Doreen DeSalvo - Eye of The Beholder (SS)

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This story is intended for all audiences. Enjoy.

~ Doreen


"Iris for !ity"s sa#e sto! fid$etin$." "Yes %a&a." Iris stood !atiently 'hile her &other fastened the delicate $old chain around her nec# then !inched her chee#s $ently. There 'as ne(er any color in Iris"s !ale face other than the occasional !ainful )lush )ut %a&a 'ould insist on tryin$. "There." Her &other ste!!ed )ac# and loo#ed her o(er as she had on do*ens of occasions. Iris could ha(e said the ne+t 'ords in unison she"d heard the& so often. "You loo# lo(ely dear." ,he turned and dutifully loo#ed in the &irror. Either %a&a 'as lyin$ or her eyesi$ht 'as fadin$. Or !erha!s she sa' her only dau$hter throu$h the (eil of !arental )ias. Iris had nothin$ to cloud her o'n jud$&ent. The &aid"s atte&!t to style her hair in fashiona)le rin$lets only dre' attention to the thin 'is!y strands. -t least the !ale dress &ade her eyes loo# &ore )lue than $ray. If only her eyes 'eren"t so narro'. But there 'as no use in cryin$ o(er her loo#s. ,he &o(ed a'ay fro& the &irror and forced a s&ile for her &other"s sa#e. "Try to )e &ore ani&ated at dinner toni$ht Iris. /entle&en li#e a lady 'ho has so&e con(ersation. You"(e #no'n ,ir %annerlin$ for years so there"s no occasion for ner(ousness. -nd he"s .uite fond of horses as you are." ,he o!ened her &outh to correct her &other )ut thou$ht the )etter of it. 0hat $ood 'ould it do to !oint out that ,ir %annerlin$ li(ed for huntin$ and that his only use for horses 'as to run the fo+es to $round1 "I 'ill try %a&a."

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"-nother $entle&an is joinin$ us for dinner. - distant cousin of ,ir %annerlin$ I understand." Oh no. - stran$er at dinner. ,he 'as al'ays &ore ton$ue2tied around stran$ers. "3o' 'e"d )est hurry. The $entle&en 'ill )e here any &o&ent." ,he held )ac# a si$h. -nother e(enin$ s!ent in idle con(ersation 'ith her !arents ho!in$ a$ainst ho!e that ,ir %annerlin$ 'ould )e &o(ed to offer &arria$e to their dull !lain dau$hter. -t the ad(anced a$e of three and t'enty this 'ould li#ely )e the only offer she e(er recei(ed. -nd ,ir %annerlin$ see&ed interested if only to relie(e his 'ido'er status. But ho' could she acce!t a &an 'ho had no li#in$ for &usic1 ,he follo'ed her &other do'nstairs. The #noc#er sounded as they reached the foyer. Iris stood )ehind her &other as the )utler o!ened the door. ",ir %annerlin$ " %a&a said soundin$ as deli$hted as if he 'as handin$ her the cro'n je'els. "-nd this &ust )e your cousin." "Indeed he is " ,ir %annerlin$ said in his usual hearty (oice. "3a&e"s Dan(ers. /eoffrey Dan(ers." "- !leasure to &a#e your ac.uaintance &a"a&." The stran$er"s (oice 'as dee! and rich li#e the lo'er strin$s of a cello. Iris loo#ed o(er her &other"s shoulder and her )reath cau$ht. 0hy %r. Dan(ers 'as &uch youn$er than ,ir %annerlin$ !ro)a)ly no &ore than fi(e and t'enty. He 'as tall easily si+ feet tall 'ith thic# dar# hair that fell unta&ed o(er his hi$h forehead. ,he couldn"t tell fro& this distance )ut she thou$ht his eyes &i$ht )e a rich a&)er )ro'n. 4uite the &ost a!!ealin$ &an she"d e(er seen. ,he )arely heard %a&a introduce her )ut &ana$ed to s&ile )ac# at %r. Dan(ers. "5leased to &eet you sir " she &ur&ured. Ho' 'ould she e(er say a 'ord durin$ dinner 'ith such a handso&e

