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Element: Draft written information Performance Criteria No Extensive Knowledge Basic Work Work Clear or Understanding Experience Experience


Assigned written information is drafted and presented for approval clearly and concisely within designated timelines Assistance and/or feedback is sought to aid communication skills development Relevant procedures and formats are identified Written information meets required standards of style, format and detail Element: Identify workplace communication procedures No Basic Work Extensive Cl Knowledge Performance Criteria Understan Experien Work ea or ding ce Experience r Experience Advice is sought on the communication method/equipment which is most appropriate for the task in hand Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified Appropriate non-verbal behaviour is used at all times Constructive feedback is encouraged, acknowledged and acted upon Effective questioning and active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and convey information Instructions or inquiries are answered or followed promptly and appropriately Workplace communication requirements are identified with assistance from appropriate people
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Unit: BSBCMN202A - Organise and complete daily work activities Element: Complete work tasks No Extensi Performa Knowle Basic Work ve Cle nce dge or Understan Experie Work ar Criteria Experie ding nce Experie nce nce Assistance is sought from supervisor s and/or colleagues when difficultie s arise in achieving allocated tasks Business technolog y is used efficiently and effectively to complete work tasks Factors affecting work requireme nts are identified and appropriat e action taken Tasks are completed within designated

BSBCMN103A - Apply basic communication skills

timelines and in accordanc e with organisati onal requireme nts Element: Organise work schedule No Performa Knowle Basic Work nce dge or Understan Experie Criteria Experie ding nce nce Work goals and plans are negotiated and agreed upon with colleagues Work goals and plans reflect the organisatio n's and workgroup' s plans, responsibil ities and accountabil ities Workload is assessed and prioritised within allocated timeframes Element: Review work performance No Performa Basic Work Knowle nce Understan Experie dge or Criteria ding nce Experie

Extensi ve Cle Work ar Experie nce

Extensi ve Cle Work ar Experie

nce Opportunit ies for improvem ent are identified and planned in liaison with colleagues Own work is monitored and adjusted according to feedback obtained through supervisio n and compariso n with establishe d team and organisati onal standards
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BSBCMN202A - Organise and complete daily w ork activities

Unit: BSBCMN202A - Organise and complete daily work activities Element: Complete work tasks No Extensi Performa Knowle Basic Work ve Cle nce dge or Understan Experie Work ar Criteria Experie ding nce Experie nce nce Assistance is sought

from supervisor s and/or colleagues when difficultie s arise in achieving allocated tasks Business technolog y is used efficiently and effectively to complete work tasks Factors affecting work requireme nts are identified and appropriat e action taken Tasks are completed within designated timelines and in accordanc e with organisati onal requireme nts Element: Organise work schedule Performa No Basic Work Extensi Cle nce Knowle Understan Experie ve ar


dge or Experie nce



Work Experie nce

Work goals and plans are negotiated and agreed upon with colleagues Work goals and plans reflect the organisatio n's and workgroup' s plans, responsibil ities and accountabil ities Workload is assessed and prioritised within allocated timeframes Element: Review work performance No Extensi Performa Knowle Basic Work ve Cle nce dge or Understan Experie Work ar Criteria Experie ding nce Experie nce nce Opportunit ies for improvem ent are identified and planned in liaison with colleagues

Own work is monitored and adjusted according to feedback obtained through supervisio n and compariso n with establishe d team and organisati onal standards
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BSBCMN202A - Organise and complete daily w ork activities

Unit: BSBCMN302A - Organise personal work priorities and development Element: Develop and maintain own competence level No Extensi Performa Knowle Basic Work ve Cle nce dge or Understan Experie Work ar Criteria Experie ding nce Experie nce nce Feedback is used to identify and develop ways to improve competen ce within available opportunit ies

New skills and opportunit ies to develop them are identified to achieve and maintain continuou s learning Opportuni ties for improvem ent are identified and planned in liaison with colleague s Personal knowledg e and skills are assessed against competen cy standards performan ce descriptio ns to determine developm ent needs and priorities Records and document s relating

to achievem ents and assessmen ts are stored and maintaine d in accordanc e with own requireme nts Element: Monitor own work performance No Extensi Performa Knowle Basic Work ve Cle nce dge or Understan Experie Work ar Criteria Experie ding nce Experie nce nce Feedback on performan ce is actively sought from colleagues and clients and evaluated in the context of individual and group requireme nts Personal work performan ce is accurately monitored and adjusted

to ensure maintenan ce of job quality and customer service Variations in the quality of service and products are routinely identified and reported in accordanc e with organisati onal requireme nts Element: Organise and complete own work schedule No Extensi Performa Knowle Basic Work ve Cle nce dge or Understan Experie Work ar Criteria Experie ding nce Experie nce nce Business technolog y is used efficiently and effectively to manage and monitor scheduling and completio n of tasks

