Planets in Signs

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// PS Planet in Sign // Planet in Sign [JU.

AQ] A true progressive, especially in community or group work, you are democratic to the point of being radical -- an idealist. You are cool and impersonal when it comes to being fair or just, with a great interest in new trends and world affai rs. You are future-oriented. Application-minded. [JU.AR] You could pursue a career es the initiative and are olish. Success for you in you tend to be a loner, a ash but are always direct as a leader or pioneer. You tend to be the one who tak courageous and often fearless to the point of being fo most things is second nature. Always "walking point," warrior. Confident, single-minded, you are sometimes r -- straight out.

[JU.CA] A career in big business is possible, for you like broad, secure foundations. It is important for you to feel safe, and you are very domestic -- family, home, a nd kids. Supportive, nurturing, you use your intuition and gut instinct over tho ught and deliberation. Fiercely loyal, you are a street fighter when protecting your own interests or those you love. Very dependable. [JU.CP] The perfect manager: conservative and professional in all things. Your career is all-important. A "doer," you are always practical. Never ruled by emotions, you are cool, capable, and competent. You are quick to get the outline or skeleton of a project, to see how things work. [JU.GE] A career in communications of one kind or another is indicated, for you are a ki nd of living link or channel. You love investigations, reporting, writing, speak ing, broadcasting, advertising -- any and all networking. Forever curious, you l ove searching for answers and following leads. [JU.LE] You would love a career that is creative and expressive. Always dramatic, you ar e a born entertainer and salesman -- warm, loud, and gregarious. Proud, you have an inner need to express feelings and emotions to others. You can be self-cent ered and are driven to leadership positions by a sense of your own inner worth. [JU.LI] You could enjoy a career working with people as a go-between, negotiator, or med iator, for you can be all things to all people -- the mirror. You are not intere sted in what runs deep, but prefer to control what goes on at the surface. That' s enough for you. Open and not self-centered, you are a natural diplomat. [JU.PI] You are a real humanitarian, with a genuine interest in social work and able to sacrifice yourself to help others. You have a love of what's beyond the surface: religion, psychology, and mysticism. Intuitive, sensitive to emotions, and symp athetic, you are always giving of self and would make an excellent counselor. Yo u are farsighted, future- oriented. [JU.SA] Always on the go, you are a skilled diplomat, negotiator, or representative. Hon est, frank, and to the point, you hate routines and love the outdoors, travel, a nd sports. An eternal optimist, you are open, friendly, and lucky too. Always th e philosopher, you are not much taken with emotions. Independent.

[JU.SC] An in-fighter, with animal-like instincts when it comes to big business, you are always where the action is most intense. Your penetrating mind gets through the B.S. and straight to the bottom line every time. Exciting to be near, you are a n entrepreneur, the big wheel. Sometimes restless, driven. [JU.TA] You have a green thumb in many areas, able to cultivate and nurture almost any s ubject. Making money is second nature, and you are able to field ideas and bring forth growth and success. A steady worker, you could also be a backer or money man. Accumulation. [JU.VI] A service career is a perfect choice, for you want very much to be of use, to be used up. You have a fantastic appetite for detail work, and can take it all in and still look for more. Willing and able to respond to almost any emergency, yo u are responsible and always ready. [MA.AQ] You have an inner drive to improve, and reform the world, to share the wealth -true democracy. You have a feel for groups and any large-scale business or comm unity project. Independent with a touch of the impersonal. With you, all persons get the same treatment. [MA.AR] You are powerfully motivated, even driven, have a hot temper, and tend to be imp ulsive. You are seldom very reflective when it comes to doing something, but act first and ask questions later. Your more fiery emotions are always an insult aw ay. You have blind courage and sheer guts. Aggressive. A self-starter. Energetic . [MA.CA] You have a real security drive and a need to care and protect others -- mother h en. Very sensitive to the slightest emotional change, you have all the artistic traits and talents. If threatened, you can be very defensive, and you hate compe tition. You love family, children, and animals. You have common sense. [MA.CP] You are a very hard worker and are driven to accomplish, manage, and be in contr ol. You like to manipulate a situation for its own benefit and would make a natu ral supervisor. You have an inner urge for order and organization and a great se nse of responsibility. You are competent, ambitious, and cool. [MA.GE] You have an inner need for communication of all kinds and may have too many iron s in the fire at times. You can be all over the place, always trying to make one more connection. Speaking and writing are naturals. You have a need for lots of variety, a change of pace. Arguments. Mental energy. [MA.LE] You are always center-stage and entertaining others. You have an almost fierce s ense of pride and are very dramatic and expressive, sometimes forceful. You are a natural at sports, games, anything that "gets it out." Very emotional, you hav e strong likes and dislikes. You are good with kids, animals -- a teacher or coa ch. You act it out. [MA.LI] You have an inner urge to be all things to all people and would rather bend than argue or make an issue. You are a natural diplomat, always courteous and concer ned with the comfort and welfare of others. You stay in the background, but are

