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Venue Dated In Chair : : : Points LEADING SAFETY INDICATORS REVIEW &MISC. 1. 2. Maintenance Overall LSI Score (after correction) for the Month Sep. was 95%. (After correction) Chairman asked to focus on the quality of D-Level meeting and Incidents prevention to have good LSI score. No. of MSA observation decreased to 41 for the month of November 2012. MJ told the chairman that some time the MSA observation is not marked properly; Chairman asked the forum to highlight such observations immediately when marked, so that we can mark them to concerned person and only relevant observations should be discussed in DSC. Scaffoldings at Plants: Chairman asked all the I/C to plan for immediate removal of all scaffoldings at plant. Status of unnecessary scaffolding should be prepared and shared with SH craft. SH craft should arrange the removal within 15 days. SH craft should discuss with MM If any extra manpower is required. Scaffolding Material at NP & CAN Plants: Inspection protocol should be developed for all scaffolding material at NP and CAN plants. All material should be inspected 10, 2012 Info All A/Es Immediate Safety Unit Conference Hall DEC 10, 2012 at 1430 Hrs Mr Abdul Nasir Maintenance Manager
Mr M. Azam Mr Farhan Talib Mr Shahab Arshad Mr Mehmood Ul Hassan Mr Mazhar Abbas Mr Bilal Awan Mr Bilal Rasheed Mr. Raja Fawad

Mr M. Akram Rana Mr Kamran Qureshi Mr Ghulam Hussain Mr Asif Masood Mr Farhat Malik Mr Zeeshan Nasim Mr M. Jamil Mr Mehmood Javed

Action By Target Date / Status

3. 4.


All A/Es



All A/Es



MAR/MUH/FT 30-12-12

Minutes of Meeting / DEC


within one month. 7. Chairman asked all I/C to ensure the implementation of work permit system for all the jobs. For non-routine jobs in workshops and garage area I/C should analyse the safety aspects of job and decide either permit is required or not. Chairman asked all the I/C to do the analysis of MSA observations and learning should be shared in all maintenance sections so that we have no repeated observation in the department. Chairman asked the MUH to present the status of MSA observation in DSC. Chairman asked to present the status in the form of WHAT happened, WHY this happened and WHAT has been done avoid reoccurrence and improvement. Each I/C will present the status of his relevant area.

All A/Es



All In-charges



All In-charges

Next DSC

10. Chairman asked the I/C to take the responsibility to install back all things (i.e insulation) removed for maintenance activities. 11. Chairman asked all the I/C to ensure the proper parking of bicycles in their areas. 12. Common mistakes made related to tools and equipments should be compiled and incorporated in the training manuals. 13. All A/E should ensure the proper display of slogans, precaution and any other special instruction relevant to some specific areas and equipment. 14. All cylinder shifting trolleys should be modified for the safe shifting of small cylinders. 15. Good practices adopted in 2012 should be compiles and shared with other maintenance sections. 16. Chairman asked SH workshop and garage to prepare the status of lights and reverse gear sound system for all the cranes and immediate rectification of all lights and sound issues. These things should also be incorporated in the checklist to avoid repetition. 17. Status of action marked in DSC should be circulated fortnightly.

All In-charges All In-charges

Immediate Immediate

All In-charges All In-charges

Immediate 30-12-12

All In-charges All In-charges

30-12-12 30-12-12





Minutes of Meeting / DEC

10, 2012

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PSRM AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS & IMPLEMENTATION STATUS 1. All action marked by the external auditor in PSRM audit should be completed and status should be shared in next DSC. 2. PSRM Training for all the maintenance engineers should be arranged. 3. PSRM questionnaire in Urdu for staff should be developed. 4. All procedures of PSRM should be maintained by all section id separate file. 5. A team for PSRM implementation should be formulated. A fortnightly session to share progress and plan for next 15 days should be arranged. All In-charges AN Mr Azam All In-charges AN Next DSC

Next DSC


Prepared by M. Bilal Rasheed Area Engineer PH&S

Reviewed By Mehmood Ul Hassan Area Engineer CAN-CN

Reviewed By M. Akram Rana Sr. UM Maint.

Minutes of Meeting / Dec

10, 2012

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