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Item #: SCP-999 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-999 is allowed to freely roam the facility should

it desire to, but otherwise must stay in its pen Subject is not allowed out of its pen at ni!ht or off facility !rounds at any time Pen is to be "ept clean and food replaced twice daily #ll personnel are allowed inside SCP-999$s holdin! area, but only if they are not assi!ned to other tas"s at the time, or if they are on brea" Subject is to be played with when bored and spo"en to in a calm, nonthreatenin! tone %escription: SCP-999 appears to be a lar!e, amorphous, !elatinous mass of translucent oran!e slime, wei!hin! about &' "! ()*+ lbs, with a consistency similar to that of peanut butter Subject$s si-e and shape constantly chan!e, thou!h most of the time its form is the si-e of a lar!e beanba! chair Composition of SCP-999 is oil-based, but consists of a substance un"nown to modern science Other than a thin, transparent membrane surroundin! the oran!e mass, subject appears to ha.e no other or!ans to spea" of Subject$s temperament is best described as playful and do!-li"e: when approached, SCP-999 will react with o.erwhelmin! elation, slitherin! to the nearest person and leapin! upon them, /hu!!in!0 them with a pair of pseudopods while nu--lin! the person$s face with a third pseudopod, all the while emittin! hi!h-pitched !ur!lin! and cooin! noises 1he surface of SCP-999 emits a pleasin! odor that differs with it is interactin! with 2ecorded scents include chocolate, fresh laundry, bacon, roses, and Play-%oh3 Simply touchin! SCP-999$s surface causes an immediate euphoria, which intensifies the lon!er one is e4posed to SCP-999, and lasts lon! after separation from the creature Subject$s fa.orite acti.ity is tic"le-wrestlin!, often by completely en.elopin! a person from the nec" down and tic"lin! them until as"ed to stop (thou!h it does not always comply with this re5uest, 6hile the creature will interact with anyone, it seems to ha.e a special interest in those who are unhappy or hurt in any way Persons sufferin! from cripplin! depression, after interactin! with SCP-999, ha.e returned completely cured with a .ery positi.e outloo" on life 1he possibility of mar"etin! SCP-999$s slime as an antidepressant has been discussed In addition to its playful beha.ior, SCP-999 seems to lo.e all animals (especially humans,, refusin! to eat any meat and e.en ris"in! its own life to sa.e others, e.en leapin! in front of a person to ta"e a bullet fired at them (subject$s intellect is still up for debate: thou!h its beha.ior is infantile, it seems to understand human speech and most modern technolo!y, includin! !uns , 1he creature$s diet consists entirely of candy and sweets, with 787$s3 and 9ecco3 wafers bein! its fa.orites Its eatin! methods are similar to those of an amoeba

#ddendum SCP-999-#: 1he followin! is a report from an e4periment in which SCP-:;* is e4posed to SCP-999 in the hopes that it will curb the creature$s omnicidal ra!e

SCP-999 is released into SCP-:;*$s containment area slithers towards SCP-:;*
999: (elated !ur!les, :;*: (unintelli!ible !roans, !rowlin!, 6hat is that<

SCP-999 immediately

SCP-999 in front of SCP-:;*, jumpin! up and down in a do!-li"e manner while callin! out in a hi!h-pitched s5uealin! noise
:;*: (!roans, %is!ustin!=

SCP-:;* immediately steps on SCP-999, completely flattenin! SCP-999 Obser.ers were about to abort the e4periment when SCP-:;* started tal"in! a!ain
:;*: (!runts, >mmm< (unintelli!ible, what is this= (low noise, similar to li!ht chuc"le, I feel all= tin!ly inside=

SCP-999 can be seen crawlin! up from between SCP-:;*$s toes, up alon! its side and around its nec", where it clin!s on and be!ins !ently nu--lin! with its pseudopod # wide !rin slowly spreads across SCP-:;*$s face
:;*: (deep chuc"lin!, I feel= so= happy >appy= (lau!hs, happy= happy=

SCP-:;* repeats the word /happy0 for se.eral minutes, lau!hin! occasionally before escalatin! into nonstop lau!hter #s lau!hter continues, SCP-:;* rolls around on its bac", slammin! its tail upon the floor with dan!erous force
:;*: (bellowin! lau!hter, Stop? 9o tic"lin!? (continues lau!hin!,

SCP-:;* and SCP-999 continue the /tic"le fi!ht0 until SCP-:;* finally wears down and appears to fall asleep with what would appear to be a smile on its face #fter fifteen minutes with no acti.ity, two %-Class personnel enter the room to retrie.e SCP-999 6hen SCP-999 is remo.ed, SCP-:;* immediately wa"es up and unleashes an unidentifiable wa.e of ener!y from its body, all the while lau!hin! maniacally #ll persons within the wa.e$s ran!e collapse into cripplin! fits of lau!hter, allowin! SCP-:;* to escape and slau!hter all in its path 7eanwhile, SCP-999 5uic"ly rescues as many persons as it can, ta"in! them to a safe place to from SCP-:;*$s @lau!hter wa.e@ while a!ents suppress and recontain SCP-:;* %espite the tra!edy that SCP-:;* had brou!ht upon the facility, SCP-999 has not shown any fear towards the creature and in fact has made !estures su!!estin! it wants to /play0 with SCP-:;* a!ain SCP-:;*,, has stated, /1hat feculent little snot wad can A%#1# BCPD9EB%F and die @

7emo from %r : /6hile the test was unsuccessful and ended in tra!edy, that had to be the funniest thin! I ha.e seen I thou!ht I$d see the day when I would re!ard SCP-:;* as /cute0 Please send me a copy of the security tapes #S#P 0

Created by Gio"id99, because SCP-999 is adorable

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