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: MH.FAHMI ALFAN : 131510034 : M-204 : Helvita Ludiya, S.E., M.M



BASIC CONCEPTS MANAGEMENT A. LIMITATION OF MANAGEMENT The term management has been described by various parties with different perspectives , such as management , coaching , administration , management , leadership , leader , ketatapengurusan , administration , and so on . Each party to provide the terms colored by their employment background , though in fact that the term has a different meaning . As a comparison study further , the following is presented expert opinion on a very different management restrictions . 1 . James AF Stoner and Charles Wankel ( 1986:4 ) gives the following manajamen restrictions " management is the process of planning , organizing , leadership , and control of , the efforts of members of the organization and the use of all other organizational resources to achieve organizational goals " according to Stoner and wanked that process is a systematic way to run a job . Within the limits of the above management process includes : i ) Planning is setting goals and actions to be taken ii ) Organizing that coordinate human resources iii ) Leadership is subordinate to strive for the best possible work iv ) ascertain whether the control objectives are achieved or not and if it is done tindankan improvements achieved . 2 . Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard (1980 : 3 ) mananjemen is a work done by and with the individual or group to achieve organizational goals . Hersey and Blancahard lebioh emphasize that the definition is not meant only for one type of organization , but can be applied to various types of organizations where individuals and groups menggabungjkan themselves to realize common goals . Keseluruhana then management is the art and science of planning , organizing, directing , motivating , and controlling the people and the mechanism of action to achieve the goal . Management above definition contains the following elements :

1 . element properties dalah Management as an art as a skill , skills , abilities , and skills in the application of science to achieve the goal . Management as a science is the accumulation of knowledge that has been disistematisiskan and organized to achieve common truth 2 . element Functions

Planning is a process and a series of activities to establish the first goal in a period / period of time as well as the stages or steps that must be taken to achieve these objectives Organizing is a process and the division of labor in a series of activities planned for diselesaiakan by members of the work group , a good determination of the relationship between their work and the provision of facilities and work environment that is conducive Briefing is a series of activities to provide guidance and instructions from a superior to a subordinate or to people who are organized in formal groups and for the achievement of common goals . motivating is a process of a series of activities carried out by an employer to provide inspiration , encouragement, and enthusiasm and encouragement to subordinates work to be able to do a proper activity . Control or Monitoring is a process and in order for a circuit to mengusahakn work can be carried out in accordance moved at a predetermined plan and the steps to be followed . Thus, if there are activities that are not in accordance with the plans and the stage , held a remedial action . 3.Elemen target People ( humans ) are those who have fulfilled certain requirements and has become an integral element of an organization or agency where she works together to achieve the goal . Mechanism of action is the procedure and steps that must be passed people who conduct joint activities to achieve goals . 4 . objective elements the end result to be achieved on an implementation of the activities . Lus in the sense of purpose containing terms like objective , purpose , Mission , deadlines , standarlard , targets , and quata . Goal is a series in the planning process , and is also an important element in the process control . B. MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY Understanding of the general philosophy is science that examines the nature of all things to obtain the truth . Moekijat argued that philosophy is a system of thought that explains certain symptoms and provide a set of principles to solve problems related to the achievement of a specific goal . Manajenem philosophy is the most important part of the knowledge and beliefs that provide a broad basis for setting manajeral problem solving . Management philosophy provides the basis for the work of a manager . A manager requires basic beliefs and values to guide the appropriate and credible to menyelesaiakn work . Management philosophy also gives desaian so that a manager can start

thinking . Management philosophy is very useful because it can be used to obtain help and followers . According to Davis and Filley in Ukas (1978 ) there are basic factors in management philosophy necessary and have a relationship of interdependence with each other to achieve goals. These factors include the following . 1 . Public interest in the operation of an organization means you should see the reflection of the description of the various interests , both the interests of owners , managers , subordinates , and the environmental community kpentingan . 2 . The purpose of business is a specific embodiment of the organization's activities , both for-profit organization dedicated or organization that does not aim for profit . Business objectives can generally be categorized in three forms , namely the main goal , the second goal , and additional goals . 3 . Executive leadership is an individual who gives confidence to lead an effort to menggunnakan authority has given the direction the organization will dikemudiakan . 4 . Policies are general statements or rules that guide or channel thinking into decision-making by subordinates , as well as providing the direction of the organization will be piloted . 5 . Function is associated with activities that aim Awarded by everyone . Where each organization as well as the individual must have a goal to be achieved 6 . Basic factors are the factors of production in the form of original or derivative nature , labor , capital , and supporters who are the elements that must be present in the administration of the organization .