able to manipulate and bring out cooperation in others every time. [MA.PI] You have a sense of true understanding and real sacrifice. Dedication to long-ra nge goals, you are future-oriented. Intuitive, you have an inner drive for all t hat's psychological, religious, and mystical. Artistic too. You are sensitive an d can get lost in the clouds on occasion. You are not too logical or practical. [MA.SA] With direct drive, you always head straight to the heart of the matter. You are candid, even blunt or brusque in manner. No bells or whistles needed, for you li ke simple living and could be an outdoors person. You have an urge to be free, t o be challenged and tested, and would rather travel far than be stuck in routine . [MA.SC] You possess a powerful, persistent drive and are a hard, steady worker. Others m ay find you deep, with a sense of mission and mystery. You are willing to do wor k others would not go near, quietly bending things to your will, having it your own way. You have strong sexual energy, too, and enjoy getting down to the nitty -gritty. [MA.TA] You have great staying power, a drive for security and stability, and can withst and almost anything. You are very dependable, somewhat emotional but stable. You have a natural need to build solid foundations. You are stubborn, but patient a nd slow to anger. Once angry, watch out! [MA.VI] You have an innate urge to save, salvage and conserve, and can make a silk purse from a sow's ear. You always want to help and to be of service -- be fully used . You hate waste and are very thorough and precise. For the most part, you are u nderstanding and accepting, but this can turn into criticism and pettiness. You are careful and a perfectionist. [ME.AQ] You are an impartial thinker, democratic to the point of being impersonal. Fasci nated by the latest technology, you have very original ideas, an inventor. Alway s thinking of the world as a unity, you are idealistic and believe in putting in to practice what is preached. You are group-conscious, community-oriented. [ME.AR] You have a sharp tongue and a quick wit. You speak first, then think about it. N ot subtle or complex, you are direct, simple, and to the point. An independent t hinker, you would rather speak than listen. Argumentative too. You are quite imp ulsive when it comes to communicating, and often use strong words. [ME.CA] You sense things with the mind and understand that feelings are thoughts too. Wh at does this or that thought mean? Where is it pointing? These are questions you ask. You use subjective rather than objective logic -- intuition and gut instin ct. Poetry, music, and the arts interest you, as do psychology and the psyche. [ME.CP] You have a very clear and analytical mind and are able to grasp ideas and put th em to work at once. You have good management and supervisory ability. You use co ld reason, are not much moved by emotions, and are always pragmatic. You prefer concrete subjects to "grand ideas" and flights of fancy. Manipulative too. [ME.GE]

Yours is a lightning wit. You somehow know everything about everybody. Curious, you love finding things out -- speculating, investigating. You are clever but no t known for your deep thinking, and any and all kinds of communication satisfy. You are always exploring, testing. Debates, games, and puzzles please you. Quick . [ME.LE] You are dynamic and always expressive in thought and speech -- dramatic. You reciate your own ideas, and tend to be outgoing in speech and manner. Fresh. m. You put forth strong views and are hard to influence or change. Emotional a good entertainer, you are louder than average and tend to exaggerate. You a lover. There are always plenty of tears and laughter. app War and are

[ME.LI] Yours is a reflective mind, a mirror for others. You are equality-minded and eas y to talk with -- a great mediator or negotiator. You find it easy to accept the ideas and thoughts of others and to hear them out. You are good at relations (p olitics, diplomacy, sales), not to mention considerate, helpful, and courteous. Calm. [ME.PI] You are an intuitive rather than a rational thinker, and psychological thought ( the psyche), mysticism and religion are natural. You love poetry and music, tend ing to feel or sense with your mind the truth of a situation. You are very sympa thetic and understanding and have kind thoughts. Compassionate. [ME.SA] You are fair-minded and above-board, always direct and honest in thought. You ar e more interested in eternal thoughts and broad landscapes than in minute detail s. You always manage to get the picture right away. Farsighted, you have a wande ring mind that loves to travel and are at home with the bare bones of truth. [ME.SC] The original Sherlock Holmes, you are able to ferret out information and all kin ds of secrets. You are research-oriented and security minded. A shrewd and penet rating mind, you have great psychological instincts and are able to get at the c auses beneath the surface of life. [ME.TA] You enjoy deliberation and have a very methodical gic and good arguments, you are practical, rather lous. You make a good student. A fertile thinker, ways down to earth. No "pie in the sky" here. You mind. Able to develop sound lo than abstract, and seldom nebu you are slow and steady but al are careful and considerate.

