Nobody's People - The Forgotten Plight of Sri Lankan Muslims

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Nobody's People:

The Forgotten Plight of Sri Lanka's Muslims

A New Book by Lather Farook

Muslim Guardian, July 11, 2009

The defeat of the Tamil Tigers has finally provided a rare historic opportunity to set our war-
battered country on the path to progress. The bitterness and suspicions between the
communities remain deep. However, the need to correct past wrongs backed by remedial and
reconciliation measures are indispensable to bring communal harmony on the principles of
pluralism, equality, mutual understanding and accommodation if we are to move ahead and
ensure a better future for all.

Almost three decades of bloodshed and destruction have brought us full circle to the gross
realization that the destinies of all communities share common goals and are inextricably
interwoven. The earnest desire of every community, Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim and others, is
to live together in harmony. Thus a permanent peace, though still a distant dream, remains the
cherished goal of all and, inevitably, the need of the hour is for a political solution for
permanent peace.

In this context the book “Nobody’s People – The Forgotten Plight of Sri Lanka’s Muslims”
by well known journalist and author Lather Farook is a timely publication as it highlights the
plethora of problems, sufferings and grievances of Sri Lankan Muslims and their pathetic
predicament owing to discriminatory policies, Tamil militancy and the failure of the
community itself to resolve its burning issues.

As rightly pointed out by the former Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva “Muslims have been a
peaceful ethnic group interacting with other religious and ethnic groups, cordially interlinking
those cultures with their own culture. They never organized themselves for armed
insurrection or destruction”.

Contrary to the common belief that Muslims are a wealthy community, the reality is that
around 70 percent of the community lives below the poverty line. More than 130,000
northern Muslims, forcibly and mercilessly driven out from their homes and lands on pain of
death by the LTTE, languish in refugee camps in appalling conditions for almost 19 years.
Around one percent of the community perished in the tsunami and, adding insult to injury,
Muslim survivors were discriminated even in the disbursement of aid that flowed from donor

Muslims were discarded by the now defunct 2002 February Ceasefire Agreement between the
government and the LTTE and taken for a ride in the P-TOMS agreement that died a natural
death. It is a tragedy that the entire population of Mutur and Thoppur who were 95 percent
literate and self-employed were reduced to paupers and made refugees when the LTTE and
the Government fought their battle there.
In the East, they face numerous obstacles in trading, farming, paddy cultivation, fishing and
livestock breeding activities jeopardizing their very means of livelihood while, in the rest of
the country, poverty, unemployment, educational and several other problems have raised their
ugly heads in this gloomy scenario.

Despite frustration and privation, Muslims always sought peaceful solutions to their
grievances for co-existence with the other communities, notwithstanding diabolical efforts
to sideline them. Nor were the Muslims party to the ethnic crisis. They vehemently opposed
calls for the division of the country and firmly stood for territorial integrity and unity only to
face death, devastation, loss of properties, deprivation of livelihood and displacement with no
appreciation from the authorities.

In spite of their miserable plight, it is a travesty of justice that peacemakers, columnists,

commentators and others, both here and overseas, call for solutions to the grievances of the
Tamils and conveniently ignore the plight of Muslims as if they are non-existent. In the
midst of this calamitous situation, there is a growing feeling among the community that
Muslim parliamentarians have abandoned them for power and benefits and do not represent
their desires and aspirations any more.

Under the circumstances, the book also suggests Muslims should shed disastrous communal
politics and join hands with reasonable and moderate mainstream political forces to face
challenges under the present unfolding political scenario in the aftermath of the LTTE’s
crushing defeat.

Thus, this book seeks redress for the numerous grievances of this downtrodden community,
particularly in any initiative to solve the ethnic conflict in the larger interests of the country.
It is only by considering each group as stakeholders in any future settlement that we could
ensure lasting peace to the country so that all its citizens could live with dignity.

Total pages 505

Available in most bookshops

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Resettlement of IDPs - Leaving Out Those in Camps for 19
Wednesday, 01 July 2009 14:09

It is nearly one and half months since the present problem of war IDPs started in Sri Lanka
after the LTTE being beaten well and truly and removed from the Northern Province by the
government security forces. The security forces were well received by everyone in the
country who was against the atrocities committed by the criminal LTTE. The problems of
IDPs cropped up after the defeat of the LTTE in the hands of the government security and all
the communities in Sri Lanka along with the government did everything to solve some of the
problems of the IDPs in providing them with food, cloths, shelters and medical facilities.
There was even an Indian medical team to look after the sickly among the IDPs.

With all these there were criticism and pressure for the Sri Lankan government from every
nook and corners both by the Medias and some governments with regard to the problems
faced by the IDPs.Not only the European countries but also the super power like America too
criticised the Sri Lankan government for this problem of IDPs not knowing what is
happening here and forgetting all what America did and presently doing in Iraq and
Afghanistan. America and other countries that criticised the government of Sri Lanka did not
even see what the Israelis did to the Palestinians and the number people suffering in camps
with injuries due to massacre of the Israelites.

Sri Lanka should be praised for this and be appreciated for its efforts trying to settle these
IDPs in their places very soon. It is learnt the government had allocated necessary funds to
build the infrastructure of the war affected places and resettle the IDPs no sooner than the
works are being completed.

The Muslim Guardian cannot keep silence with regard to the Muslim IDPs who were forcibly
evicted by the LTTE 19 years ago from the districts of Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and
Mannar who are still living in IDP camps undergoing much difficulties and hardship enjoying
the life of agony. What is the government going to do to these Muslim IDPs living in camps
for 19 years? Will the government take necessary steps to resettle the Muslims as well with
the Tamil IDPs? Won’t the Muslim IDPs living in camps for 19 years be psychologically
affected when recent IDPs are resettled? Isn’t there anyone to talk about the sufferings of
these IDPs?

Where were these countries then who are now shouting for the Tamil IDPs from the same
place undergoing the same fate? Why did they keep quiet and still continue to keep quiet with
regard to the IDPs from the Muslim community? Is Muslim ethnicity the reason for this?
Aren’t Muslims the world over not human? Why the people the world over have a different
yard stick in the case of Muslims?

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