Eye of the Beholder &an at the ta)le1 6 6 6

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3ot only 'as %r. Dan(ers at the ta)le he 'as seated ne+t to Iris. Yet he see&ed reluctant to con(erse. E(en in silence his nearness had her .ui(erin$ 'ith a'areness. 5ure foolishness. ,he could ne(er ho!e to recei(e interest fro& such a handso&e &an. Yet she 'anted to learn &ore a)out hi&. The dessert course 'as nearly o(er and they had s!o#en )ut little. "Do you li(e near)y sir1" "7nfortunately no " he ans'ered his (oice dee! and resonant. "I ha(e a s&all estate in Der)yshire." Her for# shoo# as she lifted it to her &outh and slo'ly ate a )it of !each ju)ilee stallin$ for ti&e. ,urely she could find so&e res!onse. "You ha(e horses then1" "Only a fe' " he ad&itted. "It is a rather s&all estate. -s &y tastes don"t run to huntin$ I ha(e no use for an e+tensi(e sta)le." ,he could thin# of no res!onse to that. 5erha!s he lac#ed the funds to #ee! &any horses. 5erha!s he didn"t care for horses. 5erha!s he 'asn"t interested in s!ea#in$ 'ith her the do'dy on2the2shelf fe&ale his older cousin &i$ht 'ed. "-lthou$h I do enjoy ridin$ " he added so&e'hat )elatedly. "I do as 'ell " she said !athetically ea$er to find a co&&on interest. "I ride e(ery &ornin$ re$ardless of the 'eather." "I can understand 'hy. The countryside here is .uite s!ectacular." "Yes." 8urses on her shyness. 0hy could she thin# of nothin$ to say1 "I...I es!ecially enjoy ridin$ in the ho&e 'oods. It"s so eerie under the a different 'orld." ,he sto!!ed fearin$ she 'as ra&)lin$. %a&a stood si$nalin$ the end of dinner and lea(in$ the &en to their

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!ort and ci$ars. Iris rose and follo'ed her reluctant to !art co&!any 'ith the a!!ealin$ %r. Dan(ers. ,illy of her considerin$ she could )arely )rin$ herself to s!ea# to the &an. But ti&e alone 'as e+actly 'hat she needed. Ti&e alone 'ith her !ianoforte the only instru&ent %a&a allo'ed her to !lay 'hen co&!any 'as !resent. 9iolin 'as her fa(orite )ut strin$ed instru&ents 'ere not at all the thin$ for a youn$ 'o&an of .uality. Her &other left her alone in the dra'in$ roo& and 'ent to s!ea# 'ith the house#ee!er a)out so&e triflin$ !ro)le& 'ith the u!stairs linens. Iris sat at the !ianoforte runnin$ her fin$ers o(er the fa&iliar i(ory #eys. 0ithout conscious thou$ht her fin$ers drifted into a fa&iliar &elody. - lonely &elody. Beetho(en. ,he !layed the %oonli$ht ,onata strai$ht throu$h then the ha!!ier 5atheti.ue. -s she 'as a)out to s'itch to %o*art soft cla!!in$ startled her. ,he turned to see %r. Dan(ers in the door'ay. "For$i(e the intrusion " he said. "3ot at all." He &o(ed into the roo& and stood )eside the !ianoforte. Only then did she notice that he 'as alone. ,he loo#ed u! at hi& .uestionin$ly and he ans'ered )efore she could (oice the .uery. "Your father and &y cousin had !ri(ate &atters to discuss." "Oh." %atters such as a &arria$e contract !erha!s. Here she 'as dra'n to this .uiet dar# &an yet resi$ned to an offer fro& his cousin. He ran a lon$ ele$ant hand o(er the to! of the !ianoforte. "You !lay e+tre&ely 'ell %iss Reed." ,he felt heat in her chee#s as she al'ays did 'hen so&eone !raised her for the talent /od had $i(en her. "Than# you." "-nd 'ithout sheet &usic."

