau#e it di#cu##e# be"a*ioral inter*ention# t"at need to ta8e !lace !rior to a #tudent6# re+erral. Ba#ed on e3!erience, t"e#e inter*ention# are done at t"e #c"ool# "ere on 7ua,. Becau#e ,y to!ic i# on #tudent di#ci!line and #ucce##, t"e#e de#cri!ti*e

inter*ention# ,ay contribute to t"e under#tandin o+ i,!ortance o+ con#e?uence# and di#ci!line +or #tudent#.

'el#on, @aye, AA Bualitati*e .tudy o+ E++ecti*e .c"ool Di#ci!line (ractice#& (erce!tion# o+ Ad,ini#trator#,1enured 1eac"er#, and (arent# in 12enty .c"ool#.A $2002%. Electronic 1"e#e# and Di##ertation#.(a!er C1:. "tt!& i-*ie2content.c iD articleE1:C>Fconte3tEetd

1"i# t"e#i# di#cu##e# "o2 di#ci!line i# an on oin !roble, +or cla##roo,# and #c"ool#. 5t di#cu##e# e++ecti*e #trate ie# t"at a##i#t in ,aintainin di#ci!line a,on #tudent#. 5t loo8# at di++erent cla##roo,# and 2"at #trate ie# 2ere u#ed to carry out di#ci!line. 5t al#o di#cu##e# t"e !er#!ecti*e o+ ad,ini#trator#, teac"er#, and !arent#. 1"e ,aGor +indin # o+ t"e #tudy include t"e idea# t"at eit"er t"e di#ci!line i# e++ecti*e or lac8in in a #c"ool. 5t al#o ,ention# t"at !arent# a reed to t"e di#ci!line #y#te, o+ t"e #c"ool but +elt t"at ,ore coun#elin and ,entorin 2a# needed. 1"i# #tudy i# rele*ant to ,y to!ic becau#e it di#cu##e# t"e *ie2# o+ di#ci!line by di++erent !ro+e##ional#. 5t al#o !rio*ide# in+or,ation about t"e di++erent #trate ie# t"at are u#ed in t"e #c"ool# and 2"at are e++ecti*e and ine++ecti*e in certain #ituation#. 1"e idea t"at !arent# 2ere in*ol*ed in t"i# #tudy and in t"e in+or,ation !ro*ided i# i,!ortant becau#e !arent# !lay an i,!ortant role in t"e #tudent6# be"a*ior in #c"ool.

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