[ME.VI] You have a fine mind and a great appetite for detail. You appreciate minute diff erences and distinctions. A craftsman with an innate critical sense, you are alw ays full of suggestions. Your careful, conservative mind wants to salvage every last thing. You possess a love for detail and trivia. Quick-minded. [MO.AQ] You are inspired, for humanity is your family and you are seldom bound by tradit ion or domestic ties. The big picture is what counts most with you, and large-sc ale movements and group work are the idea. You seldom find personalities interes ting and are democratic in the real sense of the word. You are an altruist and l ove freedom. [MO.AR] You can be impulsively direct when relating to others, and may seem fierce or ha rsh. Independent to the point of loneliness, you don't mind a more spartan envir

onment than most. You can get by on little. You have a short fuse, and harsh exc hanges are not uncommon. Others could feel hurt by this. [MO.CA] You can sense and understand the mood and feelings of others, and are excellent at counseling and nursing. You are quite emotional, and have a natural sense of that which pleases, knowing the mood of the crowd. You can be overly protective (or protected), but are good at parenting and creating a home. Quite domestic. [MO.CP] Yours is the most practical of environments. You can manipulate and every idea o r situation and put it to good use. Emotions are seldom a priority, and you are always very practical and ambitious. Your career is central to everything you do . Farsighted and traditional, you enjoy success and the successful. You are, for the most part, unmoved by tears and feelings. [MO.GE] You are at home where there is lots of communication, investigation, and explora tion. Fascinated by social interchange (and gossip too) you tend not to be emoti onal and are somewhat surface-oriented. You enjoy variety and change. Thinking, writing, researching, and science are good. A teacher. [MO.LE] You are gregarious, even to the point of bringing out the performer in others. Y ou somehow always manage to find a creative environment or the creative in any e nvironment. You are great with kids and big on animals, sports, and the outdoor s. You are an instant umbrella of warmth, friendship, and self-expression. [MO.LI] You like beautiful surroundings, everything that is calm, tasteful, and harmonio us. You are very giving, conciliatory, and even flattering in relationships, abl e to adjust to any situation. Reflective, tactful, you are able to please others . Above all, you are forever charming and gracious. Also ingratiating and inscru table. [MO.PI] The world is a sacred place to you, and you have an absolute commitment to spiri tual ideas. Intuition is a fact of life, and you are sensitive, kind, and gentle . A romantic too, with a tender heart. You always work for a real future, doing what has to be done. You love all that is musical and artistic. You have sensiti vity to all that is psychic. You have real faith. [MO.SA] You are even happy in austere settings, and enjoy getting back to the ligion, truth, and the world of philosophy and ideas are of interest. of simplicity is good for politics too. It brings out the truth and a onesty in a group. You are freedom-loving, independent, and at times, fle remote. You are not bound by relationships and are thus not much tic. basics. Re Your love sense of h even a tri of a domes

[MO.SC] Yours is a passionate life. Intense feelings and strong attachments make for hot times, and you are fiercely loyal, if not sometimes possessive. Secretive, you are not at all superficial but always get to the heart of things. This is good f or business and politics. You have a sense for power, wealth, and passion. [MO.TA] You have strong, stable emotions and tend to draw around you the perfect environ ment for your upbringing. The thing you need is always at hand. In addition, you get much support and good fortune from friends and relatives. You value constan

cy and security in all things and possess a good business sense. You are, by nat ure, very domestic and enjoy nice surroundings. [MO.VI] You are concerned and caring when it comes to the welfare or too emotional, you are attentive, observant, careful, ble -- able to respond. Always competent, you are in fact others could feel scrutinized or inadequate when in your of others. Not dynamic and above all responsi quite loving, although presence.

