If You Think You Can

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2007 IMSSA Exposition [Issue 2 2007] P 48

Bachelor of Science in
Management &
lnformation 1echnology
ow many times a day you are muttering the words I
cant? How many times we hear others saying, I dont
think I can do. Well, if you are using the word cant, this is
the time to drop it from your vocabulary. Always think I CAN.
Then you will discover the power within you.
Is your glass half empty or half full? The answer you are
giving to this question will reect your outlook on life, your
attitude towards yourself, and whether youre optimistic or
pessimistic. If we can focus on lled half of the glass it shows
our positive thinking power and how much optimistic we are.
People with positive frame of mind always think about
possibilities, growth, expansion and success. They always
think in terms of I can, I am able, and I will succeed. What
would have happened to todays world if the great inventors of
history were pessimistic. None of them succeeded in their rst
attempt. The greatest lesson we can learn from this is that learn
from mistakes. Thomas Alwa Edison has failed many times in
his process of inventing electric bulb. But he never gave up on
his experiments. He always said that, I can learn something
new from every mistake I made.
According to Buddhism, we need three types of courage to
start and complete a work. They are the courage to start the
task, courage to carry out the task, courage to nish the task.
Lets take a simple example, writing an article. First we need
courage to start writing. If we stay thinking oh, I cant write,
I dont know, we will never start writing. What we have to do
is to build up courage within us by thinking I can, Ill be able
to. After start writing we need courage to carry out our task.
When we are writing we will have to face many obstacles.
We might not be able to succeed in the rst attempt. All that
we want is courage to face obstacles, and overcome mistakes.
Then we need courage to complete our task. If we just write
the article, it will not be complete one. What we have to do is
to complete our task with a higher quality. If you have these
three types of courage and if you are a positive thinker you
will never fail in your life.
If you are really willing to change the way you think,
willing to make a real inner change and if you want to develop
a mental power that can positively affects not only you, your
environment and the people around you, here are some tips on
how to change your thinking.
Always use only positive words while thinking and
while talking. Use words such as I can, I am able,
it is possible, it can be done etc
Allow only feelings of happiness, strength and
success in to your awareness.
Try to ignore negative thoughts. Refuse to think such
thoughts and substitute them with constructive happy
In your conversations use words that evoke feelings
and mental images of strength, happiness, and
Before starting with any plan or action, visualize
clearly in your mind, its successful outcome. If you
visualize with great concentration and faith, you will
be amazed at the results.
Read at least one page of inspiring book every day.
Watch movies that make you happy.
Associate yourself with people who think positively.
Always sit and walk with your back straight. This
will strengthen your condence and inner strength.
In above tips, it is mentioned to substitute negative thoughts
with positive and constructive happy thoughts. Following are
some examples of how to twist negative thoughts in to positive
Negative Thought Positive Thought
Ive never done it before Its an opportunity to learn
something new
Its too complicated Ill attempt it in a different
There is not enough time Lets re-evaluate some
It would not work I can try to make it work
Radical change is needed Lets take a chance
I am not going to get any
better at this
Ill give it another try
If you practice to think positively and build positive attitudes
within you, you will be beneted. Life will smile at you; will
nd that success can be achieved more easily and faster. More
happiness, more energy will come to you. You will discover
the inner power and strength in you, and also you will be able
to inspire and motivate yourself and others. Remember, the
only thing can stop you, is yourself only. So dont let yourself
stop you. Remember you are greater than you are. So start
thinking positively from this moment onwards.
Norman Vincent Peale, Positive Thinking Everyday
People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things.
When they believe in themselves they have the rst secret of success. - Norman Vincent Peale
If you think you can

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