C. SCIENCE AND ARTS MANAGEMENT Management is a science and art to take action to achieve the goal . Management as a science is the accumulation of knowledge in sistematisasikan or entity organized knowledge . The above limitations is actually too broad and will only become clear if it can be confirmed more details about the lanut sense knowledge , and the meaning of systematic and organization used in the definition . Management as a science can be viewed as an empirical approach to the whole

world that the world is linked by factor ruiang and time , the world is in principle perceivable by human senses . Management as a science , the emphasis lies on the scientific method . Indeed, binding all science is science methods used to systematize all knowledge is pragmatic in nature . Another limitation of science proposed by goode hatt and that science is a way of analyzing that allow the expert to express a proposition in the form of causality ie If ........ then ..... in this connection how sekumpuilan posited that knowledge should be systematized . But when the truth of the proposition that begins with the proposition that loses priori nature ilmiahnya.Berdasarkan restrictions as mentioned above , if we compare , we will obtain the basic characteristics contained in the notion that science is rational , empirical , general , and accumulative .

1 . rational Rasionala is a characteristic of thinking activity ditundikan on formal logic in the following order of syllogistic thinking . 2 . empirical Said to be empirical because the conclusions drawn should be ditundukan on examination or on the verification of human senses . 3 . impersonal General meaning is generated as scientific truth can be verified by scientific penijau . Objects and methods can be learned and followed in general and can be taught together . 4 . cumulative Cumulative learned is what is a continuation of the science that has been developed previously . There was also a collection of knowledge , both theoretical and practical knowledge of science organized and aims to seek welfare . Management is a science because it has the basic characteristics as fundamental characteristics of science that has didiskripsikan above . Likewise , management is a science, because the management measures applied to a particular scientific method . Step-by- step scientific method applied in management are: 1 . observation 2 . formulation of the problem 3 . accumulation and the additional fact that the new classification

4 . generalization 5 . formulation of hypotheses 6 . testing and verification Management thus be regarded as a management science also must have a scientific attitude as well as scientific attitude should be owned by the scientists . Scientific attitude must have a manager is as follows : 1 . objectivity The definition of objectivity is that in a review of the overlooked is its object . 2 . Relative Rumble Attack managers as scientists have to accept the reality of the changes that occur and have an impact on the validity period of the theories that they already have . Applicability of the theory were correct they have is not absolute . 3 . Skeptif Skeptif in question is the attitude to always feel free to question the basic pembuktianya not strong enough . That managers as a scientist should always be careful , be thorough in their assessments and scientific statements . 4 . patience intlektual Able to hold back and not give up kepda strong pressure in stating a scientific establishment because they did not complete and incomplete results. 5 . simplicity Simplicity in the scientific attitude is kesedrhanaan in the way of thinking , way of stating and the way of proof . 6 . not side to conduct Dispassionate attitude to ethics is that science does not emiliki goals and tasks to make judgments about the good things and bad things , but science has particularly duty to express things that are wrong and right things are relative . Management as an art is not defined in the sense of formal art commonly associated with the arts of music , literature , dance , Darama , sculpture and so on . Thus it does not mean that for menjdi good leader must be an artist , or a leader must master at least one branch of the arts such as dancing , singing and painting . What is meant here is the art of art in a broader sense and common , which is a skill , finesse , meampuan , and skill in applying the principles , methods , and

techniques in the use of human resources and natural resources effectively and efficiently to achieve the goal . Rests of the things that have been described above it is clear that there is in the art and science of management . Management can be controlled by science with a layer of good art , or vice versa can be controlled by the arts management with a layer of good science . In every activity required science and art . GR . Terry said was essentially a manager is a scientist and an artist . It requires a knowledge shared by the system that provides basic truths that can be used to operate the job . At the same time managers must inspire , cajole , sweet-talk , instructing , and lure others weighted or not weighted to provide consistent service and donating activities of individuals and their specific activities towards specific goals . The type of activity can not be made the form or expressed as a statistic in a list of realization . It is based on feelings, instincts , and conjecture , the activities to be carried out . D. IMPORTANCE OF GOAL IN MANAGEMENT Menyelesaiakan tasks efficiently and effectively is essential . But more important is to know about side g of the things to do and make sure banhwa diselesaiakn task moving toward a goal . What should be achieved by a manager and why he tried to reach it is always a good question to ask in management . The purpose is realized by a someone who would like ; goal is the object or on an act . For example , trying to boost morale / spirit and excitement of the work of subordinates , reduce absenteeism in certain departments , generating 10 million units of the product , gain 25 % of the product is marketed . : all is the goal . Edwin A Locke (1968 : 157 ) argues that Fredrik W. Taylor uses the specified destination as one of the main techniques of scientific management ( Scientifeic management) . Each subordinate is given a challenging goal but it can be achieved , based on the study of motion and time ( time and motion studies ) . Meode used by people to achieve its intended purpose ( for example, tools used , work procedures to be followed , the stages and steps required to do the job ) didekrepsikan in detail . Locke also mendiskriipsikan carefully about the nature of the mental process of goal setting . Dijelaskanya specific properties is sepesifikasi goal ( Goal Spesificity ) , difficulty goal ( Goal difficulity ) , and intensity of goal ( Goal Intensity ) . Specifications keteletian goal is clarity and quantitative description of the goal . Tujan difficulty is the level of expertise or level of achievement is sought . The intensity of purpose or goal setting process alluded penntuan process

