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Moblist Dinopocalypse

Children of the Egg

Chapter Three
When I returned from the basement to let Mom know we would be looking for her suitcase, I found them both in the bathroom. Aunt Mary was huddled against the toilet, her face over the bowl and Mom was helping to keep her steady. I retreated back to the hallway when I heard Mary beginning to retch. This is just another sign that youre making great progress, Mom told her. You are already dilated and the throwing up means youre going through transition. Marys response was difficult to understand. I was about to interrupt them when Dad emerged from the basement with Frank. They were both wearing winter jackets. Dad walked past me and peeked around the door. Beth, were going to get the suitcase down from the garage attic, he said. He shot a glance back at me, then added, Are you sure you want it? Yes, Im sure, Mom answered. Were going to need it. And, have Shawn bring me the phone. I grabbed the phone off its base on the wall next to the refrigerator. When I walked by the living room, I noticed that all of the furniture had been moved. The coffee table, especially, had been moved out of the way. It was sitting directly under one of the windows looking out of the front of the house. All of the blankets had been laid out in layers. The pillows and couch cushions were stacked on each other in the very center. I was struck by how all of this reminded me of a birds nest. The fire was still going strong. I could hear the blower running at full strength, as if Mom and Aunt Mary had wanted to warm up the room as quickly as possible. Mom was still talking to Dad and Uncle Frank when I returned with the phone. She grabbed it from me, then entered in a speed dial code. Mary said something, and Frank excused himself to attend to her. Dad looked at me. Get your winter coat, son, he said. This will be a two man job. A few summers ago, Dad had installed a folding ladder into the garage which made it a lot easier to access the attic. By the time I had gotten my coat and boots back on, Dad had already pulled down the ladder and was about to climb up. There is a lot of fragile equipment in the suitcase, Dad said. Well need to be careful when we move it. Lots of glass. He clambered up the ladder and disappeared from view. In a heartbeat the light in the attic had been turned on. I started up the ladder and joined Dad.

There was a narrow walkway just wide enough for one person to move back and forth. There were several large items and sealed boxes located to the left and right of the walkway. Dad was already in the middle of the attic, searching for the suitcase. One thing I hadnt anticipated was how cold it would be in the attic. My hands were turning numb inside my gloves. What color is the suitcase? I asked. Greenish blue, Dad said. Its quite large; hard to miss. I chuckled at the irony of us freezing our butts off looking for a suitcase that should just leap out at us. I wondered if it could be buried underneath one of the boxes. I reached down and moved away a box of canning jars. We need some more light, Dad said. Run down and grab a flashlight, please. I hesitated. I wasnt having any trouble at all seeing. But, this didnt seem like the time to point out something like that. Right, Ill be back up. I climbed down the ladder, then headed back in the house to find flashlights. They would either be in the coat closet or in the basement next to Dads area. When I was walking through the kitchen, Mom was still on the phone. Things are progressing much faster for her than they did with me. She is halfway dilated. I began to rummage around the coat closet for flashlights, still listening to Moms side of the conversation. I dont think we have a choice other than to try to move her. Were not ready. Finally, my hand grasped what felt like a flashlight. I pulled out a green flashlight which appeared to work when I clicked it on and off with the button. Satisfied, I dropped the flashlight into my pocket, and headed back out to the garage. Mom was still talking on the phone, but now she was standing close to Aunt Mary and Uncle Frank. Mary was sitting on her hands and knees in the middle of her nest, and completely naked. Frank was massaging her back. The kitchen door opened, and my dad walked through lugging a huge blue tinted suitcase. Beth, I found it. Bring it over. I watched dad carry the suitcase through the kitchen, speechless. Sorry dad, I tried to get back out with the flashlight, I stammered. Its alright, Shawn, he said with a half chuckle. I kept looking, and just happened to find it. But, you said it was heavy. I managed. Relax. Mom wheeled the suitcase out to the living room and began opening up its pockets as if they contained secrets to the universe. She reached in and pulled out what looked like tubs of skin