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,he nodded. "Once I learn a !iece I find the sheet &usic rather distractin$." "- rare $ift." ,he shru$$ed. "-re you fond of &usic1" "Yes. I e(en !lay !ianoforte a little." 3o &an of fashion 'ould e(er ad&it such a thin$. %r. Dan(ers it see&ed 'as an unusual &an. "You do1" He nodded. "5ianoforte cello (iola a fe' others. In (aryin$ de$rees of co&!etence." - &ost unusual &an. "0ould you !lay so&ethin$1" His $a*e 'as oddly serious intent on her face for a &o&ent. -fter lon$ seconds he nodded and slid onto the )ench. %uch as she 'ould ha(e li#ed to stay )eside hi& %a&a 'ould ne(er ha(e countenanced such )eha(ior. ,he stood ne+t to hi& instead 'atchin$ as he closed his eyes and his fin$ers found the o!enin$ #eys. ,he"d ne(er heard the !iece )efore yet the introduction 'as oddly fa&iliar. The &usic see&ed to descri)e e(ery unfulfilled need of her )ein$. The &elody started slo'ly hauntin$ly a tune of achin$ lon$in$ li#e a half2 for$otten drea& of )liss. Then the )rid$e )uildin$ in intensity until he )ro#e into a stor& of ra$e. -nd finally a s'ift a$oni*in$ dro! )ac# to the ori$inal &elody as if resi$ned to the des!air of loneliness. He sat 'ith his eyes closed for a &inute after he"d finished. 0hen he finally loo#ed at her she had to s'allo' )efore she could s!ea#. "That 'as...that 'as..." ,he had no 'ords. "Tell &e." His (oice 'as ur$ent. 8learly her o!inion &attered to hi&. ,he couldn"t say he !layed 'ell. ,uch a !assionate dis!lay deser(ed &ore than a te!id co&!li&ent. ,he stru$$led for the ri$ht 'ords. ":ust tell &e ho' it &ade you feel."

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"It &ade &e feel..." ,he closed her eyes re&e&)erin$ the hauntin$ &elody. "It &ade &e feel a dee! sadness and an$er at the unfairness of ha(in$ to feel such des!air. Then acce!tance. -nd &elancholy." ,he o!ened her eyes and sa' hi& nod. ,he s&iled !leased that she had understood. "I 'ould dearly lo(e to ha(e the sheet &usic for that !iece. -lthou$h I could ne(er !lay it as )eautifully as you did." His hands &o(ed o(er the instru&ent !layin$ a delicate D2&inor ar!e$$io. "I shall send you a co!y." "Oh I don"t 'ish to i&!ose " she !rotested. "Only tell &e the na&e of the co&!oser and I can easily !urchase a co!y." "7nfortunately it is not yet !u)lished." "You #no' the co&!oser1" Ho' luc#y he 'as to ha(e such a talented friend. His fin$ers stilled. "I a& the co&!oser." ,he dre' in a )reath and stared at hi&. 7n)elie(a)le that such a stunnin$ !iece could ha(e s!run$ fro& the i&a$ination of the &an sittin$ )efore her at her (ery o'n !ianoforte. "You are (ery talented sir. %ay I as# 'hat ins!ired the !iece1" ,he 'ished the .uestion unas#ed as soon as she s!o#e. - 'ary loo# ca&e into his eyes and he $lanced a'ay. "For$i(e &e " she said s!ea#in$ .uic#ly. "I had no ri$ht to as#. %y 'retched curiosity you #no'." "It"s .uite all ri$ht " he ans'ered )ut he didn"t loo# at her. "I 'rote the !iece last year 'hen a nei$h)or"s en$a$e&ent 'as announced. - youn$ lady 'ho& I"d ho!ed to &arry &yself." He lo(ed another. 5ain 'renched her heart. Her foolish heart. %en li#e the talented handso&e %r. Dan(ers 'ere not for the !lain a'#'ard Iris Reeds of this 'orld. Ho' could any 'o&an ha(e refused hi&1 Yet his