to achieve it . Management goal is a goal to be realized that describe certain coverage and suggest direction to venture to the manager . Based on the above understanding , the minimum may be taken four principal elements , namely ; 1 . something to be realized ( Goal ) 2 . Scope ( Scope ) 3 . accuracy ( definiteness ) and 4 . direction ( direction ) An empirically realized , including in terms of management objectives . Limits are illustrated for a particular organization can contain more than one statement as realized something . Management objectives also connotes permanence ( definiteness ) . The ideas expressed by the vague term , and the meaning of the twins has a minimum value management . To illustrate such a thing , something to be realized , such as produce as much as possible , to win as much as possible , finish as fast as possible , is essential to the interpretation of heterogeneous and often impact the chaos . Finally , the direction ( direction ) at the destination by destination . That's because the results have generally addressed direalisaskan and separating the result of a variety of things you want to be realized that there may be . In general, the purpose can digolangkan into three kinds , namely ; 1.tujuan macro organizational 2 . destination managers at all hierege organization , and 3 . individual goals GR Terry (1975 : 40 ) classified according to the level of Yanga no purpose in an organization as follows . At hierege punjak organization and delivery destination for all activities is the main goal . Below , but close relationship with the principal goal is a goal that the group's goals diskripsiakn underneath didiskripsikan the same way in the development of goals and ultimately the unity of individual goals .

E. MANAGEMENT , MANAGERS AND KEPEMIMPIANAN Management restrictions that have been described and the studies hold onto dala , selanjunya is the art and science of planning , organizing , directing , motivating , and control of the mechanism of action to achieve the goal . Based on these definitions means that the manager is a person who acts as a planner , organization , steering , motivating , and controlling people and mechanism of action to achieve the goal . While leadership is an attitude and behavior to

mempengaruhu subordinates to enable them to work together so that it can work efficiently and effectively . In short , kepemimipinan is the attitude that should be owned by the planners , organizers , directors , motivating , and poengendali to influence people and mechanism of action to achieve the goal . James A. F Stoner and Carles Wangkel ( 1986 : 6-8 ) mengsepesifikan full of managers as follows : 1 . manager works with and through other people ( managers work with and through people oyher ) What is meant here is the Oeang subordinates , supervisors , and managers in the same hierakhi hierakhi and others in the organization . People also involve external parties , people who deal directly with the organization : shareholders (stock holder) , the buyer ( buyer ) , customers ( custumer ) , the lender ( creditor ) , banks , feeder ( supplaer ) and the like . 2 . managers are responsible and accountable (managers are responsible and acuntable ) Managers responsible for the execution of specific tasks and work successfully . Additionally menajer usually assessed on the basis of the extent to which he mengartur on the job duties to be carried out . Managers are also responsible for the activities and actions of subordinates . Successful or not subordinates in carrying out the duties and work directly reflect the success or failure of the managers concerned . All members of the organization , including on the part of the managers are not responsible for the duties and job . Managers more than that , selaian should be responsible and accountable ( to account ) on their own tasks and work , she is also responsible and accountable for tasks and the work of others ( subordinates ) . Responsibility for this procurement is to carry out that obligation had been submitted to it as well as possible , according to his ability , while accountability is the obligation to carry out the responsibilities and authority according to the syntax in the implementation of the work that has been done . 3 . managers to balance competition and establish priority objectives ( managers balance competing goals and set priorities ) Every time the manager is faced with a number of objectives concerns , and needs of the entire organization to compete in suumber get power and time manager . Given that resources are always limited , every manager must seek balance between various objectives and needs .

