Quarter 3 - Week 1

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QUARTER 3 WEEK 1 Theme: Me and My Family TARGET SKILLS: At the end of the lesson the students should be able

e to: Expressive Objectives: Realize that pe sons ha!e names App e"iate that sin#in# son#s and e"itin# hymes "an be fun

Instruction ! Objectives: Or ! ! n"u "e: Listen and sha e about him$he self #hono!o"ic ! A$ reness: Re"o#nize that senten"es a e made up of %o ds %istenin" &omprehension: Listen and sha e about him$he self 'oc bu! r( n) *r mm r: Re"o#nize& identify& #i!e e'amples of namin# %o ds (people)

+u""este) WEEK 1 /A0 1 %E++O1 #%A1 , o- .ins I2 #re3Assessment The tea"he %ill "he"+ the attendan"e by "allin# out the names of ea"h of the students, As the students hea thei names they %ill ha!e to say -p esent. o -he e. to sho% that they ha!e e"o#nized thei names and to sho% thei p esen"e, II2 Objectives As+ the /uestion What is your name? Ans%e the /uestion What is your name? Realize that pe sons ha!e names III2 +ubject . tter n) . teri !s +ubject . tter: 0ne1s 2ame . teri !s: 3, Attendan"e list %ith all the names of the students 4, 5i"tu es of famous people 6, the /uestion What is your name? % itten on the boa d (o othe mate ials su"h as manila pape & "a tolina) that is !isible to the enti e "lass 7, A "opy of the # eetin# o son# on the boa d, 48 mins I'2 #roce)ure A2 Activ tin" #rior Kno$!e)"e The tea"he %ill post pi"tu es of famous people on the boa d, 9e o she %ill then as+ the the students %ho ea"h of them a e, Tea"he : :ho is this; (The tea"he may t anslate this /uestion to the student<s mothe ton#ue to

* mins

#uide them) Gene alization: 5e sons ha!e names, 42 #resent tion n) .o)e!in" The tea"he %ill tea"h a # eetin# th ou#h a son#, 3, The tea"he %ill ead the son# 4, The students %ill epeat afte ea"h line the tea"he eads 6, The tea"he %ill sin# the son# 7, The students %ill epeat ea"h line of the son# afte the tea"he *, The enti e "lass %ill sin# to#ethe (See App', A3) :hat is you name; (to the tune of -:he e is Thumbman;.) :hat is you name; :hat is you name; =lap you hands =lap you hands :hat is you name; My name is >>>>>>>>>>, Than+ you >>>>>>>>>>, Than+ you >>>>>>>>>>, ?, Afte sin#in# a son#& the "lass %ill %at"h a dialo#ue bet%een a tea"he and a student, The tea"he %ill as+ the /uestion and the student %ill ans%e , Afte %hi"h& the student %ill as+ the /uestion and the tea"he %ill ans%e , Tea"he : :hat is you name; Student: My name is >>>>>>>>, Student::hat is you name; Tea"he : My name is >>>>>>>>>, '2 *ui)e) #r ctice The tea"he %ill then ha!e the same dialo#ue %ith ea"h of the students, The students may also #o a ound the "lass oom and ha!e the same dialo#ue %ith thei "lassmates Student 3: :hat is you name; Student 4: My name is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>, Student 4: :hat is you name; Student 3: My name is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, =lap My 2ame: As a # oup& the tea"he %ill "hoose a name of a student and "lap its syllables, Our names can be grouped into sounds. For example, lets use the name teacher and group the sounds Tea-cher. an you count ho! many claps !e ma"e? Tea-cher. Thats t!o# $ood %ob# &o! lets try it !ith more names. 'o! about arlitos? The tea"he may let ea"h one of the students to "lap thei o%n names,

