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1 The Role of Assessment in Decision Making

Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Statement of the Problem III. Solution(s) / Recommendation(s) IV. Conclusion V. References 1 2 3 5 6

I. Introduction Background

A group of third year undergrduate students were observed in Bulacan State University. Given the fact of being in the tertiary level, it seems that there are number of students are still in the adolescent stage. This what makes this observation still appropriate in the Continuing Professional Teachers Education course as the Teaching Profession is focused is Child and Adolescent learner (As depicted from LET Syllabi of Professional Education Subject: Child and Adolescent Development). In addition, adolescent learners together with their young adult

(typically 18 years old and above) colleagues reflects that the class is a heterogeneous type. As a matter of fact, Jimaa (2011) presents methodology of assessement in the tertiary level. On the other hand, Taras, (2005) discuss the difference between the formative assessment (FA) and summative assessment (SA). The foregoing also states that latter are the usual and frequent bases whether the learner has learned. The placement assessment (often referred to as the diagnostic test by many) were implemented in the class being observed. This actually encompasses selected topics on the previous course in order to measure first the prior knowledge of students. Referring to the aforementioned, the class observed is heterogeneous as reflected by the (1) age of learners (students), environmental background (referred to whether learners came from other BSU campuses, and other schools); and (2) academic background ( grade from the previous course was requested to be indicated at the back of the classcard). This activity is performed in order to (1) have a background about the prior knowledge of every learners; (2) focus on selected topics in the course syllabi; (3) provide adjustments in the flow of discussions; (4) have data that will serve as reference for future research.

II. Statement of the Problem A number of issues are addressed to this paper. First, the notion that ONLY pilot

students who can survive the course. Pilot students were stratified based on the numerical evaluation of grades from different subjects as well as previous academic distinction from primary and secondary levels. Second, whether or not students having grades of 1.0 (an

excellent grade) are really god while students having grades of 5.0 (failing mark) are really poor performer. Third, the boosting of the interest of learners (motivation).

III. Solution(s) / Recommendation(s)

Referring to the aforementioned, the placement assessment (often referred to as the diagnostic test by many) were implemented in the class being observed. This actually

encompasses selected topics on the previous course in order to measure first the prior knowledge of students. Next, giving feedback are administered. However, implementing the four (4) assessments seems impossible due to the time constraints as an effect of various school activities. In spite of time constraints, other activities were given in lieu of lost hours. Another method in order to assess the learning of the students is the self assessment where learners shall assess their own performance. Though this is not 100% accurate, the learner himself might find out that he reward himself based on his performance. reflects the placement assessment: You might find out that in order to understand certain course or subject, you have to obtain understandings of different theories and principles of its prerequisite. However, acquiring such understanding on the latter in an easy way requires you to understand the former . As the harsh rule implies: To get a job, you must have experience. To get experience, you must have a job. One example is the solution for the limit of the function as x approaches zero. In mathematical notation:

[Equation 1.2.1]

This can be so ved by the LHospita ru e. This can be perfor ed by so ving the derivative of the numerator as well as of the denominator. This leads to: [Equation 1.2.2] Then substituting the value of the boundary (as x approaches zero). [Equation 1.2.3]

Establishing equality between Equation 1.2.1 and Equation 1.2.3:

= 1 answer

However, THE FORMULA FOR THE DERIVATIVE OF A FUNCTION IS DEFINED BY THE LIMITS. HOW COME YOU ARE ABLE TO DIFFERENTIATE FOR THE FIRST TIME WITHOUT MEMORISING THE TABLE AND DO NOT UNDERSTAND LIMITS? Given the miserable scenario, is there any way to solve the limits of equation 1.2.1? It just so happened that we know how to differentiate (i.e. solving the derivative of the function). Chronologically speaking, the topic of limits precedes the topic of derivative . Well as an engineer, you should find ways how to solve this math problem. Since the problem is math, let us again scrutinise the definition of i it. Referring to equation 1.2.1, it can the read as: The i it of as x approaches zero

IV. Conclusion

V. References

Shihab Jimaa (2011) The impact of assessment on students learning Original Research Article Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 28, 2011, Pages 718-721

Maddalena Taras (2005) Assessment: Summative and Formative: Some Theoretical Reflections British Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 53, No. 4 (Dec., 2005), pp. 466-478

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