Factors affecting the achieveme nt of work objectives are identified and incorporat ed into work plans Work goals and objectives are understoo d, negotiated and agreed in accordanc e with organisati onal requireme nts Workload is assessed and prioritised to ensure completio n within identified timeframe s
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BSBCMN302A - Organise personal w ork priorities and development

Element: Access and enter information from/into the computer Performan No Basic Work Extensi Cle

ce Criteria Knowle Understan Experie ve ar dge or ding nce Work Experie Experie nce nce Appropriat e software, including custom built software, is selected Data is entered, changed or removed as needed Files are checked for accuracy Internet/int ranet searching and sending and receiving of emails is undertaken and relevant information or files are saved as required Organisatio nal procedures for accessing computer based equipment are followed

The computer system is navigated to find the required program/fil e The program/fil e is opened and the required data is identified Element: Clarify the function that the equipment fulfils No Extensi Performa Knowle Basic Work ve Cle nce dge or Understan Experie Work ar Criteria Experie ding nce Experie nce nce Computin g equipmen t, associated devices and other equipmen t used in the workplace are identified Functions of the computer equipmen t, associated devices and other equipmen t and the outcomes

they are used to achieve are determine d Element: Save files/data and produce computer reports as required No Extensi Performa Knowle Basic Work ve Cle nce dge or Understan Experie Work ar Criteria Experie ding nce Experie nce nce Data and document s are appropriat ely stored as required Equipmen t and data is secured as required by the organisati on's policies and procedure s and/or as required by legislation or regulation s and codes of conduct Files/data are saved following standard

procedure s prior to exiting the computer equipmen t Procedure s for shutting down computers are followed Reports and document are produced Element: Undertake routine maintenance of computers and associated devices No Extensi Performa Knowle Basic Work ve Cle nce dge or Understan Experie Work ar Criteria Experie ding nce Experie nce nce Routine maintenan ce tasks are carried out according to manufactu rer's instruction s Technical assistance is sought as necessary Element: Use and maintain other workplace equipment Performa No Basic Work Extensi Cle

nce Knowle Understan Experie ve ar Criteria dge or ding nce Work Experie Experie nce nce Consumab les for office equipment are used and replaced as required Other equipment is used to achieve workplace outcomes as required Routine maintenan ce is carried out or organised in line with manufactu rer's instruction s Element: Use manuals and online help to solve computing problems No Basic Performance Criteria Knowledge or Understanding Experience Manuals, training notes, or company documentation are used to solve problems Online help is accessed to solve problems
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FNSICGEN302A - Use technology in the w orkplace

Skills Questionnaire
Read each question and select the appropriate answer from the three-point scale ("No/Maybe/Yes")on the selection list for each question according to how competent you think you are at that skill .

Is it easy for you to pass on a message , phone or ask somebody a question even if you don't know the person? Can you put up with unpleasant behaviour in another person without losing your temper with him or her? Are you able to express what you think in a clear and coherent manner? Can you persuade people by talking to them? Are you a recognised personality in your group? Can you listen to others, understand their problems? Are you able to calm others down? Do you think that you are able to respond quickly without panicking in unforeseen situations? Can you make an important decision without having to consult others? Do you have your notes, documents and other paperwork in good order? Can you usually find what you need without searching? Is it unusual for you to make the kind of mistake where you might say "I got












confused" or "I failed to see it"? Do you work in a systematic rather than chaotic way? Can you usually anticipate what will happen after you've taken some action or made some move (e.g. as in a game of chess)? Can you plan your work in advance, in detail? Are you good at solving technical problems or breakdowns? If you take something apart, do you remember how you did it and can you put it together again? Can you imagine how objects drawn on paper will look in reality (i.e. in three dimensions)? Do you follow the principle "measure twice, cut once" (or "look before you leap")? Are you clever with your hands? Is physical agility your strong point? Can you handle heavy manual work without problems? Are you very particular about cleanliness? Do you think you have aesthetic awareness? Do you have a demonstrable talent for acting? Do you have a demonstrable talent for music? Do you have a demonstrable talent for singing?















Do you have a demonstrable talent for dancing? Do you have a demonstrable talent for visual arts? Are you good at writing essays?



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