4 . managers have to think analytically and conceptually ( manger mast think analyti celly ) To become analytical thinkers , managers must be able to separate a problem into components , analyze the components , and then come up with a possible solution . Additionally , manajaer must be a conceptual thinker , as well as see the overall job duties and direct and abstract and mengaitkanya Dangan another job . 5 . manager is the mediator ( manger are mediators ) Organization consists of a group of someone and a group of people may not get along or bertekar . Disputes that occur in an organization can undermine morale and productivity . Eventually they can become unhappy or disruptive . Thus , subordinates will really be able to take the decision to leave the organization . When there is disagreement among subordinates , the manager is to mediate the dispute so koontinewitas organization is not impaired . 6 . manager is a politician ( manger are polition ) Managers have to build relationships and use persuasion and compromise in achieving organizational objectives , as was done by politicians to run the program . 7 . manager is a diplomat ( manager are Diplomats ) Managers can act as the official representative of the work unit or organization meetings . Managers can represent the organization as a whole , also represents a certain unitr perurusan with creditors , subscriber , suppliers , kontaraktor , government officials and other individual organizations . 8 . manager is a symbol ( manger are syombol ) Managers embody or symbolize the success or failure of an organization , both in front of the face of the organization itself or outside observers . 9 . managers make difficult decisions ( makeup manger difficult desition ) Almost every organization can not escape from the problems of his life , such as employment issues , financial , production , marketing and so on . Managers are going to be present before dengaan yan menyelseikan difficult problem in part and unyielding in environmental decision though by doing so , he became the preferred g kuran . GR Terry ( 1976:56-57 ) describe the manager's job by function as follows Planning ( plaining ) Managers in planning function L has the following jobs :

Define , describe , and explain the purpose Forecasting Define the terms and allegations about performance Define and explain tasks to achieve goals Establish a plan settlement Establish policies Plan standards and methods of settlement mengetahuai first problems occurred Organizing ( Organizing ) Managers in the organizational function has the following job description Describing the work of the task execution Classify tasks in the job execution oprasiona Collect operational work in the same unit Establish job requirements Mengakaji and assign the right people on the job Mendelegasuikan proper authority to each management Provide employment facilities and other resources Menyesuaiakn organization from the point of pnilaian results Mobilization ( Actuating ) In actuating functions , managers have the following job description Inform and explain \ to his subordinates Manage and encourage subordinates to work Subordinate leaders to achieve the standard orasional ( implementation ) Mengemnbangan innate possibilities to realize fully Giving people the right to listen Praise and give sanctions a fair Giving gifts through awards and payments to employees

4 . Control ( control, ) In the control function , managers meimilki following work: Comparing the results of the plan in general Assess the results of the implementation of the standards Creating an effective tool for measuring execution Inform gauges Facilitate data detail

F. SKILLS AND MANAGER ROLE Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard (1980 : 67 ) argues that there are three areas of skills that are essential to the management process for a melaksankaan manjer . Ktrampilan fields are as follows : 1 . technical skills ( skill Tecnikal ) The ability to use the knowledge , methods , procedures , techniques , and resourceful necessary to carry out specific tasks acquired through experience , education , and training . Managers need technical ktrampilan enough to run the tool from a particular job which they are responsible . 2 . Human skills ( human skills ) Namely the ability and judgment yank labored with others , including an understanding of the motivation and the application of effective leadership . Managers have enough skill to be able to work mamnusiawi relationship with his subordinates in the organization and manage their own group 3 . Conceptual skills (conceptual skills) The ability to understand the complexity of the overall organization to adapt one's place in oprasi . The knowledge justify someone to act in accordance with the organization's overall goals , the only basis of common goals and the urgent needs of the group . Within an organization must be able to perform the role of managers such as:

1 . Interpersonal role managers ( The Manger 's interpersonal roles ) In interpersonal roles , managers must act as a leader , as a leader and as a liaison organization that manages the premises running smoothly . As a manager figures often act as a tokih with seriminial tasks , such as welcoming guests , attended a wedding subordinates , meghindari invitations and so on . 2 . Informational role managers ( the manager of informational roles ) Delam informational war as managers in an organization act as collectors and disseminators of information . In this case the manager must play three roles : the role of observers , the role of disseminator , and spokesperson .

3 . The role of manager decisions ( the manager decisional roles ) In this role the manager must act within four roles related to the decision-making that can be taken by the manager . Intended role of the manager is the role of entrepreneurship , the role of disorder reliever , a role pengalikasian resources and the role of negotiator . G. LEADERSHIP Many scientists and research experts regarding its behavior has been providing leadership . One of the scientists and experts who study behavior have given the limitations of the Ralph M. kepmimpianan Stogdill (1971 ) . Proposed restriction is managerial leadership as the process of directing and infliucing related activites of the task group members . Manajeral leadership as the process of directing and emmpengaruhi activity associated with the task of the group members . Based on the above limitations , there are three important implications that need attention . 1 . Leadership must involve other people or subordinates . Because of their ability to emnerima referrals from managers , subordinates helped confirm the existence of managers and allow the process of leadership . 2 . Leadership that does not include the distribution of authority may be balanced between managers and subordinates . The manager has the authority to mengarahjkan some subordinate activities that do no justice possible in the same way the manager directs activity . 3 . Besides legally able to give a command or direction for subordinates , managers can also mmepengaruhi subordinates with various properties of its leadership .

REFERENCES Bambang Tri Cahyono , 1996 . Concept - the concept of management . Jakarta :

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