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sufferin$ had led to a $reat creation. "I"& sorry to re&ind you of un!leasant ti&es " she said. 5uny 'ords totally inade.uate to co&fort hi&. "But the !iece is &a$nificent." ",o&e $ood has co&e of it for &e then " he said tracin$ another ar!e$$io across the #ey)oard. "I 'as a fool to e(en ho!e a lady 'ould )e 'illin$ to see &e across the )rea#fast ta)le e(ery day for the rest of her life." Her )ro' furro'ed. "0hat do you &ean1" He &issed a note in the slidin$ scale he"d )een !layin$ and sto!!ed. "%iss Reed it"s #ind of you to !retend not to notice. But I face &yself in the &irror each &ornin$ and I assure you I ha(e lon$ since co&e to ter&s 'ith this )ea# of a nose and these ele!hant ears." He &ust )e jestin$ yet his ja' 'as clenched. He truly )elie(ed hi&self ill2fa(ored. The handso&est &an she"d e(er &et. "5erha!s your nose is a )it lar$er than the co&&on 'ay " she sta&&ered ")ut that hardly &a#es you unattracti(e." He $a(e a soft snort of derision and shoo# his head. "You are too #ind and too lo(ely to s!ea# truth on the su)ject." Lo(ely1 Ho' dare he. "Don"t &oc# &e " she said. "I &ay )e as !lain as a 'ren )ut I don"t lie." He loo#ed !u**led. "5lain1 You1 0ith that )a)y2fine hair and delicate &outh you could )e an an$el 'ho ste!!ed out of a Botticelli !aintin$." Incredi)le 'ords. He &ust )e jestin$. Yet his eyes those )eautiful a&)er )ro'n eyes see&ed sincere. "-nd your s#in is al&ost translucent " he &ur&ured. His hand reached to'ards her face slo'ly as if afraid she &i$ht )olt if he &o(ed too .uic#ly. Her )reath cau$ht. ,he 'anted the touch of his hand a$ainst her s#in &ore than anythin$ in the 'hole 'orld. 9oices in the hall'ay &ade her lea! a'ay fro& hi& and turn to'ards the fire!lace. ,he had )arely a &o&ent to co&!ose herself )efore her !arents and ,ir %annerlin$ s'e!t into the roo& lau$hin$ )oisterously.

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"%iss Reed " ,ir %annerlin$ said co&in$ to her side. He see&ed artificially )luff and hearty co&!ared to the .uiet steadiness of %r. Dan(ers. "Has &y cousin )een entertainin$ you 'ith his little tunes1" Ho' rude to dis&iss the 'or# of a )rilliant co&!oser so indifferently. ,he o!ened her &outh to !rotest )ut sa' %r. Dan(ers sha#in$ his head sli$htly at the ed$e of her (ision. "3o indeed sir " she said. "I 'as &erely !racticin$ a fe' scales." "E+cellent " he said dis&issi(ely. "Your !arents ha(e )een #ind enou$h to in(ite &e to tea to&orro'. I ho!e to ha(e a fe' !ri(ate &o&ents of your ti&e %iss Reed." Oh no. Her !arents 'ere $rinnin$ )roadly. He"d offered. ,he"d finally had an offer. But ho' could she acce!t hi& 'hen she felt such a stron$ attraction for his cousin1 8ould she $i(e u! her only chance at &arria$e at a ho&e and fa&ily of her o'n for a &an 'ho 'ould ne(er offer for her1 - &an 'ho lo(ed another. Yet there had )een &o&ents 'hen he"d see&ed interested in her. He"d called her lo(ely. He"d co&!ared her to an an$el. If she 'aited.... He stood at the 'indo's starin$ out into the cold ni$ht as re&ote and untoucha)le as the &oon. E(en if his heart 'as free he 'ould ne(er offer for her. He needed a lady 'ho could ins!ire hi& a lady 'ho could &a#e hi& feel the #ind of !assion that $a(e rise to e+.uisite co&!ositions li#e the one he"d !layed for her toni$ht. This 'as her only offer of &arria$e and she feared she &ust acce!t it. 6 6 6

There 'as an odd #ind of freedo& in )ein$ an al&ost2affianced )ride. %a&a 'ent u!stairs early and 5a!a and ,ir %annerlin$ 'ent to the sta)les for a .uic# loo# at a ne' hunter lea(in$ her alone 'ith %r. Dan(ers. 4uite i&!ro!er thou$h she 'as not the ty!e to dri(e a &an to rec#less lust. -nd

Eye of the Beholder she 'as ha!!y to )e alone 'ith %r. Dan(ers a$ain.

