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New Holiday Information

Prepared for All Family Members By Reverend Darius A. Monsef Universal ife !"ur#".

$%&R%I&'....................................................................................................................................................( DEFINITION OF FORTUNATUS....................................................................................................................2 CURRENT HOLIDAY INFORMATION...............................................................................................................2 REASONS FOR A NEW HOLIDAY....................................................................................................................3 H$ IDA) *UMMAR).................................................................................................................................+ HOLIDAY INTENT..........................................................................................................................................3 DAYS OF FORTUNATUS.................................................................................................................................4 DA)* $F F$R,UNA,U* - D&,AI &D *P&!*....................................................................................... INDIVIDUAL DAYS.........................................................................................................................................4 SELECTION OF INSTO................................................................................................................................4 DAY SPECIFICATIONS....................................................................................................................................5 MI*!. H$ IDA) INF$................................................................................................................................/ OTHER FORTUNATUS INFORMATION.............................................................................................................5

It has come to my attention that our current holiday season has become confusing and disorganized. The progression of family size, and dispersal of relatives across the world, has made choosing a day to celebrate next to impossible. Brothers want so spend Christmas day, the 2 th of !ecember with their wife"s families. #isters want to spend Christmas day, the 2 th of !ecember with their husband"s families. $others want to spend Christmas day the 2 th of !ecember with their children, etc. This leaves the rest of the family members to plan an alternate celebration on the 2%th of !ecember. In the end, every one isn"t able to share this holiday with every one else. &ortunatus has been created to accommodate all family members, and create a new inviting, and 'oyful holiday spirit. It is a gift(less holiday, where participants are rewarded by experiences and relationships instead of material items. )*t a time in the world where war and destruction occupy our minds, to +eep peace in our hearts we must appreciate the gift of life we were given.,

Definition of Fortunatus
Fortunatus. -uc+y or wealthy. &ortunatus is a -atin word meaning luc+y or wealthy. This -uc+ or .ealth is the meaning of this holiday celebration. &ortunatus is a time to en'oy the wealth of your families company, and celebrate the luc+ of being closely connected to so many wonderful people.

Current Holiday Information

Christmas Celebrated on the 2

or 2%th of !ecember.

Because of financial situations not every one is able to get a present for every one else. Turmoil is created over who will spend Christmas with which family. Intense shopping atmosphere creates uncomfortable stress.

Chanukah Chanu+ah begins on the 2 th day of the month of /islev in the 0ewish calendar 12ovember3!ecember4. Celebrated for eight days in honor of the 0ewish victory and the miracle of the oil lasting for 5 days to rededicate the temple. Chanu+ah is not as commonly celebrated as Christmas
families4 1*pplies to 6.#.

Reasons for a New Holiday

&or reasons stated above, our current holidays are not creating a relaxed and 'oyful environment. The holiday season should be a time of en'oyment.



The debate over which day Christmas should be celebrated on begins wee+s before this holiday and lasts clear up to the day of celebration. #ome are left with a feeling of separation from the social norm, when celebrating this holiday on the 2% th. #ome are left feeling unfulfilled when missing siblings and relatives are with other families. &ortunatus is celebrated on days so that every person can be part of this holiday event. There is no special concern for one day over the other so missing one day ma+es no difference on the overall experience of the holiday.


Christmas gifts can be very expensive and stressful to find. In recent years families have adopted a method of drawing names for who buys a present for who. This allows people with less money to get a present for only one person and not feel the guilt of not getting presents for more people. 7ften this strategy can bac+fire, when certain people get extra presents. The Christmas 8oliday is based on a premise of giving, so some people feel an extra need to get a few extra presents for certain people. .hen this happens it leaves others who did not receive extra presents feeling left out, and those who only purchased their one present feeling guilty. 9ach person celebrating &ortunatus will spend no more the :;<<.