[NE.AQ] The age of Aquarius marks the ideal. The world community networking with itself. Altruism. Religion is science. Group work is in full swing. Cooperation. Impers onal sharing. Emotions are controlled and managed. The world on the improve. Glo bal co-ops. [NE.AR] You believe in action and have the original pioneer-type spirit, forever forging ahead. The ideal you strive for is courage, carrying on -- a standard bearer. N ot teary-eyed, mystical, or psychological in the least, you welcome the brave ne w world and are always the hero. [NE.CA] Home and family life are the driving ideal. Your dreams are of a place (perhaps a home) to be or to live in -- a body. You tend to lose yourself in life, in jus t "being there," and feelings and intuitions are much valued. The ride of the bo dy. The chariot. [NE.CP] The practical is the ideal. Form follows function. You have a dream of being in control -- the puppetmaster. You are very interested in tradition and tend to be dignified and conservative. You believe in an orderly society led by benevolent monarchs -- those who can see what to do. [NE.GE] The dream of worldwide communication (networking) where research and science are the key. Fantasy and science-fiction flourish too. You are a great love of insp ired conversation and enhanced communication -- all kinds of connections. Great ideas, flights of fancy. Sharing thoughts. [NE.LE] Romance. You are in love with the drama and glamour of the movie star. Forever o n stage and always the center of attention. Life is handsome, dramatic. You idol ize children, creative artists, and animals. Nature films. Courtship and romance forever. [NE.LI] Relationships are the ideal. Nondiscriminating and impersonal in scope, to you a ll are equal. You are seldom bound by tradition or personal ties and are not dom estic. You hold the ideal vision up to the real. You open up in response to othe rs and accept others as yourself. [NE.PI] The spiritual is seen as the ideal. Intuition, the occult, religion, and all thi ngs mystical are desired. Also music, fantasy, and all of the arts. The psyche, psychology, feelings. Also drugs, dreams, and far-out trips. Out-of-the-body. Tr ance. [NE.SA] Idealism is an innate talent, and you are in love with grand gestures and long t houghts. Religion, politics and philosophy are natural. The world traveler. You

enjoy fair, just, frank, and broad-minded persons. You are gregarious and sports -minded. You dare to dream big. You like new philosophies, long novels. [NE.SC] Unafraid of the "dark" side of life, you are interested in esoteric religion, ev erything mystical or occult, and so on. Sexuality and physical desires are encou raged and seen as spiritual. Money, power, and things of this world are O.K. too . The physical is ideal. Possessions. [NE.TA] Your ideals are fertile soil and bring real growth. You find a richness in music and the arts. You have a vision of a comfortable dream, a luxurious life, where everything of value flourishes, where every good seed takes root. Romance, wea lth, and great art are of interest. A rich field of experience. Sound. [NE.VI] Practical salvation is the idea, saving the physical. You do this via exercise, diet, vitamins, life-extension aids, and such, and right livelihood is as import ant as right food. Song lyrics. You love to restore and redeem the physical worl d. A great love of details or trivia. [PL.AQ] Your burning zeal for the ideal world and your need to be part of a group of lik e-minded souls are major factors in your makeup. You learn and grow through your efforts to help others, to make into a reality what is seen by your inner visio n. [PL.AR] You are very out-front and candid, probably not known for your great sense of di plomacy or tact. Your intensity and passionate approach to life are obvious to a ll who meet you. You are driven to penetrate the superficial and get at the esse ntial. [PL.CA] You may go through a lot of changes that affect your sense of security. Your hom e and family situation could be a focus for growth and real learning -- an area of great sensitivity or vulnerability. [PL.CP] Tremendous practical sense and drive cut through all the red tape and exposes th e right decisions every time. You may have an ability to organize and manage all that is vulnerable and sensitive in the human psyche... the public mind. [PL.GE] A good detective or research person. You can't help but get past all that is sup erficial. A passion for inquiry, questioning, and searching finds you always in pursuit of some piece of information... communicating, writing, speaking. [PL.LE] You are very sensitive (even vulnerable) when it comes to expressing yourself, g etting it out. Periods of intense creativity enable you to go through changes an d inner growth. This creative intensity is good for music, poetry, art, and such . [PL.LI] Change and inner growth tend to come through relationships, both friends and lov ers. Marriage or union (yoga) will be very intense and not at all superficial. Y ou get to the heart of a relationship each and every time. [PL.PI]

