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SECTION - 01039 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. D. E. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. C. SECTION INCLUDES Coordination Preconstruction conference Site mobilisation conference Progress meetings Preinstallation conferences RELATED SECTIONS Section 01050 - Field Engineering COORDINATION Coordinate scheduling submittals and !or" of the #arious sections of S$ecifications to ensure efficient and orderl% se&uence of installation of interde$endent construction elements. Coordinate 'or" of #arious sections ha#ing interde$endent res$onsibilities for installing connecting to and $lacing in ser#ice such e&ui$ment. Coordinate s$ace re&uirements and installation of mechanical and electrical 'or" 'hich are indicated diagrammaticall% on Dra'ings. Follo' routing sho'n for $i$es ducts and conduit as closel% as $racticable( $lace runs $arallel 'ith line of building. )tili*e s$aces efficientl% to ma+imum accessibilit% for other installations for maintenance and for re$airs. ,n finished areas conceal $i$es ducts and 'iring 'ithin the construction. Coordinate locations of fi+tures and outlets 'ith finish elements. Coordinate com$letion and clean u$ of 'or" of se$arate sections in $re$aration for Substantial Com$letion and for $ortions of 'or" designated for Em$lo%ers $artial occu$anc%. After Em$lo%er occu$anc% of $remises coordinate access to site for correction of defecti#e 'or" and 'or" not in accordance 'ith Contract Documents to minimise disru$tion of Em$lo%er-s acti#ities. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Em$lo%er and Engineer 'ill schedule a conference after Contractor has selected his ma.or sub-trades and $rior to signing of Em$lo%er/Contractor Agreement. Attendance 0e&uired( Em$lo%er Engineer and Contractor. Agenda1 1. Submission of list of Subcontractors list of $roducts schedules of #alues and $rogress schedule. 2. Designation of res$onsible $ersonnel and man$o'er organi*ation.

D. E. F.

1.04 A. B. C.

OHA Engineering Consultants




3. 4. 5. 5. 1.05 A. B. C.

Procedures and $rocessing of field decisions sho$ dra'ings submittals substitutions a$$lications for $a%ments $ro$osal re&uests #ariations chec"lists and Contract closeout $rocedures. Scheduling and se&uence of 'or". )se of $remises b% Em$lo%er and Contractor. Em$lo%er-s re&uirements.

SITE MOBILISATION CONFERENCE Engineer and Em$lo%er 'ill schedule a conference at the Pro.ect Site $rior to Contractor occu$anc%. Attendance 0e&uired1 Em$lo%er Engineer Contractor. Agenda1 1. )se of $remises b% Em$lo%er and Contractor 2. Em$lo%er-s re&uirements 3. Construction facilities and controls $ro#ided b% Contractor 4. 6em$orar% )tilities $ro#ided b% Contractor 5. Sur#e% and building la%out 5. Securit% and house"ee$ing $rocedures 7. Schedules 8. Procedures for testing 9. Procedures for maintaining record documents. 10. 0e&uirements for start-u$ of e&ui$ment 11. ,ns$ection and acce$tance of e&ui$ment $ut into ser#ice construction $eriod. 12. :uarantee $eriod for all e&ui$ments. PROGRESS MEETINGS A. 6he Engineer should schedule 'ee"l% and monthl% construction $rogress meetings co-ordination meetings and $reinstallation conferences throughout $rogress of 'or" for the $ro$er management and coordination of the Contract and as re&uired b% the Engineer. 6he Engineer ma"e $h%sical arrangements $re$are agenda and distribute notice of each meeting to $artici$ants three da%s in ad#ance of meeting date. 6he Engineer 'ill $reside at meetings. 0ecord minutes and distribute co$ies 'ithin t'o da%s after meeting to $artici$ants to entities affected b% decisions at meetings 'ith t'o co$ies to each of Engineer and Em$lo%er. ;ocation of <eetings1 Conference 0oom on Site. Attendance1 Contractor Pro.ect <anager Subcontractors and Su$$liers as a$$ro$riate to agenda( Em$lo%er Engineer Professional Consultants. <inimum Agenda1 1. A$$ro#al of minutes of $re#ious meetings. 2. 0e#ie' of !or" $rogress and CP< $rogram. 3. Field obser#ations $roblems and decisions. 4. ,dentification of $roblems 'hich im$ede $lanned $rogress. 5. 0e#ie' of submittals schedule and status of submittals.


B. C.

D. E. F.

OHA Engineering Consultants


5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 15. 17. 18. :.

0e#ie' of off-site fabrication and deli#er schedules. <aintenance of $rogress schedule. Correcti#e measures to regain $ro.ected schedules. Planned $rogress during succeeding 'or" $eriod. Coordination of $ro.ected $rogress. <aintenance of &ualit% and 'or" standards. Effect of $ro$osed changes on $rogress schedule and coordination. Safet%. Contractor-s 0esources1 management <en <one% <aterials <achiner%. Contractor-s on-site staff $rogress re$ort. Contractor-s Em$lo%er-s and Engineer-s =ffice <anagement-s obser#ations and remar"s. =ther business relating to 'or". Sam$les and moc"-u$s as re&uired b% the Engineer or the Em$lo%er before e+ecution of the 'or".

Subcontractors- Site <eetings 1 1. 6he Contractor should hold meetings 'ith a$$ro$riate subcontractors and su$$liers shortl% before main site $rogress meetings to facilitate accurate re$orting of $rogress.

1.07 A. B. C. D. E.

PREINSTALLATION CONFERENCES !hen re&uires in indi#idual s$ecification Section con#ene a $reinstallation conference at 'or" site $rior to commencing 'or" of the Section. 0e&uire attendance of entities directl% affecting or affected b% 'or" of the Section. >otif% Engineer four da%s in ad#ance of meeting date. Pre$are agenda $reside at conference record minutes and distribute co$ies 'ithin t'o da%s after conference to $artici$ants 'ith t'o co$ies to Engineer. 0e#ie' conditions of installation $re$aration and installation $rocedures and coordination 'ith related 'or".


OHA Engineering Consultants



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