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. Responding to messages at rapid speed can cause pain and inflammation of your joints.

Back pain is also common with increased cell phone use, especially if you hold the phone between your neck and shoulders as you multitask. Long periods of cell phone use cause you to arch your neck and hold your body in a strange posture. This can lead to back pain. . Cell phones also cause germs to be spread more easily because of the phones close pro imity to the mouth. !erms spread easily through the mouth through coughing, snee"ing and breathing. #ost cell phones are full of bacteria, because they are often used in unsanitary en$ironments. The most ad$antage of is that the mobile phones getting launched nowadays, come with super impressi$e features related to entertainment. #obile manufacturers know it pretty well that entertainment is demand of today. This is the reason why mobile phones are nothing less than a complete portable entertainment de$ices. The current mobile market has a close relationship with the teenagers. %s a trend, teenagers are more inclined to the newest gadgets of any sort. To be in the limelight or to showcase one&s fashion 'uotient is another reason for that growing popularity of mobile de$ices among the youngsters. Environmental Effects

Cell phones are made of circuit boards, cables and semiconductors(( all of which emit harmful to ins. )nwanted cell phones end up in landfills and those to ins cause contamination of water and food sources.

Sociological Effects

The use of mobile phones by dri$ers may cause an increase in automobile accidents. % study conducted by the Center for Cogniti$e Brain *maging, in +ennsyl$ania, re$ealed that dri$ers using mobile phones e perience distractions similar to a person under the influence of alcohol.

% mobile phone ,also called mobile, cellular telephone, or cell phone- is an electronic de$ice used for two(way radio telecommunication o$er a cellular network of base stations known as cell sites. #obile phones differ from cordless telephones, which only offer telephone ser$ice within limited range through a single base station attached to a fi ed land line, for e ample within

a home or an office. .$er the past decade the world has seen rapid growth in cell phone users. /$eryone from older adults to kids in high school seem to carry one glued to their ears, without understanding the possible health risks associated with the use of cellular telephones. To begin with, a recent scientific journal published in 0112 titled Long term use of cellular phones and brain tumors, concluded after assessing results from many different studies that use of cell phones for more then 31 years does show increased risk for acoustic neuroma and glioma. %dding that the risk is highest for ipsilateral e posure, meaning tumor on the same side of the brain where phone mostly held..
Read more4 http455www.ehow.com5facts623789:96bad(effects(mobile( phones.html;i ""0p<=yspct

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