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OSSLT Rubric for Writing a News Report

The News Report is marked in two categories:

1. Topic Development 2. Conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation)

!""#$ $&'() *+,+-&'.+/0 1234() 5&4 64(0(/7 8 9+:; 1+'&40
(main idea, supporting details & organization)
<&=+ *+;)4('0&4

>-8/? @AB The page is blank with nothing wiitten oi uiawn in the space pioviueu.
C--+7(3-+@AB The iesponse is illegible oi iiielevant to the piompt.
!$ @AB The iesponse is off topic.
D &20 &5 E The iesponse is ielateu to F+8=-(/+ anuoi 'F&0& but is not a news iepoit. !1
The iesponse is a news iepoit ielateu to the heauline anuoi photo. It iuentifies an
event, but pioviues no suppoiting uetails, oi pioviues uetails that aie unielateu to the
event. Theie is no eviuence of oiganization.
G &20 &5 E The iesponse is ielateu to F+8=-(/+ anuoi 'F&0& but only paitly in the foim of a news
iepoit. !1
The iesponse is a news iepoit ielateu to the heauline anuoi photo, but the focus on an
event is uncleai oi inconsistent. Theie aie insufficient suppoiting uetails: too few oi
iepetitious. Theie is limiteu eviuence of oiganization.
H &20 &5 E The iesponse is a news iepoit ielateu to the F+8=-(/+ 8/= 'F&0& with a cleai focus on
an event. Theie aie insufficient anuoi vague suppoiting uetails oi the connection of
the uetails to the event is not always cleai. Theie is eviuence of oiganization, but lapses
uistiact fiom the oveiall communication.
I &20 &5 E The iesponse is a news iepoit ielateu to the F+8=-(/+ 8/= 'F&0& with a cleai anu
consistent focus on an event. Theie aie sufficient suppoiting uetails, howevei, only
some aie specific. The oiganization is mechanical anu any lapses uo not uistiact fiom
the oveiall communication.
J &20 &5 E The iesponse is a news iepoit ielateu to the F+8=-(/+ 8/= 'F&0& with a cleai anu
consistent focus on an event. Theie aie sufficient specific suppoiting uetails to uevelop
the news iepoit. The oiganization is logical.
E &20 &5 E The iesponse is a news iepoit ielateu to the F+8=-(/+ 8/= 'F&0& with a cleai anu
consistent focus on an event. Theie aie sufficient specific suppoiting uetails, which aie
thoughtfully chosen to uevelop the news iepoit. The oiganization is coheient
uemonstiating a thoughtful piogiession of iueas.

!""#$ K;(/7 <&/,+/0(&/; 5&4 64(0(/7 8 9+:; 1+'&40 (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
<&=+ *+;)4('0&4

>-8/? The page is blank with nothing wiitten oi uiawn in the space
D &20 &5 I Theie is insufficient eviuence to assess the use of conventions. !1
Eiiois in conventions inteifeie with communication.
C/;255()(+/0 +,(=+/)+L The stuuent has not wiitten enough to assess hishei use of
C/0+45+4+L Reauing ihythm is constantly inteiiupteu. Theie is so much ie-ieauing that the
ieauei cannot iecall what the piece of wiiting saiu oveiall.
G &20 &5 I Eiiois in conventions uistiact fiom communication.
*(;048)0L Reauing ihythm is inteiiupteu, even if the infoimation can be unueistoou. The
ieauei is as awaie of the eiiois as of the infoimation being communicateu.
H &20 &5 I Eiiois in conventions uo not uistiact fiom communication.
*& /&0 =(;048)0L Theie may be eiiois, but they uo not impeue unueistanuing of the
I &20 &5 I Contiol of conventions is eviuent in wiitten woik.
<&/04&-L Some eiioi may exist, but the infoimation is easily unueistoou.

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