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But she felt a'#'ard #no'in$ that he lo(ed another. ;no'in$ that his cousin intended to as# for her hand on the &orro'. They stood at the fire!lace loo#in$ into the dyin$ e&)ers. ,he searched for 'ords to e+!ress 'hat he &eant to her and ca&e u! sadly flat. -s usual. "Than# you for sharin$ your co&!osition 'ith &e " she said at last. "I"ll ne(er for$et the e+!erience. I ho!e it 'asn"t too !ainful for you to reli(e those &e&ories." "It 'as )ut not in the 'ay you i&a$ine." "I don"t understand." "-ny feelin$s I had for the lady in .uestion are lon$ resol(ed. Only no' do I reali*e that 'hat I felt for her 'as &ere infatuation." "Oh. 0ell the !iece is still !heno&enal. 4uite &o(in$. &aster!iece." There she 'ent )a))lin$ a$ain. If he no lon$er lo(ed the lady 'as there a chance...a re&ote chance.... He turned to her and loo#ed steadily into her eyes. "%iss Reed I ha(e no ri$ht to as#. But do you lo(e &y cousin1" ",ir I..." she &eant to say it 'as a &ost i&!ro!er .uestion )ut that see&ed &issish. Es!ecially $i(en her feelin$s for hi&. "3o " she said )luntly. "Then you &ust not &arry hi&." "I #no'." - tear slid 'etly do'n her chee#. Ho' hu&iliatin$. ,he loo#ed at the floor tryin$ to hide her e&otions fro& hi&. He too# her hand and she lifted her $a*e 'i!in$ the errant tear 'ith her free hand. His hand felt so 'ar& so co&fortin$. It surrounded her o'n fin$ers 'ith $entle stren$th. "Do you #no' 'hy I !layed that !iece for you toni$ht1" he as#ed. "3o." ,he"d ne(er i&a$ined he had a !articular reason. "Because I 'anted you to #no' ho' I felt Iris." Her na&e sounded so

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&usical in that dee! rich (oice. "Because &eetin$ you aroused those feelin$s in &e. Feelin$s of lon$in$ for so&eone I could ne(er ha(e." You can ha(e &e. The ed$e of his &outh .uir#ed u! in a $rin. "8an I indeed1" Heat )loo&ed in her chee#s. Oh no. ,he"d s!o#en the thou$ht aloud. He )rushed the )ac#s of his fin$ers a$ainst her chee#. ,o so $ently. Li#e a caress. Li#e a !ro&ise. "I find these roses in your chee#s .uite endearin$ " he &ur&ured. ,he #ne' they loo#ed horri)le li#e s!lotches of )ri$ht red !aint on her !ale face. Yet she leaned her head into his hand 'antin$ to )elie(e hi&. "They"re only a'#'ard )lushes." "I should li#e nothin$ &ore than to see you )lush e(ery day of &y life." He &o(ed closer closer until she closed her eyes and felt his li!s a$ainst hers 'ar& and $entle. Then &ore insistent as his ar&s 'ent around her and he slanted his &outh a$ainst hers 'ith increasin$ !assion. ,he leaned into the heat of his )ody &eetin$ his li!s ea$erly. 0hen he !ulled a'ay her fin$ers 'ere tan$led in his hair and his hands 'ere on her )ac#side !ullin$ her ti$ht a$ainst his hi!s. Ho' scandalous. Ho' shoc#in$. Ho' 'onderful. He nu**led her nec# 'ith his li!s &a#in$ her #nees $o 'ea#. "/eoffrey " she 'his!ered 'antin$ hi& to #iss her a$ain. He too# an unsteady )reath and &o(ed his hands to her ar&s. "Easy lo(e " he said. "You<re as te&!tin$ as sin )ut I &ustn"t rush you." ,he didn"t feel rushed. ,he felt ri!e and 'ar& and shoc#in$ly e+cited. ,he !ressed a$ainst hi& deli$hted )y his dee! $roan. "You little &in+ " he said a$ainst the to! of her head. "Does this &ean you acce!t &y offer1" "Offer1" ,he leaned )ac# just far enou$h to see his face and arched

Eye of the Beholder an eye)ro'. "I heard no offer sir."

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,he &eant only to tease hi& )ut he dro!!ed to one #nee and too# her hand loo#in$ u! at her sole&nly. "Iris I 'ant nothin$ &ore than to ha(e you for &y 'ife. But I can $i(e you little &ore than &y heart &y loyalty and &y lo(e. %y estate has only a &odest inco&e and &uch of it $oes )ac# into the land. But there should )e enou$h to #ee! you in co&fort and I !ro&ise you"ll ha(e all of the &usic your heart desires. 0ill you ha(e &e1" "Yes=" He stood and s'e!t her into his ar&s into another searin$ #iss. He strai$htened too soon his $a*e trou)led. "I"ll ne(er )e a dashin$ handso&e &an Iris. -re you certain you can )e ha!!y 'ith &e1 8an you tolerate this ho&ely face of &ine1" ,he reached u! and touched his chee# cu!!ed his ear. 5erha!s they did stic# out a )it )ut his 'onderfully thic# hair dis$uised that fact. "I see nothin$ ho&ely in your face " she ans'ered truthfully. "But you..." ,he intentionally echoed his earlier 'ords. "8ould you )ear to see &e o(er the )rea#fast ta)le e(ery &ornin$1" He s#i&&ed his li!s o(er her forehead do'n one chee#. "I could &ore than )ear it. ,eein$ you e(ery &ornin$ 22 e(ery ni$ht 22 'ould )e a !leasure &y lo(e." He #issed her a$ain. His li!s !arted hers and she felt the hot 'ar&th of his ton$ue e+!lorin$ her &outh. Oh he &ade her feel di**y 'ith lon$in$. ,he had ne(er drea&ed such !assion e+isted not for her not for anyone. "0hat the de(il is $oin$ on here1" They s!ran$ a!art and she faced her father in horror. ,ir %annerlin$ 'as )ehind hi& loo#in$ as shoc#ed and dis$usted as 5a!a did. Beside her /eoffrey cleared his throat. ",ir I a!olo$i*e. %iss Reed has just consented to )e &y 'ife and I 'as o(erco&e 'ith e&otion." "I #no' da&ned 'ell 'hat you 'ere o(erco&e 'ith " 5a!a snarled.