cream, a thick manual, and a heat lamp. She set the heat lamp on the edge of the fireplace, and handed the lotion to Uncle Frank. Rub this on her sores, she said. I had followed Dad into the living room. I could see now that there were parts of Aunt Marys skin which didnt look normal. Not normal, as in green and scaley. Frank rubbed on the skin lotion like mad. Aunt Mary stayed in her position and went through her lamaze breathing, then cried out as her contraction increased. Beth, did you get a hold of the Reeces? Yes, Margaret said to bring it over in the morning. So shes having it here? In the living room? Dad sounded dubious. Look at her, Doug, Mom said. Shes in no condition to travel. But youre not a doctor, Dad insisted. Maybe Margaret should come here. I already asked. She said she doesnt make households. This is an emergency. Mom let out a sigh. You know how stubborn she can be. It just takes some convincing. Dad shot a glance at me. CMon Shawn; Were going to talk to the Reeces. In just a few minutes, we were on the road heading towards the Reeces house, just next door to where we once lived on Clyde Rd. Dad slowed and turned onto their driveway. Remember to let me do the talking, Dad said to me. I dont understand, I admitted. Is Mrs. Reece a doctor? Dad chuckled. Not quite. But, she helped us once. When we had issues with-- Dad stopped, as if something had caught in his throat. Your sister. I was surprised that Dad had even mentioned Tina. But, what was even more surprising is that she had already come up several times tonight during the emergency with Aunt Mary, and now Dad was talking about her again. And, Mrs. Reese had been involved following Tinas birth. We walked up to the front door of the house. Dad was in the lead, so he rang the doorbell. Margarets fifteen year old daughter, Katrina, answered the door. She seemed to recognize my father and I. When she smiled at me, I felt my face flush a little. Oh, hello. Is your mother home? Dad said. I need to talk to her. Shes next door, Katrina said, motioning towards our old house. Getting things ready for tomorrow.

Okay, Dad said. He seemed a little caught off guard. I had no clue what Katrina was talking about. Isnt anybody living there? No, its vacant, Katrina answered. Mom and dad had just cleaned after the last people moved out, so there is still electricity for the heat lamps, and room for a nursery. Shawn, wait here. Im going to go talk to Mrs. Reece. Dad turned around, and started across the yard towards the white house. Katrina opened the door wider, and motioned to me. Come in, she said. The Reeces home was remarkably clean, with everything arranged very neatly. Katrina lead me to their living room, but I almost didnt want to sit on their couch because it looked so brandnew. So, your aunt is having a baby, Katrina said, more as a statement than a question. Yes, I said. I chuckled. Funniest thing is, I didnt know she was going to have a baby. Im sure it will be okay, Katrina said. Mom is very careful. I nodded assuredly, but honestly didnt know why her mom was qualified to deliver a baby, unless she was a doctor. Katrina, I said. How many babies has your mom delivered? Katrina pursed her lips and hesitated. I felt very awkward. Several, she began. Most of them with the same condition as your aunt. I was going to ask about the condition, when a boy appeared from the dining room. Where did you go, Katrina? He asked sternly. He had brown hair like his sister, and looked to be a couple of years older. Shawn, this is my brother, Troy. Troy, Shawn. Katrina said. I was on my way to the dormitories when they arrived. Shawns father is looking for Mom. Moms at the old place, setting up the incubators, Troy said matter of factly, as if this was the most common sense thing in the world. She wanted me to grab the crib and dresser out of storage. I could use your hand carrying them. Id be happy to help, I piped in. No, I dont think thats a good idea, Katrina said. Why not? I said. Shouldnt take too long, and theres no telling how long Dad will take. Fine with me, Troy said. The stuff is in the barn. Just follow me. The Reeces house and farm is surrounded on three sides by strawberry fields. Beyond those fields, there are other fields where they grow other crops. The barn Troy took me to was the one closest to the fields, and farthest from their house.

The crib is dismantled, so we should be looking for struts, box spring, and mattress, Troy said as he flipped on the lights in the barn. Immediately I was reminded of our attic in the garage--all sides were filled with boxes and farm equipment. We can pull everything outside in one spot, then haul it all to the house with the tractor. We scanned the barn for the crib. Just as it was starting to look hopeless, Troy found the mattress. We both began looking in the same proximity until we located the frame--which was pink. Luck was on our side, because a pink dresser which matched the designs of the crib was located nearby. Thats everything my mom needs, Troy said after we had loaded the parts onto a nearby wagon hitched to the back of a tractor. Troy jumped into the drivers seat of the tractor and started up the engine. I jumped into the wagon and sat down next to the dresser, which we had set placed in the wagon on its back. Troy followed a path back towards their house, and then seemed to angle away towards my old house. As I watched the Reeces house shrink into the distance, I happened to notice that there was a piece of paper sticking out of one of the drawers in the dresser. I looked closer, only to realize that it was an envelope. It easily slid out when I pulled on it. It flapped wildly in the wind until I gripped it with both hands. As we pulled up next to the garage adjacent to the house, the garages lights illuminated the envelope enough for me to read the writing on the front. It appeared to be addressed to me by name, but the address was for our old house on Clyde Rd.

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