A born psychologist. You can't help but dig beneath the surface of the human psy che and its vulnerabilities. You are passionate about your willingness to give a nd to sacrifice yourself for what you believe in. You understand and accept othe rs. [PL.SA] You are passionate in your search for truth and essence. Nothing superficial or ephemeral holds your attention. Your intense analytical approach to life cuts th rough to the heart of things. This directness may not always endear you to other s. [PL.SC] You tear through appearances in an effort to get beneath, behind, and at the hea rt or essence. You may find psychology, initiation, and mysticism, and the occul t of great interest. Intense personal change and inner growth are lifelong habit s. [PL.TA] You could be a terrific business person, as you have an ability to get past the surface of things and separate out that with real worth. In the area of possesio ns and material goods, you will go through a lot of changes, learn a lot. [PL.VI] You tend to be radical when it comes to self-analysis, which means health care, food, physical wellbeing, and so on. Serving and caring for yourself and others are primary sources of inner growth and changes. You are sensitive to criticism. [SA.AQ] You have an innate distrust of groups or large organizations and could tend to a void what is new or future-oriented. You are, perhaps, too conservative and need to develop a sense of community and sharing with others. Learn to be independen t. Practice impartiality and altruism. Be innovative. [SA.AR] You have a need to be bold, rash, and even a little foolish -- to dare. You may have to work on being alone, on being more aggressive, challenging, and willful. You could have difficulty with leadership, self-assertion, and outgoingness, in general. A need to develop impulsiveness, the pioneer spirit, and pride in self . [SA.CA] You could have difficulty in letting go and feeling life, preferring instead to think about it rather than do it. Afraid of the sense world, you avoid plunging in and fear being caught or tied down. "To be or not to be..." is your question. There is a need to accept responsibility and limitations, as well as home, fami ly, children, and such. [SA.CP] Organizational problems. You have a tendency to avoid taking charge or responsib ility and may need to accept a more disciplined and serious approach to life. Le arn to enjoy hard work. Persevere. Learn how to manage. You may feel uncomfortab le when in the public eye. [SA.GE] You tend to avoid superficiality, hating small talk and communication in general . You may have difficulty making connections and linking up to others. You need to learn how to investigate, search out answers and explore possibilities. Basi c communication skills are required. [SA.LE]

You could be afraid to follow your own heart and to express yourself. Instead, y ou try to always keep your emotions in control. Children and animals are importa nt in your life. You need to act out and express feelings -- let go, learn to be the center of attention, to be loved. Study nature, natural law. Let it flow. [SA.LI] You have difficulty with relationships and are very idealistic when it comes to friends. You are inflexible, seldom compromise, and find it hard to give in wher e other people are involved. You need to develop diplomacy and patience. Learn t o give (as in "give in") rather than oppose. Be flexible. [SA.PI] There could be problems with selfishness. You tend to ignore or avoid opportunit ies to help out and give of yourself. You fear the deeper, mystical side of life and need to practice putting others before yourself. Also learn to use intuitio n and feelings. Lend a helping hand. [SA.SA] There could be difficulty with long-term goals and philosophies. You don't trust them. Nearsighted, with your nose to the grindstone, you need to travel and exp lore the length and breadth of the mind and world. Open up. Learn to value freed om, frankness, independence. Look up! [SA.SC] You have difficulty owning up to any selfishness, sexuality or mental undercurre nts of any kind. You may attempt to deny your passions, but you need to accept i nstincts, attachments, and all things natural. Allow your desires to function un hindered. Take off the straight-jacket. Feel it. [SA.TA] You have difficulty feeling secure. You avoid routine and can't seem to find the right environment for growth and development. This could include a fear of weal th and possessions. You need to develop the steady domestic virtues: routine wor k, regular growth, commitments, and so on. [SA.VI] You have a tendency to avoid responsibility or work and to put off taking care o f details -- delinquency. Application and practice is the remedy. Be specific. T ake care of every last detail. Develop and use your critical faculties. Take car e of business. [SU.AQ] You are open-minded and democratic, enthusiastic, and have a definite sense of m ission. Above all, you are a progressive and enjoy putting into practice that wh ich is good for all. Your altruism could appear as coolness. At home with differ ent cultures, peoples, and lands, you love to work with (and in) groups. [SU.AR] Go for it! Do it now and ask questions later, for you are a born leader, always first and never afraid to go it alone. Your sense of mission makes for impulsive , sometimes rash (but always brave) actions. Your motto is: Don't think about it , let's get the show on the road. [SU.CA] You are a very sensitive person who can depend on feelings and intuition to get around in life. Possessing good common sense, you are always very practical and down-to-earth -- mothering and protective to all. Security is very important. Yo u also love cooking, growing things, and music. [SU.CP]

