Last Will and Testament

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LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of ____________________________________ (Full names and surname) ____________________________________ (Identification series and number of identity

y card, numerical code) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (Address) 1. Declaration I hereby declare that. (The author of the will declares that (s)he annuls any previously drafted wills, that (s)he is of legal age and sound mind, that (s)he was not influenced in drafting the will by coercion) Terminology: Hereby; To revo e! cancel and ann"l; #nd"e infl"ence and d"re$$; Will%$& and codicil%$&;

'. (a)ily Detail$ I a) )arried to I have the follo*in+ children (the name of the spouse and children if appropriate)

,. A--oint)ent of"tor$ I hereby no)inate (the author nominates his e ecutor(s) and specifies the powers given to them) Terminology: To a--oint/ #nable or "n*illin+ to $erve/ To +rant all -o*er$ and a"thority/ A$$et$ of ones e$tate/ ("ll and ab$ol"te -o*er/ To have the a"thority to/

0. 1"ardian (the author of the will names the guardian of his!her children provided that there is no other natural guardian - usually the surviving spouse) Terminology: To no)inate To attain the a+e of Nat"ral +"ardian

2. 3eneficiary (the author names the beneficiary and the property offered to him!her) Terminology: E$tate! -ro-erty and effect$ To be4"eath 5f *hat$oever nat"re Movable or i))ovable

Where$oever $it"ated 6. S-ecial 7e4"e$t$ (any last wish(es) type of burial, burial place, etc.)

igned on this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! day of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"#!!!!! at this location !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the presence of the undersigned witnesses. $%&'() !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WITNESSES (the witness(es) declare that they are of legal age, of sound mind, etc" to witness the will and that the author of the will is or appears to be of legal age and sound mind and (s)he has not been coerced into drafting the will)" Terminology: To *itne$$ To coerce To be of le+al a+e *nder penalty of per+ury we declare these statements to be true and correct on this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! day of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "# !! at this location !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Witne$$ 1. &ame) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,ddress) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ignature) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Witne$$ '. &ame)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,ddress) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ignature) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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