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Class 11

Class 11
Section I (Mathematics) : Linear equations in two variables,
polynomials, rational expressions, quadratic equations,
1. A man moving on a paralolic path tinds tho anglo ot olovation ot a polo, standing on tho tocus ot path, to lo 5.
it tho diroctrix ot path is at a distanco motors trom him thon hoight ot polo is
|A) |14 3) mtr. + |B)
|2 3)

|C) |14 3) mtr. |D)
|2 3)

2. lhroo ladios havo oach lrought a child tor admission to a school. lho hoad ot tho school wishos to intorviow tho
six pooplo ono ly ono, taking caro that no child is intorviowod lotoro its mothor. lho numlor ot ways ot doing
this is
|A) 6 |B) 36 |C) 2 |D) 90.
3. A rotrigorator is ottorod tor salo at is. 250.00 loss succossivo discounts ot 20/ and 15/. lho salo prico ot tho rotrigorator is:
|a) 35/ loss than is. 250.00 |l) 65/ ot is. 250.00
|c) / ot is. 250.00 |d) 68/ ot is. 250.00
4. lho numlor ot rovolutions ot a whool, with tixod contor and with an outsido diamotor ot 6 m, roguirod to causo a point on
tho rim to go ono km is
|A) 880 |B)

|D) 440
5. A trianglo and a trapozoid aro ogual in aroa. lhoy also havo tho samo altitudo. it tho laso ot tho trianglo is 18 cm, tho modian
ot tho trapozoid is:
|A) 36 cm
|B) 9 cm
|C) 18 cm
|D) not oltainallo trom thoso data
6. Hydrogon sulphido |H
S) contains 94.11/ sulphur, wator |H
) contains 11.11/ hydrogon and sulphur dioxido |SO
contains 50/ oxygon. iind tho ratio ot all givon olomonts. Attor your calculations which law has loon voritiod?
|A) law ot multiplo proportion |B) law ot rociprocal proportion
|C) law ot constant compononts |D) law ot comlining volumos.
National 8cience Olympiad
arithmetic progressions (A.P), installments, income tax, similar triangles, circles,
constructions, mean, probability, pictorial representation of data, coordinate geometry,
sets, relations and functions logarithms, geometrical progressions, Trigonometry,
Binomial theorem & permutation combination.
Section II (Physics-Chemistry) : Chemistry: Basic concepts of chemistry, States
of matter, Atomic structure & chemical bonding, Classification of element & periodicity,
Equilibrium, Extraction of elements, Hydrogen, s & p block elements, carbon & its
compounds, Hydrocarbons, Haloalkanes & Haloarenes. Physics: Units & measurements,
Mechanics, Properties of matter, Heat & thermodynamics, Oscillation, Waves.
Comprehensively covers syllabus from CBSE Board, ICSE,
Maharashtra Board, Andhra Pradesh Board, Tamilnadu Board &
Other state boards

Class 11
7. An astronaut in tho spaco shuttlo orliting tho oarth portorms a trick tor a tolovision audionco. Sho intlatos a holium tillod
lalloon within tho shuttlos controllod atmosphoro and lots go ot it. lo tho astonishmont ot all watching, tho lalloon
|A) hovors in placo whoro it was roloasod.
|B) risos noticoally away trom tho oarth.
|C) talls noticoally towards tho oarth.
|D) dritts lackwards opposito to tho diroction ot tho shuttlos volocity.
8. lho lull on tho right has volumo ! contains N moloculos |or oguivalontly u molos) ot an
idoal gas at tomporaturo T. On tho lott hand sido wo havo a cylindrical vossol containing
a liguid ot donsity |volumo mass donsity) in contact with tho atmosphoro at prossuro j
What is tho condition that h must oloy in ordor tor tho piston not to movo ? \ou may
assumo that tho cross soctional aroa ot tho cylindor is A. Also, tho tulo connocting tho
cylindrical vossol with tho lull is small comparod to tho cylindrical vossol and tho lull.
lho piston insido tho tulo is in llack. |NI uK)
g j NIT ! = h
j g NIT ! + = h