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"Ho' dare you ta#e ad(anta$e of &y dau$hter in her o'n ho&e1 -nd you &iss " he )ello'ed at Iris. "Ho' could you )eha(e li#e this and 'ith a &an you"(e only #no'n for a fe' short hours1 You"re !ractically en$a$ed to his cousin for !ity"s sa#e." "I"& sorry 5a!a " she &u&)led. /eoffrey &o(ed closer and !ut his hand on her )ac#. ,he too# stren$th fro& his touch. "If you &ust (ent your an$er sir )erate &e " he said .uietly. "%iss Reed is entirely )la&eless. ,he did nothin$ &ore than acce!t &y offer." "I for)id it." "You can"t " she said. "I"& of a$e. I can &arry 'ho&e(er I !lease." "You 'on"t &arry a 'astrel li#e hi&. 3ot if I ha(e to chain you u! in your roo& you 'on"t." "3o' see here " ,ir %annerlin$ !rotested. "%y cousin"s a fine &an. 0on"t ha(e you insult hi&. The $el could do far 'orse." Her father clenched a fist at his side. "You"d &a#e her a )etter hus)and Ed'ard." "%ay)e yes &ay)e no " ,ir %annerlin$ said his usual cheerfulness unaffected )y losin$ his !ros!ecti(e )ride. "But that"s no &atter no' is it1 You &i$ht !refer &e )ut the chit has other ideas. -nd he"s a $ood lad thou$h I ne(er #ne' he had such an i&!etuous strea# in hi&." "I"& sorry Ed'ard " /eoffrey said. His cousin 'a(ed his hand &a$nani&ously. "Thin# nothin$ of it &y )oy. :ust ta#e $ood care of her and na&e &e $odfather to your first)orn." "That I shall." He turned to her father. ",ir1 Do 'e ha(e your )lessin$1 I 'on"t as# Iris to choose )et'een &e and her fa&ily." ,he clutched at his ar&. He couldn"t &ean it. "9ery !rettily said " 5a!a re!lied. "But I can see her choice is &ade.

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8o&e )ac# to&orro' for tea. By then I &ay not 'ant to #noc# you do'n." "Than# you sir." "But I 'arn you no' I"& $oin$ to insist on a lon$ en$a$e&ent. ,i+ &onths at the (ery least." ",i+ &onths1" she cried. He couldn"t )e serious. ,ir %annerlin$ chuc#led and she felt a fa&iliar heat in her face. ,he &ust ha(e sounded des!erately ea$er to )e 'ed. ",i+ &onths " /eoffrey a$reed. He too# her hand and laced his fin$ers 'ith hers. "It 'ill $i(e your !arents ti&e to reconcile the&sel(es to the idea Iris. -nd it 'ill $i(e us &ore ti&e to $et to #no' each other." Fear &ade her fro'n. "You need &ore ti&e1" He s&iled at her tenderly as if they 'ere alone. "Of course not. But ha(in$ 'aited si+ and t'enty years for you I can easily 'ait si+ &ore &onths. -nd I"ll co&!ose so&e (ery interestin$ &usic durin$ those si+ &onths." He )ent to 'his!er in her ear. "I"ll !lay it for you and you can $uess 'hat I"& feelin$." ,he )lushed ane'. "I"& sure I 'ill."

> ?@@? )y Doreen De,al(o

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