General Safety Part I Written Test: Name

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Name: ______________________________

General Safety Part I Written Test

Use the correct heading and write the answer on your own paper. Using the BEST answer to complete the following: 1. Always wear eye ( Protection Drops). 2. Use equipment only with the instructor s ( Protection Permission). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ( Ignore Report) all accidents or in!uries. "o not use ( Defective Clean) equipment. #e$er use equipment until you ha$e %een properly ( Instructed Protected) in its use. &oose clothing can cause ( Protection Injuries). &ong hair must %e ( Tied ac! "raided) or co$ered with a cap. #o ( #e$elr% &prons) should %e worn in the la%oratory. 'ear ( Covered Closed) shoes or %oots. Appro$ed protection earmuffs should %e worn around ( Dirt% Nois%) equipment. A ( Dust mas! 'ace s(ield) must %e worn when wor(ing where there is wood dust. )inishing materials should only %e used in ( )ell ventilated Draft%) areas. Always ( Ignore Clean up) spilled materials. Used rags are to %e (ept in a co$ered ( *etal Plastic) container. &ocate the ( 'ire e+tinguis(ers &ir (oses) and learn how to use them. *eep ca%inet doors and drawers ( ,pen Closed). #e$er lea$e anything on the ( 'loor )or! enc() that could %e slipped on or tripped o$er. ( ,pen Close) $ises when they are not in use.

General Safety Part II Written Test

Use the correct heading and write the answer on your own paper. Using the BEST answer to complete the following: 1. 'or(%enches should %e (ept ( Clear Cluttered) and organi+ed. 2. Use ( -our (ands & rus() or a rag to clear away scraps and sawdust. 3. Tools should %e used only for what they are ( Designed to do .asiest to use). 4. ( Dull /(arp) tools should %e carried with the edge or point held down toward the floor. 5. A tool should always %e held %y the ( Cord 0andle). 6. 'hen you are finished with a tool, return it to its ( &ssigned storage area )(ere %ou found it). 7. As( for ( Permission 0elp) when you need to handle large or hea$y material. 8. &ift with your ( Nec! 1egs) not with your %ac(. 9. #e$er handle ( .lectrical )riting) equipment if your hands are wet or if you are standing on a wet floor. 10. Equipment with a ( Damaged Clean) power cord should %e reported to the instructor. -t should not %e used. 11. "on t yan( on the power cord to disconnect a tool. .ull the ( Plug /oc!et). 12. Use all the recommended ( 2uards , structions) and other safety de$ices when you operate power equipment. 13. Always disconnect the power equipment %efore you ma(e any ma!or ( *ista!es &djustments). 14. #e$er ad!ust equipment while it is ( /topped Running). 15. 'hen you turn off a machine, stay with it until it is ( &lmost Completel%) stopped. 16. Before you use a machine, ma(e sure the person who used it %efore you has turned it off and it is completely ( /topped Clean). 17. "on t ( Distract 1eave alone) anyone while they are operating the equipment. 18. Using tools and equipment requires your complete ( &ttention 0elp) at all times. 19. Always wor( at a ( 'ast /afe) speed. 20. #e$er fool around or ( Pla% Concentrate) in the la%oratory.

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