You have clear vision and can see what to do. Happy when in control, you enjoy m anaging anything practical. Not too emotional, you are objective, businesslike, and reliable -- disciplined. To you, life is a serious business and you are a gr eat provider, always far-sighted. You are social, or public- oriented. Practical . [SU.GE] You love to investigate, search, and explore. You are also very communicative by any means: talking, writing, broadcasting... even by car. Always going beyond c onventions into whatever's new, exciting, and spicy, you are happy when caught u p in the variety and complexity of life. [SU.LE] You are outgoing, overflowing, and very generous. Always the leader, if not the center of any group, you seldom fail to exhibit strong emotions. You are proud o f yourself and of your accomplishments. Dramatic and just plain happy to be here , you are warm of heart, gregarious, outspoken, and independent. [SU.LI] Your keyword is responsibility -- the ability to respond. You are able to find y ourself in others, in relationships, rather than alone -- a mirror or clear pool . You can be peaceful, calm, and undisturbed. A genius at bringing out others ge tting them to do things, you are a born strategist. [SU.PI] You are long-suffering and able to take a lot for the sake of your beliefs and i deals. In this sense, you are very future-oriented. You are intuitive and at hom e with the psyche and psychological. A sense of the mystic too. You are able to carry ideas and dreams into reality, to make the spirit matter. [SU.SA] You are always out-front, frank, and even rough at times -- getting to the heart of any subject. On the move, you are a traveler of both the world and the mind -- philosophy and religion. Outgoing, friendly, and well-liked, you may enjoy sp orts and physical activity. Not petty, you like grand themes and big gestures. [SU.SC] You know how to say "No!" and to go without, if need be. Intense and sometimes d riven, you are able to cut through to the heart of things. You are seldom intere sted in refinement. You can be very magnetic, even wild at times, and have a sen se of power and an instinct for survival. Moody. [SU.TA] Here is great patience, able to respond to the world and to build upon what is a lready there and happening. You are willing to listen to others, take cues, and then reflect and build upon that information. Others find you gentle, steady, an d, for the most part, kind. You take things in and provide an environment to bri ng them forth. You make "fertile" your field. A ready ear. [SU.VI] You are nothing if not compassionate. Interested in serving others, you worry ab out their welfare. You like to take care of everything, and are always redeeming , salvaging, and restoring. You believe in conservation in all things. You find yourself through response and service to others, to life. [UR.AQ] You have a radical approach to communities and group work. Progressive, with ins ights into uniting humanity, you understand the true meaning of democracy. You w ant equal rights for all, and function from an inspired sense of idealism, the u rge to make it matter. You would make a great networker and are always working f

or the benefit of all. [UR.AR] You are innovative when it comes to leadership, new starts, pioneer-type project s. You have bold and startling insights and tend to break away from tradition. Y ou find freedom in sports, exploration, impulse-buying, and getting out. A stand ard bearer. You have insights into energy and action. [UR.CA] You are very innovative in your approach to home, family, and the domestic scene and can really see how to get into traditional values. You have natural insight into sensations, feelings, and just living life. You like to relax by gardening , cooking, and being with family. You get off on the humdrum. [UR.CP] You are innovative in the political and business arena. You find new ways to man age and control things and people. Ever practical, you come up with new or alter nate forms of management -- breakthroughs in top-level management and corporate styles. You bring new life to conservative traditions. Your emotions are very st aid. [UR.GE] You have brilliant insights into communications of all kinds -- computers, radio , T.V., the press, writingl, and speaking. You are inventive and also have deep insights into research and investigations. You like to relax in conversations, t elephone, puzzles, and making connections. [UR.LE] You have great insight into matters of personal freedom. You ant ways to express, emote or act things out. New methods of kids, caring for animals are yours. You are outspoken, very e, and even regal. You relax with children, sports, acting, You really like yourself. come up with brilli lovemaking, raising dramatic, impressiv singing, and such.

