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General information about the organization: The type of the organization: Manufacturing Service The size of the organization: Less than 500employees From 500-1000 employees More than 1000 employees The organization is: Public organization Private organization Multinational organization

HRM practices

Strongl y agree

Agre e

Neutra l


Strongly disagree

he council tries to fill ne! positions !ith people from insi"e the organization
#rganization provi"es opportunities for employees to e$press vie!s about !or%

#rganization %eeps employees informe" about business issues

My pay is performance- or merit-relate"

&eceive" training an" "evelopment courses to up"ate s%ills !ithin the last 1' months (nvolve" in "ecision ma%ing in !or% teams an" programmes !ithin the last 1' months

Job Satisfaction
( am satisfie" !ith the sense of achievement ( get from my )ob ( am satisfie" !ith the scope for using initiative ( have influence over my )ob ( am satisfie" !ith my pay ( feel my )ob is secure ( am satisfie" !ith the training ( have receive" ( am satisfie" !ith the !or% ( "o My manager involves me in "ecision ma%ing Employee commitment ( feel loyalty to!ar"s the organization ( feel loyalty to!ar"s my imme"iate supervisor ( feel loyalty to!ar"s my fello! employees ( feel loyalty to!ar"s customers an" clients ( am prou" to tell people ( !or% for the *ouncil Work-life balance satisfaction My )ob re+uires that ( !or% har" here is never enough time to get my !or% "one Statement
Strongl y agree Agre e Neutra l Disagree Strongly disagree

( !orry about my !or% outsi"e !or%ing hours

My manager un"erstan"s about my family &esponsibilities


Fle$ible !or%ing options are available to me if nee"e" Supervisory support ( "o receive help from my line manager !hich improves my performance ( am given fee"bac% by my imme"iate line manager on ho! ( am "oing My line manager provi"es praise an" recognition !hen ( "o !ell My line manager supports me !hen necessary ( feel fairly treate" by the *ouncil Trust in management ( trust management to loo% after my best interests here are goo" relations bet!een managers an" employees
General information about the respondent: Gender: Male Female Age: From ',--5 From -.-,5 More than ,. Educational Le el: *ollege "egree Post gra"uate level !or" e#perience: Less than 5 years From 5-10 years More than 10 years $ccupation: /irector 0ssistant /irector Manager Supervisor Professional 1mployee *lerical an" secretarial

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