3* mins

+u""este) WEEK 1 /A0 5 %E++O1 #%A1 , o- .ins I2 Objectives 5 a"ti"e as+in# the /uestion -:hat is you name., 5 a"ti"e ans%e in# -My name is >>>>>>>>>,. Realize that pe sons ha!e names II2 +ubject . tter n) . teri !s +ubject . tter: 0ne<s name . teri !s: Senten"e stem on the boa d -My name is >>>>>>>,. (May be % itten on the boa d o manila pape & et") III2 #roce)ure A2 Activ tin" #rior Kno$!e)"e The tea"he %ill put up the senten"e stem on the boa d, 9e o she %ill tal+ about the senten"e and the %o ds that ma+e it up, Tea"he : Let<s loo+ at the senten"e %e made yeste day -My name is >>>>>>>>>>>,. 2o%& let<s t y "ompletin# this senten"e %ith my name, Listen to my senten"e& -My name is Tea"he ., ("lap fo e!e y %o d said), 2o%& ho% many "laps did I ma+e; @ou< e i#ht& fou A 2o%& listen to this senten"e, -Good mo nin# e!e ybodyA. ("lap fo e!e y %o d said), Let<s say that a#ain, =an you "lap %ith me; -Good mo nin# e!e ybodyA.2o%& ho% many "laps did I ma+e; @es& th eeA 3* mins Tea"he may "ontinue to #i!e mo e senten"es fo p a"ti"e, 42 #resent tion n) .o)e!in" Lea n the ules of the # oup #ame on #ettin# to +no% ea"h othe :at"h the demonst ation of the # oup #ame on #ettin# to +no% ea"h othe ()ee *ppx. +, Gettin# to Kno% Game a, As+ the "hild en to fo m 4 bi# "i "les (inne "i "le and oute "i "le), b, As+ the inne "i "le to mo!e "lo"+%ise and the oute "i "le to mo!e "ounte "lo"+%ise %hile the musi" is playin#, ", :hen the musi" stops& as+ the "hild en to int odu"e themsel!es to the pe son in f ont of them, d, 9a!e se!e al ounds until they ha!e tal+ed to a numbe of "lassmates, 4* mins '2 *ui)e) #r ctice Fa"ilitate a Gettin# to Kno% Game %he e in the students %ill ta+e tu ns in as+in# -:hat is you name;. and ans%e in# -My name is >>>>>>>>>>,.

+u""este) WEEK 1 /A0 3 %E++O1 #%A1 , o- .ins I2 Objectives State one1s name in the fo m -My name is >>>>>>>>>,. Realize that pe sons ha!e names II2 +ubject . tter n) . teri !s +ubject . tter: 0ne<s name . teri !s: "a dboa d $ "onst u"tion pape & " ayons& ya n III2 #roce)ure A2 #resent tion n) .o)e!in" Sho% a nameta# to the "lass, T: -My name is >>>>>>,. Sti"+ the nameta# on the attendan"e boa d, Gene alization: I ha!e a name and my name ep esents me, I'2 *ui)e) #r ctice The students %ill then de"o ate thei name ta#s 48 mins 2ame Ta# Ma+in# a, 5 epa e the mate ials: "a dboa d $ "onst u"tion pape & " ayons& ya n b, : ite the names of the students in ea"h name ta#, ", As+ the students to de"o ate thei name ta#s %ith "olo in# mate ials, ' In)epen)ent #r ctice As+ the students to post thei name ta#s on the boa d,Then one at a time& as+ the students to loo+ fo thei name ta# and state thei name in f ont of the "lass, -.( n me is 66666666666666666667

* mins

3* mins

+u""este) WEEK 1 /A0 8 %E++O1 #%A1 , o- .ins I2 Objectives Int odu"e one<s self to someone Realize that pe sons ha!e names II2 +ubject . tter n) . teri !s +ubject . tter: 0ne<s name . teri !s: 3, 2ameta#s 4, Attendan"e =ha t III2 #roce)ure A2 Activ tin" #rior Kno$!e)"e As+ the students to #et thei nameta#s f om the attendan"e boa d, As+ the students to identify the names of the "ha a"te s $ pe sons found on a poste (pi"tu es of famous people f om day 3) 42 #resent tion n) .o)e!in" Let the students listen to a dialo#ue, @ou "an use puppets d a%in#s o a li!e "on!e sation et", 3* mins B: -9ello& my name is >>>, I li+e name of famous pe son, :hat is you name; A: -9ello& my name is >>>>>>>, I li+e name of famous pe son , 2i"e to meet you, Gene alization: 0the s ha!e names too, Tea"he : Listen to the last senten"e a#ain, -2i"e to meet you,. ("lap fo e!e y %o d said) 9o% many "laps did I ma+e; =o e"tA I made fou "laps in that senten"e, That senten"e has fou %o ds :) I'2 *ui)e) #r ctice 5lay a #ame %ith the students %he e they %ill ha!e to int odu"e themsel!es, ()ee *ppx. -, State 2ame A"ti!ity a, : ite ea"h "hild<s name on a pie"e of pie"e of pape and put it in a bo', b, 5 epa e a -spe"ial hat. fo the a"ti!ity, ", 5i"+ a name f om the bo', d, The "hild %ith the name "hosen %ould ha!e to #o in f ont& %ea the -spe"ial hat. and int odu"e his$he name, 9i& my name is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>, I li+e name of famous pe son

4* mins

+u""este) WEEK 1 /A0 9 %E++O1 #%A1 , o- .ins I2 Objectives Int odu"e one<s self to someone Realize that pe sons ha!e names II2 +ubject . tter n) . teri !s +ubject . tter: 0ne<s name . teri !s: Gene alization: Sha in# ou names is pa t of ma+in# f iends, III2 #ost3Assessment C in# the "lass out of the "lass oom to a pla"e %he e the e a e a lot of people, Inst u"t the students to int odu"e themsel!es to someone they don<t +no% and #et that someone<s name, 78 mins Dse these senten"es, 9ello& my name is >>>>>>>>>>, :hat is you name; 2i"e to meet you,

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