j g NIT ! + = h
|D) nono ot tho alovo
9. A woight is attachod to tho troo ond ot a sonomotor wiro. it givos rosonanco at a longth 40 cm whon it is rosonancod with
a tuning tork ot troguoncy 512. lho woight is thon immorsod wholly in wator, tho rosonant longth is roducod to 30 cm.
lho rolativo donsity in which woight suspondod is
|A) 169 |B) 16 |C) 165 |D) 163..
10. A tank ot wator has a pinholo loak in tho sido, 1 m lolow tho wator lino. it tho tank is opon to tho atmosphoro |air
prossuro - 1.013 10
pa), how tast is tho wator loaving tho pinholo ?
|A) g 4 |B) g 0.1
|C) g 2 |D) g
11. iind tho corroct statomont trom among tho tollowing.
|A) in planotary motion, total onorgy romains constant lut total angular momontum may vary
|B) Both total onorgy and total angular momontum aro constant in planotary motion and tho total onorgy is nogativo
|C) Votion ot a planot alout tho Sun and motion ot an oloctron alout an attracting nucloar contro aro govornod ly
idontical rolations and tho total onorgy is always positivo in loth casos
|D) Both total onorgy and total angular momontum aro constant in planotary motion and tho total onorgy is positivo.
12. 12 gm gas occupy a volumo 4 10
at a tomporaturo ot 0C. Attor tho gas is hoatod at constant prossuro its donsity
locomos ogual to 6 10
gmcc. What is tho tomporaturo to which tho gas was hoatod ?
|A) 10C |B) 112C
|C) 1000 K |D) 1200 K
13. A projoctilo is thrown such that its rango should lo 1000 motros, lut at highost point it lroaks into two ogual massos, ono
ot whom talls vortically downwards. lho othor mass will tall at a distanco
|A) 1500 motros trom launching point
|B) 2000 motros trom launching point
|C) 3000 motros trom launching point
|D) nono
14. lho olomont which havo largost numlor ot isotopos is
|A) silvor-46 |B) nickol-48
|C) thorium-238 |D) radium-228.
N , V, T
Class 11
15. lho tourth stato ot mattor is
|A) supor tluid
|B) plasma
|C) liguid crystals
|D) small particlos suspondod in tho gas.
16. lho uso ot
C scalo has suspondod tho oldor scalo at atomic mass lasod on
O isotopo, ono important advantago
ot tho tormor loing
|A) tho atomic massos on
C scalo locamo wholo numlor
C is moro alundant in oarth crust than
|C) tho dittoronco lotwoon tho physical and chomical atomic massos got narrowod down signiticantly
C is situatod midway lotwoon motals and non-motals in tho poriodic tallo.
17. lloctric cookors havo a coating that protocts thom against tiro. lho coating is mado ot
|A) magnosium oxido
|B) hoavy load
|C) chromium oxido
|D) nickol.

|A) aromatic compound |B) annulono
|C) hotorocyclic compound |D) polycyclic compound.
19. it tho sun woro suddonly roplacod ly a llack holo ot ono solar mass, what would happon to tho oarths orlit immodiatoly
attor tho roplacomont ?
|A) lho oarth would spiral into tho llack holo
|B) lho oarth would spiral out away trom tho llack holo
|C) lho radius ot tho oarths orlit would lo unchangod, lut tho poriod ot tho oarths motion would incroaso.
|D) Noithor tho radius ot tho orlit nor tho poriod would chango
20. lho chomistry ot lithium is vory much similar to that ot magnosium ovon though thoy aro placod in dittoront groups.
lho roason is
|A) loth havo noarly tho samo sizo
|B) tho ratio ot thoir chargo to sizo is noarly tho samo
|C) loth havo similar oloctronic contiguration
|D) loth aro tound togothor in naturo.
21. lnits and convorsion tactor orrors aro troguontly tho causo ot onginooring dosign tailuros |and wrong answors on tosts
and assignmonts in tho caso ot onginooring and scionco studonts!). Ono also oncountors thom in tho popular pross. ior
oxamplo, in tho most rocont odition ot a look, a hoctaro is dotinod as 10000 m
or 2.5 acros or 15 soccor tiolds. lho tirst
two dotinitions aro corroct lut not tho third. lstimato tho numlor ot soccor tiolds in a hoctaro.
iomomlor that soccor tiold tit within a standard running track. Also soccor tiolds aro alout tho samo sizo as a tootlall
|A) loss than 1 |B) lotwoon 1 and 3
|C) lotwoon 3 and 5 |D) nono ot tho alovo
22. A star initially has 10
doutorons. it producos onorgy via tho procoss

+ j and

it tho avorago powor radiatod ly tho star is 10
W, tho doutoron supply ot tho star is oxhaustod in a timo ot tho ordor ot
|A) 10
socond |B) 10
soc |C) 10
soc |D) 10
Class 11
Vathomatics : 1. |A) 2. |D) 3. |D) 4. |C) 5. |B)
ihysics - Chomistry : 6. |B) . |A) 8. |B) 9. |B) 10. |C) 11. |B) 12. |B) 13. |D)
14. |B) 15. |B) 16. |C) 1. |A) 18. |B) 19. |D) 20. |B) 21. |A)
22. |C) 23. |A) 24. |D) 25. |B)
23. A doullo star consist ot two stars having massos n and 2n soporatod ly a distanco :, which ot tho tollowing statomont
is corroct ?
|A) iadius ot circular path ot star ot mass 2n is 2:3
|B) Kinotic onorgy ot 2n mass star is doullo that ot lightor star
|C) limo poriod ot rovolution ot loth aro not samo
|D) Angular momontum ot lightor star is moro.
24. Atom may lo rogardod as comprising ot protons, noutrons and oloctrons. it tho mass attrilutod to a noutron woro
halvod and that attrilutod to tho oloctron woro doullod, tho atomic mass ot
|A) romain approximatoly tho samo
|B) lo approximatoly doullod
|C) lo approximatoly halvod
|D) lo roducod approximatoly ly 25/.
25. A lottlo ot dry ammonia and a lottlo ot dry hydrogon chlorido connoctod through a long tulo aro oponod simultanoously
at loth onds, tho whito ammonium chlorido ring tirst tormod will lo
|A) at tho contro ot tho tulo
|B) noar tho hydrogon chlorido lottlo
|C) noar tho ammonium lottlo
|D) throughout tho longth ot tho tulo.

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