[UR.LI] You can find new ways to relate and may be innovative in marriage and social con ventions. Very tolerant and accepting of differences, you have good insights int o all social values. Independent. You like to facilitate, compromise, and otherw ise show your breadth of scope -- like a coat of many colors. [UR.PI] You have new insight into all mystical, occult, and religious matters -- a visio nary. You find new methods of worship and service. You are very progressive in t he areas of philosophy, music, drama, poetry, and the arts. Also innovative in p sychology and psychic matters. New dreams, new reality. Movies and films are imp ortant. [UR.SA] You have new philosophies ideas for the future and new approaches to travel and exploration (of all kinds). Long journeys interest you. You may startle others w ith your direct conversations, always getting right to the nitty-gritty. You enj oy being alone, free, and on the move. The original optimist. [UR.SC] You are innovative in sexual matters (anything taboo) and have insights into wha t makes our darker side tick. All things mystical and occult hold your interest. Drugs too. You have new thoughts on desires and possessions. You enjoy sex and respect cravings of all kinds. [UR.TA]

You have new insight into home, possessions, and the whole domestic scene. Finan cial independence and novel ways to earn money and make a living interest you. Y ou get away from it all with gardening, building, and family life. You discover freedom in steady, predictable growth -- like a plant growing. [UR.VI] You find new ways to serve others and you have brilliant insights into diet, hea lth, ecology, conservation, and the like. New or alternate life styles and ways to make a living interest you. You are economy personified, always able to salva ge and redeem anything. You like to tend and care for people and things. You rel ax by working. [VE.AQ] Marriage for convention's sake, if at all, is your motto. Let's not get too pers onal or emotional. A friend's friend. You love to work for a great cause or purp ose, and a better world is the place to be. You appreciate what's fair and democ ratic, and feel most happy in a group or community. [VE.AR] You exhibit great appreciation, intense love, and always wear your heart on your sleeve -- always! Not too sensitive with others, you tend to be rough and ready and can sometimes demand a lot of attention. Shy flowers, stand back! You are i ndependent and single-minded, demonstrative and very loving. [VE.CA] Homeward bound! With you, the domestic scene is ideal. Marriage, children, anima ls, gardens -- the whole works. You like to feel secure. Sensitive too. You are dependent on others and like to be taken care of, even mothered. You love music, can be very emotional, and tend to be protective. [VE.CP] You are in love with what's practical, right down to the last detail. You apprec iate tradition and ceremony and are a conservative in all things. You are loyal, seldom emotional, and always proper, even too serious. Cool cucumber. You like to be in control. [VE.GE] You are very friendly indeed, love to communicate and to have deep, searching co nversations. You appreciate change, variety, and making local connections. You h ave many avenues to explore and you love research. You are not too domestic, and loyalty is not a big issue. On the move, you have many different friends and pl aces to go. [VE.LE] Big heart, big love, you are seldom petty. Given to grand gestures and dramatic scenes, you love independence and greatness in all forms and are very regal. You can be generous to a fault. Children and animals are high on your list of prior ities. Fervently loyal, you are courageous and demonstrative. [VE.LI] A socialite, you love decorum and etiquette, but relationships are the big thing -- friends. A peacemaker, sometimes superficial, you avoid all harsh and crude actions, people or things. You appreciate care, concern for life, equality, gent leness, and acceptance. [VE.PI] You have deep commitments and appreciate sacrifice and duty on the part of other s. At home in the world of the dreamer and mystic, you have great intuition. You are always willing to sublimate and take the back seat. Domestic at heart, you love family life. A true romantic. Musical, psychological, poetic, gentle.

[VE.SA] You love all things plain and true, and possessing an innate sense of religion a nd what's real. Not prudish, even communal, you insist on freedom in all things. You love sports, 'great' ideas, and travel. You are anything except too domesti c. An idealist of the first water, but not dreamy, you are frank and affectionat e. [VE.SC] A passionate one, you are never lukewarm in love. It's hot or not. You are in lo ve with mystery, secrets, and intrigue, anything but that which is open or super ficial. You have great personal magnetism and a loyalty verging on possessivenes s. You are never dull. You enjoy money and influence too. Politics. [VE.TA] Let's get physical! You love to touch and you can be very possessive. You love f ood and all the creature comforts. Money and what it buys are very important. Yo u are a gentle lover and like a good home life. You are very loyal, loving, and down-to-earth. You may like gardening and gift-giving. [VE.VI] Finely wrought or overwrought? You have a fine sense of appreciation and are ver y attentive. You love to help out and take care of others, expressing a first-ra te sense of compassion. You possess an almost infinite ability to respond to the needs and demands of others. Fragile, refined, you are perhaps too prudish.

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