Holiday Summary

Holiday Intent
&ortunatus is meant to be a holiday in which every one in the family can en'oy the company of other family members. 9ach day has a celebration event that brings the family together and recognizes the gifts we already have in our lives. Because of the relaxed and open atmosphere of &ortunatus, other holidays can be freely tied in. &or example, !ay ;= !ecember 2>th can have a celebration of Christmas caroling and or other Christmas type events. Christmas trees, stoc+ings and other Christmas decorations are welcomed and encouraged for &ortunatus. These types of things are thought of as spirit lifting decorations, and help to create an atmosphere of )the 8oliday #eason., $ost decorations li+e the getting and

decorating of the tree also re?uire group involvement which adds to the spirit of &ortunatus. The point of this holiday is to spend time with the ones we love. Instead of giving gifts you share the gift of life. *dventures or experiences are shared with each other and memories are made.

Days of Fortunatus
&ortunatus lasts for days and begins !ecember 2>th. The selection of as the number of days celebrated relates to the senses and the elements. The fifth element of heart is not commonly thought of as one of the earth"s elements, but without heart there would be no way to en'oy the other elements. 9ach day has a corresponding element and sense. These can be used as themes for the events of each day, but are 27T re?uired to be used in organizing day"s events.

Days of Fortunatus Detailed Specs.

Individual Days
!ecember 2>th 18eart and 8ear4 !ecember 2
th th

19arth and Touch4

!ecember 2% 1.ind and #mell4 !ecember 2@th 1&ire and #ite4 !ecember 25th 1.ater and Taste4

Selection of Insto
Insto. !evote oneself to. The Intso is the chosen organizer for a particular day of &ortunatus. Insto is -atin for )!evote ones self to.,, and that is the goal of that day"s Insto. Their duty is to devote themselves to creating an en'oyable, activity for the whole family. The practice of drawing names has been adopted into &ortunatus. Aarticipating family member"s names are written on parchment or any available writing material and entered into a bowl. &ive names will be drawn in order for each day of &ortunatus.

The five chosen for the previous year"s &ortunatus, are not eligible to be in the current years drawing. If no previous &ortunatus, has been celebrated all names are eligible. If a person is chosen as Insto for a day that they will not be able to ma+e or they would not li+e to participate as an Insto, another name will be drawn from the bowl. Two Insto"s may trade days if they would li+e. *n Insto"s may not give their day to a person whose name is not drawn from the bowl. * person"s name must be drawn in order to be an Insto.

Day Specifications
9ach day will have an Insto who is the organizer for that day. The remaining participants will choose to or be as+ed to support a single day. * day can have as many supporters as is needed, but a person can only support 1;4 day. * day may also have no supporters. The maximum amount of money contributed to a day by a single supporter or Insto is :;<<. It is up to the Insto to decide the day"s events, but supporters can play a large role in creating ideas of things to do. *n event can be a short event and the rest of the day is free, or an entire day can be made into an event. If two Insto"s with days immediately before or after each others would li+e to create a 'oint event or activity they may. &or 9xample, a two(day one(night trip to a cabin or lodge may be created by two Insto"s 'oining their days.

Misc. Holiday Info

Other Fortunatus Information

The use of the Christmas #toc+ings can be applied to &ortunatus. This holiday is not about giving material gifts, but if people have small gifts they would li+e to give to others they may be given as stoc+ing stuffers. There is no specific salutation or greeting for &ortunatus. *ny of the following are acceptable= 8ave a wonderful &ortunatus 8appy &ortunatus $erry &ortunatus &ortunatus and Bod Bless 7r any other phrase you would li+e

&ortunatus is a new holiday and may be changed and updated as time passesC please contact, for any new updates. *lso if you have any &ortunatus stories to share, please contact Eevered !arius. Than+ you, and have a wonderful &ortunatus. &ortunatus was created on !ecember %th 2<<;, by Eeverend !arius *. $onsef. 8e is an 7rdained $inister of the 6niversal -ife Church, and holds the 8onorary titles of #aint, and !octor of !ivinity.

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